Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 537 - New Names For The Sisters

Chapter 537 - New Names For The Sisters




[Day 249]

[Kireina] gained +340 Skill Points and Subcla.s.s Skill Points due to the prayers of your believers!] (Added!)

[Kireina] gained 7.387.753.553.433 EXP due to the prayers of your believers!]

[Kireina] leveled up!]

[LEVEL 098/250] [EXP 6.734.018.334.423/27.350.000.000.000] (Added!)

Today it was a day just as usual, I had breakfast and then had a familiar bath, I made sure to wash my babies very well and after that… some of my servants came to ask me for a request.

These servants were my Blood Servants… or well, they were.

Blood Servants are a type of summoning that I am capable of doing, which summons a servant made out of my blood with a consciousness and a small ego that can develop.

There is a big amount of my population that is made of summoned beings, but I never made as much Blood Servants, only ending at three.

Why was it? Because I was capable of summoning stronger monsters than Blood Servants already, and I could even merge the summons and create a powerful chimera, which is often used as cattle to feed the citizens, alongside a variety of many other monsters. It could be said that the thing that is least required right now is food, as my people have everywhere.

Well, the overall Empire has been doing quite fine, and recently I"ve designed many Slime Clones and other workers to create larger underground sewers, which was rather difficult to do at first, but now that I"ve developed my abilities enough, it was possible to do so by converting the whole underground of my Empire into a giant golem, which I then gave the command of let itself be molded according to the orders of the workers.

The ma.s.s-produced houses do not have very advanced bathrooms, so we are trying to finally start to create modern bathrooms from Earth, which do not exist in Genesis. At most, I have seen bathrooms that use magic items to clean waste, usually sending it elsewhere through different means… but remodeling the whole Empire through converting it all into an underground golem should work…

Anyways, going back to the main topic. These three servants are comparably older than my newest summoned monsters such as Catterpillar and its chimera siblings, or even Guubo and Wall (Although these two are not exactly summoned by created).

They used to be Blood Servants that held a similar appearance to mine, they were like Slime Clones, but not really.

After evolving a few times, they became capable of molding their blood bodies better, solidifying themselves, and resembling me even more.

They were three, and each one was a respective "cla.s.s" that developed their respective role in battle… and the names I gave them back then were quite rushed.

After evolving a couple of more times, they managed to become Blood Elves, completely losing their Blood Servant"s unique blood-only physique, and acquiring flesh bodies, with bones, internal organs, and more.

They saw a bit of a decrease in their power but acquired a greater potential which they put to good use almost immediately, training hard by working with other teams such as the Wolves Team and the Demon Trio, as they ended up going to explore Nyzzet"s Dungeon.

After going through the dungeon, the three Blood Elves girls evolved yet another time into High Blood Fairies and partic.i.p.ated in the war against Sunclaw, where they fought and killed many monstrosities.

They were rather strong and we"re growing closer with my family, as they were often alone by themselves, each one considering each other as sisters, but recently had begun to become friendlier and more sociable, which is a good thing.

Blaze was one of those that they took a liking to and ended up going on small adventures into dungeons with the three.

Now today, Blaze came to me with the three Blood Fairies, Clumsy, which was a High Blood Fairy Archer Queen, Weird, who was a High Blood Fairy Magic Knight Queen, and Serious, who was a High Blood Fairy Arch Mage Queen.

Their appearances had diverged a lot since then, and they had now their own appearances. Although they shared most of their traits, having long crimson hair and eyes, slightly red skin, and crimson red b.u.t.terfly wings decorated with many shades of red and dark red.

"So, what is it?" I asked Blaze, as Clumsy, Weird and Serious glanced at me with blushed expressions.

"Kireina-sama, you"re so meanie!" said Blaze.

"…Meanie?" I asked.

"Yeah! At first, I thought that those were like the names they used to play around with or something, but they are their names! These three girls, their names are really Clumsy, Weird, and Serious?!" asked Blaze while flying around with her flaming wings.

