Eiyuu No Musume To Shite Umarekawatta Eiyuu Wa Futatabi Eiyuu O Mezasu (LN)

Chapter 1 Part 2 several days after Eid al-Fitr.  ^^And, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1439 H

Note: this is the LN version, not the WN version.This part is equal to the chapter 4 of the WN ver.Thanks Send in the Killer Clowns for editing this part.See you again in Chapter 1 Part 2 several days after Eid al-Fitr.  ^^And, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1439 H

Chapter 1: The Reincarnation of the Hero

Part 1

Dark. From within this pitch-black darkness… I slowlyawaken.

Wake up…? I thought I had already woken up.

My opened eyes haven’t received any images at all; theworld has been blurred and distorted since I opened them. In addition to this myfeet and hands won’t respond to me at all; as if I don’t have the strength tomove them. No, it’s not just my feet and hands. My neck too… My whole body—I’m completelyunable to move my whole body.

Come to think of it, it’s no wonder: My conditionbefore losing consciousness was seriously terrible. The Father of the orphanagehad christened demon summoning, and had successfully done so at the expense ofthe lives of several children. However, because of our intervention the priestdidn’t accomplish his purpose and was slain by me. That was good, but the demonwas free from losing its summoner and I couldn’t leave it as it was. Because atthe time, the children were too afraid to act and Cortina had no knowledge ofClose Quarters Battle were behind me—I had no choice but to fight.

In a moments judgment I ordered Cortina to run away—tobring back our comrades—and I faced that demon alone. She had also grasped thesituation and acted swiftly, saying she would surely bring aid. No, I made herleave. She was powerless, and it was difficult to escape while carrying thechildren. Only about ten children had survived.

I could just barely subjugate the demon, but I hadbroken my left hand and right leg, and had also received a gaping wound acrossmy chest to my abdomen. In that condition, just being able to breathe was agood bargain.

According to the self-proclaimed G.o.d’s words, I shouldhave returned to this world again, but…my voice won’t come out and my limbs can’tmove either.

…What happened!?


Even though it was unintelligible, an odd scream likethe cry of a kitten could be raised. I could feel my face being wiped bysomething warm and something soft was pressed against my mouth. I instinctivelysucked it and swallowed something sweet from it. And when my stomach becamefull, I sank into sleep again.

I could finally grasp what happened several dayslater. I…was born again as a baby: the secret path that the G.o.d had mentioned.In other words, because resurrecting the dead is considered taboo, being rebornas a newborn baby is acceptable, huh. I wonder…

Moreover, I noticed that my eyesight had stabilised…

“Goodmorning, Nicole. You woke up early today.”

I woke up and quickly noticed that a neat, clean, andbeautiful woman was bringing her exposed chest close to my mouth—Maria. Yes, she’smy former comrade who’s been called a saint. And, the one whom she calledNicole…… was I. This meant I had been reborn as a child of my former comrades.

Reincarnation magic is the highest ranked sacredtechnique. However, with this magic, you cannot confirm whether the technique worksor fails; only the designated person can confirm its success. Furthermore, you can’tknow where the designatedperson will be reincarnated. Anyhow, this magic is the sort of magic that has itssubtle corollaries. In short, even Maria hasn’t realised that her own child isthe reincarnation of her former comrade, Reid.

That is why she is able to press her b.r.e.a.s.t.s againstme, defenselessly. If Maria knew that I am Reid, it would hardly be possiblefor her to continue this action. If Iscrewed up, she would probably send me flying in one slap. Her sense of virtue wasquite severe.

On one occasion, she sent me and Lyell flying with hermagic attack called “Divine Punishment” when we tried to peek—I thought I wouldseriously die at the time. Besides, Cortina precisely held back our escaperoute, so we have experienced being easily captured. It was a thing calledyouthful indiscretion.


I raised a groan and refused the meal.

It’s because I don’t yet have enough muscle to move myneck. I’m not brazen enough to suck my former comrade’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Yet, no matterhow many times I’ve sucked my former comrade’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s, I still can’t tough itout. Above all, I’m afraid of my true ident.i.ty being discovered. I may die thistime If that happens.

