Eastern Palace

Chapter 17>

I covered my head with the blanket, I felt very bad. I caused Li Cheng Yin to run away, because I know that he likes Zhao Liang Di. I am not that generous, knowing that his heart does not have me, and letting him take advantage of me. I would rather him treat me coldly like before. Women are actually quite pitiful, at that time he only pushed me away to help me avoid the a.s.sa.s.sin"s sword and I already liked him, if he treats me even better, then I might not be able to leave him. At that moment I will probably be really pitiful, missing him everyday, hoping that he will look at me once, and then I will be like those women that Yong Niang had mentioned, everyday hoping, longing for........I will definitely not be in this pitiful situation.

        I haven"t slept almost the whole night, I overslept during the morning, Yong Niang woke me up and I hurriedly prepared to enter the palace. The Great Empress Dowager have been recovering fairly quickly, seeing me she was very happy, even giving me a bowl of her porridge.


        I don"t know what was inside the porridge, tastes very strange, I ate a bit of the porridge, couldn"t help but felt that my stomach wasn"t feeling well.

        Yong Niang saw that my complexion wasn"t good,  promptly gave me a cup of tea. The stomach pain was difficult to bear, even the tea I don"t dare to drink, whispered to Yong Niang: "I want to throw up....." The Great Empress Dowager is already seventy years old, but her ears were still surprisingly good, immediately heard it: "Ah? You want to throw up?" She did not say anything, but a bunch of palace maids came bringing water, handkerchief and incense. The incense that the Great Empress Dowager used was ambergris [1], I always felt that the smell was strange, especially when the incense was very close, once the smell was underneath my nose, I couldn"t help but to vomit continuously only vomiting the water. Yong Niang gave me floral water to rinse my mouth, the Great Empress Dowager was worried: "Hurry and tell the imperial physician to come here!" "No I am fine...." I must have caught the cold last night, after Li Cheng Yin left I haven"t slept well, sitting there even forgetting to cover myself with the blanket, this morning my stomach wasn"t feeling well, I said: "Maybe I ate something bad...."

        "Tell the imperial physician to come here." The Great Empress Dowager was beaming with joy: "Most likely good news, don"t feel ashamed! This is a natural process, no need to feel embarra.s.s!  Ai ya, tell the imperial official to come here too, what name should we give this child?...." ....I....I almost wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood.....Never thought that the Great Empress Dowager would be that enthusiastic, thinking that I have a baby, the problem is that I haven"t done the thing that will allow me to have a baby.....After the imperial physician"s examination, the result was that it was only stomach flu, also eating the porridge triggered the stomach pain. The Great Empress Dowager was disappointed, asked left and right: "Where"s the Crown Prince?" "It is almost time for the year end ceremony, today the Crown Prince went to the temple......"

        The Great Empress Dowager immediately strike the table and was in a bad temper: "What temple? Unfilial and lack of offspring! When his father was his age, he already have three sons! He"s almost twenty years old, still not a father yet! This Zhao Liang Di is always by his side, still don"t have a baby! Also this Xu Bao Lin had a baby, but now nothing! If this keeps on going on, when will I have a grandchild? Will I die without seeing one?"

         Once the Great Empress Dowager got angry, everyone in the palace hall was kneeling down, saying: "Great Empress Dowager please calm down! The moment they said that the Great Empress Dowager was even more angry: " Someone tell Li Cheng Yin to come here! I don"t believe in this curse, I don"t believe that by next year I won"t be able to have a grandchild!"

        The Great Empress Dowager was the same as me, calling Li Cheng Yin by his full name. However, the Great Empress Dowager called him to yell at him, he turned around thinking that I have said something I shouldn"t have said, maybe we will argue again.

        Fine we will argue, anyways I am not scared of him.


        I never thought that the Great Empress Dowager would be this vicious and merciless, asking him in an amiable manner: "You finished taking a bath and burning the incense?"


        Taking a bath and burning incense must be done before entering a temple, Li Cheng Yin didn"t know what was happening, so he only answered: "Yes."


