Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 99 - The White Compa.s.sion

Chapter 99 - The White Compa.s.sion

[Day 82]

Today, something unexpected happened, Amiphossia was about to hatch from her egg.

I quickly woke up and found my wives around the egg while awaiting the little Lamia to emerge from it. I rushed over and only looked at them while saying nothing, Nesiphae was also extremely nervous and excited.


Amiphossia was doing her best to break the eggsh.e.l.l, but just as stated earlier, a Giant Lamia Egg is extremely st.u.r.dy, even after weakening over the days, it was as hard as a rock.

Amiphossia tried a lot, several minutes pa.s.sed, even hours.

As I got worried over her safety, I asked Nesiphae if we could help her.

"According to what my mother said, breaking the sh.e.l.l of our egg is the first trial on our lives, it helps us build bravery and courage even before being born. This trial is needed to forge her character. For now, we must trust her…"

I nodded in silence as I waited while watching the egg.

Rimuru seemed quite worried as well while trembling. Zehe was patiently awaiting while caressing her belly. Gaby was also caressing her belly but looking at the egg with expectation. Brontes was also excited while raising her hands as if cheering for Amiphossia. Lastly, Mady was quite calm while admiring Amiphossia"s efforts. Yurei was also present at our backs and was looking at the scene with curiosity.

It seems that for most of my wives, Amiphossia is almost like their daughter as well, which makes me glad. She will have loads of mommies to be with.

Two more hours pa.s.sed and Amiphossia wasn"t giving up, pus.h.i.+ng with all her strength.

Crack! Crack!

Suddenly, I felt a strong aura coming from her body, something resembling a purple-colored magic coating reinforced her body, giving her new strength.

"W-What is this?!" (Kireina)

"Such power! Impressive" (Zehe)

"You can do it, little Ami! Guuu!" (Rimuru)

"Oooh! I know you can!" (Gaby)

"Ami! Ami!" (Brontes)

"My, my, such a strong child" (Mady)

"I-I know you can do it, Amiphossia! Breakthrough!" (Nesiphae)

As if hearing all of our cheering, Amiphossia awakened a new strength, which instantly shattered the entire eggsh.e.l.l into tiny pieces!



After seeing my child finally hatching from the egg, I couldn"t contain my tears as they flowed through my face. Amiphossia was so beautiful that I almost died from her adorableness.

She was born while having a size of 113 cm. Her body was delicate and slim. Her skin was pale white, resembling my own. Her face looked like a beautiful painting, having a small a cute nose, crimson lips, and two immense ruby-like eyes, that sparkled with beauty and adorable pointed ears. Her hair was white-colored and extended through her tail, which scales were of a clear purple color, filled with different golden tattoos.

On her forehead, she had a majestic crown of golden horns and small purple colored gemstone, this gemstone was something similar to my own [Orbs], it was named [Orb of Forbidden Wisdom, Poisonous Medicine]. On her belly, she had another gemstone, which was white-colored, this one was named [Orb of Forbidden Arts, Spiritual Wisdom]. Unlike my own [Orbs], these seemed to be natural to her body, and worked similar to a heart, facilizing the flow of magic through her body. (Check Paragraph comments for ill.u.s.tration!)

Just by glancing at this, I noticed her immense talent and power, her own aura was incredibly strong, however, it wasn"t aggressive at all, but had a charming fragrance, which was also calming and relaxing.

As if by reflex, all of us hugged her at the same time.

"Ooh! My daughter!" (Kireina)

"Amiphossia! Amiphossia!" (Nesiphae)

"Aah! You are so cute!" (Zehe)

"Little sister!" (Brontes)

"She is like a beautifully crafted doll!" (Gaby)

"Such an adorable child… I shall spoil you, fufufu" (Mady)

Amiphossia was overwhelmed by us as it tried to look for some s.p.a.ce to breathe.

"Gueeh! Aaah!"

Although she didn"t know how to talk yet, she seemed to have developed intelligence and wasn"t a toddler at all. She was able to mover her arms without any mistake and maintained her balance just right.

