Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 50 - The Last Push

Chapter 50 - The Last Push

As we rushed towards the Undead King, he raised its sword at us, and casted a powerful and quick spell.

"Forbidden Gravity Magic: Reverse Gravity"


Suddenly, the gravity surrounding his body changed, giving him the ability to float.

"Activate Skill: Dark Shadow Blast"

Outside its sword, a powerful concentration of Shadow Magic began to appear, forming a spherical form.

After the split second that it took the sphere to form, it immediately became a powerful blast of shadows, devastating the entire battlefield.


The immense amount of power sent us all flying over the skies, while I watched as the blast hit the solidified magic dome protecting my Kingdom.

Thankfully, the magic dome was wide and strong enough, resisting the beam just fine, however, some cracks could be seen on the impact zone from the beam.

In that split second, I glanced over the Undead King, as it became stiff for a moment, while another shadow sphere began to form over its sword.

While flying on the sky, I reunited with Rimuru and Zehe, and used the time that the Undead King took to recharge its attack to strike.

I noticed that Nesiphae and Brontes managed to get far away, fighting the Undead Knight with all their might.

I decided to do the same, now that we got the Lich safely, I needed to end this quickly, as unlike myself, my wives do not have unlimited Stamina and probably already ran out of food on their Item Box.

As the shadow sphere over the Undead King became bigger, I realized that the b.a.s.t.a.r.d wasn"t even looking over us, but was targeting my Kingdom and my people from the start.

"Didn"t he want me?"

As we flew through the sky at max speed, the Undead King flew away, casting more spells while awaiting its Shadow Beam to recharge.

"Shadow Sword Arts: Hundred h.e.l.l Slashes!"

The King barely moved its hand, and suddenly, a hundred of dark-colored slashes rained over us.

I quickly used the shared MP with my wives to go all out, intercepting the King powerful attack.

"Advanced Fusion Magic: Fourth Elements Chaos Storm!"

Just before chanting the spell, I felt as time stopped for a second, and a rupture over the s.p.a.ce itself began to appear, from it, a tiny wind of multiple colors leaked outside.

When the tiny wind managed to get outside, the rupture closed itself and the wind began to increase in intensity, in two seconds, a devastating storm of various colors fell over the Undead King.

The storm absorbed the Undead King Slashes and became even bigger.

As the storm fell to the ground, a ma.s.sive earthquake began to spread across the entire forest.


Even I was surprised over this spell, as this was the first time, I was using it. On the previous battles, I didn"t want to use any high MP spells as to conserve this resource for a prolonged battle. But after seeing how the King didn"t even cared about fighting us, targeting my Kingdom, I decided to go all out.

The powerful multi-elemental chaos storm destroyed everything around the forest, but specially targeted the King, following him at an increasing speed.

"Since when this demon had this magic? As she been playing with us this whole time?! Impossible! I cannot accept this! Advanced Fusion Magic: Shadow Gravity Storm!"


The Undead King intercepted my Chaos Storm with his own storm spell, making both powerful spells crash like meteors, creating a thunderous sound that almost split the sky in half.


As the two storms fought as if they were two coiling dragons, I noticed the Undead King slowing down again, using this second, I activated my Mystic Eyes, managing to paralyze him.


The Undead King felt his entire body paralyzed for a split second, and three shadows appeared out of thin air in front of him!


I raised my arm and punched the Undead King on the head, breaking its skull in half, then, I followed by two kicks on its ribcage, making its rotten internal organs sprout from the inside.

"Nnngh! D-Demon!"

The Undead King managed to cure its paralysis and using the Shadow Sphere, it tried to launch a powerful beam towards me.

"Now, Rimuru!"


However, the Undead King felt as if a giant arm hit him from above, it was Rimuru who shapes.h.i.+fted her arms to the muscular Mountain Monkey Emperor ones, channeling her strength and ma.s.s into these arms, she slapped the King like a fly, sending it straight towards the ground.


The Shadow Sphere that he was about to shot to me was shoot elsewhere, destroying an uninhabited forest section.


When the Undead King fell down the ground, it became berserk, throwing shadow beams and gravity magic everywhere, as if it were a machine malfunctioning.

Booom! Flas.h.!.+ Fluos.h.!.+ Booom!

