Empire BOSS And His Sweet Wife

Chapter 15

Publishedat 25th of May 2019 12:46:55 PMChapter 15

Chapter 15 Colleague relationship

  The phone rang for twice and was connected, "hmm . . . . "

  "Zikai, I"m off duty . " Cheng Nuo said calmly, withno tension in hervoice, buta fewexpectations .

  " I parked at the place whereI stopped in the morning . " The voice of He Zikaispread throughthe ear of Cheng Nuo .

  " . . . “Cheng Nuodid not realize that He Zikaihad arrived . After a pause, shesaid, "okay, I"ll go downstairs right now . "

  “Fine . . . ”

  Cheng Nuohung up the phone, and quickened hersteps to the elevator entrance, but heard asoundbehind .

  “Cheng Nuo, Cheng Nuo . ”

  Xue Shaoqing, holding the briefcase, trotted in front of Cheng Nuo .

  "Shaoqing . " Cheng Nuo thought Xue Shaoqing wanted to go downstairs with her . In response, shegave Xue Shaoqing a polite smile . They went to the elevator entrance and took the elevator downstairs together .

  Walking out of the office building, Cheng Nuo said to Xue Shaoqing with a smile,"Then I will go home, bye bye . ”

  After saying this, Cheng Nuo was about to turn to leave, yet herarm wa.s.suddenly pulled by Xue Shaoqing .

  "ChengNuo, I"ll take you home, will you?" Xue Shaoqing took Cheng Nuo"s arm and pleaded, "I have a car . You don"t have tocrammed ontothe bus . "

  Xue Shaoqing knew that Cheng Nuo squeezed herself into buses every time she went to and offwork . Heloved Cheng Nuo and didn"t want her to squeeze in buses during rush hours, so hewanted to take her home .

  "No, I"ll just go homeby myself . " With these words, cheng Nuo got rid ofXue Shaoqing’shandsand turned to leave quickly .

  And this scene, wasall in the eyesof He Zikai sitting in the carnot far away .

  Cheng Nuoand that man pulledand pushed . Whatwere they doing? Whatwastheir relationship?

  Before Cheng Nuo reached the parking place in the morning, she had seen the fancy sports car parked there . Cheng Nuo walked there quickly and sat in the co-driving position .

  When looking at He Zikai, Cheng Nuo saw along face, and He Zikai"s eyes was emitting anger .

  "The Safetybelt . " He Zikai threw out three words coldly .

  "OK . " Cheng Nuohastily answered and fastened her safetybelt .

  He Zikai started the engine,and the car left fast .

  Back to Lishui BayVilla,onceCheng Nuo got out of the car,shewas grabbed by an armfiercely, and then the whole person was dragged away .

  Cheng Nuo knew He Zikaiwas in a bad mood, because just now in the car he did not say a word, and did not even look at her . Thusshe darednot to resisthis movement, butcouldonly trot all the way to follow his steps into the home .

  Watching Aunt Lan was busy in the kitchen, He Zikai shouted directly to the kitchen, "Aunt Lan, after cooking, go to rest . "

  Aunt Lan did not know what the situation was, but answered "OK", and saw He Zikai tugging Cheng Nuo hurriedly upstairs .

  He Zikai pulled Cheng Nuo into the bedroom and went to the bedside . With a sudden force, Cheng Nuo was pushed to the bed .

  Cheng Nuo lay in a soft big bed and was about to get up toleave the bed when He Zikai pressed herhard .

  Overbearing the woman under hisbody, not giving her a chance to escape, He Zikai lookinginto her eyes, angrily asked, "who is that man?"

  " . . . " Cheng Nuo was a little surprised . Was he talking about Xue Shaoqing? Did he see hertalking to Xue Shaoqing just now?

  "He ismy colleague . " Cheng Nuo replied, and hervoice was very calm .

  "Whatis therelationshipbetween you and him?" He Zikai continued to ask, and the anger between his eyebrows hadnot dissipated .

  "Relationship between colleagues . " Cheng Nuo said, looking at HeZikai"s angry face . She was not even a little nervous .

