Empire BOSS And His Sweet Wife

Chapter 28

Publishedat 8th of June 2019 08:20:17 PMChapter 28
Chapter 28 Fighting in the shopping mall

  Cheng Nuo saw Cheng Shanshansuddenly popped up, followed by several well-dressed women, two of whom were hercla.s.smatesfrom primary school .

  "You"re here, too . " Cheng Nuo"s tone wasvery calm,whowas somewhat surprised, and did not expect to meet Cheng Shanshan and two of her cla.s.smates from primary school here .

  Cheng Nuo was carrying two shopping bags, the LOGOofwhichwas obviously an international famous brand . Cheng Shanshanjust likeda clothes ofan international famous brand, but the price was too highfor herto buy, and shehadnot expectedthat Cheng Nuo wouldbuy two .

  "Why can"t I behere?" Cheng Shanshan wasmore jealous of Cheng Nuo,a pair of whose eyes were staring at Cheng Nuoand she wantedto kill her with hereyes, "but you, Cheng Nuo, usually only go to the underground mallsand stalls , how can you buy famous brand clothes today? Did you steal themoney ? "

  "Shanshan, you can"t saylikethat . Nuonuo . She has her own money . She used to be frugal and reluctant to buy good clothesbefore, but now she has a different ident.i.ty, and she doesn"t have to be frugal anymore . She can afford these clothes . " An Xiaoqi protectedCheng Nuoand said .

  "An Xiaoqi, wh.o.a.re you? You are not eligible to speak . Get out of the way . " Cheng Shanshan glared at An Xiaoqi and pushed An Xiaoqiaway .

  Seeing that An Xiaoqi was bullied, Cheng Nuo immediately pulled An Xiaoqi behind herand looked at the eyes of Cheng Shanshan . "Cheng Shanshan, it’s none of your business . You stroll aroundonyour own . I"m not in your way . Why doyou on my back?"

  Cheng Shanshan did not expect that Cheng Nuo wouldconfrontagainsther in public, and heranger rose completely .

  "Cheng Nuo, youjustmarrieda rich husband and who areyou showingit to? I am tellingyouthatrich men spend a lot of time outside, and your husband isalsonot a good guy . He may havecountless women outside, and when those mistressescome to your door, you have to deal with them . “Cheng Shanshan shouted out .

  Because of the voice of Cheng Shanshan, it hadattracted the attention of the people around .

  "Shanshan,forget it . Let"s go . " Several sisters who had been withCheng Shanshan advised .

  A sister went forward to pull Cheng Shanshanby herarmsand tried to pull her out of here .

  "Don"t pull me . This woman is a piece of s.h.i.t . Don"t look at her giving the appearance of innocence . She is coquettish in actuality . " Cheng Shanshan rebelled against hergood sistersholding herhandsand did not forget to scold Cheng Nuo .

  "Cheng Shanshan, please pay attention to what you said . " Cheng Nuo was angryas well,who waspatient with her, but she really took it for granted .

  "So what? I"m telling the truth . " The voice of Cheng Shanshan was louder than it was just now .

  Cheng Nuo glanced at the crowd around her, and she felt embarra.s.sed . Then she looked at Cheng Shanshan and said, "if you don"t feel humiliated,I"m still ashamed . "

  Finishing sayingthat, Cheng Nuoheld An Xiaoqi"s arm behind her, and hertone softened a little,"Xiaoqi, let"s go . "

  Seeing Cheng Nuo was leaving, Cheng Shanshan"s excitement couldno longer be restrained, and she wentstraight up fora fight .

  "Cheng Nuo, why are you running away? Let ussee your true face and how seductive you are . Cheng Shanshan tore Cheng Nuo"s hair vigorously . Shewas older than her, but Cheng Nuogot married first . This provedthat Cheng Nuo was a s.l.u.t, whoseduced men on her own initiative .