"Ahaha, sorry little angel"

I patted Amiphossia as she looked right at my eyes. Afterward, she began to poke the gem on my forehead. Ami suddenly stopped while looking at me, and put her finger on her mouth.

"Chomp… Ouch!"

Nesiphae quickly understood that Ami was extremely hungry as she tried to snack on her own finger.

"Ah! S-Stop! Q-Quick! Bring loads of food, preferably eggs!"

I nodded as I swiftly opened my Item Box and took more than one hundred fresh and white eggs, most of them were from Thunderstorm Phoenix, but there were some Gale Bird Eggs and even Harpy Eggs.

After seeing the tasty eggs, Amiphossia began to gulp them without control, she didn"t even bite into them, she straight up swallowed them whole without any disturbance or problem.

As she kept eating, I called on some maids and we made an improvised breakfast. They also brought some fresh meat so Ami could taste and try new things.

As I ate with everyone, a new System Message popped out of thin air.

[First Chaos Bringer Children; Amiphossia] has been born]

[Updating [First Chaos Bringer Children; Amiphossia] bloodline according to current [Realm Menace of l.u.s.t: Kireina] bloodline]


[First Chaos Bringer Children; Amiphossia] stats have been increased accordingly]

[Certain conditions have been accomplished]

[You have unlocked a special section of the Unique Skill: [Epic of Caterpillar]

[The Born of The Chaos Bringer Children: Amiphossia, The White Compa.s.sion]

"Eh?! "W-White Compa.s.sion"?"

[Epic of Caterpillar; Bonus Chapter 1: Amiphossia, The White Compa.s.sion]

[Kireina"s first child has finally been born, her beauty and power have no equals. However, she possesses a gentle and charming heart. Unknowingly, her destiny has been entangled on the one of her mother"s]

[Your control over the destiny of others has increased by 5%]

"B-Bonus Chapter…? Sigh…"

[Certain conditions have been accomplished]

[Two new t.i.tles have been granted to [First Chaos Bringer] [Amiphossia]

[First Chaos Bringer Children] and [The White Compa.s.sion]

[A new t.i.tle has been granted to [Second Wife] [Nesiphae]

[Chaos Bringer Children Mother]

[A new [Cla.s.s] has been granted to [Second Wife] [Nesiphae]

[Mother of the Child that Will Bring Chaos]

"E-Even more things…"

After calming down for some time while looking at Amiphossia energetically eating eggs, I asked Nesiphae about the new t.i.tle and Cla.s.s.

"Y-Yeah… I did get them… This Cla.s.s… Is quite weird"

"How does it work?"


The cla.s.s named [Mother of the Child that Will Bring Chaos] can be freely switched by other cla.s.ses without any penalty. It"s a special Cla.s.s that can equip any weapon and comes with various free skills to grab. Some of these were [Chaos Magic Resistance], [Chaotic Rampage], [Motherly Protection], etc.

Most of them were defensive skills and some others had offensive properties. It overall increased Nesiphae power quite a lot, as these skills were way stronger than what she can get from eating monsters.

Summarizing, giving birth to my children also increases the power of my wives, surprisingly… However, I think that this is a one time only thing, and cannot be repeated every time they have another of my children.

After having breakfast, I decided to spend the rest of the day with my wives and Amiphossia.

We first decided to wash her on the bath, and because it was her first time in there, she made a mess… But I still managed to wash her with various aromatic soaps, I also washed her long and silky white hair.

Although Ami inherited her mother"s original race, however, she wasn"t born as her evolved form, which is a medusa. She also had several of my own traits, alongside the orbs, she had my pale white skin and crimson eyes. Nesiphae skin is currently purple-colored, due to her latest evolution, and her eyes are pink.

Probably most of Amiphossia traits come from her three blessings too, which were granted to her before hatching. This probably heavily influenced her race and became what is called a "Variant".

While was.h.i.+ng her back, she was playing around with soap, so I swiftly appraised my first child.

