Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1077 - I Am Actually A Bigshot

Chapter 1077 - I Am Actually A Bigshot




Now that Flora got a fragment of the Dao of Fortune, it was time to ask for a payback. I also want some of your tiny little fragments, you two, so hang them over!

"Now, can you guys cooperate? Add your own Daos to the Library, I want to check them out." I said with a smile, a malicious smile! They suddenly felt a s.h.i.+vering cold take over their backs, this was my plan all along!

Hahaha! Now hang out your Daos, and show me what powers you can use in the meantime!

"What"s wrong? Weren"t you guys going to cooperate? Come on, cooperate then!" I laughed.

The two looked at me nervously…

"What"s wrong? Now you"re not going to help me because it affects you? I should had guessed it, you only wanted to join me for the benefits without offering anything yourselves, right? Sheesh… I was such an idiot for thinking I could… have friends…" I sighed.

"E-Eh? No! Kireina, please don"t feel like that…" said Aura, trying to raise my spirits.

"Shut up! Look at how you ended reacting! You obviously don"t even want to give me your help in this regard!" I said.

"I will! Its just feels weird because we had kept them in secret for so long… Fortune is already yours and on its full potential, but fine, I will register my other Daos," sighed Aura, as he inserted his hand into the sphere.

Hehe, success! Emotional manipulation at its finest! Flora also seemed in silent, but moved by my words, and was also willing to give her own.

"I will also do so. As a Dao Architect, we grow stronger the more other use our Daos, but not many are qualified to use it within our dear family members, so it was often very rare for us to even mention them anywhere. So it felt a bit strange when we had to openly show them… But fine! Stop being a crybaby, I will show you my Daos, grab a fragment of them whenever you got enough points though, I won"t give you free fragments." Said Flora while angered.

"Woah, why not? We are allies here! Give me free fragments!" I demanded.

"You"ve gotten pretty c.o.c.ky, huh? You want me to knock your head a bit?" asked Flora while angered.

"Woah! Supreme Grandma, please don"t do that! I"ve seen your strength, and I don"t want to have anything to do with it!" I said bitterly.

"Sigh… Just don"t get too ahead of yourself, you dork of a woman." Sighed Flora, as she caressed my head.

Hey, that"s actually cute… She"s a cute grandma.

"Are you calling me grandma mentally?" she asked as a vein popped in her forehead.

d.a.m.n, she got psionic powers too?! Well, she"s a supreme so maybe. Supremes have way more powers than just their divinities, its just that their supreme divinities are the strongest in this regard but having things such as psychic powers might seem normal to them who become supreme all-rounder"s who still specialize in a single attribute or a group of attributes.

"Erm… No?" I said.

"Okay… Don"t dare call me like that!" she said, as she pouted cutely.

"Hahaha! Don"t worry about her, she"s too secretive, already registering and sharing her Dao into the temple is big for her… Here, I will give you my fragments so you can understand that I love you." Said Aura, as he generously handled me fragments of his other Daos.

Woah, such a nice loot!

Anyways, the Daos that Flora added were Cosmic Dao of Origin, Grand Dao of Fauna, Dao of Vitality, and Dao of Flora. They ere all life-related stuff, so it was pretty interesting! One of them had her name, but Flora is a term that means all plant-based lifeforms, so I guess she got a Dao for animals in the Fauna, and then the Flora is the Dao that encompa.s.ses plant life…

Wow, this is pretty cool, not gonna lie. But I cannot take them yet and she"s too grumpy to share a few fragments to this poor beggar. What a stingy little grandma!

Anyways, regarding other Daos, the Daos that Aura added and that he gave me their fragments of were the Dao of Stars, the Dao of Aether, the Dao of Plasma, and the Lesser Dao of Brightness. They all complemented on his total strength, so it was pretty sweet to get them, but he didn"t gave me small fragments, he gave me big chunks of them, Big Fragments, which usually had better effects too.

And thanks to the temple, my Dao a.s.similation had been enhanced to insane degrees, in a bit over time I should be capable of making these fragments bigger as I comprehend them deeper. Although, as Aura told me…

"The Dao Fragments can be made into Full Daos after some time, but you must spend a lot of power and mental energy comprehending them, alongside divine energy. Or well, your powerful Supreme Divine Energy should be used for that. With such a power, you could even revive a fragment entirely into a Dao, the Dao of Fortune you got, a replica of my own, was born like this. it was my ultimate gift for you! Yet you ask for more… what a greedy woman I"ve fallen in love with!" said Aura while crossing his arms. Honestly when he looked at me with those handsome eyes I felt like I wanted to take a bite out of him. And no, not in the eating meaning.

