Eiyuu No Musume To Shite Umarekawatta Eiyuu Wa Futatabi Eiyuu O Mezasu (LN)

Chapter 1 Part 3 ^^

Note: this part is equal to the chapter 5 of the WN ver.Thanks Send in the Killer Clowns for editing this part.See you again in Chapter 1 Part 3 ^^

Chapter 1: The Reincarnation of the Hero

Part 2

After my belly was filledwith milk, I trained my muscles while lying down; I want to stand up with myown feet as soon as possible. I moved my short legs up and down, and swung myarms left, right, up and down. These were the only physical exercises I, whocan’t roll over, can do.

“Nicole, you’re reallyenergetic, aren’t you? If you just fed more, I’d have peace of mind, but…”

Maria disciplines me…Actually, she’s just on a rampage, poking my cheek while smiling. From herperspective, I guess I do look like an active baby.

Although, I’m differentfrom ordinary babies; I receive nutrition from cow’s milk. In other words, mydiet is in a very unbalanced state. It also leads to lethargy. I succ.u.mb tooverwork easily and eventually fall asleep as if I’d fainted.

Continuing to lead dayseveryday by training my muscles, finally, I became able to roll over and stir.Little by little I could creep with my hands and legs to my satisfaction. Then,in order to make my other dream reality, I’d decided it was time to takeaction.

My other dream: Magic.

Unfortunately, I had nomagical talent at all in my previous life. I had studied under Maxwell who wasan expert in magical arts, but he briefly drew the conclusion that I did nothave the apt.i.tude for magic—so I have experience in giving up learning magic.

However, I’m Maria’schild now. Thus, there is a high possibility that I have magical talent. Mariahas a good command over sacred techniques based on religious faith, but sacredtechniques are still categorised as a form of magic.

I have never studiedunder Maria, but the knowledge which I learned from Maxwell still remainswithin my mind. If I closed my eyes and entered a meditative state, I couldthen explore the existence of the magical powers dwelling within myself. Icould sense something like hot energy emanating from somewhere inside of mybody; the area below my navel.

—Ooo, is this magical power?

Feeling this unknownsensation that I had once been unable to no matter how hard I tried, my tensionrose on its own. To manifest magic, I have to release the magical power from mybody, transform it into the shape of magic circle drawn in my mind, and theninput a magic spell into the magic circle which should specify its power, rangeand anything else, but……I had a hard time manipulating the magical power.

I reached for the magicalpower in my abdomen and tried to shape it, but the magical power slipped frommy grasp and vanished. However, I’m not about to give up just from this. Tobegin with, my tenacity to persevere was stronger than others. Since I amunable to move my body well, the only thing I could do was magic practice.

Unlike former times, nowI can feel my magical power. At the very least, I should be able to manifestmagic. And I’m living in a body which has the makings for wielding swords thatshould be handed down from Lyell in addition to the combat experience from mypast life. After thinking about it, I have the qualities to become strongerthan anyone so I could not simply stop my training here.

I received warmed milkfrom Maria. There was a very humiliating time when she replaced my diaper, andfor around half a year, I held a grudge against that G.o.d again. On that day, Iwas able to hold my head steady and erect and began to look around at mysurroundings. Putting my strength into my body, I was able elevate my torso andsaw the lower half of my body for the first time. The thing that appeared fromunder the diaper which was cleaned by Maria’s hands was—no, it was not lovelymale genital organs at my age—it was like a plain; there was nothing there. No,there was a valley there.

In short, I am a girlnow.


“Kya! Nicole, whathappened to you? Suddenly crying out.”

Maria gazed at me, whohad suddenly fallen into a state of panic, wearing a concerned expression. Although,there were no abnormalities with my body itself—no, for me, everything that hadhappened to me was full of abnormality, but to her it was nothing more than anordinary sight.

Maria quickly changed mydiaper, and I lay my face down, sobbing. The a.s.sa.s.sin who was once feared andwas even called “Shadow Feather, the Disaster”, “Spider That Lurks inDarkness”, and others……has becomea girl? What kind of joke was this!?

I, who was proficient inhandling wire made of Mithril1 whichwas said to be sharper than sacred swords, and even killed the evil dragon,Colchis, was reborn a girl…


“For some reason, Ireally don"t understand, but…are you crying? I wonder…”

Maria comforted me bypatting my back. It was the same as in my previous life, but now, her kindnessmakes me sad. Come to think of it, Nicolewas a unis.e.x name but this name was acommon name for women. Am I so stupid for not noticing it until now? …No, also,there’s no way I could’ve confirmed my own gender by myself under my presentcirc.u.mstances as a baby.

In other words, it wasinevitable. For half a year, I was unaware of the fact that I was born a girl.

In my previous life I,born a man, was frustrated due to my inability to wield swords, and reached thepinnacle with a means of combat called SteelString Technique.

In my current life I,born a girl, have inherited blood from parents who are brimful of talents, andwill probably receive special education from The Heroes.

It can be said that mycompletely reversed life began from this point.

1Mithril was a precious silvery metal, very lightweight but capable of providing extreme strength in alloys, which was mined by the Dwarves in the deep mines of Khazad-dûm in J. R. R. Tolkien"s legendarium.↩