Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2269 Helping The Rescued Vampires

Chapter 2269 Helping The Rescued Vampires




"Hahh… Thank you, Lady Kireina, I thought I would die back there…"

Allan, the young vampire father that had become the Hero of the Silver Moon, thanked me as he gasped for air. He had become rather exhausted after he and all his vampire allies were holding on the Isolation Formation with the help of Luminous and Shadrach"s groups.

"Don"t worry, be at ease now and rest, you did well," I nodded. "Have you and your people drunk any blood yet? I have completely forgotten about giving you any food… My bad."

"We can also eat meat, grains, and vegetables to sustain our diet, drinking blood is necessary, yes, but we don"t drink only blood, n.o.body in our village was ever as wealthy," Allan laughed. "We are fine, we can sustain ourselves without blood for a whole week without any problems."

"I see, most of the vampires I know always have to drink it at least daily to keep themselves energized, I guess because you"ve drank smaller quant.i.ties over time, you probably are the vampires with the most resistance to "thirst" in the whole universe…" I said.

"That would be too much to say, I mean, we do drink blood, from beasts. To keep it fresh we have to use blood magic though," said Allan. "It"s a long process. Blood can quickly go bad if you don"t drink it quickly or freshly, but there are spells to keep it fresh for long periods of time. Also healthy and big cattle that can bleed out a lot of blood but remain alive and heal after a few days is necessary for our development. We"ve grown to work together with nature. I suppose we aren"t similar at all to the other Vampires, who drink fresh human blood daily most of the time. They come from wealthy families after all."

"Hmm, I see. The culture of the humble vampires outside of the big three families is completely different," I nodded. "Quite interesting. Well, I"ll give you some monster blood, is that okay with you? I have hunted several Vampiric Beasts on my way here after all."

"For sure, thank you," said Allan.

I quickly distributed lots of blood for them, which they drank happily. They quickly noticed it wasn"t just any Vampiric Beast Blood, but very strong beasts that inhabited that one forest I visited briefly.

With that done, my clones had already replaced them and the dragons in the formation and had stabilized it completely. Alongside that, the dark palace had been fully repaired and now I was finis.h.i.+ng cooking another meal for everyone to regain their energies one last time.

It was, of course, Cosmic Dishes using Cosmic Treasures. For now I left the Vampires on their own and decided to not share this food with them, as they weren"t strong enough to rise and become cosmic ent.i.ties yet, although the power of the Silver Moon Divinity could be comparable to Cosmic Power, Allan had yet to master it completely.

"Hmm! Nothing better than to eat a nice meal after everything~" Nephiana said, as she enjoyed the meals I had already placed over the table for my family to enjoy. "I love this salad, so nice and crunchy! And the roasted meat, it"s good and soft!"

"I specially made it for you, dear, I know you got a tiny mouth so you can"t eat too much," I giggled.

"E-Eh? D-Does that imply something?!" She blushed.

"No…" I looked elsewhere, feeling slightly embarra.s.sed.

"The meals are delicious, though now that we have finally finished, I"ve begun to wonder how those Recessed would taste like," Altani wondered, speaking her mind. "Though, I suppose that"s impossible, they were very strange beings, I doubt we could ever eat them."

"I was able to eat them, and let me tell you, Altani, they aren"t tasty, like, at all," I sighed. "So no, it"s better to just eat Cosmic Beast meat. Or the Vampiric Beast meat, it"s pretty good too. They have a more meaty flavor than the rest, must be their high quant.i.ty of Blood Dao particles."

"It sure is! I can"t stop eating these huge steaks of Vampiric Beast meat! Once we finally can take a break, I hope we can go hunt some more to stockpile for the future," Gaby said, fervently devouring the piles of roasted meat.

"Well, I think I could begin growing them inside my World Realm pretty soon, so don"t worry," I said with a smile.

"I am fine with their blood, it was indeed quite tasty," said Alice, tasting the Vampiric Beast blood. "Don"t you think, my fellow vampires?"

"A-Ah, yes, it"s really good…" Allan nodded.

"We feel bad by just drinking it, actually…"

"I bet this blood must cost a fortune…"

"I-Is it okay that we drink it?"

The other vampires that were accompanying Allan were quite nervous as they drank it.

"Hahah, I have never seen such humble vampires before, you guys are sure something!" laughed Shadrach. "Never thought vampires could be so humble, you guys are just like humans back home… the mortal ones."

"A-Ah, well… I guess so…" Allan felt a bit embarra.s.sed as the giant dragon laughed.

"Well, I suppose it is natural, after all this is a world dominated by vampires, where they"re the majority of the population, right?" wondered Alice. "This means that eventually, vampires would discriminate one another, and social cla.s.ses would be created. Back home, even the weakest vampire lived much better than your average farmer, but in this world, there are even poor vampires living off nature and with tiny villages. It is quite endearing to think about it, cute even."

"Well, yes, for years, I mean, for generations, this is the only way of living we knew about," Allan said. "The big families, for us people of the outside, are just things we only fear and don"t meddle with. For many generations, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years."

"This has created a great disparity in the world, and the equality the Blood G.o.d initially wanted for all Vampires and Night Races was never accomplished," I nodded. "Well, I am not really planning on changing anything, I am not exactly in the mood to become a liberator. But if I come across people that might need help, I"ll help."

"We appreciate that, Lady Kireina, thank you…" Allan nodded. "That task might now lay in my hands instead."

Being a Hero is a lot of responsibility, but he was chosen as one by the Primordial G.o.ddess of the Moon, so there"s no helping for him now.

As someone else once said; "with great Power comes great Responsibility", and as cheesy as that phrase sounds, this goes really well with Allan"s situation right now.

To become strong enough to protect his people he had to taken upon this power and gained a great responsibility tied to it.

"And we will support you, Allan."

"Yeah! Count on us, at least, we"ll survive together."

"That"s right kid, I saw you grow up since you were a lil" bat, so of course we"ll help."

The people of the village, which were mostly hunters, farmers, and crafters, humble people not accustomed to fighting even as vampires, were with Allan even now.

"What future awaits you might be perilous, my hero," said the Moon G.o.ddess. "But if you can gather my other fragments, then you might be able to fully revive me, and with my strength, we could create a new future for the common people."

"Thank you, G.o.ddess," Allan smiled gently. "For everything…"


