Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 119 - Low Risk High Reward

Chapter 119 - Low Risk High Reward

[Day 109]

Today I began preparations for the attack over the allied Qayag and Temulun Tribe. However, first I had a big breakfast for everyone to store on energy.

I decided to summon Gnomes, Dryads and Gemstone Wyverns. As I obtained skills to summon them when I ate several of the Divine Oracle Tribe members.

There was also a spirit summon for a wind and an earth spirit, but they were a "one time only" summon, similar to Nereid and Kjata. Summoned creatures that possess high intelligence and a strong soul, they"re better off as soldiers or warriors.

The Gnomes and Dryads summoned didn"t had any intelligence and stayed still until I commanded them to do something. The Dryads were weaker than the real ones, but still had several nature powers and could come in handy to bless our farmland. Meanwhile, the Gnomes can bless the earth and mountains, increasing the amount of high-quality minerals obtained through mining.

The Gemstone Wyvern is a very strong familiar-like monster, its power is almost comparable to the Thunderstorm Phoenix and possesses several powerful skills and st.u.r.dy scales made of almost unbreakable gemstones.

Because it was so easy to ma.s.s summon now that I had so much base MP alongside an abnormal MP regeneration, I ended summoning one hundred Gnomes and one hundred Dryads, while I summoned fifty Gemstone Wyverns.

We quickly feasted on them. Gnomes had a very tender flesh, which had an "earthy" taste to it, however, it was delicious nonetheless.

Dryads were more tender, and their flesh tasted more like a very sweet lettuce, the flower on their heads tasted like a very sweet berry.

Lastly, the Gemstone Wyverns meat was tasty and juicy, while being a little bit tough, it was very enjoyable, reminding me of a very high-quality beef on Earth, something beyond Wagyu beef.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Earth Materialization]

[Earth Purification and Refining]

[Nature Energy Materialization]

[Nature"s Grace]


[Ruby Gemstone Scales Creation]

[Multicolored Gemstone Flare Breath]

After everyone was ready, we quickly flew at max speed towards our net destination, which was roughly around six hours of walking, but it was reduced to half an hour of sky traveling with our floating carriage.

Using out Illusion disguises, I watched over the giant camp that housed more than one thousand nomads. Here, the two remaining tribes gathered together as a pointless "last stand" against me. Without even knowing my true appearance and motives other than wanting to kill them.

By this alone, I can already a.s.sume how stupid and naive nomads really are. I can barely consider them as "intelligent" due to their basic tribe systems and such.

Confident on their brute force and strength, they think that if both of them work together, they will have the chance on killing me.

I have already a.n.a.lyzed the strongest humans on the entire group, and there isn"t anything outstanding.

Perhaps, on my previous evolutions, I would have a very hard time dealing with such a ma.s.sive army of humans. As they are indeed very strong and the numbers are impressive.

However, as things are, for now, they are just a delicious meal waiting to be eaten, and useful tools waiting to be put on some work.

My family and servants are ready to attack. Just as before, the humans won"t join. And I won"t force them to do so. But even they don"t feel as bad for these humans as they felt before, perhaps my influence has begun to change their perspectives.

Against my servant"s wishes, I still covered everyone on a fine cloak of a special Illusion Magic, that can only be seen by them. This way, even without brute strength, there will be another layer of safety, if anything wrong happens.

Valentia and Aarae will stay here being taken care of by the humans. They wanted to join in but I declined, they still need to cultivate more strength.

I stealthy began to spread several s.h.i.+eld Traps around the entire camp, and then activated the cla.s.sic solidified magic dome which is made using these traps, that activate in conjunction, creating a ma.s.sive magic structure.

It would probably take an absurd amount of time to create such a magic structure if it wasn"t for the help of my traps, which I can customize to have almost any skill.

I also configured the traps to only allow me and my relatives the ability to go freely in and out of this magic structure. Trapping anything else that I don"t allow to get outside.

Of course, this s.h.i.+eld can be broken with various means, and a group of experienced mages would be able to destroy it in a few minutes. However, nomads are mostly muscle heads, especially these two remaining tribes, which only know how to fight physically and barely have any magical knowledge.

And so, we started. My wives were the first ones to descend when the humans realized that they were trapped inside a strange "magic thing". Several heads began to roll. I told my wives to prioritize the old, sick and ill. While leaving the strong and battle capable for last, so it would be easier to sort them.

The cries of confusion and fear began to fill the atmosphere, as various warriors began to attack the invisible threats. Most of them completely failing and ending up slashed in pieces, blasted into ashes or smashed into minced meat.

