Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 201: Tetra-War Bronze Chariot (1)

Chapter 201: Tetra-War Bronze Chariot (1)

The shocked crowd took a deep breath at the sight of Li Qiye using his body to block the saber. Who would dare to use their own flesh to block a treasure saber? Li Qiye didn’t try to escape and actually hammered the saber. Such crazy valiance despite his injury!

“Hand me the sword!” Li Qiye roared.

At this time, Li Shuangyan was busy trapping Dao Child Sheng Tian within her sword formation. After hearing Li Qiye’s words, she unhesitatingly turned the Six Dao Sword into a bright light which instantly flew into Li Qiye’s hand.

“Kill--” Dao Child Sheng Tian — like a ferocious tiger escaping its cage — became even more fierce. With a loud “boom”, his blood energy soared to the sky as his four Fate Palaces coalesced above his head, creating an endless boundary.

“Li Shuangyan, accept your death!” After arranging his four Fate Palaces into a boundary, he further condensed it into one location!

“Heavenly n.o.ble…” Numerous people cried out after seeing the domain formed by the four Fate Palaces while others took in deep breaths. Even Young King Nantian and Jewel Pillar Saint Child became serious as they gazed towards Dao Child Sheng Tian!

From low to high, the realms for cultivators were in this order: Palace Foundation, Palace Expansion, Physique Acc.u.mulation, Provisional Palace, Inner Longevity, Heaven’s Mandate, Warrior Canopy, Purified Rebirth, Heaven’s Primal, Soul Creation, Mysterious Fate…

Amongst these realms, Soul Creation cultivators could be bestowed the t.i.tle of “Named Hero” and Mysterious Fate cultivators could be bestowed the t.i.tle of “Royal n.o.ble”!

Royal n.o.bles also had four different levels. From low to high, they are in the following order: New n.o.ble, King n.o.ble, Rebelling n.o.ble, and Fate Destroying n.o.ble!

Once Fate Destroying n.o.bles reached grand accomplishment, they could step into the Enlightened Being realm. However, this Royal n.o.ble realm was the second time when cultivators could open new Fate Palaces.

At the Provisional Palace realm, cultivators would have two Fate Palaces. Royal n.o.ble was the second opening period, and New n.o.bles at grand accomplishment would have their third Fate Palace.

However, above even this level, if a cultivator possessed extraordinary wisdom or frightening talent, then this person could open a fourth Fate Palace.

It was an incredible matter to open the fourth Fate Palace, and that person would escape the four levels of Royal n.o.bles. Once it was opened, then it wouldn’t matter whether the person’s cultivation was at the New n.o.ble, King n.o.ble, Rebelling n.o.ble, or Fate Destroying n.o.ble level! They would be called a Heavenly n.o.ble regardless.

Only Royal n.o.bles with four Fate Palaces could be called Heavenly n.o.ble! Moreover, they were extremely terrifying since four Fate Palaces were able to form a domain. Once trapped inside the domain formed by the four Palaces, the opponent would be suppressed by its absolute power.

After being humiliated by Li Qiye last time, Dao Child Sheng Tian became even more courageous and emotional as he stepped forward to open the fourth Fate Palace. Four Fate Palaces transforming into a domain to achieve the Heavenly n.o.ble t.i.tle at last! Even a Fate Destroying n.o.ble would lose their colors after hearing about this accomplishment.

At this time, Dao Child Sheng Tian had escaped the formation so he did not hold anything back. He unleashed his endless domain towards Li Shuangyan!

How could people not be amazed at the sight of a Four Palaces Heavenly n.o.ble! This was the genius of a generation; Dao Child Sheng Tian, with his amazing Saint Fate apt.i.tude, achieving Heavenly n.o.ble was shockingly outside of everyone’s expectations.

Right when the four palaces domain swept towards Li Shuangyan, everyone lost their colors and a.s.sumed that Li Shuangyan’s fate was sealed!

“Boom!” But with a bang, the four palaces domain immediately exploded with crack after crack appearing. Suddenly, the celestials s.h.i.+fted as five Fate Palaces reached the heavens, shattering the four palaces domain.