        The Great Empress Dowager said: "Then good, for the next few days you don"t have to eat vegetarian food to clean your soul, besides your ancestors will not care about that. Someone come and bring the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess to the palace hall, without my permission, no one can open the door! I felt foolish, the palace maids were pushing and pulling us, like a swarm of bees pushing us into the palace hall, a "bang" sound and the doors were closed. I was pushing the door, but it didn"t move.

        Li Cheng Yin coldly looked at me, I glared at him.

        He said with his teeth clenched: "Despicable!" I was so angry: "I"m not involved in this! Why are you yelling at me? If you didn"t complain in front of the Great Empress Dowager, would she still lock us up?"


        I was so angry that I ignored him, fortunately the palace hall was warm, I sat by the table, bored so I played with my fingers, bending my fingers was more fun than arguing with Li Cheng Yin.


         We"ve been locked for half of the day, looking at the sky becoming dark, palace maids gave us food and water through the window, before I had wanted to say something, "bang," the windows were closed again.


        The Great Empress Dowager must have told the palace maids not to talk to us. I was worried, but the food should still be eaten, I was hungry after being here for more than half of the day. I really like two of the dishes, I filled a bowl of rice for myself, happily eating the meal. At first Li Cheng Yin was just sitting there motionless, however maybe because he was hungry and also there was his favorite noodle soup, so he ate the food until he was full.

        Ate till I was full....Think......Bored......I was in the palace hall spinning around, finally able to dig some rocks out of a pot, started to play backgammon [2] by myself.


        I didn"t know how long I played, no one added anymore coal in the fire pan in the palace hall, one after another being extinguished.


        Fortunately there was another fire pan in the palace hall, I went onto the bed to continue playing, being under the blanket was comfortable, unfortunately after playing for some time, the candle was burned out.


        The palace hall still had some candles, I was shivering when I went to get the candle, as a result after only moving for a few steps, I quickly went back to cover myself with the blanket before getting the candle because it was too cold. Seeing Li Cheng Yin sitting there, I quickly went to get the candle with my blanket, but walking a few steps I couldn"t help but to ask him: "Don"t you feel cold sitting there?"

        He didn"t glance at me once, only saying two words with his teeth clenched: "Not cold!"


        Why was his voice shaking?


        I was holding the blanket in front of my chest with one hand, using one hand to hold onto the candlestick to see his face, the moment I saw his complexion, I was shocked.

        The weather was so cold, but his forehead was covered with sweat and his face was very red, seems like he was having a fever.


       "You have a fever again?" "No I don"t!"


        I saw that his body was shaking uncontrollably, I placed down the candlestick, touched his forehead, if he really has a fever then it was good, if he"s sick, the Great Empress Dowager definitely would let us out.


        The moment I touched him, he suddenly groaned, stretched out his hand to pull my hand, bringing me to his embrace. His lips were very warm, his body was shaking while he was kissing me to the point I couldn"t breathe. He was breathing out warm air on my face, I thought it was weird, but not anymore because he immediately pushed me away, saying with his teeth clenched: "The soup has drugs in it."

        What drug? The soup has drugs?


        How is that possible? The Great Empress Dowager loves her great grandchild the most, she would not give him random food to eat.


        There was still some soup remaining on the table, I went and sniffed the soup, couldn"t smell anything wrong with it. Li Cheng Yin suddenly hugged me from the back, blowing into my ears: "Xiao Feng...."

        My body suddenly weakened in his embrace, not sure if it was because he blew into my ears or because he called my name.


        He has never called me by my name, also, how does he know my full name?


        Li Cheng Yin turned my face, started nibbling my mouth, I have never seen him this eager, almost wanting to swallow me in one mouthful. His whole body was very warm like boiling water, his head was steaming with hot air.


        I finally understood what drug was in the soup.








        The Great Empress Dowager was being disrespectful!


        The Great Empress Dowager was being disrespectful!

        Suddenly....Suddenly.....Suddenly.....I wanted to spit out blood....I was speechless, I called out to the sky but they won"t respond, I called out to the ground but it didn"t work........Li Cheng Yin had already ripped open my clothes, also he was nibbling my mouth while pushing me on the bed.