The entire night was suddenly decorated by the Undead King attacks, that resembled fireworks of various colors.

The Undead Knight quickly noticed its King behavior and tried to go to its rescue.

However, Nesiphae and Brontes were using all their strength to keep him at bay.

"Hhnngh! My King!"

I decided to finish the King as quickly as possible, flying down where he was like a rocket.


However, what I most feared happened.

A deadly dark aura began to leak from the Undead King rings, as this aura surrounded the King, it granted him with a powerful new form.

The unconscious Undead King body was covered on a thick and spiky purple colored armor, the armor also covered its sword, giving it a new size and power.

The second ring gave the King two new pairs of arms and legs, while also granting him two more heads and wings made of bones.

The once delicate-looking Undead obtained the form of a powerful dead G.o.d, looking over us with flaming red eyes.

Suddenly, on each of its arms, a powerful weapon made of bones appeared, and in others, he was channeling the power of a spell.

Seeing how my Chaos storm dissipated not long ago, I decided to quickly rain the b.a.s.t.a.r.d with my most powerful spells, before he could do anything else!

"Overpowering Sun!"


I casted Overpowering Sun without a Mana Zone, which made it cost way more MP than it should, but I wasn"t planning on keeping it around as I threw it over the Undead King.


The Undead King managed to resist such spell, using its bare hands, as the Shadow Awakening Rings used its Soul Energy as fuel to grow stronger, far surpa.s.sing their current limits.

"So, you can do that, huh? Zehe, Rimuru!"



Zehe and Rimuru casted their most powerful spells, devastating the battlefield around the Undead King, as it resisted every shot with its ma.s.sive armored body.

I felt as this Undead King had jumped several tiers of power, becoming an existence very close to Overlord cla.s.s!

However, everything in this world always has a cost, and the cost for this power was his own soul, I felt as each attack that the b.a.s.t.a.r.d blocked consumed an incredible amount of Soul Energy, quickly diminis.h.i.+ng its power.

"As long as we kept attacking him, he won"t be able to counter while wasting away its Soul Energy pointlessly!"

Rimuru and Zehe nodded as they kept using all their MP on the strongest magic they could. Generating thousands of rainbow magic projectiles alongside shadow meteors.

Using these seconds, I quickly replenished my MP drinking more than 10 MP potions, the last ones I had on my Item Box, I didn"t even had time to open each potion as I ate the whole bottle, munching on the crunchy gla.s.s.

Noticing our plan, the Undead King yelled to the heavens while resisting my wives magic alongside my Overpowering Sun.

Raising three of its free arms, the bone weapons he was holding began to move on their own trying to attack us.

Each bone weapon had its own stats and skills, it was very similar to my great sword.

Suddenly remembering my great sword, I called over it.

After the fight with the Lich, my great sword began to spin without control, and it was currently destroying the nearby forest. After hearing my call, the lazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d came rus.h.i.+ng at me with an incredible speed.


As the Undead King bone swords were about to attack us, my great sword came back right in time, fighting them off.

Clas.h.!.+ Clas.h.!.+

The bone weapons were strong, surrounding my great sword and throwing different kinds of magic at it, from Shadow Beams to Fire Storms.

My great sword masterfully dodged most and took some head on, as it flew at max speed, crus.h.i.+ng a bone weapon with its powerful sharpness.


A strange aura came from the shattered bone weapon, and my great sword used this opportunity to absorb it.

Suddenly, its stats increased and it became st.u.r.dier and swifter.

"What was that?"

On a small second I glanced over my great sword skills and saw a very interesting one, named [Essence Devourer].

[Essence Devourer: Devours the essence of a strong being that the user previously killed, increasing its stats and gaining Essence EXP]

I would had loved to inspect my great sword in detail, but we were running out of time, as my great sword fought the rest of the bone weapons, ultimately shattering another one and absorbing its power.

Each time that my great sword absorbed the power of a bone weapon, the Undead King aura felt a little bit weaker.

I felt as if my great sword, one of my skills, was evolving while helping me, a feeling that I only experienced while fighting the Goblin Emperor being only able to use physical attacks.

"This strange feeling, what is it?"

Without pondering in the issue anymore, I glanced at the Undead King current status, it was getting weaker.

It tried to kneel over the ground, resisting the potent rain of spells, its armor was beginning to disintegrate and its limbs were getting weaker.