[NAME: Amiphossia

[CLa.s.s: Spiritual Phantom Shaman

[SUB CLa.s.s (1): None

[RACE: White Mist Giant Lamia Vampire (Variant)

[LEVEL 001/100 EXP 00000/50000

[STATUS: Undead (Excellent)

[ITEM BOX 000/120

[HP: 195/195 MP: 224/224

[STAMINA: 180/180



[MAGIC: 247


[SPEED: 126


[LUCK: 10

[Blood Strength: 120

I immediately noticed that she was a Vampire, which shocked me for a little, but after thinking it for some time, it seemed to be obvious. What made me glad was that she wasn"t a dhampir, but a pure Vampire like me.

Her overall stats were incredibly excellent for a newborn being that is not a summoned creature, and she exudes talent. I quickly explained to Nesiphae that she was a vampire.

"Oh, I was already expecting it, after all, you are a Vampire, Master…"

After talking for some time while leaving Ami playing around with my wives, we decided to feed her some of my own blood, as it was the most nutritious available, and I could easily refill it using [All-Purpose Self-Fluid Manipulation and Creation].

Subsequently to the nice bath, Amiphossia tasted her first drop of blood, and because it was mine, it was probably the richest blood in the entire continent.

She only drank a small cup, as we decided that it well enough with that.

Amiphossia drank the whole cup in one go as she began to yell in surprise, her ruby-like eyes began to sparkle in amus.e.m.e.nt as she jumped around.

"Oooh! Mmm!"

She liked it a lot.

Thankfully, she didn"t know the origins of the blood, or she would have jumped over my neck.

Afterward, I checked on her mouth, and indeed, she had two very small fangs, which seemed to combine with her natural Lamia fangs. I also taught her how to wash her teeth.

The poison that her right fang secreted had a very corrosive nature, being able to dissolve even adamantine ingots.

On the other hand, her left fang secreted a white-colored poison, which instead of harming had incredible healing properties, being comparable to my Rainbow Blood Fruits.

This seems to be the combination of the blessings from the Demi-G.o.d of Corrosive Poison and the Demi-G.o.ddess of Medicine. In the future, Ami will most probably gain the power to alter her poison to whatever properties she desires. She could instantly generate the highest quality of elixirs or the deadliest of poisons.

Because she was just born, I didn"t want her to pressure on doing any workout at all, and after she went to the potty, which she learned to use quite fast, she took a nap on Nesiphae"s lap.

Nesiphae caressed her beautiful white hair while singing a lullaby that her mother used to sing.

It was quite late so I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon sewing some new clothes for the -still nude- Amiphossia.

I ended up making a small white-colored dress for her. Although I may begin to make warmer clothes, as it has been getting colder lately.

When it was 7 PM, Amiphossia finally woke up and I made her try the new dress, she seemed to like it as she hugged me tightly.

Afterward, we went to the dining room for dinner while giving her a small trip around the castle. She was surprised for almost anything and liked to explore every inch of the place.

When she came to the dining room, a lot of my servants were already dining, as various ones noticed the little Lamia.

Wagyu was the first one to jump over her as he began to lick her face. Ami seemed to enjoy it as she laughed.

After some hours, Amiphossia was able to meet with a lot of new faces, she was surprised by the different races and played around with their tails, ears, and horns. Truhan even gave her a small trip over his big and muscular shoulders.

She also ate a lot of new food; she didn"t like most of the veggies but did like sweet fruits. I wanted to feed her some Giant Ice Rabbit Milk but she did not like it.

Nesiphae laughed at this.

"Hahaha, Lamias don"t need milk, Master. The sh.e.l.l of the eggs she ate gave her plenty of nutrition for her bones to grow stronger"

Before going to sleep, I gave Amiphossia her [Spiritual Poisonous Soul Orb Necklace]. She liked the s.h.i.+ny gem and played with it a lot, but I stopped her before she put it on her mouth. With Nesiphae, we told her to not eat these things, as it could be dangerous for her young belly.

Ami nodded with puppy eyes while hugging us both. Aaah… How can I get mad with her? I fear that I may become a dotting father… I mean mother.

Tonight, was peaceful and there wasn"t any news from Guubo or Alice, and neither my flesh and slime minions, so I had a relaxing sleep. Amiphossia slept between Nesiphae and myself.