  Shehadno feelings with this man at all, but gave him herbody last night . Theygot a marriage certificate this morning . What didhe mean by what he lookedlike now?

Chapter 15 Colleague relationship.

  The phone rang for twice and was connected, "hmm ".

  "Zikai, I"m off duty . " Cheng Nuo said calmly, withno tension in hervoice, buta fewexpectations

  " I parked at the place whereI stopped in the morning . " The voice of He Zikaispread throughthe ear of Cheng Nuo

  " . “Cheng Nuodid not realize that He Zikaihad arrived . After a pause, shesaid, "okay, I"ll go downstairs right now . ".

  “Fine . ”.

  Cheng Nuohung up the phone, and quickened hersteps to the elevator entrance, but heard asoundbehind

  “Cheng Nuo, Cheng Nuo . ”.

  Xue Shaoqing, holding the briefcase, trotted in front of Cheng Nuo

  "Shaoqing . " Cheng Nuo thought Xue Shaoqing wanted to go downstairs with her . In response, shegave Xue Shaoqing a polite smile . They went to the elevator entrance and took the elevator downstairs together

  Walking out of the office building, Cheng Nuo said to Xue Shaoqing with a smile,"Then I will go home, bye bye . ”.

  After saying this, Cheng Nuo was about to turn to leave, yet herarm wa.s.suddenly pulled by Xue Shaoqing

  "ChengNuo, I"ll take you home, will you?" Xue Shaoqing took Cheng Nuo"s arm and pleaded, "I have a car . You don"t have tocrammed ontothe bus . ".

  Xue Shaoqing knew that Cheng Nuo squeezed herself into buses every time she went to and offwork . Heloved Cheng Nuo and didn"t want her to squeeze in buses during rush hours, so hewanted to take her home

  "No, I"ll just go homeby myself . " With these words, cheng Nuo got rid ofXue Shaoqing’shandsand turned to leave quickly

  And this scene, wasall in the eyesof He Zikai sitting in the carnot far away

  Cheng Nuoand that man pulledand pushed . Whatwere they doing? Whatwastheir relationship?.

  Before Cheng Nuo reached the parking place in the morning, she had seen the fancy sports car parked there . Cheng Nuo walked there quickly and sat in the co-driving position

  When looking at He Zikai, Cheng Nuo saw along face, and He Zikai"s eyes was emitting anger

  "The Safetybelt . " He Zikai threw out three words coldly

  "OK . " Cheng Nuohastily answered and fastened her safetybelt

  He Zikai started the engine,and the car left fast

  Back to Lishui BayVilla,onceCheng Nuo got out of the car,shewas grabbed by an armfiercely, and then the whole person was dragged away

  Cheng Nuo knew He Zikaiwas in a bad mood, because just now in the car he did not say a word, and did not even look at her . Thusshe darednot to resisthis movement, butcouldonly trot all the way to follow his steps into the home

  Watching Aunt Lan was busy in the kitchen, He Zikai shouted directly to the kitchen, "Aunt Lan, after cooking, go to rest . ".

  Aunt Lan did not know what the situation was, but answered "OK", and saw He Zikai tugging Cheng Nuo hurriedly upstairs

  He Zikai pulled Cheng Nuo into the bedroom and went to the bedside . With a sudden force, Cheng Nuo was pushed to the bed

  Cheng Nuo lay in a soft big bed and was about to get up toleave the bed when He Zikai pressed herhard

  Overbearing the woman under hisbody, not giving her a chance to escape, He Zikai lookinginto her eyes, angrily asked, "who is that man?".

  " . " Cheng Nuo was a little surprised . Was he talking about Xue Shaoqing? Did he see hertalking to Xue Shaoqing just now?.

  "He ismy colleague . " Cheng Nuo replied, and hervoice was very calm

  "Whatis therelationshipbetween you and him?" He Zikai continued to ask, and the anger between his eyebrows hadnot dissipated

  "Relationship between colleagues . " Cheng Nuo said, looking at HeZikai"s angry face . She was not even a little nervous

  Shehadno feelings with this man at all, but gave him herbody last night . Theygot a marriage certificate this morning . What didhe mean by what he lookedlike now?.