“Ugyuu. Fuaaaau.”

“Ah, I wonder if your stomach is okay? You drank so littlethis time, Nicole. I’m a little worried.”

After being reincarnated as a baby, I’ve not breastfedwell. No, Maria is honestly an extremely beautiful woman, but, as expected, Ifeel ashamed to suck my former comrade’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s while still having this consciousness.

If this woman was a perfect stranger, I would suck herb.r.e.a.s.t.s while feigning ignorance… However, I know this woman.

She’s my former comrade whom I’d survived a life-and-deathcrisis alongside. And another thing is her husband is that Lyell. He is a man whomI fought together with; a rival, and a man who has embodied "the figure ofa hero" in fairytales that I could never reach. How could I have the nerveto suck the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of this woman who is both my former comrade and the wife ofmy other former comrade? It is for that reason that I went on a hunger strikeof my own accord.

As I didn’t suck Maria’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she had a lot oftrouble bringing me up. I know what I’m doing to her is bad, but I cannot givein. After all, she’s managed to support my life by giving me moderately warmedcow"s milk. Today too, Maria fed me using a milk-soaked cotton cloth that sheheld in my mouth. Lyell’s leg appeared.

“Good morning, Maria. And you too, Nicole.”

He said so while embracing Maria who was holding me,and then they exchanged pa.s.sionate kisses in this early morning. After which, hegave me the same kiss—on my cheek. It was disgusting.


“Ah, did you get angry?” Maria asked, “I wonder if youdislike papa, Nicole?”


Without ill will, Maria had voiced the cruel truth asI expressed my intention to resist to Lyell.

In fact, I didn’t like Lyell. It’s not as though I didn’tlong for a position called hero too. Rather, it can be said that I had a muchstronger longing for it than any of us.

He was a strong and st.u.r.dy swordsman who was therepresentative of the heroes.  It wasprecisely because I admired his strength that I sought for strength. However, Isimply didn’t have the qualities. My slender body didn’t support much muscle,so I ended being swung backwards whenever I wielded a heavy weapon. Nevertheless,I couldn’t give up. To compensate, I found a way of fighting that did not relyon swords, and I reluctantly built my own way of fighting with ingenuity and tricks.The result: surprise attacks that depended on steel strings and traps, and a.s.sa.s.sinationtechniques focusing on avoiding combat from the front as much as possible.Justice without power is no more than the weak’s nonsense. I had the strengthto save the weak. And I never lost because I taught myself a way of fightingthat couldn’t be conquered.

For me, Lyell who was the embodiment my ideal heroimage, is a man who arouses my very delicate emotions. He was a partner I couldrely on more than anyone else, a partner I longed for morethan anyone else, and a partner I hated more than anyone else. Receiving akiss on cheek from such a person, I felt a chill run down my spine.

Receiving the emotional blow, with a dejected face,Lyell went out to the garden for sword-practice-swinging. From the window, I couldsee his routine. His movement was strong, elegant, and sharp.

The hero I dreamt of was there. In my previous life, I lacked endurance and didn’t have strength so Iwasn’t able to adopt the same way of fighting as him.

But now, I can feel something like an electric shock which makes my body tremble.

Oh, that’s right; I’m Lyell and Maria’s child now. Inother words, I may inherit Lyell’s strength and Maria’s magical power. Mypresent self may be able to become a swordsman. The existence who will guide meto that destination is right before my eyes.

I may be able to follow the path of a swordsman that Ionce aimed for but failed to reach. No, if I inherit Maria’s magical power, thepossibility of becoming a magical swordsman is also possible.


While expressing joy, I threw up both of my hands. Although,my current strength was too weak and I was barely able to bring my short arms beforemy view.

“Hey, Nicole…? I wonder if you like watching father’ssword technique. You actually want to be spoiled by him, don’t you?”

Misinterpreting my att.i.tude, Maria poked my cheek. Speakingof which, she was the type of fellow to misunderstand.

   Chapter 1 Part2 >>