Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 968 - You Can Call Me The Great G.o.ddess Of Love And Compa.s.sion!

Chapter 968 - You Can Call Me The Great G.o.ddess Of Love And Compa.s.sion!


[Kireina, has evolved into the Great G.o.ddess of Endless and Insatiable All-Consuming Gula!]

A sudden message crossed through the entire world of Genesis, as many G.o.ds across all realms were given the news about this world-changing event!

The infamous Kireina, the one who has already devoured hundreds of G.o.ds within the Realm of Vida had suddenly become a Great G.o.ddess! And it only has been around a week since she had become a Living Deity!

This was insane!

How could this even be possible?!

As if it wasn"t already strange that all her family was also ranking up incredibly fast too!

But Kireina was the most ridiculous alongside her offspring, who was even younger than her yet were already G.o.ds for the most part…

But Kireina had become a Great G.o.ddess while still not being a year old!

The G.o.ds of many Realms were shocked, Great G.o.ds were not as many as G.o.ds, they were colossal ent.i.ties amongst colossal ent.i.ties, they were those that directly served Supreme G.o.ds, they were those that even governed entire Realms, their power was certainly commendable!

Yet… yet! Kireina… has reached such a stage at time record!

And it was all because she was able to eat G.o.ds and a.s.similate their power, stockpiling it all after eating many… until she finally crossed through the gap!

This news came into the Interdimensional merchant Shop as well, where thousands of Wills from Living Deities, DemiG.o.ds, G.o.ds, Great G.o.ds, and even the silent Supreme G.o.ds gathered, only overwatching this from the sides…

The wills of all these divine ent.i.ties began to speak hysterically, if it has been another G.o.d, literally anyone else, people wouldn"t make such a fuss as of now… as these G.o.ds could have spent years doing it, so it was somewhat justified, but with Kireina, it was completely different! She defied all logic this time! This is why they were so crazy over it…

Kireina had only been born in less than a year and she was already this far! It was absolutely insane… and unfair!

She was an otherworldly demon that came to change everything in Genesis, and those that didn"t catch up to the insanity would be easily swallowed by the turmoil of this new era.

"This is… impossible! How can she from all beings?!"

"But it is Kireina after all, we have heard from her for some time now. She was the original wielder of Divinity Devouring…."

"Indeed. Her power is… simply something too crazy. And it is also said that she is completely insane, if she finds us she will most likely try to eat us right away!"

"What can measly DemiG.o.ds such as us do anyway? We have to simply hide from her…"

"Indeed, this is a problem that does not include us!"

"This is an area where we can"t step in. The Great G.o.ds should do something before she just eats the entire world…"

"Or the Supreme G.o.ds! What about the World"s Will?"

"A Great G.o.d is already the pinnacle of being a deity before reaching Supreme G.o.d… She has reached such a state in merely less than a year? Ridiculous!"

"But this is real life, this is how it is!"

"What will we do?"

"We are all doomed!"

"If she comes to another Realm, we"ll all be eaten!"

"Where can we run? Do you plan to go outside Astral Road? There is only the Outer Void there!"

"We have to fight! We"ll fight her and defeat her!"

"Hah! Do it by yourself, I have no plans to sacrifice my life for a "greater cause"!"

"Hmph, I bet that will is from a lone demon G.o.d! Pest like you doesn"t even deserve the privilege of being a G.o.d."

"Repeat what you just said!"

The wills around the Interdimensional Merchant Shop began to discuss more and more, making an immense fuss.

Some wanted to desperately kill Kireina to not let her do as she pleases and end up devouring the world, while others didn"t want to do anything with it and escape from any conflict… And lastly, there were some silent ones, that had become fascinated with Kireina even more, waiting the right moment to request becoming her allies and servants…

Unlike Living Deities, DemiG.o.ds, and G.o.ds, Great G.o.ds were extremely rare, there were no more than 3-5 within each Realm, so they were usually given special t.i.tles by the world, Kireina"s Divine t.i.tle was the most frightening, as it was made to tell that she had insatiable gluttony for all things, that she was going to devour everything and yet remain hungry!

Suddenly, as all the G.o.ds discussed, the World"s Will emerged as a will inside the Interdimensional Merchant Shop, accompanied by the Supreme G.o.ddess of Souls and Reincarnation and the Supreme G.o.ddess of Fate and Destiny emerged as wills, shocking the world!

The ent.i.ties that governed above all, those that were legendary and even known by mortals, those that were said to be the "Primordial Pillars" of the entire Genesis, the great ones, the supreme ones, he ones above all creation, those that held within them the pillars to sustain the entire world of Genesis had emerged, and the one above all of them, the World"s Will as well!

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for most of these young G.o.ds who were not older than a few hundred years, born as second generations after the Ragnarök to finally be able to hear and see the World"s Will!

Although this World"s Will wasn"t the real one but a will made of her power, it was connected to her main consciousness, so it was as if the real one was speaking to all of them!

The will of the World"s Will and the two Supreme G.o.ddesses at her side shook all the G.o.ds, even the Great G.o.ds speaking, and everyone within the Interdimensional Merchant Shop fell silent.

"To all present this day, and to all those shocked after the news, I want to tell all of you that I, the World"s Will, will officially announce my desire to defeat Kireina!"

The World"s Will"s shocking worlds made all the G.o.ds" will present paralyzed!