  Cheng Nuo felt painscoming from herhead . She immediately ignored that Cheng Shanshan was herelder female cousin andbeat back directly .

Chapter 28 Fighting in the shopping mall

  Cheng Nuo saw Cheng Shanshansuddenly popped up, followed by several well-dressed women, two of whom were hercla.s.smatesfrom primary school

  "You"re here, too . " Cheng Nuo"s tone wasvery calm,whowas somewhat surprised, and did not expect to meet Cheng Shanshan and two of her cla.s.smates from primary school here

  Cheng Nuo was carrying two shopping bags, the LOGOofwhichwas obviously an international famous brand . Cheng Shanshanjust likeda clothes ofan international famous brand, but the price was too highfor herto buy, and shehadnot expectedthat Cheng Nuo wouldbuy two

  "Why can"t I behere?" Cheng Shanshan wasmore jealous of Cheng Nuo,a pair of whose eyes were staring at Cheng Nuoand she wantedto kill her with hereyes, "but you, Cheng Nuo, usually only go to the underground mallsand stalls , how can you buy famous brand clothes today? Did you steal themoney ? ".

  "Shanshan, you can"t saylikethat . Nuonuo . She has her own money . She used to be frugal and reluctant to buy good clothesbefore, but now she has a different ident.i.ty, and she doesn"t have to be frugal anymore . She can afford these clothes . " An Xiaoqi protectedCheng Nuoand said

  "An Xiaoqi, wh.o.a.re you? You are not eligible to speak . Get out of the way . " Cheng Shanshan glared at An Xiaoqi and pushed An Xiaoqiaway

  Seeing that An Xiaoqi was bullied, Cheng Nuo immediately pulled An Xiaoqi behind herand looked at the eyes of Cheng Shanshan . "Cheng Shanshan, it’s none of your business . You stroll aroundonyour own . I"m not in your way . Why doyou on my back?".

  Cheng Shanshan did not expect that Cheng Nuo wouldconfrontagainsther in public, and heranger rose completely

  "Cheng Nuo, youjustmarrieda rich husband and who areyou showingit to? I am tellingyouthatrich men spend a lot of time outside, and your husband isalsonot a good guy . He may havecountless women outside, and when those mistressescome to your door, you have to deal with them . “Cheng Shanshan shouted out

  Because of the voice of Cheng Shanshan, it hadattracted the attention of the people around

  "Shanshan,forget it . Let"s go . " Several sisters who had been withCheng Shanshan advised

  A sister went forward to pull Cheng Shanshanby herarmsand tried to pull her out of here

  "Don"t pull me . This woman is a piece of s.h.i.t . Don"t look at her giving the appearance of innocence . She is coquettish in actuality . " Cheng Shanshan rebelled against hergood sistersholding herhandsand did not forget to scold Cheng Nuo

  "Cheng Shanshan, please pay attention to what you said . " Cheng Nuo was angryas well,who waspatient with her, but she really took it for granted

  "So what? I"m telling the truth . " The voice of Cheng Shanshan was louder than it was just now

  Cheng Nuo glanced at the crowd around her, and she felt embarra.s.sed . Then she looked at Cheng Shanshan and said, "if you don"t feel humiliated,I"m still ashamed . ".

  Finishing sayingthat, Cheng Nuoheld An Xiaoqi"s arm behind her, and hertone softened a little,"Xiaoqi, let"s go . ".

  Seeing Cheng Nuo was leaving, Cheng Shanshan"s excitement couldno longer be restrained, and she wentstraight up fora fight

  "Cheng Nuo, why are you running away? Let ussee your true face and how seductive you are . Cheng Shanshan tore Cheng Nuo"s hair vigorously . Shewas older than her, but Cheng Nuogot married first . This provedthat Cheng Nuo was a s.l.u.t, whoseduced men on her own initiative

  Cheng Nuo felt painscoming from herhead . She immediately ignored that Cheng Shanshan was herelder female cousin andbeat back directly