“Grand Dao n.o.ble…” Seeing the five Fate Palaces, everyone became overwhelmed with horror as their faces went pale. Needless to mention Royal n.o.bles and Enlightened Beings, even previous generation Ancient Saints were dumbstruck, including a Heaven Restoration Saint like Qing Xuan Yuanhe.

Qing Xuan Yuanhe lived during the Difficult Dao Era with transcending talents. However, even when he was younger, he had only obtained four Fate Palaces. It wasn’t until when he became an Ancient Saint that he opened his fifth to become a generational Heaven Restoration Saint!

However, Li Shuangyan was still so young yet she was able to open five Fate Palaces. Qing Xuan Yuanhe, a person who could flip over rivers and boil the ocean itself was appalled. Such a genius would absolutely ma.s.sacre Enlightened Beings and decapitate Ancient Saints in the future!

At this time, what else could anyone do but be in awe at Li Shuangyan’s achievement? Even geniuses like Dao Child Bao Zhu, Young King Nantian, and even Bai Jianzhen, the descendant of the Sword G.o.d Sacred Ground couldn’t help but be in awe!

Four palaces to form a domain, eight palaces to form a kingdom, twelve palaces to form the heavens! A greater number of Fate Palaces indicated greater strength with boundless majestic life energy as the True Fate controlled the grand dao.

Five palaces Royal n.o.bles were referred to as Grand Dao n.o.bles, and they were even more powerful than Heavenly n.o.bles. These two levels exceeded the limitation of the Royal n.o.ble realm, and a Grand Dao n.o.ble could even kill an Enlightened Being in battle. Likewise, a grand accomplishment Grand Dao n.o.ble could even challenge Ancient Saints!

How could people not turn pale after witnessing such a terrifying existence!?

“Boom!” Dao Child Sheng Tian’s four palaces domain collapsed completely. Even though Heavenly n.o.bles were powerful, but when they met a Grand Dao n.o.ble, they could only be suppressed. A four palaces domain could not compete against a five palaces domain!

After his domain fell, the absolute domain of Li Shuangyan, like a millstone, knocked Dao Child Sheng Tian flying away on the spot as he spurted out fresh blood.

“If we were to compare talents, you are not even close!” Li Shuangyan exclaimed with her cold eyes exuding an overbearing arrogance and a suppressive aura. She was just like a G.o.ddess descending from the heavens, eliciting love and awe from spectators.

Everyone gasped at the sight of a Grand Dao n.o.ble! However, thinking about it more carefully, this was rather reasonable. Li Shuangyan was a Saint Fate, King Physique, and King Wheel. Even though Dao Child Sheng Tian was also a Saint Fate, he was not comparable to Li Shuangyan.

In recent years, Dao Child Sheng Tian was renowned in the Grand Middle Territory only because Li Shuangyan had always kept a low profile. Especially after following Li Qiye, she appeared even more seldom than before. Otherwise, his fame wouldn’t necessarily be as great as hers!

This monstrous domination left unconvinced people with no options but to be convinced. A five palaces Royal n.o.ble — Grand Dao n.o.ble! This qualified her to be domineering no matter where she went!

Dao Child Sheng Tian’s face was reddened from anger. His great achievement of Heavenly n.o.ble was enough for him to be proud, but he didn’t think that Li Shuangyan, who was also a Saint Fate, would completely dominate him by being a Grand Dao Royal n.o.ble.


“Treasure, open!” Jikong Jian once again shouted right when Li Shuangyan knocked Dao Child flying away. Since his flying saber injured Li Qiye, he had the opportunity to recuperate and, with his roar, all of his blood energy went into the G.o.dly saber treasure box behind his back!

“Om--” A bang sounded as the G.o.dly saber treasure box of Jikong Jian exuded a light as a shadow emerged from it with its one eye closed. However, in just an instant, the solitary eye opened, releasing a light like a G.o.dly saber. This one light slashed forward just like a G.o.dly saber that cut through time itself with a tyrannical velocity.

