Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 987 - Ova"s Considerations

Chapter 987 - Ova"s Considerations


Ova, the Great G.o.ddess of Beasts, quickly flew back into her Divine Realm, as she glanced at the vast wilderness from within her gigantic palace.

Her eyes didn"t seem filled with the life that her divinity represented, however, as she seemed rather tired of everything.

She had enough of a life to make her like this… Recalling her past would often only make her even bitter, so she usually would spend her days sleeping.

Her right and left hand, Bazael, the Beast G.o.d of Cranes and Venettia, the Beast G.o.ddess of Doves seemed concerned about her, as they asked her what was on her mind.

"Mother, is there something on your mind?" asked Bazael.

"Is something troubling you?" asked Venettia.

"What wouldn"t trouble me at this time and age? My children that I"ve left monitoring the border continent all are betraying me and joining the enemy of the entire realm, and I am left here waiting to go kill that Kireina while also receiving the detestable Agatha"s a.s.sistance," sighed Ova.

"Mother, you should not worry about our misguided siblings, they had stopped being part of this family the moment they stepped into that abomination"s pantheon," said Bazael.

"That"s right. We can always make new Beast-kin, and it is not as if could not be replaced by the children they already had," said Venettia.

"I am not worried about those useless wastes of Divine Energy, I am worried about fighting that monster… You know how fast it had grown this whole time?" asked Ova.

"Yes, we are aware of it. Nonetheless, it shouldn"t be a problem if all four of you Great G.o.ds confront her, she might had grown stronger but if all four of you fight together and destroy her, she should definitely die," said Bazael.

"It might be proven to be a challenge… But you must trust your companions as well," said Venettia.

"You two don"t know a thing, don"t you? All those Great G.o.ds just want to eliminate each other, Agatha wants to kill me most likely, Jupiter probably wants to get rid of all of us and… that Lion is the most mysterious. I can"t really tell what"s on his mind. But he"s definitely planning something," said Ova.

The two beast G.o.ds remained in silence as they realized their ignorance and innocent viewpoints.

"And that abomination… Kireina. Have you seen what she did in the Pantheon? She even fought back against the World"s Will and proclaimed to be a Great G.o.ddess of Love. Many Lone G.o.ds across the realms are joining her pantheon now… She must have hundred of servants at this point. All the power we have been acc.u.mulating that would dwarf her own has been for naught, now, she possess perhaps an even stronger army. And if the items she had were true, it means that she most likely made all these G.o.ds or DemiG.o.ds into even stronger beings… And with her charm, she most likely brainwashed them into doing her bidding," said Ova.

The two G.o.ds glanced at their mother in shock, but this was the reality they were living on, Kireina was quickly gathering forces equal to the oldest of Great G.o.ds now, and they were unable to do anything over it!

Kireina"s forces were increasing with every single day that pa.s.sed, and her power would continue to skyrocket.

Even more now that she was absorbing the essence of various attributes through her unique Path Jewels and gaining a constant flow of power and energy, not even that was known by the G.o.ds… Something that was incredibly crucial for her growth and the power she was ama.s.sing behind their backs.

Additionally, unlike their Divine Realms, her Divine Realm was going incredibly fast, a day outside were around 20 days inside her divine realm!

She held many advantages that Ova didn"t knew about, but from what she knew, she was already finding it difficult to defeat her, even more as the other Great G.o.ds might try to kill her or something in the middle of the intense battle.

"How infuriating… That monster! She had grown so strong and so fast…! In less than a year she"s already a Great G.o.ddess, while it took me thousands of years to achieve Great G.o.ddess! A through these last years I"ve been increasing my Rank steadily… All for this caterpillar to suddenly reach my Rank! Great G.o.ds are supposed to be rare! Yet… she"s achieving their power so easily…" she thought, as she hit the throne she was sitting on.


Her size compared to another human was very tall, almost like a t.i.taness. The truth was that Ova held within her t.i.tan Bloodline, as she was daughter between a t.i.tan and human from the past.

It was said that this t.i.tan was able to shapes.h.i.+ft his size and had done love with many maidens in the old Genesis, spreading the bloodline of t.i.tans even on races that shouldn"t be able to give birth to them.

The Children would usually be born as their mother"s race, but as they grew, they would become taller and taller, and develop t.i.tan powers.

Ova was a Half-t.i.tan and Half-Human, but was mostly of the Human Faction back then, and had strived to survive after her mother died out of an incurable disease when she was 3 years of age.

Thrown into the wilderness of the old Genesis, she survived however she could, eating plants, mushrooms, and hiding beneath empty trees.

In her first years of survival she had developed her abilities as a t.i.taness, which seemed to help her naturally develop her Life and Nature Magic, and even the unique spell Beast Whisper, that only Druid t.i.tans could develop. With this Spell, she was able to whisper to the animals and speak their tongue, saving her life from being eaten alive by a furious Grisly Bear at the age of 4.

