Empire BOSS And His Sweet Wife

Chapter 23

Publishedat 6th of June 2019 12:23:32 AMChapter 23
Chapter 23 Our Relations, That is no more .

  "No . " Cheng Nuo angrily answered Xue Shaoqing . this man"s persistence was beyond her imagination . She had refused him before, but he still reluctantto give up . He would actually say these words and think that she would fall in love with whoever she receivedpresents from . Hha, he really "understood" her .

  Xue Shaoqing looked at Cheng Nuo, who was a little annoyed, and was silent .

  "Xue Shaoqing . " Cheng Nuo said earnestly . no matter using factsor lies, she just wanted to get rid of this man at this moment . "My lover, I decided to fall in love with him in high school . We fought together for the college entrance exam and went to the same university . We were in good relationship . When we were soph.o.m.ores, I promised him that when we graduated from college and found the right job, we would get married . Justinhis junior year,he went abroad to study, and he let me wait for him to come back, so I have been waiting .

  Cheng Nuo said herunforgettable love with He Tianyu, but did not say that when He Tianyu pulled his suitcase out of the campus, she cried and told him that she would not wait for him for three yearsand As long as he stepped out of the campus, she would break up with him .

  She thought that herwillfulness would haveHe Tianyu"s staying in return . He Tianyu used to spoil heras long as she being coquetry . At that time, He Tianyu did not pay attention to herwillfulness . He left the campus,and left her beingalone .

  At first, shedecided to break up with him, but latershewanted to wait for him for just three years . Shedecided to wait for him, and she would like to spendthree years waiting for a person who really loved her . After four years, shestill insisted on waiting, but shewas disturbed by accidents one after another . Cheng Shanshan"s frame-up made herlose the first time . In order to escape from that home,andhave a new start, she married to He Zika . all these sudden changes, lether do not know how to confront HeTianyu in the future .

  If shecould, shewouldprefer to never see He Tianyu again . not seeing, it was much better thanher heart ached .

  Xue Shaoqing was stunned and looked at the affectionate eyes of Cheng Nuo . She loved that person very much . He always thought that there was no other man around Cheng Nuo . She was single . She longed for love in her heart . However, he never thought someonehad already lived in the bottom of her heart . No wonder Cheng Nuo was indifferent to him though he was doing anything so hard .

  "Shaoqing . " Cheng Nuoregained hercomposure, lookingat the roses in Xue Shaoqing"s hand, and said,"Don"t do this again . We"re colleagues . I can treatyou as good friends . our relationship, that"sno more . "

  After that, Cheng Nuo walked past Xue Shaoqing with herbag and left the parking lot despite Xue Shaoqing"s battered expression .

  Back tothe office, Cheng Nuosaid h.e.l.lo to several colleagues, sitting beforeherdesk andchatted with Gu Yao . At work hours, Cheng Nuogotinto the busy work .

  In He Yi Empire ,He Zikai held two meetings in the morning and made three personnel transfers . Among them, he fired a executivefor being jobbery . The whole building was immersed in a tense atmosphere . The staff were working hard and earnestly werefear that the president would kick themselvesout of the building forhe was unsatisfied .

  "Mr . He, your eldest brother He Cheng is downstairs, saying that he wants to see you . " An Lin knocked at the door and walked into he Zikai"s office, thenrespectfully reported .

  "No . " He Zikai refused coldly . He had already guessed whathis eldest brotherwas coming for . Among the three people he had just dismissed, one of whom was from his team . He thought thathewould come to him to ask him to retract his orders .

Chapter 23 Our Relations, That is no more .

  "No . " Cheng Nuo angrily answered Xue Shaoqing . this man"s persistence was beyond her imagination . She had refused him before, but he still reluctantto give up . He would actually say these words and think that she would fall in love with whoever she receivedpresents from . Hha, he really "understood" her

  Xue Shaoqing looked at Cheng Nuo, who was a little annoyed, and was silent

  "Xue Shaoqing . " Cheng Nuo said earnestly . no matter using factsor lies, she just wanted to get rid of this man at this moment . "My lover, I decided to fall in love with him in high school . We fought together for the college entrance exam and went to the same university . We were in good relationship . When we were soph.o.m.ores, I promised him that when we graduated from college and found the right job, we would get married . Justinhis junior year,he went abroad to study, and he let me wait for him to come back, so I have been waiting

  Cheng Nuo said herunforgettable love with He Tianyu, but did not say that when He Tianyu pulled his suitcase out of the campus, she cried and told him that she would not wait for him for three yearsand As long as he stepped out of the campus, she would break up with him

  She thought that herwillfulness would haveHe Tianyu"s staying in return . He Tianyu used to spoil heras long as she being coquetry . At that time, He Tianyu did not pay attention to herwillfulness . He left the campus,and left her beingalone

  At first, shedecided to break up with him, but latershewanted to wait for him for just three years . Shedecided to wait for him, and she would like to spendthree years waiting for a person who really loved her . After four years, shestill insisted on waiting, but shewas disturbed by accidents one after another . Cheng Shanshan"s frame-up made herlose the first time . In order to escape from that home,andhave a new start, she married to He Zika . all these sudden changes, lether do not know how to confront HeTianyu in the future

  If shecould, shewouldprefer to never see He Tianyu again . not seeing, it was much better thanher heart ached

  Xue Shaoqing was stunned and looked at the affectionate eyes of Cheng Nuo . She loved that person very much . He always thought that there was no other man around Cheng Nuo . She was single . She longed for love in her heart . However, he never thought someonehad already lived in the bottom of her heart . No wonder Cheng Nuo was indifferent to him though he was doing anything so hard

  "Shaoqing . " Cheng Nuoregained hercomposure, lookingat the roses in Xue Shaoqing"s hand, and said,"Don"t do this again . We"re colleagues . I can treatyou as good friends . our relationship, that"sno more . ".

  After that, Cheng Nuo walked past Xue Shaoqing with herbag and left the parking lot despite Xue Shaoqing"s battered expression

  Back tothe office, Cheng Nuosaid h.e.l.lo to several colleagues, sitting beforeherdesk andchatted with Gu Yao . At work hours, Cheng Nuogotinto the busy work

  In He Yi Empire ,He Zikai held two meetings in the morning and made three personnel transfers . Among them, he fired a executivefor being jobbery . The whole building was immersed in a tense atmosphere . The staff were working hard and earnestly werefear that the president would kick themselvesout of the building forhe was unsatisfied

  "Mr . He, your eldest brother He Cheng is downstairs, saying that he wants to see you . " An Lin knocked at the door and walked into he Zikai"s office, thenrespectfully reported

  "No . " He Zikai refused coldly . He had already guessed whathis eldest brotherwas coming for . Among the three people he had just dismissed, one of whom was from his team . He thought thathewould come to him to ask him to retract his orders