Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 20 - An Unexpected Alliance

Chapter 20 - An Unexpected Alliance




Opening her verdant eyes, the Dryad Queen give me a sharp look.

"The one who has devoured the 8 Emperors, what business do you have in my forest?"



"I… Uhh… (Guooohoohoho! She is totally a babe! Is this world full of beautiful monster girls like this?)"

Noticing my lack of speech, the Dryad Queen feared the worst.

"Have you come to eat me and enslave my people? Is that right?"

"I… No! You are wrong! Please listen to me!"

Seeing how I pathetically tried to calm her down, the Dryad Queen looked me with disgust.

"Uuh? Are you really the one who devoured 8 Emperors?"

"It is true! It"s true! Please listen to me…!"

The Dryad Queen sighed, changing her personality instantly!

"Sigh… So what do you want then, stupid bug? I was taking the best nap and your pets came here and started to lick and touch me out of nowhere, what the f.u.c.k is wrong with you?"

"Gaaahh! Such a contrast in personality! Where is the almighty and serious behavior from just seconds ago…?"

Nesiphae noticed my discomfort and tried to talk with the Dryad Queen on my place.

"Ahem…! I am Nesiphae, the Queen of the Dark Forest… I recently joined forces with Master Kireina, and thanks to his blessings, I was able to walk outside my swamp. I must apologize for his behavior; he has a hard time dealing with beautiful women like us… Fufufu… Anyways, my master means no harm to you; he has merely came here looking for an important magic stone needed for someone in his community…"

Seeing such polite behavior coming from Nesiphae, the Dryad Queen calmed down.

"Hmm, so what Magic Stone are you looking for?"

"(Such beautiful and majestic body…) …Ah! Yes… Uhh, Verdant Rose Sapphire… Do you have some?"

"Verdant Rose Sapphire… these Magic Stones are extremely valuable for us Dryads, as they can easily nourish our roots, and increase the speed of new saplings growing… You will need to exchange them for something of almost equal value…"

"Eehh? I never thought they would be so essential for you… Do you have something in interest that you desire? Perhaps another type of stone or food?"

"Aside from the Verdant Rose Sapphire, we Dryads do not need any other Magic Stone or food…"

"Uuhh… Then I am out of ideas…"

"You are recognized by the entire forest as a formidable being that was able to slay 8 Emperors and even stop a ma.s.sive Troll Army… The biggest gift you could give to us is your strength"

"My strength? So you want to become my servants too?"

"Your servant? Who said that we would lay so down in front of you? We would never serve you. However, we could consider an alliance"

"An Alliance? Is there somewhere on the system menu were you can make alliances?"

"Yes, after owning a big quant.i.ty of servants or descendants, an Alliance System will be unlocked; you probably already accomplished all the requirements…"


[High Holy Dryad Elysia has offered you to make an alliance]

[Do you accept?]

[>Yes No]

"W-Wait a second…! Can I see the benefits of this alliance at the very least?"

[When you accomplish certain conditions, you can form alliances with other forces]

[Forming an alliance give the following benefits]

[Can call for help and add soldiers from your army to theirs]

[EXP gained increases by 30%]

[Both armies can share a small effect of yours G.o.d Blessings, if you have one]

[Can easily trade items from long distances using Item Box and the System]

[Relations.h.i.+ps between armies can easily grow stronger]

[Better Evolution choices based on how strong are your G.o.d Blessing]

[After a certain amount of alliances, the Guild System will be unlocked]

"Oh? That is not so bad… The Guild System…? Sounds good, whatever it is"

The Dryad Queen looked at me with expecting eyes.

"So? Will you accept?"



[You have successfully made an alliance with High Holy Dryad Elysia]

[Certain conditions have been accomplished]

[You"ve obtained a new t.i.tle: Alliance Leader]

[You"ve learned a new Skill: Alliance Management]

After seeing that the alliance pact was successful, the Dryad Queen quickly used her tree roots to move a big chunk of stone out of the ground!


"Ahhh…! Is that the Verdant Rose Sapphire?"

"Fufufu… (I never thought it would be so easy…) …Ah! Yes yes, you can keep all of those! Now I am going back to my nap! Bye!"


The light emitted from the tree slowly dissipated and the Dryad Queen figure disappeared.





"Ugh… Why do I feel like I was just used by her…"




After saving more than 30 Verdant Rose Sapphires, we headed north, directly to the Ancient Dragon Spikes, which would lead to the Great Snowy Mountain Wall.