        We were fighting, not a moment later I was at a disadvantage, pushing him against the bed. I was very angry, tomorrow Li Cheng Yin will regret, if his Zhao Liang Di knows about this, she"ll bother him, also I will be very pitiful.......I even used eighteen different martial arts moves, however my clothes were still disappearing one by one, Li Cheng Yin was not only taking off my clothes, but also his own clothes, I don"t know how men"s clothes are taken off, he was taking off his clothes very fast, a moment later he was naked.....Would it be hard to look at? I have never seen Li Cheng Yin not wearing any clothes......Glancing at him and glancing away, suddenly the corner of Li Cheng Yin"s mouth twitched, revealing an evil smile: "Does it look good?"


        "Rascal!" I was pointing out: "What"s good to look at?! You think I haven"t seen that before?! Even though I haven"t done that, but I have seen it!"


         Li Cheng Yin did not argue with, but was trying to persuade me, using a gentle voice whispering into my ears, asked: "Then..........do you want to try it?"



        I suddenly shouted out: "Se Se [3]!"


        "What Se Se?!"


        "Your Se Se!" I shook his arms: "Think about Zhao Liang Di, you can"t let her down! You can"t betray her! You like her the most!"


        "You are my wife, we are a married couple.....We are not betraying her!"


        "You don"t like me!"


        "I like you!" He muttered: "I do like you...." "It"s because of the drug!"


        "Even if it is the drug I still like you, Xiao Feng, I really do like you."


        I cannot stand this, men are beasts, beasts! A little bit of the drug and they are already like this, throwing his Zhao Liang Di aside, and acting as a small dog in front of me, waiting impatiently and almost dripping out saliva.

        I shook him: "You"re a Crown Prince, the heir of the throne! You must restrain yourself! Keep enduring! Calm down! Don"t do something that you will regret!"

    "A single mistake and you will regret forever...."

    "Yes! A single mistake and you will regret forever! Keep enduring......For Zhao Liang Di.......you must keep yourself pure....."

  "I don"t want to!" He was like a small dog sobering: "You are very cold blooded, heartless, cruel!"

     My whole body was filled with gooseb.u.mps: "How am I cold blooded? Heartless? Cruel?"

  "How are you not cold blooded, heartless, cruel?"

  "How am I cold blooded, heartless, cruel?"

  "You are! You are! You are!"

  Oh my G.o.d......He suddenly nibbled me......nibbling me to death!

  This is a matter of life or death!
        I fiercely bite him, finally grabbing the pillow and using it to hit his head, he was in a state of confusion, unable to guard himself when I strike him with the pillow.


        Thump! He fainted.


        He really fainted.


        There was a large b.u.mp which was the size of an egg on Li Cheng Yin"s forehead, I quickly used the pillow to flatten the b.u.mp on his forehead, Yong Niang told me this method when I accidentally hit my head on the door, she told me before that this will help make a b.u.mp disappear.


        It was finally dawn, the b.u.mp on Li Cheng Yin"s forehead still hasn"t disappear, however he finally woke up, the moment he woke up he glared at me: "Why did you tie me up?" "For the sake of you to not make a mistake that you will regret later, just endure." I comforted him by patting his face: "Do you need to turn over? I will help you."


        He was sleeping in a stiff position for the whole night, it must be very uncomfortable, but I used the hooks on the mosquito net to tie his hands and feet, so turning his body would be difficult. I used tremendous strength to lie him down on his side that my whole body was sitting on top of his body, my hair was also tied into the mosquito net, I spent half the day and I still couldn"t undo my hair.


  His eyes were burning with fire: "Can you not crawl on my body?"

       "Sorry Sorry." I was fl.u.s.tered and my hair was still tied into the mosquito net, when I was able to pull out half of my hair, he started kissing me, first kissing my shoulder and then my neck, as if he was trying to seduce me, making me shiver.


        He was whispering in my ears, trying to persuade me: "I will not do anything bad.......Untie me first......."


      I impolitely said: "I don"t believe you!" Arguing with Li Cheng Yin for so many years, I know that it was a trap. I was finally able to untie my hair from the mosquito net, then I stood up and rolled my eyes: "Stay Still!" "I want........"

        "You cannot!" "I want!"


