Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 101 - Amiphossia Limitless Potential

Chapter 101 - Amiphossia Limitless Potential

[Day 84]

Today I decided to spend the day with my wives alongside my daughter once again. She was just born so it"s natural to give her all my time for now.

However, since I woke up that I set up all my flesh and slime minions to do their daily tasks, this is slowly becoming a routine for them.

Zehe has been mostly resting, for now, only eating on the bed and sleeping. I"ve checked her multiple times with my [Mystic Eyes] but everything seems to be doing fine, she is just very tired over the child taking her nutrients so quickly. Thankfully, she was able to easily replenish lost nutrients with my Rainbow Blood Fruits.

Today, Amiphosia has developed some new abilities, she has begun to use magic all out of the sudden.

Everyone was amazed as she began to use a strange phantasmal type of magic. Most of what she does are just shows, as her magic is usually harmless. The magic itself manifests as a formless purple gas, which she molds to whatever she wants.

What seemed to be normal for her, was something extremely complicated, molding magic on the third day that you"re born is almost an impossible feat. She seems to be naturally adapted to use magic as if it were an extension of her own body, a talent that Nesiphae never had. It took her years to be able to use magic as she does now.

Because of this, I decided to teach Amiphossia some basic spells that she could do, these came inside a small magic book that Redgaria gave to me. These spells can be cast by any mage no matter their affinity.

In less than two hours, she already learned how to throw a fireball.

"Mommy look!"

Amiphossia raised her small arm as a small fireball was created in an instant, throwing it to a dummy settled on the Training Grounds beforehand.


The dummy was blasted into ashes.

"T-That was fast…"

Two hours later, she was able to mold the fireball into tiny fireb.a.l.l.s resembling miniature meteors.

"Mommy! Look what I can do! M-Meteor!"

Amiphossia once again raised her arm as two fireb.a.l.l.s were created on an instant, however, this time they began to separate into small fireb.a.l.l.s that were blasted as rain over several dummies.


A sea of fire… Nothing was left behind.

"T-That"s certainly amazing, Amiphossia!"

One hour later, she was able to make spears of fire, just by looking at my examples…

"Is it like this, mommy?"

Amiphosia generated several fireb.a.l.l.s over her head as they quickly merged into a sharp spear, which flew at an amazing speed, breaking sound itself.


"E-EH?! GUOOO!!! My daughter is the best!!!"


G.o.d, this girl is very talented.

Subsequently, because she learned these spells perfectly, she gained them as Skills, these were [Fireball], [Fireball Mini Meteors] and [Fire Spears].

Due to her innate talent, I also made her learn other spells, at least the basic elements like Ice and Thunder.

In five hours, she mastered [Icicle Rain], [Ice Spears], [Thunder Flash], [Lighting Strike] and [Storming Icicle Blast].

After she learned the basics, I made her use her own innate magic, which was named [Spiritual Shamanism Magic], [Corrosive Poison Magic] and [Heavenly Medicine Magic].

The first one showed itself as phantasmal specters that she was able to manipulate and mold, these were able to detonate, expand and even carry her.

The second magic was the total manipulation and creation of poisonous and corrosive substances, she was able to mold them to whatever she pleased and add different properties, like poisonous paralysis, sleep, bleed, etc.

The third magic was about healing, it showed itself as a heavenly light that could easily heal most wounds, she could mold it as protective s.h.i.+elds or blinking lights that could distract foes.

Because of this training, she learned the skills [Phantasmal Grab], [Phantasmal Detonation], [Lower Possession], [Poisonous Ball], [Paralyzing Poison Spears], [Sleeping Poison Arrows], [Corrosive Poison Coating], [Heavenly Light of Healing], [Heavenly Antidote], [Holy Wall] and [Heavenly Blinding Light].

I also discovered that just like everyone else who shares my blessing, she can obtain skills from monsters, and already had several skills from the meat and eggs she ate, like the Thunderstorm Phoenix skills.

However, just like me, she began to get less skills from food until she got none, this means that what she had already learned is strong enough.

While we were having dinner, I gave her a [Advanced Alchemist Bracelet] and taught her how to fuse skills. But because she was too young yet, I was afraid that she could mess up some skills, so I guided her on the fusion and then took the bracelet from her.

Before sleeping, I checked on my flesh and slime minion activities. They have been diligently working on the workshop, however, because they aren"t as skillful, they cannot make such delicate works like my wives" equipment, for now, I left them doing ingots from the equipment obtained on the dungeon.

Hmm, I may go to the workshop and show the place around to Ami…

For now, time to sleep.

Ami was being very spoiled tonight as she hugged me tightly with her strong snake tail. She liked to touch my face from time to time. It seems to make her relax. She also likes to touch Nesiphae"s belly.