It was true, the World"s Will itself has decided to officially announce that it was going to try anything it could to actually defeat Kireina!


"If it is the World"s Will itself, then Kireina won"t stand a chance, even as a Great G.o.ddess!"

"That"s the will of our world? So majestic!"

"She will aid us, she will help us!"

"Please, World"s Will, save our world from that monster!"

"She is even accompanied by two Supreme G.o.ddesses as well! Victory is a.s.sured!"

"What a relief… I really didn"t want to be eaten!"

"Indeed, it is truly a relief!"

As the G.o.ds spoke, all seemed happy, the simple words of the World"s Will were rea.s.suring enough!

"However, the demon that Kireina it won"t easily go down, as even I, the World"s Will, will need your help, everyone! All those that are willing to help save the world where you all live, all those willing to put your hearts into the cause, join me in my task to saving the world, your world! From the deadly and malicious chaotic claws of Kireina! You are the hope of this world!" said the World"s Will, making a big announcement!


The World"s Will was recruiting G.o.ds all across the Realms for the cause of defeating Kireina! This was becoming official!


The G.o.ds all around the Interdimensional Merchant Shop began to speak, as everything once more became loud!

"We can help her? Even if we are mere Living Deities?!"

"But I barely have strength, I would surely die…!"

"How can we even help if it is against such a monster as Kireina?"

"I am merely a DemiG.o.d, I can"t do anything against a Great G.o.ddess!"

"Can we really aid her somehow?"

"We can"t! It is impossible! The World"s Will is trying to trick us!"

"Silence! How dare you call our greatest protector a schemer?!"

"But what can we do, World"s Will-sama?"

"Of course you can aid me! Everyone can give their help! Come join the greater cause and become Heroes of the World that will always be remembered! I am not asking you to sacrifice your lives, but to help with any kind of support you can!" said the World"s Will, shocking the people.

"With any help? But how?!"

"I don"t know… I am not sure!"

"I am joining! I want to save the world and be remembered as a hero!"

"Why are you doubting? It is the World"s Will, she will definitely know what to do!"

"Yeah, anyone that doubts her is a fool, and an ungrateful fool, you now have the chance to join her and become part of the greatest Patheon in the entire world!"

The two Supreme G.o.ddesses at the side of the World"s Will, the Supreme G.o.ddess of Souls and Reincarnation, and the Supreme G.o.ddess of Fate and Destiny decided to speak as well.

"We are also going to aid the World"s Will!"

"It has been decided, so please, don"t doubt any other second! You"ll have the souls and fate at your side! There is no way that we can lose!"

"Indeed! It is just as they say, everyone, all of you, G.o.ds across all Realms, we must fight back as one, together, to fend off the menace of this world, to defeat Kireina once and for all!" said the World"s Will.

"Can we do it? Can we really do it? I am nervous…!"

"Of course we can! No more doubts! Join them!"

"Let"s save the world, everyone!

Although the vast majority seemed to have been interested enough, still many G.o.ds held some cautiousness over all of this and didn"t took rash decisions.

However, a sudden presence, just as immense as the Supremes and the world"s will suddenly emerge!

The G.o.ds were shocked, as this presence exuded an air of complete darkness and chaos, of pure void and monstrous gluttony! Even if it was a mere will, it terrified all of them to no end!

"W-What is that will?!"

"It is just as strong as the World"s Will?!"

"It is immense! Way too big…!"

"It can"t be… Could it be…?!"

The World"s Will and the Supreme G.o.ddesses at her side were shocked as well, as they recognized this will!

It was Kireina"s will! Yet… why? Why was it so immense! It was comparable to a Supreme G.o.ddess already! But didn"t she just reached Great G.o.ddess? This was pure insanity… And it didn"t make any sense! It was completely nonsensical!

"This can"t be… this aura is from… her?!"

"Why? It is so strong! And it is a mere will too!"

"Silence you two!" said the world"s will, calming down the supreme G.o.ddesses.

However, as the G.o.ds" wills began to tremble in fear, the aura of darkness was suddenly s.h.i.+fted.

It suddenly turned pink, and filled with strong emotions of love, motherliness, compa.s.sion, and… generosity! All sprinkled with a divine beauty the G.o.ds could barely grasp…

What was this sudden s.h.i.+ft? It was way too shocking.

The G.o.ds remained in silence as they watched this ent.i.ty"s presence change a lot…

And it was no one else than…

"h.e.l.lo, all of my beloved children… I am Kireina, the Great G.o.ddess of Love and Compa.s.sion! You can call me the Mother G.o.ddess of Love!" said Kireina, shocking the entire world!


All the G.o.ds were shocked, they were left speechless after that initial "WHAT?!", it was as if Kireina"s shamelessness knew no bounds!

The World"s Will quickly confronted her!

"What are you even talking about, Kireina Dark Moon?! You are the Great G.o.ddess of Endless and Insatiable All-Consuming Gula!" said the World"s Will.

"Oh? But that"s a t.i.tle that was only given to me by you! And it means nothing all. People of the world, I have changed my ways. And now that I"ve reached this high, I have understood the beauty of everything, and how I love everything as well! I don"t want to destroy the world, not at all! I want to save it, I want to help it flourish, and all of you, beautiful people, are the most important part here! I have decided to open my Pantheon for recruitment! Everyone, please help me save the world together!"

Kireina had completely gone against all expectations!
