Empire BOSS And His Sweet Wife

Chapter 17

Publishedat 26th of May 2019 02:05:25 PMChapter 17

Chapter 17 My woman should serve me well

  After taking a shower, Cheng Nuo felt sleepy, lyingin bedwith hereyesclosed, and quickly fell asleep .

  The bedroom door was pushed open . He Zikaientered, walking towardsthe bed,and tookoff his clothes .

  After a few hours in the study, the efficiency hadbeen declining, because hismind wasfull of this woman, and finally he couldnot help himselfbutleaving behind the unfinished work, intend tomake love withthe woman first .

  Cheng Nuo faintly felt a pair of big hands were touching herbody, and because of the confusion of the dream, Cheng Nuo murmured in the obscurity .

  Despite ChengNuo"s reaction, He Zikai was eager to enjoy her body .

  Cheng Nuo felt that someone suppressed her,thus sheopened herdim eyes and looked at thefamiliar side face . It was He zikai .

  “Do not, He Zikai . . . ” Cheng Nuo knew what He Zikai was going to do, and began to usedherhands against his chest and said, "I want to sleep . Don"t mess with me . "

  He Zikai closed to Cheng Nuo ’s ear,exhaling a heat beating on the face of Cheng Nuo . Suddenly a feeling of numb came to the face of Cheng Nuo, and she felt gradually confused .

  "My woman should serve mewell . " He Zikai said overbearingly, whosevoice was.e.xtremely ambiguous .

  "I . . . " Cheng Nuo was aboutto say something, when her lips hadbeen blocked, obviously therebeingno chance to speak .

  The ambiguity in the room became more and more serious . Cheng Nuo was kissedup and down by HeZikai . Not until she finally fell asleep, HeZikaicouldnotbear to let her go .


  In the morning, when Cheng Nuo woke up in the sound of the alarm bell, He Zikai was no longer around .

  Slightly openingthe quilt, lookingat the traces of the body, Cheng Nuo scoldedHe Zikai in her heart more than a hundred times . Thisman wasin human attire off the bed ,yet a brute on the bed, collectively known as a dressed-up beast .

  Dragging thepainful body, Cheng Nuo went into the bathroom and took a shower . After washing and rinsing quickly, Cheng Nuo pickeda more conservative dress in the cloakroom and looked at herself in the mirror . After Cheng Nuo was sure that the kiss marks on herneck could not be seen she walked out of the cloakroom .

  Going Downstairs, Cheng Nuo still did not see the figure of He Zikai, but seeing Aunt Lan was busybetween the kitchen and the dining room .

  "Good morning, ma"am . " Aunt Lansaw ChengNuo goingdownstairs, hurriedly greeting, "breakfast is ready . "

  "Well . " Cheng Nuo nodded and sat down in the dining roomasking, "where"s sir?"

  "Hehas eaten breakfast andwentto work . " Aunt Lan responded politely .

  "I see . " Cheng Nuo responded, not thinking too much, and began to eat breakfast .

  Suddenly, Aunt Lanthought of something and went to Cheng Nuo , thentakingout a key from her pocket .

  "Madam, this is the car key that Mr . He asked me to give you . Mr . He said that you coulddrive to work afterwards, and the car would be parked in the yard . " Said Aunt Lan, handing out the key in her hand .

  Cheng Nuo was a little stunned . He Zikai gave hera car?

  When Aunt Lansaw Cheng Nuo didnot takethe key, she smiled and said, "Madam, this is a villa area . There is no bushere . It will be more convenient for you to drive . "

  After listeningto AuntLan, Cheng Nuo thoughtabout it . He Zikai hadhis own business to be busywith, thus it was impossible to always pick herup, and then it would bevery inconvenient for herto commute to and from work .

  "Well, thank you . " Cheng Nuo said,and thentook the car key in Aunt Lan"s hand .

Chapter 17 My woman should serve me well.

  After taking a shower, Cheng Nuo felt sleepy, lyingin bedwith hereyesclosed, and quickly fell asleep

  The bedroom door was pushed open . He Zikaientered, walking towardsthe bed,and tookoff his clothes

  After a few hours in the study, the efficiency hadbeen declining, because hismind wasfull of this woman, and finally he couldnot help himselfbutleaving behind the unfinished work, intend tomake love withthe woman first

  Cheng Nuo faintly felt a pair of big hands were touching herbody, and because of the confusion of the dream, Cheng Nuo murmured in the obscurity

  Despite ChengNuo"s reaction, He Zikai was eager to enjoy her body

  Cheng Nuo felt that someone suppressed her,thus sheopened herdim eyes and looked at thefamiliar side face . It was He zikai

  “Do not, He Zikai . ” Cheng Nuo knew what He Zikai was going to do, and began to usedherhands against his chest and said, "I want to sleep . Don"t mess with me . ".

  He Zikai closed to Cheng Nuo ’s ear,exhaling a heat beating on the face of Cheng Nuo . Suddenly a feeling of numb came to the face of Cheng Nuo, and she felt gradually confused

  "My woman should serve mewell . " He Zikai said overbearingly, whosevoice was.e.xtremely ambiguous

  "I . " Cheng Nuo was aboutto say something, when her lips hadbeen blocked, obviously therebeingno chance to speak

  The ambiguity in the room became more and more serious . Cheng Nuo was kissedup and down by HeZikai . Not until she finally fell asleep, HeZikaicouldnotbear to let her go


  In the morning, when Cheng Nuo woke up in the sound of the alarm bell, He Zikai was no longer around

  Slightly openingthe quilt, lookingat the traces of the body, Cheng Nuo scoldedHe Zikai in her heart more than a hundred times . Thisman wasin human attire off the bed ,yet a brute on the bed, collectively known as a dressed-up beast

  Dragging thepainful body, Cheng Nuo went into the bathroom and took a shower . After washing and rinsing quickly, Cheng Nuo pickeda more conservative dress in the cloakroom and looked at herself in the mirror . After Cheng Nuo was sure that the kiss marks on herneck could not be seen she walked out of the cloakroom

  Going Downstairs, Cheng Nuo still did not see the figure of He Zikai, but seeing Aunt Lan was busybetween the kitchen and the dining room

  "Good morning, ma"am . " Aunt Lansaw ChengNuo goingdownstairs, hurriedly greeting, "breakfast is ready . ".

  "Well . " Cheng Nuo nodded and sat down in the dining roomasking, "where"s sir?".

  "Hehas eaten breakfast andwentto work . " Aunt Lan responded politely

  "I see . " Cheng Nuo responded, not thinking too much, and began to eat breakfast

  Suddenly, Aunt Lanthought of something and went to Cheng Nuo , thentakingout a key from her pocket

  "Madam, this is the car key that Mr . He asked me to give you . Mr . He said that you coulddrive to work afterwards, and the car would be parked in the yard . " Said Aunt Lan, handing out the key in her hand

  Cheng Nuo was a little stunned . He Zikai gave hera car?.

  When Aunt Lansaw Cheng Nuo didnot takethe key, she smiled and said, "Madam, this is a villa area . There is no bushere . It will be more convenient for you to drive . ".

  After listeningto AuntLan, Cheng Nuo thoughtabout it . He Zikai hadhis own business to be busywith, thus it was impossible to always pick herup, and then it would bevery inconvenient for herto commute to and from work

  "Well, thank you . " Cheng Nuo said,and thentook the car key in Aunt Lan"s hand