Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 698 - Side s: System G.o.ds POV

Chapter 698 - Side s: System G.o.ds POV


Time rewind a bit before Kireina were to change Cla.s.ses, as the System G.o.ds overlooked her achievements and the powers within her to decide new Cla.s.ses for her.

"Impressive. Thanks to the Limit Breaker and Demiurge Cla.s.ses, which unlocked more power within her, she seems to have become even more capable of many things…"

"And because we granted her that Bee"s Soul with our soul fragments, she seems to have naturally become familiar with the power of our Divinity. How amusing,"

"She can even adapt to it? Impressive,"

"Indeed. She is capable of adapting to it through her unlocked powers, and thanks to Limit Breaker, new paths open for her, some that shouldn"t belong to mortals,"

"Then let us let her do what she had already done always,"

The System G.o.ds related with Cla.s.ses, Subcla.s.ses, and many other things similar to these began to cooperate, generating new Cla.s.ses and Subcla.s.ses for Kireina fitting of her current capabilities and the many talents hidden within her that not even she knew about.

Cla.s.ses and Subcla.s.ses were designed in the System to help mortals awaken their hidden potential and reinforce their already learned power and skills. It was a key towards unlocking their own limits and even breaking them.

However, Kireina was unique amongst all mortals that the System G.o.ds had ever interacted with, as she was able to even breakthrough limits after limits.

Even the laws of the world that suppressed mortals were almost ineffective against her constant growth, and after having received two blessings from the strongest ent.i.ties in existence such as Chaos and The One, her ability to break through limits multiplied thousands of times.

And due to those reasons, Kireina awakened powers after powers, much more fantastical than the previous one, she was breaking through the logic established in Genesis and becoming a being of her own, a being that could not be cataloged nor like a mortal or a G.o.ddess.

She was an incredibly unique being, part of a new "era" in Genesis, an era of change, an era where the old G.o.ds will fall and not even the Supreme G.o.ds will hold into the world as tightly as they could desire.

New rulers come and old ones die, this was the laws of Genesis, and it was no different now, Kireina was one of such supposed new rulers. She did not only brought change, but also innovation, new ideas, new abilities, new ways of using her own powers, new ways of using magic, of crafting, of alchemy, of forging, of blacksmithing, of cooking, of technology.

She was a revolution.

Kireina was the revolution that Genesis has been waiting for this whole time, the personification of change.

Although, by higher standards, she was still incredibly weak compared to other beings within Genesis… and outside of it.

However, as she broke through her limits and grew at an outstanding pace, such difference in power would become thinner and thinner as time went on.

It was simply a matter of time, that was all.

"We shall grant her those Subcla.s.ses then, as she is capable of doing that long ago…"

"Indeed, those abilities she already possesses, since very early in her short life that she had managed to fuse Skills, although it seemed like a function that anyone possessed, she innovated on it due to her insane amount of Skills, something that not even G.o.ds are capable of acquiring so easily… Since then, the power and the talents within her soul had blossomed, and recently, after awakening many new powers, such abilities are evolving with her, a.s.similating her divinity, and giving her similar authorities to us… We simply need to allow her to sue them through those Subcla.s.ses,"

"That"s right, let us give her such Subcla.s.ses, so she can finally use the powers within her more easily…"

"But wait for a second, wouldn"t that made the World"s Will anger?"

"Hmm… Indeed. But it is not like it can touch us,"

"You"re right. The System is what belongs to us and is also a law of the world. If it dares do something to us, the world might fall apart…"

"That"s true. As long as we keep ourselves within our Divine Realm, which it cannot access, we will be fine… The World"s Will still has many Realms to take care of, it can"t simply put all of its energy into her…"

"Hm, let"s do it. Let us stop from babbling around pointlessly…"

The G.o.ds nodded as they surrounded large lumps of light, fabrications of the System made through Mana and Divine Energy concentrated and constructed through the power of the Divinity of the System Master and his children.

Each lump of light was a new available Cla.s.s and Subcla.s.s for Kireina, and a few of them had engraved names into the spheres of light, which were named as "Divine Merger of Cla.s.ses", "Divine Merger of Skills", and more.

"Wait for a second… Wouldn"t she simply pick the Divine Merger of Cla.s.ses and then just merge the other Merger Subcla.s.ses?" asked a System, G.o.d, albeit it was too late already.











It was true, Kireina would simply select the Divine Cla.s.s Merger instead of each cla.s.s, and simply merge them all into one for convenience sake…

Kireina was quite clever, and the G.o.ds realized that she would surely do so.

"Well, it is too late for us to do anything over it…" said another G.o.d.


"It is true, let us forget about such things…

"Anyways, is there any news about the outside?"

"No, the Gates of h.e.l.l, however, is slowly being a.s.similated by the System. Although there is a certain Origin Energy within the Plane of h.e.l.l that is hard to a.s.similate…"

"It will take another hundred years…"

"And well, the Demons within keep contaminating Genesis, but those are no news,"

"The 72 Demons within the Plane of h.e.l.l had become more active, it seems that their thirst for war and conquest will soon arise. Perhaps, more Realms will fall to their dominion,"

"Yet, we can simply oversee such things…"

"Aside from this, which had already happened several times before, the fabric of s.p.a.ce is twisting around…"

"This most likely means that the event that is to come from outside of Genesis is soon to appear here…"

"Indeed. Our father and the Supreme G.o.d of s.p.a.ce and Creation, or well, Lucifer, has been exploring another world recently…"

"And that world is?"