A blade that frightened the heart, a blade with such extreme speed that it startled everyone. This G.o.dly saber treasure chest was absolutely an item from immemorial times!

“Only a Solitary Gaze Divine Saber, nothing more!” Li Qiye laughed loudly, then he raised the Six Dao Sword in his hand up into the sky and unleashed a Six Dao Slash: “First sword of three, Void Emotion Sword!”

This emotionless sword was unblemished in the sky! It’s extreme purity symbolized righteousness. The heaven and earth possessed Yin and Yang, and Yang was the proper path. First sword of three, Void Emotion Sword!

There were three techniques Li Qiye learned from the Six Dao Sword, and the three moves were Heaven, Earth, and Mortal! Before the heavens could show any emotions, the seas would run dry and the stones would become soft. [1. This line is saying that it would be an eternity before the heavens gain emotions/mercy.]

Cultivation was a path void of emotions and the heavens was even more heartless. With this emotionless sword slas.h.i.+ng down with boundless majesty, it was not a second-rate murderous dao filled with vicious cruelty, it was the pure dao that was void of emotions.

Under this sword that encompa.s.sed the sentience of the heavens with emotionless righteousness...

“Boom!” This sword froze the sky and split the earth. Another terrifying thing happened as Li Qiye’s Kun Peng rushed out of his Fate Palace while using its Dark s.p.a.ce Transformation to allow Li Qiye’s sword to reach a speed that was capable of cutting time itself.

This sword was void of any emotions and slashed away any concept of time; however, this was not the most frightening phenomenon. Li Qiye’s h.e.l.l Suppressing G.o.dly Physique erupted with a power that suppressed all existences… Even the G.o.ds and devils!

Using the h.e.l.l Suppressing G.o.dly Physique to unleash one slash of the heavenly dao was truly horrifying. The void was cut open and strange phenomena began to appear. This one sword was not only powerful since it struck out with the speed of a Kun Peng, but it also carried the supreme immortal power of immeasurable weight! The nether collapsed and there were countless chaotic gaps in the sky as time and s.p.a.ce was broken into nothingness.

Everyone present felt dismay while witnessing this sword. It was truly tyrannical; even the Sword G.o.d Sacred Ground’s descendant, Bai Jianzhen, who used the sword to become invincible, also lost her colors. She had travelled very far on the path of the sword, but seeing this sword of Li Qiye, she was also appalled! This sword already had the style of an Emperor’s sword!


Even the G.o.dly light of the flying saber could not hinder this sword as it was split apart! Li Qiye’s sword did not deviate from it’s path as it kept on slas.h.i.+ng towards the one-eyed giant.

The single eye of the giant immediately emanated a blinding brilliance after it saw this sword, and the brilliance turned into a supreme sword dao as sword hymns filled the air. In an instant, inside Ancient Sky City, the swords of all the cultivators were singing hymns in resonance.

Such a phenomenon surprised everyone. This treasure was truly great. This even caused a Royal n.o.ble to murmur: “I’m afraid this has to be a treasure of the G.o.ds!”

“Just one ray like before, yet you still dare to be arrogant in front of your father. However, this solitary eye is almost worthy!” Li Qiye shouted. The Six Dao Sword still hovered above him, absorbing all Yin and Yang from the sun and turning it into the utmost pinnacle of all Yang energy in this world. This one sword combined with the heaven and earth’s Yang power along with all existences’ righteousness caused the heavenly sword of Li Qiye to become tyrannically invincible.

This sword was the most extreme of Yang, and the technique was supremely righteous. These two combined into the most powerful stoic sword. The majesty of the grand dao and the aura of Emperors would not be any more amazing than this.

“Bang!” Even the sword dao created by the eye could not stop this slash from the Six Dao Sword! It shattered the sword dao and cut through the one-eyed giant; many cracking noises ensued. Even though the G.o.dly saber treasure box of Jikong Jian had an amazing origin, it was far too lacking compared to the Six Dao Sword!