However, the demons inside the Shadow Awakening Rings were extremely vicious, they did not care about their wielder as they sucked more and more Soul Energy, regenerating the armor and creating more bone weapons.

When my great sword managed to shatter the third bone weapon, five more bone weapons came rus.h.i.+ng at us.

When the Undead King felt satisfied about its bone weapon creation, it began to throw Shadow Beams everywhere, targeting our spells and my Kingdom.


More than three Shadow Beams clashed over the magic dome, worrying me to death.

The dome was already showing clear signs of shattering, as more cracks appeared, big chunks of the dome fell down the ground.

As the Undead King prepared a new Shadow Beam, a majestic Light s.h.i.+eld protected the dome.


Although the Light s.h.i.+eld shattered, the dome was intact.

"Its Kekensha!"

Seeing the surprised expression of the Undead King, I commanded all my Cursed Claws that were hiding around to attack it, while supporting my great sword.

Countless Cursed Claws grabbed on the bone weapons as my great sword used their help to easily shatter them.

I also worked hard, casting another [Fourth Elements Chaos Storm].

s.p.a.ce itself cracked again, leaking a small multi colored wind that quickly became a devastating storm.

This time, the Undead King was barely able to hold on.

The combination of my wife"s spells alongside Overpowering Sun pressure and Fourth Elements Chaos Storm might made the Undead King flinch, barely resisting such power.

I suddenly noticed as the Undead King aura became weaker, and its soul was already on its last moments.

"One more pus.h.!.+"

"Guuuuuuuu! Rimuru is doing… her very best! Guuuuaaaahh!"

"Yes! I must keep on! Even if my entire body crumbles!"

The cooperation effort of my two wives created a qualitative change, forming a luminous light from their hearts.


This light showed an incredible affection and love, alongside bravery and determination, it was their souls. The two were using their own souls as power to fuel their magic.

I also decided to follow them and use my own soul, using my Soul Energy points, I reinforced my spells, which gained a beautiful golden l.u.s.ter.

Crack! Crack!

The Undead King was barely holding on, its entire body was already becoming deformed by the sheer pressure, however, he reluctantly kept creating more bone weapons and throwing Shadow Beams, which Kekensha with the help of my servants doing [MP Share] was able to resist.

The only thing left that had tons of power was the Undead King sword, which was the one responsible for resisting each attack.

"I really want to eat that sword! Die already!"

Channeling a big chunk of my Soul Energy, I did the last push, creating enough pressure that the Undead King couldn"t take on anymore and was flattened on the ground like a pancake, shattering its Soul Core on the spot.


I managed to deactivate my spells in time, creating explosions above the flattened Undead King, keeping its destroyed body "intact", sadly its sword shattered but the pieces could still be used.

[You gained 189562 EXP] [The rest of your party gained 94781 EXP]

[You Gained Three Levels!] [LEVEL 9/70 EXP 40852/66000]

[The Rest of your Party Gained Some Levels]

Rimuru and Zehe looked at me with tired and happy faces, celebrating our victory.

Kekensha and my servants were also celebrating, as the Shadow Beams finally stopped coming.

As the Undead King died, the bone weapons lost their power and dissipated like ash with the flow of the air.

However, everything wasn"t done yet, as the Loyal Knight was still alive.

I noticed that the Undead Knight had various of his spots turned into stone, most likely due to Nesiphae petrifying glare, it was also missing an arm and half its left shoulder.

On other hand, my wives weren"t any better, Nesiphae had lost a big chunk of her snake tail and was filled on b.l.o.o.d.y wounds, while Brontes lost her right arm and was bathed in a blood.

I needed to save them as fast as I could!

The Loyal Knight saw as his King died a horrible death, and in incredible rage, it used all it"s might on a powerful attack against Nesiphae and Brontes.

Brontes was barely able to protect herself and Nesiphae from this attack using her Spirit s.h.i.+eld, sending both away several meters.

They both were left unconscious inside a big crater.

The Undead Knight yelled towards the skies, lamenting the death of his King.

"My King!!! My King!!! Uuuaaaaaahhh! My King! You d.a.m.ned wh.o.r.es! Die! Everyone must die! This is for my King! My King!"