Oh… so that was it.

"Kireina-sama, I think the name you gave us is fine! …But I would like another if possible…" said Clumsy, she was rather pet.i.te and had short hair, with barely any chest and a slim figure.

"I disagree with my sister, I actually want another name, it"s lame. What"s with being called "Weird"? Are you serious, Kireina-sama?" asked Weird, weirdly annoyed by my weird sense of naming. She was the "middle" sister, having the medium-sized body and proportions, her hair was long but made into pigtails, she was rather cute.


"I also want… a better name if possible, Kireina-sama," said Serious with a very serious look on her seriously beautiful eyes. She was the tallest of the sisters and wore gla.s.ses that combined well with her serious appearance, she had incredible proportions and resembled a fully matured woman… her hair was even longer than Weird and made into a ponytail.

"I see… very well then, you three have grown so strong and had done many deeds for my Empire. I wouldn"t mind at all to name you all again… but which names do you want?" I asked.

Clumsy, Weird, and Serious had helped me and my servants many times through different battles, always supporting the people, so it was completely fine by me to give them new names if they desired, I would gift them more things if they wanted as well but they seem to be content with what they have and are rather humble about it.

"Names? Fweehh… I don"t know!" said Clumsy.

"A name…? How about Natasha! No wait I don"t like it… Hey, this is harder than I thought" said Weird.

"I would like to be named… err, I… I have no clue whatsoever; I"ve never thought about it in detail until Blaze pointed it out…" said Serious.

"Ah! Come on, girls! You really do not know any better name? I know a few like… eerr… I do not really know… After all, I was in isolation for pretty much my entire life… haha…" muttered Blaze.

It seems that, although they asked for name changes, none of them knew a better name or had thought about it in detail.

As I glanced at them thinking and coming out with more stupid names such as Orange, Strawberry, Banana, and so on, I decided to call Agatheina, who I remember had shown interest over these strong girls when they came back to my Empire, as they had a very strong affinity with the Blood Attribute and were perhaps even stronger than her strongest Vampire, Aleksandra.

Opening my Item Box, I took the artifact she gave me to contact her as I called her.

After a few seconds, I heard Agatheina"s voice… but it seems that her artifact opened by itself because she wasn"t aware of it at the moment… she was emitting very lewd sounds.

"Haaahhh~ Kireina-sama! Harder! Harder!"

"Yes! Yes! Oof! f.u.c.k! Aaaaah~! Yes~! Just imagining… Kireina-sama doing this really excites me even more! Aaaaahh~!"

"Oh my~ Ohhhh~! f.u.c.king h.e.l.l~! Yes~! Yes~!

She was masturbating, it seems.

While thinking about me.

I know that this is… to be expected. I guess I should have expected to one day hear her doing it…

I cannot lie, her lewd moans are very erotic, and I am resisting a b.o.n.e.r at this very moment.

Anyway, I decided that it was not the time for such things and awoke Agatheina from her time alone.

"Agatheina!" I said.

��Aaah~ Ye- K-Kiriena-sama?! D-Did the artifact just opened itself?! It was in the bed!" said Agatheina, who in her masturbation, had clicked on the artifact by mistake, it seems.

"I"m sorry for interrupting you at such a time… I wanted to ask you a few things… sorry again" I said.

"AH! I-I… It is fine! It is fine! Err… W-Well, let us just forget about this for now… o-okay?" asked Agatheina.

"Sure thing," I said.

"Thanks…" said Agatheina, as I heard the sounds of large amounts of water falling over her body for a few minutes, she was taking a quick bath. After having relaxed, she sat down somewhere in her palace and asked me what I needed.

"So, Kireina-sama, what do you require of me?" she asked with a pleasant voice.

"Well you have a pretty good naming sense, I"ve seen it in all your Vampire family, so I wanted to ask you if you could help me name these three girls, the ones that you showed some interest in blessing some days ago," I said.

