Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 4514: Must Have

Chapter 4514: Must Have

The magical gra.s.s was desired by countless big shots. Moreover, this was an adult one.

The partic.i.p.ants couldn’t look away, especially those experiencing a bottleneck.

“What is the starting price?” One of them became impatient.

“A mature Immortal Shaking Gra.s.s is truly precious. The starting price is 3,000,000 dao lord refined jades. Each increment will be 10,000.”

The youths here couldn’t believe the astronomical starting sum. In fact, it disqualified most cultivators from the great powers.

“How illogical, the dao lord sword art was only 300,000. This gra.s.s is somehow worth ten times more?” One youth murmured.

“Correct.” His senior responded: “There might be dozens of dao lord sword arts in the world, maybe a hundred.”

The junior thought about it and agreed. There have been many dao lords before who left behind a legacy for their sect. This gra.s.s might be rarer, especially one at this stage.

“Dao lord sword arts are certainly mighty but they’re still non-living. An expert that has the ability to buy this gra.s.s doesn’t need these sword arts. Moreover, if it somehow helps a genius become a dao lord, then there will be no lack of sword arts in the future.” The senior went on.

Other youths changed their mind about the value of the gra.s.s right away.

Many of the big shots here were from dao lord lineages. They already cultivated top laws. Moreover, they could also create rather capable ones. Therefore, the effect of this gra.s.s was far better than a dao lord sword art in their eyes.

Breaking through to the next realm meant gaining limitless potentials for them. A key example of this was Alchemy Child and his master, True Immortal Young Emperor.

This wasn’t to say that the gra.s.s would guarantee him the throne. Nonetheless, the percentage would certainly improve. After becoming a dao lord, he would then produce numerous techniques for the sect.

All of these justified the gra.s.s’ starting price for the big shots present.

“The auction begins, 3,000,000 to start.” The auctioneer announced.

“4,000,000.” Alchemy Child immediately bid.

The crowd exchanged glances, unpleased with this aggressive bid. It was no different from Li Qiye’s style.

“Again?” One big shot murmured.

However, none of them showed any sign of relenting since they weren’t afraid of Alchemy Child.

Alchemy Child bowed towards everyone and said: “Our young emperor is looking for this gra.s.s, please show mercy, Ancestors.”

No one answered because at the start, they a.s.sumed that it would just be a budding gra.s.s far from maturity. Now, no one wanted to go easy on Alchemy Child, not even his master was a scion.

“4,050,000.” A cultivator in stealth bid.

“4,100,000.” The big shot who received a fortune-telling about the eastern fence joined.

“4,200,000.” Sky-judge Ancestor bid.

“4,300,000.” Another from a dao lord lineage bid.

“5,000,000.” Cloudgrasp also bid, reminding people that Three Thousand Dao also had a supreme genius, Shen Juntian. He naturally wanted to become a dao lord as well and this gra.s.s would be just as helpful.

Alchemy Child’s expression soured. He tried to get the crowd to give True Immortal and his master some face. Alas, reality slapped him without showing any mercy.

“6,000,000.” He became annoyed and raised the bid again.

“6,300,000.” The cultivator in stealth didn’t hold back because of True Immortal.





“10,000,000.” Eventually, the bid reached this frightening amount since everyone either wanted it for themselves or their genius disciples.

The bidder was none other than Alchemy Child, ready to play to the very end.

“10,050,000.” Cloudgrasp continued.

Everyone thought that he was capable of competing since Three Thousand Dao wasn’t inferior to the current True Immortal.

“10,500,000.” A member from an ancient clan Eastern Desolace joined. He rarely bid in the previous auctions but this was an impressive one.

“For Five-sun King?” Someone asked.

The person didn’t respond and focused on the auction.

“11,000,000.” Alchemy Child always raised generously each time.

“11,300,000.” So did Cloudgrasp Elder.

Meanwhile, Li Qiye only watched with a smile. Nonetheless, people still paid attention to him because he was a scary compet.i.tor who didn’t hold back.

Because of this, they heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he wasn’t interested in the gra.s.s.

Jian Ming knew that he was only here for one thing. The other bids were only coincidental.