Anyways, I thanked him with a little kiss on his cheek and a wink, he almost fell unconscious after that! Fufu, the powers of the enchantment of a woman"s beauty, I guess…

I wanted to look into the fragments in more detail, but I was currently rather busy having dinner, but Aura continued to explain me things regarding Daos alongside Flora, stuff I didn"t even knew about.

"How many Daos are there? I have already noticed they"re not like Laws at all, they"re not limited to the elements of the world, yet they are like elements themselves too?" I asked.

"Daos are a mystical and primordial divine power we can create through the full comprehension of Laws and unifying their comprehension, merging it with our ideas, and creating our own "laws", in a better description, it is as if we were creating our own laws with skill-like effects attached to them. Dao Creation is as complex as actually crafting things, using your Law Comprehension as the ingredients your Supreme Divine Energy as the fuel, you can slowly make up a Dao Fragment of your own. It is usually praised if someone can reach the stage of creating their own personal Dao." Said Flora.

"Personal Dao… Your Daughter Ova created her own personal Dao, the Dao of Totem, which is her creation too. It is but a fragment though, which I got with myself, it helps in the power of totems though, they"re great abilities I"ve used and abused a lot...:" I said.

"I can tell you"ve done so." Said Flora.

"She also had the Fragment of the Dao of Summoning, and Dao of Transformation, both are powerful and quite overpowered if fused together… Ugh, do many Daos to use…" I sighed.

"Anyways, going back on topic. Daos are the creation of our power as we comprehend the laws and use their very primordial power to shape them into our own personal laws. And well, like an actual law, they can be mastered and used by anyone if they get their hands into one of them, and we cannot do much over it. However, the more someone gets the Dao you"ve personally created, the stronger your Dao also becomes, this is the effect of someone that creates Dao, we call them Dao Creators." Said Flora.

"Have you guys created any Dao?"

"I created the Dao of Origin, and this dork actually made the one of Fortune." Said Flora.

"WHAT? I would guess that in such a vast universe someone else had made such Daos before, they seem like such obvious concepts." I thought.

"Well, we are quite ancient ourselves! We don"t know how it is outside, but if we acquired the t.i.tle of Dao Creator, it means we created them, and that"s how it is." Said Flora.

"It was probably quite hard for others to manage to compress Fortune into a Dao, but I used it through my special means, which included over a hundred thousands years of preparation and slow creation. So don"t think it is so easy to create one, Kireina, it takes a long time. I sadly doubt you will be able to get your own personal one too soon." Sighed Aura.

"Ah, well, it doesn"t matter, I still got your Dao Fragments and the Fortune Dao you gifted me Aura, with that is enough for me, I will employ my other powerful capabilities and whatever I got in my a.r.s.enal to pull out a victory, after all, I got three fully comprehended Daos as well," I said pridefully.


The two were left speechless as I revealed this utterly terrifying truth to them!

"That"s right! And it came out of the tiny fragment of Summoning. Have you guys even gotten a fragment of this Dao? The effects it has are insane, you can summon Maxima Summons which already come with fully comprehended and a.s.similated Daos, and connect your powers to them so you can use their Daos too… Look at my own Summon and- don"t laugh please, I know it is a funny and weird coincidence…" I said, as I called Bubu to come to me.

Bubu has been currently eating fruits around the divine realm, catching giant bugs, and eating and napping. He was happy to finally be freed from the prison he was put inside the Maxima Universe, so this made him pretty happy. He had been having his own little adventures inside the divine realm, with all sorts of stuff going on around, hehe. He"s a cute little hero. I think they"re already designing a phone platform game based on Bubu named Bubu Rush… It will be interesting to see how its" done. Its monetization method is skins, of course.

Ah, right, I am spasming out of here, anyways, Bubu, come here!


Bubu suddenly realized something was calling him! He had just defeated a giant Three-Headed Dragonfly Emperor, a powerful Rank 6 Great G.o.d-Realm Divine Beast, and he was feasting on its delicious body.

However, as it felt forced to be summoned by his owner, he had to sigh and grab his prey to carry it with him.


The two supreme G.o.ds looked in awe, as a small, cat-sized caterpillar decorated with black, purple, and pink colors across his body greeted them.

"Bubuuuu!" it said, as it devoured a gigantic bug corpse, something he caught, I think…

"A… A Caterpillar?!"

I guess they were surprised at the end…


