Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1805 The Next Morning

Chapter 1805 The Next Morning




It was around 6 AM when we had to wake up, everyone woke up with a hangover, of course. Even I who seemed mostly immune to these toxins felt slightly tired and wanting to nap for a whole week. But we"ve gotta grind our EXP for today, and finally save Elfina while we are at it. And of course, get Frank his last Cosmic Stone within our range.

"Well maybe it wasn"t such a good idea to drink so much last night…!" Sighed Oro while laughing bitterly.

"You don"t say! I can"t believe even a dragon such as myself is getting all this hangover, just what were those drinks made of?" Luminous complained.

"Our very unique ingredients! We use a lot of high-quality ones! Maybe not even a dragon can get them easily out of their system." Laughed Oro.

"Ugh, so this is how it feels when adults drink so much…" Brunhild sighed.

"Agh, I"m never drinking alcohol ever again!" Said Ariant.

"Me neither, we"ve gone through enough agony." Eriant sighed.

"I think there might be some potion to deal with this…" Frank sighed, looking through his System Shop.



"[Yggdrasil Spirit"s Rejuvenation]!" Yggdra suddenly appeared before us as we gathered around a table with Oro, easing our hangover and completely healing it! "Do you feel better now?"

"Incredible! So this is the magical power of an Yggdrasil!" Oro said with all his energy back to him. "Very well everyone, using some magical artifacts, we"ve managed to pinpoint the incoming army of Undead."

Oro showed us a map of everything rather detailed, it seems his kingdom had more artifacts than he liked to talk about. The Map showed the vast desert and a small castle that was this Kingdom.

From the far north, a ma.s.sive wave of millions of red dots continued approaching, and they were going to collide in just a few hours from now. They were utterly ma.s.sive as well.

Just how much Mana did Elfina used to create this many? I am fairly sure she never had so much Mana though! What in the world is happening?! I guess it is quite obvious the Genie must be giving her way more energy than she originally had.

"Elfina"s army of undead is approaching…" Sighed Sol.

"So this whole army was made by your friend?" Asked Frank. "Are you sure she"s not just evil? If push comes to shove…"

Sol suddenly gave a deadly glare at Frank.

"Lady Elfina is a pure hearted maiden, someone with a precious and gifted heart of compa.s.sion. She must have been brainwashed, much like how I was when I was possessed by that evil genie"s powers." Sol said. "We will save her and free Elfina from that brainwas.h.i.+ng."

"Okay, calm down man, I hadn"t said anything bad." Sighed Frank, feeling a bit taken aback by Sol"s seriousness.


"Sorry Frank but this is not an option anymore." Luminous said. "We"ll help Elfina and free her from that power, we cannot kill her. That"s… not something we"ll ever allow ourselves to do."

"Okay, I get it. So it is this kind of situation…" Sighed Frank. "Hah, sorry about that. I was just talking without thinking. I was… reminded of something that happened to me back when I was younger, never mind."

"It"s fine, don"t sweat it." I said. "Anyways…"

"If I am correct, I remember you saying that Elfina didn"t had Necromancy Magic before, is this true?" Wondered Oro.

"Yeah, her powers were those of Summoning. She is the only Summoner that was born in this world since eons. They had originally kidnaped her to force her to summon more heroes from other worlds to be used as weapons. The Human Kingdom was particularly vicious about this, their bloodlines intertwined with the hero"s bloodlines and now that their powers were growing thin, they desired more." Sighed Luminous. "If it wasn"t thanks to her summoning Kireina as her first summon, she would had been exploited in there for a long while, sadly."

"Well, I am glad I was able to help her out and all, though that whole incident brought us to a whole war against that Kingdom… Well, anyways, that"s that for now." I said. "And indeed, according to everything we"ve investigated, Elfina has necromancy now for some reason."

"It feels as if… it is strange. Kireina, have you not felt this thing before?" Wondered Sol. "Her powers… our connection with her can easily help us sense them. Her powers seem corrupted, twisted even."

"Could the Miasma that the Genie imbued into her have transformed her summoning into necromancy instead?" Asked Fiere, Elfina"s personal maid. "I am quite concerned as well."

"Well yeah, most likely." I said. "Though… I can"t help but be reminded of something else, of somewhere else…"

Elfina"s new powers didn"t seem natural, even if her summoning was corrupted, why is she only bringing undead exclusively? It is weird, right? Otherwise, it would be like dark summons, maybe, but not outright undead only.

And this presence I sense each time she draws closer… a presence so similar to the energy of that accursed Realm that invaded Genesis, the Netherworld, Necrotic Realm, or whatever other names it might have.

Could there be something going on between these two things? But those guys are busy with Genesis, right? Why would they bother themselves so much with another world entirely? Unless they already found out I am alive, somehow?

Only a cosmic deity capable of glancing across the cosmos would be able to notice that I am still alive… Perhaps the one and only Ruler of that Realm could qualify as one?

Ugh at this point I am just speculating things almost baselessly… However, if things come to this point, I simply can"t let it happen.

And that Demon King is really giving me bad vibes, whatever it is, that might be closely related with these abnormal events, and probably the secret backer of the Genie for all I know.

We"ll have to tackle things one by one, but I won"t let them get ahold of this world either.


