Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 523 - The Ancient Chimera Scylla Princes/ss Triplets

Chapter 523 - The Ancient Chimera Scylla Princes/ss Triplets





After deciding the names of our children, the system immediately designed each one with t.i.tles and other powers related to my Epic Skill.

[The Name for [Realm Menace of l.u.s.t: Kireina]"s sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth [Chaos Bringer Children] have been decided]

[Marduk], [Nammu], and [Nanshe] have been decided for the names of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth [Chaos Bringer Children]

[Some DemiG.o.ds have shown interest in your children]

[Sixteenth Chaos Bringer Child: Marduk] has been blessed by [Gravern, the Demi-G.o.d of Undying Burns] and [Smirkes the G.o.d of Burning Battles]

[Seventeenth Chaos Bringer Child: Nammu] has been blessed by [Marnet, the Beast DemiG.o.d of Canine Beastmen] and [Mornet, the Living Deity of Wolf Beastmen]

[Seventeenth Chaos Bringer Child: Nanshe] has been blessed by [Othairth, the Dragon G.o.ddess of Poisonous Eyes] and [Ghiotl, the Demon DemiG.o.ddess of Treacherous Venom]

Wait, what? So many blessings… why didn"t my harpy children got any?

There were some familiar names on Marnet and his son, Mornet, but Gravern and Smirkes, didn"t I eat the guy they blessed?

The last two G.o.ddesses that blessed Nanshe… I have no idea who they are.

[Certain conditions have been accomplished!]

[You have unlocked a special section of the Unique Skill: [Epic of Caterpillar]

[The Birth of the of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth [Chaos Bringer Children], Marduk, Nammu, and Nanshe, the Ancient Chimera Scylla Princes/ss Triplets]

[Epic of Caterpillar; Bonus Chapter 8; Marduk, Nammu, and Nanshe, the Ancient Chimera Scylla Princes/ss Triplets]

[Kireina"s sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth children that she had with Mady finally hatched from their eggs, and their special appearances and powers surprised the bystanders. Each one of them has a distinct feature that differentiates them from each other, yet they are triplets and siblings. Named after otherworldly G.o.ds and blessed by a variety of G.o.ds from this world, their promising futures shall bring destruction and change to the world. …and what is this? It seems that all of them have powerful souls that might or might not be familiar to Kireina]

[Your control over the destiny of others has increased by 12%]

[Certain conditions have been accomplished]

[Two new t.i.tles have been granted to [Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Chaos Bringer Children] [Marduk], [Nammu] and [Nanshe]

[Marduk] received the [Sixteenth Chaos Bringer Children] and [Blazing Ancient Scylla Chimera Dragon Prince of Burning Battles] t.i.tles!]

[Nammu] received the [Seventeenth Chaos Bringer Children] and [Ferocious Ancient Scylla Chimera Wolf Princess of Night Hunting] t.i.tles!]

[Nanshe] received the [Eighteenth Chaos Bringer Children] and [Venomous Ancient Scylla Chimera Snake Princess of Poisonous Fangs] t.i.tles!]

[A new t.i.tle has been granted to [Sixth Wife] [Mady]

[Chaos Bringer Children Mother]

[A new [Cla.s.s] has been granted to [Sixth Wife] [Mady]

[Mother of the Child that Will Bring Chaos]

My children are indeed blessed with many powers from the get-go.

The description of their Epic is… interesting… what does it mean by familiar souls?

Do not tell me… are my children also like my harpy babies? So more souls that… It is better to not think about it and see them as new people, I am sure that they do not remember anything anyways.

It is better to see them as new persons, just like Nirah.

In a world where souls constantly reincarnate, judging others from what they did in their previous life should not be a thing… they are new people, new lives.

But I think that I kind of have an idea as to who they are… but I will save it inside a split mind and make sure to never remember it again.

Anyway, I enjoyed the day with Mady and our triplets, the babies were peaceful sleeping while drinking our milk. Mady took over Marduk and Nammu while I feed Nanshe.

She seemed to have felt a bit of pain in their bites at first, as Marduk seemed to have immense strength and sharp, dragon-like teeth… Nammu did not help either with her wolf fangs.