The berserk Undead Knight activated its Shadow Awakening Ring as its entire body was covered on flaming crimson armor.

The powerful armor exuded a deadly pressure, burning everywhere they step in.

"Die! Die! Die!"

The Undead Knight jumped over where Nesiphae and Brontes where, raising its flaming axe, going for the kill!



I was able to catch up in time, using my great sword, I intercepted the b.a.s.t.a.r.d flaming axe.

Thanks to my powerful armor, I was able to resist the might of the attack, however I felt as the bones inside my arms shattered into dust, feeling an incredible pain.

However, I was able to quickly recover them on place using the skill [Fairy Vampire Body Division], entangling my own muscles around my shattered bones, resisting the powerful pressure without flinching.

I could had easily used my [Phantom Form Transformation] to evade its physical attack, but if I evaded it, I wouldn"t had been able to save Nesiphae and Brontes from their impending doom.

The Undead Knight looked at me with its flaming eyes almost spitting over me.

"Graaaaaaaahh! You are the demon! Die! Die!"

I called on my Cursed Claws as they flew towards the battlefield, using some to send Nesiphae and Brontes far away.


The Undead Knight raised its axe as it tried to chop me in half.

However, I took on the hit with my great sword and pushed him back for a split second, using this opportunity, I used [Soul Penetration], causing heavy damage on the Undead Knight soul.

His flaming armor suddenly began to weaken as I used this opening to slash the Undead away, and jumped over it giving him a strong kick on its uncovered face, shattering its jaw and taking a big chunk of its head.


The Undead couldn"t react in time due to the soul pain, as it tried to stand up, its casted a myriad of Dark bullets that penetrated my armor, creating countless holes over my body.

Using my flinch, the Undead stood up and raised its Axe once again, to only clash it on the ground.


As I became a phantom and he wasn"t able to penetrate my ethereal form with physical damage, although I still took damage from the cursed flames covering the Axe.

Using the confusion on the face of the Undead, I became solid once again and kicked its head, following with three slashes from my great sword, severing the arm holding the Axe.

BOOM! SLAs.h.!.+

The Undead became desperate as it saw he couldn"t use its weapon.

However, the power of its demon armor alone was enough for it to come at me with various punches, which were made by the armor itself creating new arms entirely made out of their material. However, I managed to dodge the blows with my ethereal form.

Nonetheless, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d was using this as a facade. By the time I realized it, he rained me over with its Dark Bullets once again, as it raised its arms infused with a powerful cursed flame towards me.

I managed to dodge the flaming fist and moved to the Undead left, concentrating all my Strength and buffs on my arm, I punched him on its ribcage, which sent him flying 5 meters.

Using this chance, I summoned more Cursed Claws and sent them over his body, two big claws grabbed its legs as they detonated, leaving him without a chance to run.


"Uuuaagh! N-No! I can"t die! I was going to avenge my King! My King!"

Having wasted away all my MP and barely having Soul Energy, I could only rely on my physical moves, as I abused my Cursed Claws, another one detonated on its torso, leaving him without any chance to move.

I slowly approached the Undead as I glared at him with a cute smile.

"Don"t worry, you will be able to meet in the afterlife"

"Gyaaaahh! Go away! Don"t touch me!"

I wanted to share the Undead body with my servants later on, so I decided to shop him on pieces, enjoying its cries of agony.

When I had saved enough pieces, I digested its torso and head with my [b.l.o.o.d.y Lotus Digesting Juices].

The Undead could only see as its entire body melted by my juices enzymes, as I became stronger absorbing its flesh.

"D-Demon… Unforgivable… Die… Die… Unforgivable…"

"Sheesh you keep repeating yourself like a broken record… Oh! The b.a.s.t.a.r.d finally died…"


[You gained 176520 EXP] [The rest of your party gained 88260 EXP]

[You Gained Three Levels!] [LEVEL 12/70 EXP 13372/72000]

[The Rest of your Party Gained Some Levels]

[You obtained a new t.i.tle] [Undead Slayer]

[You learned the following Skills]

[Cooking Skill]

[Overpowering Willpower]

[Basic Axe Technique: 10]

[Pain Tolerance]

[Heart of Iron]

[Walking Fortress]

[Masterful Axe Techniques: 5]

[Demonic Axe Technique: 5]

[Forbidden Dark Arts: 5]

[Forbidden Dark Arts Affinity]

"Humans skills are very unique…"

I discovered that the number in each human skill means the amount of techniques inside the skill itself, unlike monsters that have a skill for each attack, humans are able to learn a skill which can be executed in multiple ways, these are "techniques".