When we finally reached the Ancient Dragon Spikes Mountains, the sun was already hiding behind the horizon, so we decided to spend the night inside a cave.

We quickly had a small feast eating the rest of the Holy Swans, and then I made improvised beds reinforced with magic threads, Nesiphae huge body required a gigantic bed, but it was worth it because she invited me to sleep over her body!

"Hmmm… Master Kireina, you are such a small little b.u.t.terfly, yet you are so strong… I wonder if you would be able to evolve in the future into a beautiful fairy… Fufufu…"

Nesiphae gently caressed me with her ma.s.sive hands.

"Haaahhh… I really don"t want to be a fairy… (Is she really coldblooded? Her body is so warm…)"

Relaxed by Nesiphae warm and smooth chest, I felt asleep immediately.

Skill Fusions results of the day:

[Mana Usage] + [Mana Zone] + [Quick Spell Fusion] = [Masterful Mana Manipulation and Usage]

[High Mana Affinity] + [MP Share] + [Masterful Mana Manipulation and Usage] = [Demonic Overpowering Mana Authority: Creation, Manipulation and Usage]

[Wind Element Affinity] + [Very High Wind Element Affinity] + [Magical Wind Zone: Air Void] = [Wind Mastery: Basic Element Authority]

[High Lava Affinity] + [Very High Lava Affinity] + [Fire and Lava Affinity] = [Flames and Lava Mastery: Basic Element Authority]

[Fire and Lava Master] + [Advanced Lava Manipulation] + [Flames and Lava Mastery: Basic Element Authority] = [Flame and Lava Demonic Authority: Creation, Manipulation and Usage]




[Day 22]


"Ughh… Nesiphae… Let me out!"

Being embrace by such a high strength stat, my only way out was by activating my buffing skills!


A powerful and strong aura exuded from my body and using this ma.s.sive power up, I managed to get out of Nesiphae deadly embrace!


"Gyyahh~ M-Master?"

"Haahhh… I almost died! Ugh…"

The minds on my head expressed themselves.

"Ugh… Such gigantic woman, she really almost killed us there…"

"I think Main Mind would have died… happy"

"Hahaha! Indeed, dying by being asphyxiated by enormous breast is probably the best way to pa.s.s on"

"Energetic Mind, you are totally right! But I want to live too!"

Wagyu and Rimuru were already awake while having a little breakfast, and they quickly noticed me.

"Oh? Master is awake at such an early hour"

"Nesiphae… was killing Master… Guuu…"

Nesiphae noticed that she almost squished me to death and blushed in embarra.s.sment.

"Ah! I-I"m sorry, Master…! Please forgive me, Senior Wagyu and Rimuru"

"Its fine Nesi, I don"t think you really meant it"

"Absolutely not! Is just that… Master is so little and cute… I want her all for myself…"

"W-What are you talking about? Anyways, let"s eat something quickly and then continue on our journey… I want to get home today"

"Oh? Yes, of course!"

I took out the rest of the Holy Swan meat and roasted it using my new skill [Flame and Lava Demonic Authority: Creation, Manipulation and Usage], this incredibly long skill let me create, manipulate and use fire and lava with incredible ease, also costing less MP than the original skills.

Nesiphae quickly took a big chunk of Holy Swan meat and stuffed it on her mouth.

"Mmhh… It tashtes… Su guud… Roashted… Nom…"

After enjoying a delicious breakfast, we headed to the Great Snowy Mountain Wall again, in hopes of finding the last Magic Stone without many difficulties.

Flash Flash Flash Flas.h.!.+

As we got closer, the temperature got colder and colder, and we finally saw it, the majestic Snowy Mountains.

"Master! Look! It"s really is a wall made of Snowy Mountains! Is this snow? It"s so white! And it"s so cold!"

"Yeah, oh right! You don"t have Ice Resistance… should I change the element of your magic s.h.i.+eld. No… Oh right!"

"Activate skill: Big Horned Snow Rabbit Fur Creation on party member: Nesiphae"



Suddenly, a big white fur coat covered Nesiphae entire naked body, even her snake tail, and even made a little hoodie to fit her head and horns.

"Ooh, Master! This is so beautiful! Thanks! It"s so warm!"

"This should protect you from this level of coldness; I don"t think we are going too high"

When we arrived at the Snowy Mountain Wall, we went right above, looking for the nest of the Icy Storm Birds.