        "You cannot!" He was angry: "Can you be a bit more reasonable?! How can you not understand?! I need to relieve myself!" I stared blankly, that"s true, last time at the Eastern Palace I urgently had to use the chamber pot to the point I wanted to cry. I understand that situation, I cannot not let him relieve himself.


        I untied him and said: "Go!" When he finished relieving himself, the palace maids opened the door and came in, when they saw that the ground was filled with clothes thrown on the ground, the palace maids blushed. Seeing that Li Cheng Yin"s injury on the forehead, they looked at us in a strange way. They brought water for us to rinse our mouths and wash our faces, helped us change into new clothing, after they left and locked the door.

        I was worried, keeping us locked up.......Li Cheng Yin was also worried, because the food that they brought had drugs in it, he yelled out the window: Great Grandmother.........Do you want to force your grandson to die?" I didn"t care, we don"t have to eat the food.

        Li Cheng Yin also didn"t eat, we lied down on the bed with our starving stomachs, because the bed was the most comfortable place.


        The Great Empress Dowager was very fierce, she didn"t even help us change the fire pan.


        Li Cheng Yin was being good to Zhao Liang Di, even though he was hungry, he didn"t eat the food.


        However lying on the bed was too boring, at first Li Cheng Yin played backgammon with me, however he kept winning while I kept losing, so he stopped playing with me, saying there was no point in playing. It was the middle of the day, I was so hungry that I didn"t have the strength to talk, Li Cheng Yin pulled me and said: "Sing a song for me!" "Why should I sing for you?" "You can"t sing?" Li Cheng Yin said: "Then I will go eat the noodle soup." I pulled him: "Fine! Fine! I will sing!" I didn"t know how to sing any other song, I could only sing this song: "A fox was sitting on top of the sandy hill, sitting on the sandy hill, looking at the moon. It was not staring at the moon, but waiting for the woman that was tending a flock of sheep.......A fox was sitting on the sandy hill, sitting on the sandy hill, looking at the sun.....It wasn"t staring at the sun, but waiting for the woman that pa.s.sed by while riding on the horse....." Li Cheng Yin didn"t like my singing, he didn"t let me sing after singing the second verse. We were locked up, had nothing to do and just talking.


        It was so boring, so Li Cheng Yin said a lot of things to me, he have never said so much things to me before. He told me why Eastern Palace was called Eastern Palace, talked about how he was naughty when he was a child, he told me how he used to pull old General Pei"s beard. He also told me his favorite nanny pa.s.sed away last year due to illness and how he felt very sad for a long period of time. He told me when he was young he had fought with Zhong w.a.n.g"s son. Also his little brother from another mother, Li Cheng Ye, actually likes men. He also told me the reason why Princess Yong Ning wanted to leave home........I never imagined that there would be a day where Li Cheng Yin and I would just lie on bed and talk all day.


        Also never thought talking can be so much fun.


        I told him things outside of the palace, about me roaming on the streets, Li Cheng Yin was not as knowledgeable as I am, he was very interested in listening about it.


        Li Cheng Yin asked me: "Where did you see it?" I wasn"t able to respond quickly: "What?" Li Cheng Yin said: "Didn"t you say you haven"t done it, but you"ve seen it?" "Oh!" I was so excited that I was dancing with joy when describing about Ming Yu Fang. I was describing Ming Yu Fang as if it was heaven, with beautiful women singing and playing instruments.......Li Cheng Yin"s expression was hard to look at: "You went to a brothel?" "What brothel? It"s Ming Yu Fang!" "A Crown Princess going to a brothel!" Oh my G.o.d, his voice was so loud, people could hear it! I quickly covered his mouth: "Stop being so loud! I just wanted to see, I didn"t do anything bad!" Li Cheng Yin glanced at me and vaguely said: "Unless.......you.......then I won"t say anything......" Does he want to nibble my lips again?

[1] 龙涎香Ambergris- a waxlike substance that is produced inside the digestive system of a sperm whale
[2] 双陆 Backgammon- the oldest type of board game where a player wins when they are the first to remove all their pieces from the board
[3] 瑟瑟 Se Se- another name for Zhao Liang Di

                                                                                                          Chapter 17>