Another thing that took my interest is that each human was born with an "Inborn" skill, it seems to be a type of skill that they randomly get when being born. The Archer funnily enough had Sewing skill, while this Knight had a Cooking skill.

"Does this mean that I would be able to cook delicious food by myself?!"

Without wanting to waste much time, I moved towards Nesiphae and Brontes, both of them thankfully leveled up with the shared EXP, recovering their HP and MP, for Brontes it was her Spirit stat.

However, they lost limbs weren"t regenerated.

"My poor girls, come. You two did excellent…"

Without them, I would had never been able to hold on the three Undead at the same time, they support became vital for this fight.

Rimuru and Zehe also leveled up and slowly flew at me.

They both hugged me tightly, after experiencing such powerful life and death battle, their hearts were beating intensively.

"It was so close, guuuu"

"Hmm… I"m glad we pulled out of this alive, Nesiphae and Brontes did their best too"

"They did, all of you are wonderful warriors… Lets go back to our home. Did you save the Undead King pieces?"

Rimuru raised her tired arm.

"Guuu! I did! Even the shattered sword"





When we finally came back to my Kingdom, we were greeted by my people with happy faces, having survived such big battle, everyone was celebrating such accomplishment.

However, I couldn"t really celebrate with anyone, neither my wives, as we immediately went back to our bed and slept for 8 hours, I had an extreme mental fatigue after using my capabilities to the extreme.

[Day 36]

When I woke up, it was around 4PM according to the system universal clock, I quickly undressed myself and went to take a warm bath.

"Now that we have beaten the necromancer last battalion, what"s next? Should I go straight for his head or patiently wait? How long will he take to produce more soldiers? Will he waste away his resources doing so?"

As I pondered on my mind, I gracefully bathed my pale and feminine body on the warm water.




Fallen Kingdom of Ollathir now known as the Dark Nation.

A desperate man sat down on his throne, thinking over what to do in such a horrible situation.

"Nnngh… So, they lost… Everyone lost… And the Lich betrayed me… Kireina… Kireina… All of my dreams and plans are being constantly shattered by your interference! I don"t have any more Magic Cores to create Magic Mud and generate more Trolls or Goblins… The only thing I have left is myself… Hahaha… My body deteriorates each pa.s.sing year too, and I"ve became weaker and weaker…"

As the man became more and more fl.u.s.tered, he fell down from his throne, showing its delicate complexion, almost to the bones.

"Aaah… Kireina… My previous plan was only in consideration if they won with heavy casualties, but not only Kireina is strong! But all her servants! Kireina growth speed is incredibly high, far surpa.s.sing the most powerful of human Heroes! Kireina is a total prodigy! A once in a life time being… I can"t beat someone blessed and protected by fate… I simply cannot"

"At least… If she were to end up heavily wounded, with her soul almost dead, but she was fine, and came outside of it even stronger! I don"t have a Kingdom backing me up like the Central Continent Humans… I am alone…"

The man thought about what to do, already throwing away the idea of confronting Kireina as it would lead to its complete demise, shattering its dreams.

"A wise man… Knows when to surrender… Huh? As long as I keep living, there will always be a chance to recover my sister soul…"

What mattered most to the man wasn"t strength, neither riches, neither the world domination, but only one thing, to recover her sister soul.

"I still got things that Kireina could be interested… I cannot get myself killed… Even if… I have to lower myself… For my sister…"

The man only had the idea of a full demon transformation as means to travel to Hel, not to become stronger for the sake of it, if somehow, he could obtain a Rank 3 Soul without having to fight Kireina, he would gladly do so.

Suddenly, a ridiculous idea came across the man head.

"Join Kireina?"


The man looked over the undead girl at his side.


After glaring at her sister body, the man was filled with determination, a determination that would make him move aside his pride.

"Alright then, Kireina. You won"




While I was was.h.i.+ng my back, a sudden system message popped out of thin air.

"Hmm? Direct Message?"


[Redgaria Frostbite has sent you a direct message]


[>Yes No]