There were a lot of interesting fighters, especially the Skin Changers, which were of the Temulun Tribe. Various muscular warriors had some animal features, be ears, tails and some even had animal faces. The strongest of the bunch could transform into full animals, increasing their power and speed tremendously, but their movements become wild and less refined.

The leader of the tribe, named Chuluun Temulun was the strongest one and was rather young. Called a gifted child since born, he can change into three different animals and monsters, he can transform into a ferocious White Flame Albino Tiger, a Flaming c.o.c.katrice and a River Dragon.

On his last stand, he transformed into a type of chimera, using the three monsters combined into one. Increasing his power through the roof.

I didn"t expect his power to be this high, and I wondered how he was the weakest of the four tribes. His power while transformed was very close to a High Kaiser.

Excited over his powers, I revealed myself and began fighting with him. His power was rather tremendous, like nothing I"ve ever fought on the Vast Plains, far surpa.s.sing the final boss of the Water Shrine Dungeon.

He was able to fly through the skies using his River Dragon tail while shooting a powerful rain of flaming feathers from his Flaming c.o.c.katrice wings. He was also able to shoot a very strong roar from the White Flame Albino Tiger head, powerful enough to make some of my wives and children flinch.

Still, he wasn"t as close to the Old Ancestor, so I still contained myself to make things more enjoyable. Using mostly quick spells and physical combat attacks. Wielding only the Ollathir sword and the Wind Bow Mercedes.

From time to time, the boy would overwhelm me with a barrage of combat techniques that he used in conjunction with his natural monster skills, showing an incredible talent and battle power.

However, as things went by, his moves became dull and he slowly began to get tired. His Stamina was quickly used due to his Chimera Form.

I admired his bravery and talent, and for a moment, I even thought about recruiting him for his power, however, in my Kingdom, there are tons of very talented people already, and he is still more valuable as food.

I quickly went to finish him with a strong slash through his River Dragon neck, killing him instantly.

[You gained 2411690 EXP]

[You gained one level!] [LEVEL 013/250 EXP 1384097/11000000]

Indeed, a strong warrior will give a nice amount of EXP.

When I was about to eat my prize, several members of the Tribe came to rescue their leader"s corpse, confronting me without fear.

However, they were nothing more thana ants, I didn"t even have to bother on attacking them as they approached, my children slashed and smashed the ones who dared come closer to me.

Seeing how there were more than seven hundred humans left, I joined the killing and saved my prize on my Item Box.

The b.l.o.o.d.y ma.s.sacre transformed the verdant green gra.s.slands into a scarlet steppe. As several hours pa.s.sed, the number of humans reduced to a meaningless two hundred. Making sure to have an equal number of beautiful women and talented warriors of each tribe.

The Leader of the Qayag Tribe, which was revered as the strongest nomad in the entirety of the Vast Plains was indeed very strong.

This radiant and charismatic man was named Ukilen Qayag, a strong and talented warrior that was born with two G.o.d blessings, the blessing of the [Demi-G.o.d of Fire] and the blessing of the [G.o.ddess of War].

His power was overwhelming and tremendous, surpa.s.sing a High Kaiser and reaching the levels of an Overlord for some time, but only when he was on his "Flame War Demon Mode".

A mode that was the product of the fusion of his blessing skills, causing his appearance to change, increasing his size and muscular ma.s.s. And resembling a blazing and deadly demon from the deeps of h.e.l.l.

Each step shattered the ground and his breathing was filled with fire. Every word he said had a fixed intimidation percentage alongside his blazing red aura, that had paralyzing effects, similar to my own.

My children were no match for him and only my wives and I could kill him. However, his Flame War Demon Mode could only last half an hour. So, we carefully played around with him, enjoying the fight until his transformation ended, after this, he became extremely weak and almost ill.

Admiring his fighting prowess and bravery, I mercifully killed him with a [Death Glare], ending his life instantly without any pain. I made sure to devour his [Fragmented Sin of Wrath] alongside his soul, as they were very strong.

[You gained 2643000 EXP]

[You gained one level!] [LEVEL 013/250

EXP 4027097/11000000]

[Captured Sins]

[Fragmented Unknown Sin (Crustacean) (Max)], [Fragmented Unknown Sin (Insect/Fiend) (Max)]

[Fragmented Unknown Sin (Human) (Max)], [Fragmented Sin of Wrath (Human/Demon) (Max)]

[Sin Bonus Stats]

[Strength: +27 > +30]

[Defense: +23 > +24]

After several hours, the ma.s.sacred finally came to its end, only having two hundred survivors. The EXP gained from killing more than eight hundred nomads was very welcomed, my family leveled quite a lot, especially my wives which are on their last levels before evolution, and these require tremendous amounts of EXP.