"As you"ve guessed, the one where she comes from…"

"Hmm… Can we do anything about this?"

"No, we cannot, we can only oversee and control the System…"

"Thanks to her Origin from this world, we have been able to draw information and knowledge from her original world to give her Cla.s.ses and Skills related to such World, but now that the world itself is going through a calamity soon, we might not be able to grab as much information…"

"Well, save as much as you can for now… And about her, I believe she will soon enough discover more about this. We cannot directly speak to her, as it goes against our Divinities, but little bits of clues can be left…"

"And the connection we have done through that bee"s soul with us, it could be said that she is our child… If she manages to develop her divinity more, a connection with us might be possible,"

"And in other news, more of the worlds" spatial layers have begun to dilate, especially those near our own and her original planet…"

"Hmm… Two parallel worlds similar to her original world?"

"Indeed, and also another world, a different world… No, two? It seems that it"s one of those rare cases where two parallel worlds from each other and deeply connected. It seems that the spatial layers that encompa.s.s them are dilating and connecting with ours?"

"This might be a bit dangerous…"

"Hm, indeed. What is the name of this world?"

"Kritias… Both are named like this. One of them is set in the future, while the other in the past. Even the G.o.ds within them are similar, incredibly similar. More than parallel worlds, they are Mirror Worlds,"

"Mirror Worlds… Worlds incredibly similar with each other, only being differentiated by small events that are different, or well, time differences, such as one in the future and the other in the past…"

"Oh, I"ve found why it is connecting with other spatial layers that share different Origins…"

"What is it?"

"The World set in the Future is on the verge of being destroyed, this world is unique as it was formed from the corpses of two ent.i.ties, and their maintenance is required by the G.o.ds who were born from such corpses. In the Future, one of such G.o.ds had stolen the divine authorities of the rest and had become the true and only G.o.d capable of controlling the world. However, because it is a simple one G.o.d, it is not capable of controlling everything, and the world is slowly fragmenting apart due to the need of many G.o.ds to maintain it… This G.o.d had brought the demise of such world,"

"And what about the world set in the past?"

"The world set in the past is… still safe. But if things go as they are, they will soon suffer the same destiny as the one in the future. The worst part is that if the future one continues to fragment, the one in the past will soon or later be affected, opening rifts that connect with the spatial layers, leading to alien worlds…"

"How unfortunate for them. But there is not anything we can do, nor we are interested in doing so, we have to maintain our world, as it is already filled with many events going on everywhere…"

"Wait for a second…"

"What is it now?"

"This world seems to possess some hope… Though it is dim, two beings were born from one and… huh? The future world is also filled with these special souls, they possess the power of one of the G.o.ds of Transmigration that a.s.sess the souls of many worlds…"

"Oh? The ones that our Supreme G.o.ddess of Souls and Reincarnation cooperates with?"

"That is right, those same ones… What are they exactly planning? This is intriguing…"

"And to make things worse, two of those "hopes" are also capable of connecting with other worlds Origins, especially one of them capable of Summoning beings from other worlds… And strangely enough, it is slowly being connected with our world. It might soon summon someone from Genesis…"

"But who?"

"I don"t know… It seems to have a pattern, but it"s hard to decipher it,"

"Well, if it ever happens, it will not affect us nor her, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Our ability to decipher the events that happen in other worlds is thanks to them connecting to the spatial layers of our own. And even then, we can only look at the events that had already happened through inspecting and deciphering the information stored in those worlds "Origin Cores", we can"t do anything more than see what happens there, sadly,"

"Indeed, though… A special being had been born in one of the parallel worlds from the world where she originates,"

"Huh? Special being?"

"Indeed, it is just as fascinating as those two "hopes" and her. That world is on the verge of being destroyed, as its Origin Core had been damaged by the hands of the powerful beings that were born in that world itself… Although there seems to be some external help from followers of Chaos… The Origin Core is fragmenting, but this special being had been born from its last resort, and it is now using a special type of Origin that can adapt to any Origin Core of any world, using it to travel through them and draw energy from them, converting it into its own world energy and… successfully healing their Origin Core! Unbelievable, how did that world come out with such a solution?"

"Oh, it is a type of world that has its own consciousness, a special type of world,"

"Impressive, so that is why… What is its name?"

"Gaia… It seems that this name transcends many worlds,"

"This special being who is draining energy from these worlds is connecting other worlds with that world… it might be recovering its own world, but it is also bringing more and more worlds near our spatial layers… Which might hasten that "era" to happen…"

"We need to prepare before that happens…"

"Will she be able to do so?"

"We can only hope, my siblings…"

"We shall use everything we have to hasten her growth, she is now one of our "hopes","

The G.o.ds stopped glancing at the vast cosmos that surrounded Genesis, which was being slowly connected with many other worlds and universes by countless events happening at the same time.

They sighed and continued their routine, knowing that they could not do anything for such worlds, however, they knew that Kireina might be able to, she already had the foundations, she simply needed to keep growing.

The Origins Cores of the many worlds were acting strange, a new wave of change was occurring to the fabric of reality, the spatial layers that once tightly held each world separated from each other had begun to slowly loosen.

Will Kireina be able to understand and comprehend the great scheme of things before a cataclysmic event hits Genesis and… her original world?