As we traveled, Nesiphae noticed a big group of Ice Horned Rabbits.

"Ah! Master look at those rabbits, they are so big! They look full of tasty meat and fat! Can we eat them?"

"I think its fine, their skills will be useful for you, and their meat is absurdly delicious too, should I enslave two for the collection?"

Therefore, we descended to catch some rabbits, while I enslaved a male and a female. These rabbits possess a very basic intelligence, almost the same of that from Earth, so they are very easy to catch. We ended up slaying 17 and enslaving two.

[A Blood Pact has been successfully created with: 2 Big Horned Snow Rabbit Adults]

[Amount of Slaves 51/50(+20)]

[You"ve gained 8982 EXP] [The rest of your party gained 4491 EXP]

[You"ve gained two levels!] [Level 13/40 EXP 0195/5700]

[Party Member: Servant Rimuru gained one level!] [Level 9/30 EXP 2457/4200]

[Party Member: Servant Nesiphae gained one level!] [Level 16/60 EXP 0208/4600]

[Wagyu level 6/35 EXP 4552/5000]

"I wonder if their milk would taste good, we could make cheese and b.u.t.ter…"

After wrapping and saving the slave rabbits, we went to an abandoned cave nearby and we roasted the big hunt, having a little feast. Nesiphae gulped these rabbits as if they were nothing, eating each one in just two bites.

[Party Member: Servant Nesiphae lernaed a myriad of new Skills]

"Oh, there it is, now you got ice resistance!"

"Ooh! This is so useful… Munch…"

When we ran out of rabbits to feed Nesiphae insatiable appet.i.te, we resumed our journey.

As we flew above, the temperatures became colder, and the ice storm bigger.

"Master, this storm is so big! Is this what keeps the Snowy Mountain in a constant ice state?"

"That"s right; this storm goes even further above, until the peak… In that place, you can easily see the storm from below, as if it was a ma.s.sive black cloud that extends countless kilometers"

"I see…! Can we go to the top?"

"Sorry, but not today…"

"Sigh… Eh?"

Wagyu quickly noticed a big flock of Icy Storm Birds flying around, feeding on the thunder generated from the storm.

"Master! We reached the nest!"

"Guuuuuu! There"s tons of nest around the mountain!"

"Oooh! Finally! Hmm?!"

Suddenly, I felt a very strong aura from one of the Bird nest!


A ma.s.sive thunder shock hit me right on my face! Making me fall down the mountain!


Wagyu quickly flew to my rescue, while Rimuru and Nesiphae prepared themselves for whatever was coming.




Three consecutive thunder shocks. .h.i.t Rimuru but he was almost untouched, while Nesiphae hid herself with her mist!

"It"s useless, guuu! My Elemental Body can absorb most the damage, show yourself!"

The strong aura inside the bird nest almost doubled in power, and ma.s.sive figure slowly flew outside the cave!


A ma.s.sive Icy Storm Bird, being as big as an airplane, with gigantic and sharp ice wings, a golden beak and thunderous blue eyes came!



"Senior Rimuru, what is this?"

"It"s an Emperor, guuu!"

"A true Emperor? Wouldn"t this be a wonderful gift for my Master? Please, Senior Rimuru, let me slay it!"

"Guuuuuuu?! Are you sure? You lack any thunder resistance!"

"Yes, I am sure! I"ve always wanted to fight a Emperor!"

"Guu… I admire your willpower, guuu… Very well"

"Thanks! Then, I shall go!"


Making use of her Levitating status, Nesiphae started using her ma.s.sive Stamina pool to increase her speed!


The Icy Storm Emperor accepted its new rival, opening its majestic and crystalline wings, and shooting countless ice spears!

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

Nesiphae was able to maneuver around and evaded most, but some still stabbed her tail and back! However, due to her ma.s.sive size, the damage was not lethal.

"Gghh…! I see how this bird is, it"s constantly casting strong spells while moving away from me, it seems to be pretty frail…! If I am able to connect a big blow on its head, it will be done for!"


Nesiphae quickly activated a myriad of boosting skills, increasing her muscle ma.s.s and power, making her s.e.xy body bulge with s.h.i.+ny muscles.


The Icy Storm Emperor used countless spells, casting strong thunder shocks and ice spears!