[Sub Cla.s.ses Fields]

[Sewing: level 6/10 > 7/10]

[Cooking: level 7/10 > 8/10]

[Gathering: level 4/10 >5/10]

[Farming: level 5/10 > 6/10]

[Alchemy: level 9/10 > 10/10] > [Chemistry: level 1/10]




Skill Fusions of the Day:

1) [Masterful Merchant Arts: Super Discount and Offer] + [Merchant Arts: Price Down] + [Merchant Arts: Price Up] + [Merchant Arts: Masterful Seller] = [Masterful Merchant Arts: Grand Discount and Offer]

*Can give better and more convincing "offers" and force others to do better discounts. It can work on experienced merchants now. Cost: 70 MP.

2) [Merchant Arts: Gold Rain] + [Merchant Arts: Gold Dig] = [Masterful Merchant Arts: Gold Dig and Rain]

*Pa.s.sive. Guarantees the drop of gold from monsters in dungeons, increases quant.i.ty dropped. Can occasionally find gold on the ground or in the rain (Luck % Chance).

3) [Protective Nature] + [Protective Holy Barrier] + [Weapon Summoning Magic: Thundering Wall s.h.i.+eld] + [Arcane Oceanic Magic: Leviathan"s s.h.i.+eld]] = [Weapon Summoning Magic: Thunderstorm Oceanic Protective Wall]

*A new evolution on this s.h.i.+eld skill, it can now be cast multiple times and can be set to "auto", protecting nearby allies, each s.h.i.+eld works similar to Kekensha s.h.i.+elds. Cost: 60 MP.

4) [Weapon Summoning Magic: Wailing Specter Bone Axe] + [Demon Holder] + [Shadow Devouring] + [Skeleton Dragon Curse Flare Breath] = [Weapon Summoning Magic: Cursed Blazing Shadow Axe]

*Enhanced Axe with shadow devouring capabilities that can also cause severe damage with [Cursing Flames]. It can also store a demon inside, however, it"s extremely hard to do such a thing. Cost: 60 MP.

5) [Arcane Oceanic Magic: Iceberg Spears Rain] + [Arcane Oceanic Magic: Oceanic Spirits Mystical Heal] + [Arcane Oceanic Magic: Poseidon Catastrophe] + [Arcane Oceanic Magic: Atlantis Fall] = [Arcane Oceanic Magic: Grandmaster Spell Grimoire]

*Contains all the above spells while enhancing their power and lowering their MP cost. Cost per spell: 90 MP.


[A new section has been created on the [Metis Grand Magic Knowledge Library]

[Arcane Oceanic Magic: Grandmaster Spell Grimoire] has been a.s.similated]

[New section created: [Arcane Oceanic Magic]

6) [Arcane Oceanic Familiar Summoning: Splas.h.i.+ng Sea Serpents] + [Arcane Oceanic Mythical Familiar Summoning: Three-Headed Leviathan] + [Arcane Oceanic Familiar Summoning: Ancient Ocean Spirit Kraken] = [Arcane Oceanic Familiar Summoning: Ancient Ocean Spirit Hydra]

*A destructive familiar that possess countless heads, it resembles a Leviathan. It contains several Orbs on its body which enhances its magical power. The previous familiars can still be summoned. Cost per summon 100 MP. Hydra cost: 160 MP.




[Day 85]

Today I taught more magic to Amiphossia. Her comprehension of it has increased quite a lot now and I think she was ready to finally gain EXP, so I quickly summoned some weak Undead Soldiers and instead of made them stand up and die, I ordered them to move around as fast as they could while trying to evade my daughter spells. This way, she can learn how to aim her magic towards moving enemies.

"Just look, Mommy! Fire Spears!"

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

While using [Phantasmal Grab], Amiphossia moved around the air and shoot several fire spears towards the moving Undead Soldiers.


However, most spears missed their targets and only left a blackened floor.

Ami missed most of the time for a few hours, however, as she kept shooting Fire Spears, her aim became greater. She also began to combine different magic, giving powerful effects to her offensive spells.

After three hours, she managed to defeat every single Undead and gained around 15 levels.

She experienced the power of gaining levels, which reinforced her body and made it lighter.

"Mommy, is this leveling?"

"That"s right, as you level up, your body becomes stronger and swifter and your mind clearer and vast"

Amiphossia nodded while listening to my teachings.

I also taught her the true nature of EXP being "Life Energy", the levels being "Life Walls" and explained her a little bit about the Realm we are living right now, which is named Vida.

Because she was very young, she quickly absorbed all the information with ease.

After having lunch, she kept training her magic. This time, I forced her to only cast fused spells.

