Empire BOSS And His Sweet Wife

Chapter 27

Publishedat 8th of June 2019 08:20:16 PMChapter 27
Chapter 27 Meeting with Cheng Shanshan

  "Mm-hmm . " Cheng Nuo nodded and looked ahead,"whenIam unable toprotectthe love with He Tianyu, it doesn"t matter whom Imarry . I thoughtoriginally, as long as I could escape from that home, I would be satisfied, and He Zikai was willing to marry me, and didn"t hate me . There is no reason for me not to marryhim . "

  An Xiaoqi nodded . Considering Cheng Nuo"s character, because she lost hermost precious first time, and was oppressed in such a family environment for a long time, she must be eager for a warm home, and wantedto live a peaceful life, whichthat man can give her . Cheng Nuo should marryhim .

  "But when I married him, I didn"t know that he was the president of He Yi Empire, and I knew thatlater . " Cheng Nuo said innocently .

  "So you accidentally married a golden bachelor?" An Xiaoqi said, with a happy smile on herface for hergood sister, "Nuonuo, I heard that although He Zikai was cruel in business, his gossip was rare, hardly ever reported on his affairs, so it would be safe to say thatthis man is quite reliable . "

  Listening to AnXiaoqi"s saying, Cheng Nuorecalledthat during this period of time, the man would come home on time every day, and at night he would make out with her like a hungry wolf . He should have nowomanoutside .

  "Mm-hmm . " Cheng Nuo nodded and looked at An Xiaoqi with a smile . Herheart was relaxed .

  "Nuonuo, there is a kind of love called love after marriage . Youcan slowly cultivate feelings with He Zikai, and when you two have a real relationship, then your life after that, will be absolutely happy . " An Xiaoqi encouraged Cheng Nuo with saying so .

  An Xiaoqiwantedto see this girl happy . Since Cheng Nuo’sparents pa.s.sed away, she hadbeen living a too hardlife, who had been bullied by heruncle’sfamily . Havingno harmonious family, she was particularly insecure,whowanteda happy and warm homeand wanteda person to be nice toher . And then she met He Tianyu . Inthat loveperiodshe was happy, and she was alsomuchdependent on He Tianyu, but later He Tianyu left, which gave her a big shock . An Xiaoqistill remembered the months when Cheng Nuowashed her face with tears .

  So this time, An XiaoqihopedCheng Nuocouldbe happy, andcouldsincerely meet the happy feelings, and happy marriage .

  "Mm-hmm . " Cheng Nuo noddingto answer the voice . Thefuture roadneededshe to go alone . Whether she could had emotions with He Zikai, she didnot know, but now, shewantedto try to put He Tianyu in the deepest part of his heart, buried .

  An Xiaoqi sipped her mouth and did not know what to say for a moment . She knew that the girl was in pain . Her heart, from the moment she fell in love with He Tianyu, had not given up, but now in such a situation, she had to give up .

  "Nuonuo, we"ll be fine in the future . " An Xiaoqi put onan awkward smile and hurriedly changed the subject . "it"s hard to beout today, so we can"t waste time . Let’s Go, and buy clothes . We"re going to consume heavily and to be spendthrifts today . "

  "Fine . " Cheng Nuo smiled and took An Xiaoqi"s arm, and the two women went to the clothingarea .

  "Gee, Shanshan, look over there . It"s like Cheng Nuo and An Xiaoqi . "

  Cheng Shanshan was shopping with several good sisters . One of them wasa childhood friend with her,whoalso knewCheng Nuo and AnXiaoqi, andaccidentally sawthem .

  Cheng Shanshan looked alongthe sister"s eyes, just in time seeingCheng Nuo and An Xiaoqi were happilytalking about something . immediately, Cheng Shanshan pulled down herface,and then angrily walked to Cheng Nuo .

  "Cheng Nuo, do you still havemoney to come to such places?" Cheng Shanshan went straight forward and said ironically .

Chapter 27 Meeting with Cheng Shanshan

  "Mm-hmm . " Cheng Nuo nodded and looked ahead,"whenIam unable toprotectthe love with He Tianyu, it doesn"t matter whom Imarry . I thoughtoriginally, as long as I could escape from that home, I would be satisfied, and He Zikai was willing to marry me, and didn"t hate me . There is no reason for me not to marryhim . ".

  An Xiaoqi nodded . Considering Cheng Nuo"s character, because she lost hermost precious first time, and was oppressed in such a family environment for a long time, she must be eager for a warm home, and wantedto live a peaceful life, whichthat man can give her . Cheng Nuo should marryhim

  "But when I married him, I didn"t know that he was the president of He Yi Empire, and I knew thatlater . " Cheng Nuo said innocently

  "So you accidentally married a golden bachelor?" An Xiaoqi said, with a happy smile on herface for hergood sister, "Nuonuo, I heard that although He Zikai was cruel in business, his gossip was rare, hardly ever reported on his affairs, so it would be safe to say thatthis man is quite reliable . ".

  Listening to AnXiaoqi"s saying, Cheng Nuorecalledthat during this period of time, the man would come home on time every day, and at night he would make out with her like a hungry wolf . He should have nowomanoutside

  "Mm-hmm . " Cheng Nuo nodded and looked at An Xiaoqi with a smile . Herheart was relaxed

  "Nuonuo, there is a kind of love called love after marriage . Youcan slowly cultivate feelings with He Zikai, and when you two have a real relationship, then your life after that, will be absolutely happy . " An Xiaoqi encouraged Cheng Nuo with saying so

  An Xiaoqiwantedto see this girl happy . Since Cheng Nuo’sparents pa.s.sed away, she hadbeen living a too hardlife, who had been bullied by heruncle’sfamily . Havingno harmonious family, she was particularly insecure,whowanteda happy and warm homeand wanteda person to be nice toher . And then she met He Tianyu . Inthat loveperiodshe was happy, and she was alsomuchdependent on He Tianyu, but later He Tianyu left, which gave her a big shock . An Xiaoqistill remembered the months when Cheng Nuowashed her face with tears

  So this time, An XiaoqihopedCheng Nuocouldbe happy, andcouldsincerely meet the happy feelings, and happy marriage

  "Mm-hmm . " Cheng Nuo noddingto answer the voice . Thefuture roadneededshe to go alone . Whether she could had emotions with He Zikai, she didnot know, but now, shewantedto try to put He Tianyu in the deepest part of his heart, buried

  An Xiaoqi sipped her mouth and did not know what to say for a moment . She knew that the girl was in pain . Her heart, from the moment she fell in love with He Tianyu, had not given up, but now in such a situation, she had to give up

  "Nuonuo, we"ll be fine in the future . " An Xiaoqi put onan awkward smile and hurriedly changed the subject . "it"s hard to beout today, so we can"t waste time . Let’s Go, and buy clothes . We"re going to consume heavily and to be spendthrifts today . ".

  "Fine . " Cheng Nuo smiled and took An Xiaoqi"s arm, and the two women went to the clothingarea

  "Gee, Shanshan, look over there . It"s like Cheng Nuo and An Xiaoqi . ".

  Cheng Shanshan was shopping with several good sisters . One of them wasa childhood friend with her,whoalso knewCheng Nuo and AnXiaoqi, andaccidentally sawthem

  Cheng Shanshan looked alongthe sister"s eyes, just in time seeingCheng Nuo and An Xiaoqi were happilytalking about something . immediately, Cheng Shanshan pulled down herface,and then angrily walked to Cheng Nuo

  "Cheng Nuo, do you still havemoney to come to such places?" Cheng Shanshan went straight forward and said ironically