Nanshe on the other side had sharp snake fangs, which seeped into my flesh like a hot knife through b.u.t.ter, of course, there was no pain and I didn"t even bleed, as my entire body was something similar to a slime made out of flesh, they could munch as much as they wanted.

I caressed her purple hair as she reminded me of Nirah… the two will become good sisters.

Nirah, who usually is always stuck with me was carried by Nesiphae, Yiksukesh, Vajrara, and Amiphossia outside so I could have some time together with Mady and our newborn children.

However, I can see her as I am with her right now with one of my true body clones.

While peacefully resting with Mady and the triples, I also chatted with my wives about the news of the blessings.

"So all three of them acquired blessings? That is nice, guuu!" said Rimuru.

"The boy, Marduk, was blessed by two G.o.ds that once blessed one of our enemies?" asked Brontes.

"Indeed, I think it was Ymir and his family, I think. I could call Ashura, his brother to tell us more, but I don"t care as much" I said.

"Yeah, it really doesn"t matter… because any being that is blessed by a G.o.d and then by Kireina-sama will have their blessing guaranteed, even if the G.o.ds try to revoke it with their authority, Kireina-sama will bite them before that occurs! It would be even more terrible for them if they tried to damage our children" said Alice with a mischievous smile.

"It is indeed a terrifying thought, Lady Alice…" said Jonette at Alice"s side.

"And there is Marnet and one of his children? Did he ever said something about blessing?" asked Zehe.

"No… But both of them are our allies, so I did not sweat over it, it was just a sign of goodwill on their part, right?" I said.

"I suppose, but it would be nice if we asked them," said Zehe.

"I guess I will… I will also ask them if they know the other G.o.ds, there is a Dragon G.o.ddess and a Demon DemiG.o.ddess, both of them having Poison Attribute Divinity" I said.

"Perhaps, similarly to Bovdohr and Nomera, they want to get on good terms with you by blessing our children, my wife?" asked Adelle.

"I think so too, especially after remembering that the G.o.ds themselves told us that usually G.o.ds that bless our party end up being discriminated by the main pantheons… they wouldn"t risk blessing us if they didn"t want to cooperate with us somehow, right?" I said.

"Yeah… It"s weird… but I guess that"s how G.o.ds work!" said Lilith.

"I wanna be with mama!" said Nirah on Nesiphae"s palm.

"Nirah-chan, you don"t like your mommy Nesiphae?" asked Nesiphae to Nirah.

"Yesh, but… I want mama now!" said Nirah.

"Sigh… little snake, you"re such a mischievous girl~ Fufu, okay, go with your mama," said Nesiphae as Nirah ran towards me.


Nirah stuck to my body immediately, entangling her tail on my waist and hugging me with her six arms, she had grown a bit more and was of almost the same appearance and size as Vudia and Ailine. She seemed to be maturing quite quickly, she might become a fully-fledged adult like my first four children in a few weeks…

"But isn"t it quite unfair, chupii? These G.o.ds must be blind to not bless our children!" said Nephiana, as the harpy babies were crawling over her large wings. I had three of them sitting in my lap while eating snacks, such as seeds and dried meat.

"There must be something in the harpies that made the unable to be blessed, maybe? Or perhaps their powers are so great that a blessing is hard to be given… just like Agatheina once said to Kireina, right?" said Nesiphae.

"Oh right, Agatheina took some time to bless me due to my strong soul…"

Though, because the harpies used to be heroes that already had blessings and then had their damaged souls combined and reincarnated in different bodies… there might be the possibility that through this strange way of being "digested" by me and then reincarnated, they inherited the powers of their original blessings inserted in their souls, even if they were "stolen" by me… Well, it is just a theory of mine.

I opened my Item Box as I called upon Agatheina and told her about the triples birth and also to call Marnet.

"Oh! Three new lives have blessed our Empire, how wonderful! Very well, Kireina-sama, I shall call Marnet quick!" said Agatheina without losing a second of time.

Marnet was quickly brought by Agatheina alongside his son, Mornet.

"Ah, Kireina-sama, yes, we forgot to tell you beforehand, but since we felt that your child had an affinity with us, we decided to bless her… sorry for not telling you beforehand again…" said Marnet.

