Empire BOSS And His Sweet Wife

Chapter 21

Publishedat 28th of May 2019 12:09:29 PMChapter 21
Chapter 21 Hidden marriage

  Cheng Nuo lay in bed, quickly grabbing the quilt to cover herwhole body, but still did not prevent He Zikaifromface-to-face bullying .

  "He Zikai, back off . " Cheng Nuo pushed the man on her . Shehadalready scolded HeZikai a hundred timesin her heart .

  “Who just said would wait for me in bed?” He Zikai asked with a glamorous smile . Hehad just been messing around in the bathroom, and the woman rebelled strongly, saying that she would servehimin bed aftera while,thushe let hergo in the bathroom .

  " . . . . " Cheng Nuo was stunned, thinkingabout it quickly, and immediately said, "itwas forced by you . "

  "Well?" He Zikai gradually approached Cheng Nuo"s face .

  "Wait a minute . " Cheng Nuo looked at his magnified face and immediately shouted, "I have something to ask you . "

  " . . . . " He Zikai stopped approaching, lookingat the beautiful woman under him, and asked, "what"s the matter?"

  "move away a little first . I feel bad . " Cheng Nuo felt pressured by this tall man, and probably before finishingspeaking, she would suffocate .

  He Zikai listened to her words, slightly movingaway, and then looked intoCheng Nuo"s eyes, waiting for what she asked .

  "Are you the president of the HeYiEmpire?" Cheng Nuo knew it in herheart, but at the moment she wanted to hear the man say it himself . Shehad married a man in a muddled way, whowas still a high emperor, and she wanted to hear his confirmation .

  "Yes . " He Zikai answered . Thatday he told her his name, but forgot to tell her his ident.i.ty . Itseemedthat the woman did notknew hisident.i.tyuntil now .

  ChengNuowas not surprised, and then went on asking, "youhadbought our company-TengdaCompany?"

  This question wasbased on the gossipthat Cheng Nuo heard from hercolleagues, which the company"s superiors did not publishyet, so she wanted to get an answer . If he admitted, then hersubsequent questionswould be meaningful .

  "Yes . " He Zikai responded . Theacquisitionsof several small companies werecarried out a month ago . Cheng Nuo worked at Tengda, and he later knew thoughdid not care .

  "Then . . . . . . " Cheng Nuo said the very question that she wantedto ask, "can you, promise me, to pretend that we are not married?"

  " . . . " He Zikai frowned slightly . What didthis woman mean?

  Cheng Nuo saw the change ofHe Zikai"s eyebrows and hurriedly explained, "I don"t really want to disclose my Mrs . He"s ident.i.ty . I just want to live a normallife . "

  Cheng Nuo knewthat if HeYiEmpire hadacquired Tengda Company thenshe wouldinevitably hadsome opportunities to meet and even communicate with HeZikailater in the company . His n.o.ble status haddoomed him to be the focus of the city . There wasalso a group of gossip-loving female colleagues in the company . If they knew that she wasthe legalwifeof HeZikai, shewouldneverstaypeacefully in the company . but maylive in the hubbubsall day .

  He Zikai read the woman"s eyes and naturally knew what she thought in her heart .

  If this comfort waswhat she wanted,then,he would give it to her .

  Close to Cheng Nuo"s cheek, He Zikai lay down nearCheng Nuo"s ear, who lowered his voice, and slowly opened his mouth . "Serve me well, and I"ll let you do it . "

  "You answer me first . . . " Cheng Nuo was trying to speak, and herlipsweresealed off by someone .

  He Zikai knew that hehad to coaxedthis woman first, makingher consciousness disappear and when her body was relaxed, she could serve himunder hisguidance . Then, hecould take the initiative in the early stage .

Chapter 21 Hidden marriage

  Cheng Nuo lay in bed, quickly grabbing the quilt to cover herwhole body, but still did not prevent He Zikaifromface-to-face bullying

  "He Zikai, back off . " Cheng Nuo pushed the man on her . Shehadalready scolded HeZikai a hundred timesin her heart

  “Who just said would wait for me in bed?” He Zikai asked with a glamorous smile . Hehad just been messing around in the bathroom, and the woman rebelled strongly, saying that she would servehimin bed aftera while,thushe let hergo in the bathroom

  " " Cheng Nuo was stunned, thinkingabout it quickly, and immediately said, "itwas forced by you . ".

  "Well?" He Zikai gradually approached Cheng Nuo"s face

  "Wait a minute . " Cheng Nuo looked at his magnified face and immediately shouted, "I have something to ask you . ".

  " " He Zikai stopped approaching, lookingat the beautiful woman under him, and asked, "what"s the matter?".

  "move away a little first . I feel bad . " Cheng Nuo felt pressured by this tall man, and probably before finishingspeaking, she would suffocate

  He Zikai listened to her words, slightly movingaway, and then looked intoCheng Nuo"s eyes, waiting for what she asked

  "Are you the president of the HeYiEmpire?" Cheng Nuo knew it in herheart, but at the moment she wanted to hear the man say it himself . Shehad married a man in a muddled way, whowas still a high emperor, and she wanted to hear his confirmation

  "Yes . " He Zikai answered . Thatday he told her his name, but forgot to tell her his ident.i.ty . Itseemedthat the woman did notknew hisident.i.tyuntil now

  ChengNuowas not surprised, and then went on asking, "youhadbought our company-TengdaCompany?".

  This question wasbased on the gossipthat Cheng Nuo heard from hercolleagues, which the company"s superiors did not publishyet, so she wanted to get an answer . If he admitted, then hersubsequent questionswould be meaningful

  "Yes . " He Zikai responded . Theacquisitionsof several small companies werecarried out a month ago . Cheng Nuo worked at Tengda, and he later knew thoughdid not care

  "Then " Cheng Nuo said the very question that she wantedto ask, "can you, promise me, to pretend that we are not married?".

  " . " He Zikai frowned slightly . What didthis woman mean?.

  Cheng Nuo saw the change ofHe Zikai"s eyebrows and hurriedly explained, "I don"t really want to disclose my Mrs . He"s ident.i.ty . I just want to live a normallife . ".

  Cheng Nuo knewthat if HeYiEmpire hadacquired Tengda Company thenshe wouldinevitably hadsome opportunities to meet and even communicate with HeZikailater in the company . His n.o.ble status haddoomed him to be the focus of the city . There wasalso a group of gossip-loving female colleagues in the company . If they knew that she wasthe legalwifeof HeZikai, shewouldneverstaypeacefully in the company . but maylive in the hubbubsall day

  He Zikai read the woman"s eyes and naturally knew what she thought in her heart

  If this comfort waswhat she wanted,then,he would give it to her

  Close to Cheng Nuo"s cheek, He Zikai lay down nearCheng Nuo"s ear, who lowered his voice, and slowly opened his mouth . "Serve me well, and I"ll let you do it . ".

  "You answer me first . " Cheng Nuo was trying to speak, and herlipsweresealed off by someone

  He Zikai knew that hehad to coaxedthis woman first, makingher consciousness disappear and when her body was relaxed, she could serve himunder hisguidance . Then, hecould take the initiative in the early stage