Email 101

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o work ID numbers ([email protected])

Your last resort is a search program called "netfind". It lets you find a machine or person by keyword. If you know your target is at USND, you can try the keywords PDQ, USND, EDU and find [email protected] Note that you often have to guess the "domain", but this should not be hard.

You can also search with PDQ, "University of Southern North Dakota", EDU, if USND is not sufficiently obvious. City and state names work, too. Try it.

The main short comings of "netfind" are:

(1) it often fails if the target computer does not support the "finger" command; and

(2) it only works on the Internet, not Bitnet or other mail systems.

To use "netfind" you have to telnet to any of several standard locations and log in as "netfind".

If one server is busy it should give you a list of alternate servers to try.

Detailed information on how to find someone on the net is given in the Usenet FAQ ( x.x.xx ). This FAQ is oriented towards helping University students, who flood the networks every Fall looking for the E-mail addresses of their friends.

Finding Information and Software

By far the easiest way to

If you do not have Internet access, then you will have to use FTP by E- mail (use the "Archie by E-mail" archive server first to find your target!).

Finding Information and Software Usenet News FAQ Archives Archie

Finding References to Paper Doc.u.ments

This is the last resort, right? Most information is still in paper, although the high cost of paper will mean that less and less is available this way.

(1) Use the Internet to access bibliographic databases, especially library catalogues

(2) Use a doc.u.ment retrieval service like that provided by the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries (CARL).

(3) Try to get someone to send you a xerox or fax.

These chapters, which deal more with abstract theory than with specific instructions, has been omitted from this special edition.


The main resources on the Internet are to be found on the net itself: especially the Usenet news and its many FAQs including the PDIAL and NIXPUB listings and various Internet resource guides. The resources provided here are second best. Nevertheless, it was felt important to provide a few addresses and a few book t.i.tles for the neophyte to get started. The information in this section is a point of departure, not a conclusive summary.

The Internet Address Book:

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Most of the books below do not contain a great deal of how-to information about connecting to the Network. This course is intended to fill the gap. But they do tell you what to do once you are on. The first few, which are available by Internet, are especially useful. They do make the network "self-describing".


_The Incomplete Guide to the Internet_ (for Macintosh with Microsoft Word only--for paper version see below)

A very complete guide written by the Education Office of the National Supercomputing Agency (NCSA). It contains a very complete intro- duction to the Internet and cla.s.sroom Internet projects for K12 teachers. This is the best guide for public school teachers.

For paper version, write: Chuck Farmer, 152 CAB, 605 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign, IL 61820. Cost is around $22.00 for 300 pp.

Polly, Jean Armour. _Surfing the Internet_ ( This is my all- around choice for best introduction to the Internet. It contains references to most other good sources of information together with instructions on how to get them. It is especially complete in giving information of interest to librarians.

Kehoe, Brendan. _Zen and the Art of the Internet_ (1st ed.)

A very good guide for how-to information. Unfortunately, the FTP versions are all marked up in a dialect of the TeX typesetting system.

They are still somewhat readable though, even if you don"t have the TeX system. A Postscript version is also provided. ( ( ( files are called zen- 1.0.tar.Z, zen-1.0.dvi, and zen-1.0.PS


Kehoe, Brendan. (1993). Zen and the Art of the Internet: a Beginner"s Guide (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-010778- 6. Index.

Krol, Ed. (1992). The Whole Internet User"s Guide & Catalog. Sebastopol, CA: O"Reilly & a.s.sociates. ISBN 1-56592-025-2.

LaQuey, Tracey, & Ryer, J. C. (1993). The Internet Companion: a Beginner"s Guide to Global Networking.. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

ISBN 0-201-62224-6

Marine, April. (1992). INTERNET: Getting Started. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. ISBN 0-944604-15-3

Tennant, Roy, Ober, J., and Lipow, A. G. (1993). Crossing the Internet Threshold: An Instructional Handbook. Berkeley, CA: Library Solutions Press. ISBN: 1-882208-01-3 (Library Solutions Inst.i.tute and Press, 2137 Oregon Street, Berkeley, CA 94705. Voice: 510/841-2636 FAX: 510/841-2926)


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