"Oh, I see how it is… don"t worry, I just wanted to know a bit of the detail… I wonder how you two "feel" my child, though?" I asked.

"Ah, I could explain that Kireina-sama," said Mornet, the son of Marnet and someone with a way youthful voice.

"We G.o.ds can "feel" when someone worthy of our blessings is born in this world. Then, we can decide to either bless it or not just after it is born, and inspect its growth further through its life and decide it later… but it is often recommended to do it immediately as this would increase the growth potential of our blessed child" said Mornet, he was a "carefree"-type of guy that had a very lax voice.

"I see… Could this by perhaps why my harpy children were not blessed?" I asked.

"It could be that… or maybe the G.o.ds that saw potential on it are weaker than them… after all, Kireina-sama"s children can produce Divine Energy, their souls are naturally incredibly strong. They are practically a new race of living beings, mortals with the power of G.o.ds. It took us some time to bless them with my son" said Marnet, explaining furthermore what his son explained to me.

"I remember hearing about one of your sisters being a Harpy, could she bless my child?" I asked… Nephiana was the one that wanted our harpy children to be blessed the most, so I decided to ask.

"Oh yes, but she and the rest of our siblings are on the "waiting list"… which we have made in your back… we apologize for that... Well, it is simply a list of our siblings that are waiting for Kireina-sama"s a.s.sistance… the ones whose children are in most danger is first in the list…"

"I see… well, it would be better to create a bond with her through good actions, I suppose," I said.

"Yes, for now, we have told our siblings to wait for you to rest and settle down with your family… but if you are in a haste, we could call them… two of our siblings whose children are in grave danger… my sisters Dhyellele, the Beast DemiG.o.ddess of Rodents and Savaphe, the Beast DemiG.o.ddess of Land Turtles… Their tribes have been close to each other while surviving to the north of your current position, in an area known as the "Dark Steppes". Where many different forests and jungles filled with different demi-human species exist… there are other G.o.ds taking care of their children in there… and there is information about a Demon G.o.d awakening from a seal in there… the G.o.ds in there are too weak to handle its ever-growing strength and the army that it is slowly building" said Marnet.

This feels like a new quest in a game… will I have to solve the problems of every single of these G.o.ds? Well, the more I do, the stronger I get.

"No need to call them for now, but I will consider this for the next few weeks, thanks for the information, Marnet," I said.

"Yes, Kireina-sama… even if it "urgent", that Demon G.o.d is awakening very slowly, so there isn"t any urgency for real," said Marnet.

"I see, that"s good to know,"

I left the call and then began to ponder about what to do…

I then remembered that I forgot to ask them about the other G.o.ds, I will have to ask Agatheina, who knows more about it tomorrow.

I am not in a hurry, but I will probably take this task in a week or two.

Another Demon G.o.d to eat, I cannot lose this opportunity, right? Fufufu…

And if the G.o.ds there help me out, it should not be something very hard… well, I must sharpen my skills to be prepared and never lose my cautiousness.

Aside from these events, the day went peacefully and I spent it with my family hunting in the dungeon inside of my Inner Realm and then exploring the Dream Worlds, the wors.h.i.+p of my Lava Golem Clone that originated from Hephaestus"s Dream World is slowly happening and it might become another dream G.o.d similar to Bilili which I can use to channel my powers in the future.

I decided to explore some Dream Worlds inside of my Dream Dungeon with my family using my Aura Clones, and found several new monsters and creatures, which seemed to be Dream Attribute monsters of a variety of shapes and forms, although eating them didn"t give me any skills anymore, Vudia and Rimuru seemed to be enjoying them as they had some kind of Dream Divinity.

(Rimuru ate a piece of Geggoron"s divinity when she fused with Kireina)

I tried to add these Dream Worlds into my main Dream World, and it worked, but they were smaller than the planets inside, and were relocated into a different area of this s.p.a.ce with the help of Bilili and the Giant Lava Golem Clone, they resembled small bubbles where small worlds existed inside… I could feel my powers slowly surge as I acc.u.mulated these.

[The Levels of the [Inner Realm; Dream World; Level 3], and [Transcendental Dream & Nightmares Source; Level 2] Skills have increased!]