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

A ma.s.sive rain of combined spells pa.s.sed over Nesiphae, using her mist, she was able to evade most, but she still took considerable damage!

"Aghh! This Thunder Shock is so potent… if it wasn"t for my magic s.h.i.+eld and big body, I would have fallen immediately like my tiny Master…"

The Bird Emperor noticed Nesiphae strong bulk and became aware of her tactics; she was coming straight to him to finish him in one blow!


The majestic bird used its max speed to flew above Nesiphae, and started to once again, shoot strong ice spears and thunder shocks!


Nesiphae quickly casted a myriad of bright magic arrows that started to intercept the Emperor magic!

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+



The Emperor was astonished by Nesiphae usage on magic; he did not expect that from a physical combatant!

As Nesiphae came closer, the Emperor became desperate and casted all its spells at once, creating a beautiful firework"s show over the snowy mountain!

"Ah! He"s going all out! Very well! Oooooooraaaahhh…!"

Nesiphae accepted the Emperor attacks with her bare body, enhancing it once again with countless buff!



Ma.s.sive magic projectiles crashed on Nesiphae like flaming meteors! As she blocked them wither strong and st.u.r.dy arms, chunks of meat started to rain off her arms, to the point that one could see the bones!

"T-This! This is really a fight to the death! So thrilling! Hahahah! I can"t believe I have been missing such wonders in this world! Thanks, Master Kireina!"

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+


More and more magic projectiles crashed on Nesiphae body, while she intercepted some with her Holy Magic Shots and her claws!

Suddenly, while the Emperor was casting even more spells a ma.s.sive shadow blocked the sun from its sight!






Nesiphae ma.s.sive claws. .h.i.t the Bird Emperor right on its head, completely shattering its skull!

"I did it! Haaahh…"


Before Nesiphae could lose consciousness, Rimuru expanded its body and wrapped her around, carrying her to the mountain.

"That was a wonderful battle, guuu!"

Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+

"We are back! Whats going on? Where"s the Emperor?"

"Master, Nesiphae was able to slay it, guuu!"

"What? Nesi!"

I quickly flew were Nesiphae body was resting, the injuries on her arms were severe, most of her muscles were completely ripen of and her bones had countless cracks.

"Ah! Activate skill: Group Heal! Group Heal! Group Heal!"

Flas.h.!.+ Flash Flas.h.!.+

The strong spell slowly healed Nesiphae wounds, regenerating her missing muscle tissues and connecting them again.

"Hmm…! Master… I did it… Did you see? Fufufu…"

"Yes, you sure did it… Sigh… Don"t put yourself in such danger… (You are such a cutie; you don"t need to fight so fiercely!)"

"Hehehe… The thrilling of a battle to the death… It was wonderful…"

"Ahh… You must rest for now…"

I quickly used Hypnotizing Gaze, making Nesiphae enter on a deep sleep.

I asked Wagyu to drag the Emperor"s body here while RImuru would inspect every Icy Storm Bird nest looking for the desired Magic Stone.

After some hours, Rimuru came back with tons of Thunderous Ice Storm Ruby, he told me that these are formed when the p.o.o.p of the Icy Storm Birds freeze and then fossilize inside the caves for hundreds of years.

While Nesiphae was still sleeping, we prepared the former Icy Storm Bird Emperor body, plucking its feathers and cutting it in big pieces, I wanted to make a basic soup for Nesiphae to regain nutrients when she awakes.

Wagyu and Rimuru roasted a big piece of the Emperor"s breast, producing a delicious smell that quickly awakened the Lamia.

"Ahh! So hungry… Oh? Master? Where am I?"

I took a big bowl of Soup and handled it to Nesiphae.

"Here, you defeated it after all, so you deserve to taste it first"

"Oh, the Emperor? What is this hot water? It smells so good!"

Nesiphae quickly drank the whole bowl in one go!

Glup Glup

"Haaah~! So warm! Was this water made with the Emperor body?"

"Yes, it"s called soup! You boil water with some ingredients and meat, and a delicious beverage is produced!"

In mere minutes, Nesiphae drank all the soup in big sips; afterwards, she started to eat the roasted Emperor meat happily.

"Munch munch, hmmm! Delis.h.i.+us.h.!.+"

[Party Member: Servant Nesiphae obtained a new t.i.tle: Icy Storm Bird Emperor]

[You and your party leaned the following Skills]

[Icy Storm Bird Emperor Thunder Body]

[Icy Storm Bird Emperor Ice Spear]

[Icy Storm Bird Emperor Thunder Shock]

[Very High Ice and Thunder Affinity]

After resting and enjoying a good meal, we departed back home.




