Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2164 Back To The Divine Realm

Chapter 2164 Back To The Divine Realm




Apparently, and according to the memories I got, we were currently in the Nightshade Great Plains. A gigantic ma.s.s of gra.s.slands where the Dracul Family governs supreme. They have many territories here, many castles, many farms, many "cattle", humans. Which they call their blood bags. Can"t say much about that, and I won"t comment on their way of treating people either, this is their world after all.

In fact I wouldn"t even bother with them if it wasn"t because things have escalated to this point, and because they"re so d.a.m.n greedy they immediately see an alien with lots of cosmic energy and go for the kill without properly thinking about it.

It is as if they"re driven by their own thirst and hunger for power and have a hard time thinking about the consequences of their actions. Add the total lack of empathy and being coldhearted and emotionless to the mix, and you get Abyss" Vampires.

Twelve of them were moving directly to where I was. I am not trying to hide to be honest, so sensing my presence must be really easy, especially because I now carry the "Paths" of the guys I offed and ate.

I"ll just keep moving towards the northeast, where I can sense my Rimuru, and the rest are located. They"re alive and mostly fine right now, mostly exploring while hunting monsters. But I fear the Vampires will find them quickly, so I got to go find them first. There"s a doppelganger of myself with them, but it hasn"t been upgraded based on my newest evolution, so she can"t use any of my abilities to bring myself there or vice versa.

So we"re doing this the old-fas.h.i.+oned way. They know I"m coming there, so for the time being, they"re dedicating themselves to deal with some issues that have presented themselves there. Namely, a conflict that was happening inside of the Spiritual Plane that was now brought here.

I"m saying they"re fine, but for how long will that last?

"Skipping through s.p.a.ce like this will exhaust you too much, Kireina. You actually need to rest. I know where to go. Move inside your World Plane and I will bring you there." Lucifer suddenly spoke to me as we moved across s.p.a.ce.

"Wait, really?" I wondered. "But you"ve helped me a lot, Lucifer! I can"t just shamelessly ask for more help…"

"You"ve got a family inside your World Realm that needs some attention. Spend this little time we"ll spent moving there to be with them." She said, caressing my face. "Come on! Go."

"Alright then, thanks!" I nodded, but before I could move inside my World Realm, she stole me a kiss. Her soft lips gently kissing my own. I even felt her warm tongue trying to sneak inside. "What was that for?!" I asked, while licking my lips and the saliva left behind.

"Fufu, it was a little reward I needed, an incentive…" She winked at me. "Now go. I"ll let those vampires have fun chasing me."

"You really love teasing me, huh?" I wondered. "Keep doing that and I won"t take responsibility for what I"ll do to you later."

"Oooh! I"m looking forward to that then!" She giggled mischievously, as I swiftly teleported inside my World Realm.

I let Lucifer "carry" my World Realm"s pocket dimension as I swiftly moved inside. Based on what I"ve calculated, we"ll get there in a couple of hours. With the time dilation here, that could be a couple of days. That should be enough time for myself to a.s.sess all my gains, consume every potion or elixir I got, and get a bit stronger.

And of course, spend some quality time with my family, or well, the part of my family that is within my World Realm right now. It"s not everyone but I still want to spend time with them! They"ve been resting since I landed on Abyss, so I want to see how everyone is doing.


"Phew, well, I"m finally back!" I announced my return. "There"s still a lot happening even now, but I came to take a break. I really need one."

I found myself in the middle of my gigantic, beautiful castle. It felt like forever since I stepped here. So much has been constantly happening, I had so little time to enjoy my idle life in here. I used to just chill for weeks after weeks with my family, eating, laughing, enjoying everything. I kind of want to go those moments, even if not completely the same.

And of course, I want to have s.e.x! I"m so freaking h.o.r.n.y right now! Lucifer teased me way too much. And honestly, it has been AGES since I"ve had a nice f.u.c.king. I need my girls in bed right now!

Ahem, but I must control my impulses and first check how"s everyone doing. The first people to greet me were a group of Arachne Maids led by Sakura, who happily ran to my side and hugged me, giving me several little kisses.

"Oh, Kireina-sama is finally back!"

"Queen Kireina!"The debut release occurred at N-ov3l-B(j)n.

"We are so happy to see you!"

"My beloved! I"m so happy to see your face in here once more! I"ve been working hard to maintain the castle, the city, and the World Realm!" Sakura wouldn"t let go of me, hugging me with her multiple spider legs. I didn"t mind, she was so pet.i.te I simply grabbed her and lifted her up.

"Well done, and thanks for maintaining the place in my stead, love." I kissed her little lips again; I couldn"t get enough of them and her floral scent. Sakura was such a cute girl! "Without you this entire World Realm would be a mess."

"Hahaha, I"ve been watering all the Plant Cosmic Treasures. I also rearranged the Floating Islands. Set up the Ravenfolt Continent with the Vampires" help, and lastly, we"ve been controlling the population of Divine Sea Monsters in the new Azure Atlantis Ocean that appeared. So things won"t fall from balance." She explained while receiving my hugs and kisses. "Heheh, you"ve never kissed and hugged me this much, Kireina-

sama…! Are you so happy to see me?"

"I really am! I love you." I hugged her again. "Wanna continue in bed?" Sakura suddenly noticed something poking at her belly.

"Oh… Ahhh! W-Well… I-I, okay." She nodded while blus.h.i.+ng. "Girls, please continue your duties as before. I"ll be busy for the next few hours…"

"Y-Yes, Lady Sakura…"

The Arachne Maids watched as I carried her away.


