Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 4117: Old Well

Chapter 4117: Old Well

All eyes were on Li Qiye. The tortoise monarch has expressed his goodwill, seemingly giving up already.

“Are they going to fight?” One spectator quietly asked.

An expert pondered for a bit before answering: “That depends on Li Qiye’s aim. If he’s here for Cloud Dream, a fight is inevitable.”

“He has more than enough money right now and just needs land to start a sect. This location is absolutely a good choice.” Someone from the last generation said.

“His legion is already here. If it were me, I would absolutely go all the way since I’ve spent the money on recruiting already.” A clan elder added.

Many agreed. Li Qiye had spent a monstrous sum to recruit numerous experts. This should be used to expand his territory. Being pa.s.sive meant losing money for nothing.

“I hope they fight so we have a show to watch.” Another gloated. Numerous cultivators wanted to see the world in chaos as well.

This was especially true for the elders and ancestors. A fight here in Cloud Dream would give them a chance to take advantage of the situation. It would be best if both sides suffer grievous losses.

Li Qiye lazily got up and smiled: “Fine, I’m a reasonable person. I’ll visit the island myself.”

With that, he told his legion: “Station nearby.” Only Xu Yiyun and Lu Qi accompanied him to the island.

“Thank you for showing mercy, Fellow Daoist. I am truly grateful.” The tortoise monarch responded.

Li Qiye’s sudden change in att.i.tude took everyone by surprise. They thought that he wouldn’t give the tortoise monarch any face and resume his attack.

After all, he has never been afraid of anyone nor cared for the loss of lives. Just one argument could result in a ma.s.sacre. Now, he became amicable and reasonable all of a sudden.

“Is the sun going to rise from the west today?” One listener remarked.

The trio landed on Tortoise Monarch Island and felt a refres.h.i.+ng air. This was akin to being at a comforting hot spring, prompting vacations to take deep breaths.

“It’s a good place.” He looked around and saw rolling hills and blue reflections from the water.

“Yes, this is most likely the best location when not counting Dark Gale Camp. The tortoise monarch has been working to make it better for a very long time now. Rumor has it that he’s just as old as Nightloom, the ancestor of Dark Gale.” Lu Qi responded.

“A good place will have fine people as well.” Li Qiye smiled and said: “Go take our territory back, I will walk around myself.”

The two obeyed without saying another word. In reality, they didn’t need so much fanfare during this trip. Just Xu Yiyun and Crimsondeath’s legion would have been enough to take back their land. Thus, the two could tell that Li Qiye had other plans in coming here but they knew better than to ask unwanted questions.

After the two were gone, Li Qiye took his time walking through the island. The spirit energy here was awfully thick as if there was an energy source deeper in the island.

Strangely enough, it was rather evasive. Ordinary cultivators could only sense its presence, nothing more.

As for Li Qiye, each of his steps measured the land. The contact between the sole of his foot harmonized with the veins in the earth.

He stopped at the ridge instead of going up the mountain completely. There was underbrush attracting his attention.

He went over and removed the gra.s.s, weeds, and stones. This revealed an old well made from rocks.

It came from an unknown era and had inscrutable runes on the surface. Staring at it for a long while would make people dizzy. The runes seemed eager to penetrate the mind.

As Li Qiye cleaned the exterior, the runes became clearer. As for the well itself, a layer of dried mud covered the mouth. He waved his hand and blasted away the mud.

He looked down and saw a bottomless well, seemingly connecting the surface to the core of the earth. One could enter a different world after jumping down. It exuded a cold air that would intensify the lower he got down.

It was rather creepy, even cultivators thought that they wouldn’t be able to climb back up once fallen.

He raised his hand over it and released colorful rays and bright particles. This looked to be the door to an immortal world, and that an immortal would come out from the other side.

Once the particles and rays touched the water of the well, they immediately disappeared. This seemed to be a fusion process.

Waves and ripples appeared on the calm water, looking quite beautiful and s.h.i.+ny. However, nothing else happened.

“Old man, I hope you’re not dead.” He murmured.

There was still no reaction from the well outside of the gentle waves. He patiently sat down and waited.

After a long while, he sighed and looked up at the sky: “Old man, I don’t want to break in but if there’s no other way, I’ll do it.”

Only silence answered him. He sighed and decided to go down the mountain.

Once he made it to the base, an old cultivator came over. He had gray hair and beard yet was full of vigor and spirits. His pupils were black like jades, looking like they had read countless scriptures.

He gave off a friendly expression and bowed deeply: “Please excuse the lack of reception, Fellow Daoist.”

Li Qiye glanced at him and said: “Quite fast on finding out.”

“I was born here so I’m very familiar with the land, that’s all.” The old man smiled.

“Hmm, you, just a tortoise with no innate dao connection. It must have been difficult to reach this level.” Li Qiye judged.

The old man felt as if Li Qiye’s eyes could see everything about him.