���Those girls? Oh! The High Blood Fairies?! Indeed! They are a very rare species of fairy, it would be nice if they could become part of my family through my blessings… or perhaps take one of my male children as their husbands and produce a strong Vampire offspring!" said Agatheina, she was seemingly interested in creating stronger vampires.

"Oh? So that was one of your intentions? It does sound quite interesting… but for now let us name them… and you can bless them as well, right? They already possess my blessing as of now" I said.

"Yes! Let me bless them and about names… can I talk with them?" asked Agatheina.

"Of course," I said while moving the artifact where Agatheina was talking towards the three girls.

"Ahem, are you three in here?" she asked.

"Fweeh! Who is that voice inside the artifact?!" asked Clumsy, a bit frightened.

"A monster?! Is a monster sealed inside it, Kireina-sama?! Let me slay it for you!" roared Weird, raising her longsword.

"It is not a monster… it is a person… can"t you feel a slight connection to her?" asked Serious.

Agatheina chuckled over the girl"s responses to her voice, she found them all cute on their own.

"Fufufu, you"re all quite cute, aren"t you? So I imagine the first to talk was… Clumsy? The second, Weird? And the third, Serious?" asked Agatheina with a mischievous voice.

Clumsy, Weird, and Serious nodded their heads to the voice of Agatheina"s from within the artifact I was making float with my Telekinesis.

"Y-Yes… Who might you be, mysterious woman?" asked Clumsy.

"Yeah…" said Weird.

"Could you be, perhaps, that G.o.ddess that talks with our beloved master all the time?" asked Serious.

"W-Well yeah, I am Agatheina, the Vampire G.o.ddess of Blood! And I have seen great potential in the three of you! Even if you are not Vampires, your existences are very closer to them! Kireina-sama has given me the permission of blessing you three while also granting you better names than the ones… that she chose," said Agatheina.

"I get it, my naming sense is quite terrible… at least back then," I admitted.

"Yeah, it was! But I kind of like my Blaze name! You"ve improved a lot since then, Kireina-sama!" said Blaze, petting my head… this feels comforting.

"Thanks…" I said.

"Anyways, what do you think, girls?" asked Agatheina.

"So she is really that Vampire G.o.ddess!" said Clumsy.

"She is the mother of all Vampires?" asked Weird.

"It seems that we have attracted the attention of a big shot," said Serious.

The three girls chatted for a while and then they all agreed. Then, Agatheina quickly came out with names for each girl, which they liked quite a lot.

"The little girl… you"re quite clumsy, aren"t you? But within that clumsiness there is also innocence and beauty, you will be named Silvana," said Agatheina.

"Silvana, it really does feel like I am a person with such a name… I like it!" said Clumsy… I mean Silvana.

"And you… you were named weird? But you are not a weird girl, you are strong and brave, but also quite… muscle brained... You will be named Philomena" said Agatheina.

"Philomena? Now that is a name that a lady would have…" said Philomena, formerly known as Weird.

"And last but not least, the tall beauty at the side… Serious, is it? The name does fit, you have a serious personality, you are also intelligent but also radiates beauty and order, you might be the young sister, but you are more like the eldest one… You will be named Timandra," said Agatheina.

"Timandra… what a good name, thanks, G.o.ddess-sama," said Timandra, formerly known as Serious.

As the three girls were named by Agatheina with me, their summoner"s permission, their names carried the blessing of Agatheina.

Their bodies began to exude a scarlet atmosphere, and they felt stronger, even their souls seemed red-colored.

"Fwehh… the blessing of the Vampire G.o.ddess… incredible,�� said Silvana.

"This is it! We have finally normal names!" said Philomena.

"Indeed, this feels like a new beginning, my sisters," said Timandra.

"I"m so glad for you girls!" said Blaze.

As the girls celebrated, Agatheina interrupted them.

"Oh right, now that you"ve been named and blessed by me, it would be nice if you could marry some of my handsome descendants- Hey! Where are you going?!"

It seems that the three girls did not want to marry or compromise yet.