When we finally arrived at home, all my servants became scared and in alert after seeing Nesiphae ma.s.sive size, when I told how things went on our journey, I told Shokunin and Tsuchimizu to make a big room that could fit her size.

I freed the new slaves and introduced them to Kekensha, who would instruct them on what to do.

Nesiphae was fascinated on how big my community was and how advanced the constructions inside the cave was. I introduced her to the different facilities, including the big bathroom, which was wide enough for her to bathe comfortably.

"Ah, is this warm water? I will go take a bath then, Master… Do you want to come with me?"

"Ah…! Ghhh… N-No… Go ahead"

I could not bathe with Nesiphae because my priority was Zehe prosthetic arm!

"Even with Nesiphae beauty, I can"t forget my other beauty, Zehe!"

I quickly flew were Kusuri was and found him crafting bracelets with Kajiya.

"Oh? What are you guys doing?"

"Ah…! Master Kireina, you really surprised us…"

"Fueehh… Master…"

Kusuri calmed down Kajiya and then explained to me.

"We have been crafting more Synthesis Bracelets for the rest of our members, so everyone can fuse their skills and slowly become stronger, we must use every tool at our disposal"

"I see! Very good, Kusuri. Also, here, I have brought the Magic Stones needed…"


I opened my Item Box and handled all the Magic Stones to Kusuri.

"Ah! So many! I couldn"t expect less from Master! We will pause the Synthesis bracelets production and start the prosthetic arm construction right away! Let"s go Kajiya!"


They told me that the arm would be ready around tomorrow, so I told them to send it to Zehe"s room whenever it"s finished. Having finally taking care of that business, I decided to use the rest of the day training, so I called most of my servants and summoned more than 500 Demonic Beings.

While I was training and leveling up, a serious woman voice spoke behind me.

"…You are finally back "Master"… So how was your little adventure while your servants worked hard to get stronger and protect you?"

"Geehh… (It"s Zehe… She sounds quite angry…)"

"Sigh… You are not going to talk. Expected from you, "Master", I shall go train then…"

"Sigh… Zehe is such a beauty but also so hard to deal with…"

Suddenly, Celica and Truhan came from the cave, apologizing for Zehe"s behavior.

"M-Master Kireina, we are very sorry for Zehe behavior, she really didn"t mean it!"

"Yes Master! We are very sorry!"

"Ah, it doesn"t matter guys, I kind of deserve half of it. No need to worry, go train for now"


"Very well then…"

From inside the cave, a very relaxed Nesiphea came outside, she was feeling refreshed after a nice warm bath, something that she has never experienced in her life before.

"Master, there you are!"

"Ah! Nesi! Com here, I will introduce you to our training program"

"Training… Program?"

Suddenly, an adult and serious voice resounded from the back of the Lamia.

"Oh? Its really is a Lamia! Welcome to our community!"

"Ah! Abellona and his brothers, how has the training going?"

"Very good, fellow Kireina. We estimate that we would be able to hit level max around tomorrow, I can"t wait for my most awaited evolution!"

"Indeed, evolution! At last!"

"It been so long, we will be finally able to change skins"

"Hi, you must be Nesi… phea? Nesiphae, right?"

Nesiphea was surprised about the big Wyvern family.

"Oh? Master never told me that there was such a big family of Wyverns here! You all are almost as big as I am! Well, almost…"

"Yes, I have never seen such a big being before. Are all Lamias this big?"

"Ah! No, my mother was able to evolve into a special gigantic variant of Lamias, so when she give birth to me, I inherited her race and most of her skills…"

"I see! You are like us! It must have be hard for you to become stronger, isn"t it?"

"It really was… However, everything changed when Master came to me! She changed my whole destiny, as if she manipulated the threads of fate themselves!"

"Hahahaha! Indeed! Kireina is a life saver for us too, without him, we would never be able to grow at such speed!"

While Nesi and the Wyverns had a nice conversation, something important that I had saved on my mind came to me.

"Thread of Fate…"

My minds inside my head could not stay silent!

"So you finally remember it huh? I can"t blame you; we have been very busy managing this place"

"Indeed… Thread of Fate… a skill we got but that it was instantly sealed… the requirements were incredibly strange…"

"Becoming a G.o.d Cla.s.s being… What is that? What does it really mean to become a G.o.d in this world?"