[Calculating EXP gained]


[You gained 22539284 EXP] [The rest of your family/servants gained tons of EXP]

[You gained two levels!] [LEVEL 015/250 EXP 3566381/13000000]

[The rest of your family/servants gained tons of levels!]

[You obtained a new t.i.tle]

[Vast Plains Overlord]

That t.i.tle came rather unexpectedly… However, I take it.

After having this done, the surviving nomads were put to sleep until we finished our feast. I also made some flesh and slime minions save the things on my Item Box, which I let open. When you let the Item Box opened, it shows itself as a small box made of purple colored leather. Although it looks small, you can fit things that are bigger than the size it shows itself, which the Item Box sucks with a strong force, as if it were a Black Hole.

I devoured both leaders of the two tribes on my own. The Qayag Tribe Leader was obviously the most delicious, having a very strong and tough flesh, with a very delicious and salty flavor to it.

Meanwhile, the Temulun Tribe leader died on his Chimera Form, which combined all the delicious and tasty flavors of each monster he could transform into. His tail and neck were of the River Dragon, having a strong fish flavor, almost like a very high-quality tuna, meanwhile the Tiger head and body as tender and juicy, while the giant c.o.c.katrice wings were crispy and crunchy.

Afterward, I consumed a big pile of humans, which were made of around four hundred corpses, towering over the fifty meters. Transforming myself into a slime and endlessly expanding myself, eating such a big amount of food was an easy task.

The two tribes" flavors came rather nicely, the Qayag people had a very salty and spicy flavor on their muscles and flesh, while the Temulun people had strong animal flavors, which were enhanced by their natural human flavor, creating a unique experience.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Blessing of the Demi-G.o.d of Fierce Animals Ormos]

[Blessing of the Demi-G.o.d of Fire Iton]

[Blessing of the G.o.ddess of War Umlena]

[Blazing Body of the Flame Demon]

[Tyrannical Demon Warlord Burning Muscles]

[Blazing Domain]

[Intimidating Aura of the Unleashed Demon]

[Flaming Warlord Demon Mode]

[Sapphire Scales of the Ancient River Dragon]

[Phantasmal Bite of the White Flame Tiger]

[Flaming Wings of the Blazing c.o.c.katrice]

[Wild Combat Technique: Ferocious Bites and Slashes of the Chimera]

[Skin Change: Chimera Mode]

[Beast Children Blessed by the Ancient Beasts]

[Burning Body of the Qayag Tribe Nomads]

[Descendants of the Flame Demons]

[Malicious Mentality of the Demon Descendants]

[Overwhelming Lava Hammer]

[Blazing Adamantine St.u.r.dy Arms]

[Flame Coating]

[Fist Combat Technique: Blazing Punch Barrage]

[Fist Combat Technique: Flaming Uppercut]

[Wild Beast Enhanced Five Senses]

[Wild Beast Increased Libido]

[Physical Damage Resistance]

[Increased Claw and Fang Power]

[Enhanced Biting Potency]

[Myriad Beasts Pelt]

[Skin Change: Tyrannical Lion]

[Skin Change: Ferocious Leopard]

[Skin Change: Shadow Wolf]

[Skin Change: Wild Cat]

[Tyrannical Lion Dominating Presence]

[Ferocious Leopard Agile Body]

[Shadow Wolf Pack Hunt Tactics]

[Wild Cat Cautious and Silent Sneaking]

[Enhanced Skin Change Durability, Power and Stamina]

[Ancient Wild Beasts Magic: Spiritual Beast Protectors]

[Ancient Wild Beasts Magic: Arms of the Armored Bear]

[Ancient Wild Beast Magic: Wild Cat Sharp Nails]

[Ancient Wild Beast Magic: Bite of the Rock Alligator]

After this, I mostly dedicated myself to saving everything the nomads had until the night fell.

We had another dinner with a lot of human meat; however, I didn"t gain any more skills. It seems I"ve obtained everything they had to offer. Or at least, what I can possibly get for now.

Having this done, we carried the sleeping nomads which I had already brainwashed with my flesh and slime minions using [Parasite].

My wives were as thirsty as last night, so we had loads of fun. Charlotte and Lilith joined in in the middle of the night, making things even more arduous for me.