She slowly cultivated her body through the natural energies that flowed through the world and strengthened her soul and body, while slowly taming more beasts and surviving in the vast wilderness of the ma.s.sive planet of Genesis.

At the age of 8 she already had a ma.s.sive army of beasts, and was known as the Half-t.i.tan Princess of Beasts by the locals. She held a mostly neutral faction and survived on her own, often never going anywhere near civilizations.

Ova grew with the beasts and was therefore beastly herself, until one day a group of Life and Nature Attribute Cultivators who were seeking talents found her and captured her.

She would late know that these mortals directly served the Supreme G.o.ddess of Life and Origin when she was yet to become a Supreme G.o.ddess in that time, as she had recently become a Great G.o.ddess.

In the past, Great G.o.ds were actually not as rare as now, as the world was overflowing with resources everywhere… Ova was captured by these cultivators who saw great potential in her, and she was introduced into a sect.

Of course, as a wild half-t.i.tan girl, she made a big ruckus for a year and a half until she was finally tamed by the Supreme G.o.ddess herself, who had decided to adopt her as a daughter and teach her how to cultivate and use her talents better…

However, Ova grew rather detached to life despite her talent for this attribute, and not even her children were much of her concern. The only she cared for was the Supreme G.o.ddess of Life and Origin, which she considered her mother. She also remembers Gaia, the t.i.taness of Earth, who was like her older sister… one of the few people that she held dear, but that died in the Ragnarök.

After the Ragnarök many of her siblings died, and she felt bitter, her heart became as cold as ice, and her expectations lowered. She had become obsessed with growing stronger and didn"t cared about anything else, her children were not an issue for her anymore, she discarded those that were useless and created them mostly so she could fill in with the world"s will requests of population.

After all, the world"s will itself requested her to create a race of beast-kin similar to the older races that existed in Genesis so humans could abuse them, making it so Humans wouldn"t battle against each other as much if they had certain races to target.

It was a sick standpoint, but she didn"t cared, she made them out of this thought and never made a bond with any of them, despite what her mother had tried to tell her, she ignored her words and ignored her own offspring, only giving them some money so they could fend off by themselves.

She still obeyed the supreme of life and origin, but she had definitely changed after the many tragedies she went through, and after all those she loved died horribly… She had become senseless, emotionless, and depressive… Even more as her partner, Agatha, was a detestable woman that she never liked, one of her "sisters" that she never considered one.

But wasn"t she just as detestable as Agatha now? She began to consider what she was now… a mere husk of her former self. What was she now? Nothing, perhaps not even trash was as bad as her.

She considered her long life and all the efforts, tragedies, and more she had gone through, and compared herself to Kireina… someone that hasn"t even undergone 1% of what she did, yet had acquired the same level of power and was even increasing with every day…

It was unfair, irritably unfair.

Why mut she had suffered so much for others such as Kireina to get everything served in a silver plate? It was irritating to no avail.

She didn"t knew that Kireina"s talent was immense from the beginning and without the help of anyone, as she was the daughter of the Primordial Deity of Chaos herself, of course, so she thought that everything she had achieved has been merely through stealing the power of others from the blessing the System Master gave to her in a whim…

Ova cursed the heavens as she couldn"t hold up this anger overflowing through her heart, aside from all the bitterness and the husk of a woman she had become, within her heart there was a blazing wrath of pure envy and jealously against Kireina and everything she had achieved.

Ova wanted to crush her and show her who was the better one, while also retrieving the children she stole from her property, and educate them for their betrayal.

She wanted to do this so badly yet… was she even capable of doing so? The power of Kireina was already proven, and her recent divinity was even around the sin of gluttony, she had become a great G.o.ddess that represented eating and devouring anything… based on this, her powers related to eating and devour might had skyrocketed to insane levels at this point.

Was there any hope left?

Ova considered the possibilities but there were some… yet, because she was going to be most likely targeted by the other Great G.o.ds…

What would she need to do to come on top? She was losing her grasp in what to do… And she wished her older sister Gaia could be here to lend her a hand with her wise words, and her warm lap.

Ova rested over her throne and closed her eyes, recalling those old days, how her sister let her rest over her warm and soft lap, her thighs were so soft it made her sleep almost immediately, as Gaia sang a beautiful song with her maiden voice, and caressed her long and blonde hair…

Those were the days she always remembered to keep herself afloat in this chaotic era, she had nothing else anymore, she was alone in this world… Well, not really. She had many things she could grasp and love, but she had saved her own feelings inside a bubble and had become a complete monster in the outside.

She couldn"t be considered a mother anymore, and Gaia and the Supreme G.o.ddess of Life and Origin would be embarra.s.sed of her demeanor and the way she treated the children she had…