[Day 83]




Today, I was woken up by Amiphossia, who seems to have learned how to say, mommy. That was… quite fast. According to Nesiphae, Lamias develop their brains while inside their eggs, they also learn words quite easily and even figure some words themselves.

However, she learned how to talk five days after hatching from her egg. Amiphossia learning how to talk on her second day only showed her incredible talent and intelligence, I immediately realized that she could be a prodigy.

Ah! My daughter really makes me proud…

After taking a bath with my wives and Amiphossia, I gave her the daily cup of blood that she requires. I told her to drink it slowly so she can enjoy the flavor more.

She still drank it in one go and demanded more.

I was about to take some more of my blood but I was stopped by Nesiphae.

"No! Amiphossia, only one cup per day! More blood and you will grow like a wild monster"

Oh, that"s right. Redgaria told me that Vampire children need to be feed blood every day, but only on small quant.i.ties so they don"t become too obsessed with the flavor, which would end up making them become bloodthirsty monsters.

There are various recorded cases of Vampire children growing too obsessed with blood and ending up evolving as Berserk Ghouls. Completely stripping from their intelligence and becoming wild monsters.

Amiphossia was scared about what her mother said.

"Noo! I don"t want to become monshter…"

Sigh… I don"t like seeing her get scared or sad, but I suppose it"s the best way for her to learn these things.

Today I mostly tried to teach her how to say more complicated words and even showed her various books with ill.u.s.trations courtesy of the Aquaria Kingdom.

Adelle was quite fascinated with the small Amiphosia and told her about the various places on the Aquaria Kingdom, Ami really wanted to explore the place. So, we might end up going on a "family trip" with all my wives and her next week.

She is still too young to train her yet, so I dedicated myself to develop her brain for now.

Just like a prodigy, she was extremely quick to learn and in eight hours, she was able to read a very basic book.

After she finished reading it in voice aloud, everyone present applauded.

I"ve been too busy with my daughter, so I skipped most of my daily activities today. However, I made my flesh and slime minions do the work for me. Because I can share any of my skills with them, I made around five of them summon Undead Monsters and another five were on the workshop crafting equipment.

Because I share everything that they gain in knowledge, I was slowly leveling my subcla.s.ses fields, except the EXP gained from slaying monsters.

Because this was quite convenient, I even made some do sewing and even help in the kitchen accompanied by Rimuru. Like this, I can gain more knowledge on these fields and slowly level them pa.s.sively.

Some helped on the crops alongside the Human girls and the farming team, which consisted of mostly goblins and monkeys.

Because I can share their memories and experiences, it was as if I was having a date with all my wives at the same time, because all of them were on their specific fields, while I was teaching Ami new words alongside Nesiphae.

I don"t think I would have been able to do such a thing before drinking Alice"s blood, as she gave me the skills necessary to not tire out my mind while mult.i.tasking. Thinking about Alice, I talked to her through my flesh and slime minion that I made for her.

She told me that everything was going according to plan without any disturbances, although there were some spies, she quickly disposed of them and also brainwashed her brothers and father. In the next weeks, she will kill her father and then make one of her brothers confess the crime while making her the head of the family.

Also, some of my Dhampirs have met in person with various Elemental Knights already and even became good friends with some, like the [Elemental Knight of Gemstones] and the [Elemental Knight of Nature]. They still don"t suspect a thing about their true ident.i.ties as Dhampir.

After having dinner with my family, we slept soundly on our big bed. Zehe has been having some problems while sleeping, as the child has been growing too quickly inside of her belly.

Thankfully, her body is already quite big and can take on the child just fine, but I still relaxed her pain with [Lovely Care: Pain Reduction] while I exuded a relaxing fragrance so she could have a nice sleep.

She may be giving birth in the next three days.

[Sub Cla.s.ses Fields]

[Sewing: level 5/10 > 6/10]

[Cooking: level 6/10 > 7/10]

[Construction: level 1/10 > 2/10]

[Metallurgy: level 1/10 > 2/10]

[Gathering: level 3/10 > 4/10]

[Farming: level 4/10 > 5/10]