"If there is even such path, it"s still too far away from our reach…"


"(But I wonder…)"


"Ah! Nesi, you done talking with the Wyverns?"

"Yes, they told me that they would instruct me on my training, you don"t need to worry about me…"

"Ah very well, thanks Abellona, I should go to my room then… by the way, have you seen Nereid?"

Abellona quickly answered.

"Oh, Nereid? She must be in your room sleeping, since you left she had refused to train, she"s a very useless fairy"

"Ugh… Thanks, I"ll go check on her…"

I quickly flew on my room and found Nereid sound asleep over my bed.

"Ghhhh… Yes… Mor… Beer… geheheh…"

"Is she even talking while sleeping? Ugh… NE-RE-ID!"

Yelling as loud as I could I made the entire room tremble, waking Nereid up immediately!

"Gyyaaaaaaaahhhh! Ma-Masteeerrr! You are back!"

"Yes! I am back! That means that your lazy days are over! Get up immediately!"

"Gyyyaaaaaah! I don"t wanna! Let me sleep! Let me sleep! You are so mean! Guaaaahhhh!"

"You get me on my nerves! Activate skill: PUPPET MASTER!"

"Noo! Not that! Guuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!"

Suddenly, a strange force took control of Nereid and made her flew to the training grounds!

"Gyaaaaaahhhh! Nooo! Leave me alone!"

I moved Nereid outside, and put her on "Auto Training" until they killed every mob left.

"Geehhh… Snif Snif… Why do I have such a cruel Master?"

After taking care of Nereid issue, I went to the Training Grounds and trained until the sun set.

[You"ve gained 16195 EXP] [Your servants gained tons of EXP]

[You"ve gained two levels!] [Level 15/40 EXP 4890/5900]

[Your servants gained tons of levels!]

I wanted to do a welcoming feast for Nesiphae (and the new slaves), so I told Chok.u.motsu to prepare all the meat we had, because of this Lamia"s immense body, she also eats a lot.

Due to their low intelligence, the new slaves didn"t even understand what was going on, but enjoyed the good food nonetheless. Thankfully, Kekensha got them to do very basic tasks so they do not screw up.

"I hope that these guys get some intelligence when evolving…"

After drinking a whole bowl of Beer, Nesiphae became extremely drunk and started to dance around, and singing the songs of the Lamias that her mother taught to her. Zehe also was drunk and finally had a party partner to enjoy their drunkenness.

"Hehehe, no no~ Zehe, you must move your hips like this~ Hehehe…"

"Ooh~ I see! Hnn~!"

"Geehh… Unbeliable… (But Nesiphae hips are to die for…)"

The Feast lasted for very long time, until almost everyone pa.s.sed out in the dining room, with Wagyu and Rimuru"s help we moved most people to their rooms, and put Nesiphae in my room for now, because her room was not done yet.




Skill fusions of the day:

[Red Horn Creation] + [Ice Horn Formation] + [Shadow Horn Creation] = [Fire and Ice Shadow Demonic Horns Creation]

[Snowy Mountain Wolf Sharp Ice Fangs] + [Icy Storm Bird Ice and Thunder Tackle] + [Overpowering Demonic Poisonous Bite] = [Demonic Storming Ice Poisonous Bite]

[Spider"s 8 Eyes] + [Eldritch Curse Eye] + [Hypnosis Magic: Hypnotizing Gaze] = [Demonic Vampiric 8 Crimson Eyes]

[Advanced Greatsword Technique: t.i.tan Slash] + [Advanced Greatsword Technique: t.i.tan Smash] + [Savage Troll Blow] = [Earth t.i.tan Overpowering Smash]

[Demonic Toxic Flame Claws] + [Demonic Storming Ice Poisonous Bite] + [Earth t.i.tan Overpowering Smash] = [Demonic Vampiric Overpowering Elemental Cursed Claws]





Author"s Note: If you"re enjoying this Novel make sure to check some of my other works, such as Epic of Summoner: Supreme Summoner System in the Apocalypse!

It"s a Novel about an Interdimensional Apocalypse where the main character is thrown into it! Using his amazing Summoning System, he crawls his way to the top and survives the turbulent and chaotic era!

I am sure that you won"t be disappointed at all if you like Action and LitRPG elements! Check it out if you can!