After three hours, she was too mentally exhausted and we rested. However, she wanted to keep going, and something strange happened as she forced herself to keep fighting.

The orbs on her forehead and belly s.h.i.+ned on a bright light and gave her new strength and magic, as if they were storing them beforehand, similar to my own orbs.

After seeing such a scene, I tough about the possibility of having a hidden feature on her orbs, so I told her to infuse magic into her orbs until she felt like she could grab something from them.

In the end, what came from them surprised me even more. A Purple Colored Staff and a Bright White Sword. These weapons appeared out of thin air as she forced her magic inside her orbs. These weapons were very similar to the ones other Half Lords possessed and could grow in strength as she leveled up.

The Purple Colored Staff was named [Poisonous Obsidian Staff of Detoxification] and came from the orb on her forehead, while the Bright White Sword was named [Heavenly Blade of Forgiveness] and came from the orb on her belly.

She tried both weapons while using different techniques, and told me that they boosted their power greatly, they also felt as if they were a part of her body. Well, they actually are.

Her Staff amplified her Corrosive Poison Magic and the other elements, while the Sword was quite weird, instead of having any offensive properties, it had healing properties when it slashed an opponent, something that I"ve never seen before. It was a sword, but it worked similarly to other staff, having the ability to heal anything it touches while amplifying Heavenly Medicine Magic.

However, Ami really wanted to swing a sword that could deal with actual damage, so starting tomorrow I will begin teaching her sword techniques.

"Mommy, I"m tired… Where is mommy Nesiphae?"

"Oh, she must be on the training grounds, want to take a look?"

"I do! What are the training grounds?"

"You"ll see…"

When we reached the Training Grounds, Amiphossia was able to see the true strength of Nesiphae, who was smas.h.i.+ng countless Super Enhanced Chimera Undead as if they were mere ants. Her power increased each time she killed more Undead, as she began to unleash her [Magic Snakes], which helped her on the work of catching the monsters.

"Aaah! Mommy is so strong! I want to be like her!"

"I"m sure you will be; however, I hope that one day you can surpa.s.s all of us"

When Nesiphae noticed her daughter, she quickly rushed toward her and embraced Amiphossia on her giant arms.

"Aaah! Ami! I"ve missed you!"

"M-Mommy! We have barely been separated for some hours…"

"And each hour is like an eternity without my little baby…"

"Hehehe… W-Wait! I-I"m not a baby!"

"Right, right…"

Suddenly, Nesiphae began tickling Amiphossia belly, as my daughter exploded in laughter.

"Hehehe! S-Stop! Haha! Noo, don"t do that, mommy!"

"Oh? Did I heard you right, did you just said to keep going?"

This cute and warm scene kept going for the rest of the afternoon. Afterward, we reencountered with my wives and we had a nice family dinner. Zehe was also here and ate more than what she usually eats.

"H-Honey, the baby might be coming tomorrow, so please, be alert"

I nodded.

"Don"t worry, I"ve left several minions for your a.s.sistance. Also, several members of the nursing team are staying on a room adjacent to us, so they will immediately rush here whenever the baby is about to come"

Hearing this, Zehe seemed more confident as she ate tons of delicious food, she mostly ate meat and vegetables, with a little bit of boiled grains and soup.

Amiphossia has been eating a lot recently too, she is quite the glutton. Thankfully, she came with a [Belly] related skill, giving her the ability to eat almost three times her size without problems, easily storing energy.

Tonight, was a calm night and when Amiphossia finally fell asleep, I swiftly sneaked to the workshop using [Stealth]. There, I resumed my work.

After several hours, two new bracelets for my wives were done, these were [Enhanced Basilisk Poisonous Soul Golden Bracelet] for Nesiphae and [Enhanced Thunderstorm Phoenix Wisdom Golden Bracelet] for Brontes. Both accessories came with high resistance to their natural weaknesses, being Holy and Light magic for Nesiphae, and Earth and Wind Magic for Brontes.

I also began working on some ingots to make Amiphossia a new sword. It will have several bonuses on strength and speed, but it also needs to be light and also increase her magic power.

When it was around 4 AM, I went to sleep.

[Sub Cla.s.ses Fields]

[Construction: level 2/10 > 3/10]

[Metallurgy: level 2/10 > 3/10]

[Chemistry: level 1/10 > 2/10]




[NAME: Kireina

[CLa.s.s: High Troll Warrior

[SUB CLa.s.s (1): Merfolk Aquarian Alchemist

[SUB CLa.s.s (2): Advanced Alchemist

[RACE: Mid Soul Devouring Fairy Vampire Empress

[LEVEL 67/70 EXP 1321371/1373000

[STATUS: Undead (Insatiable Appet.i.te)

[ITEM BOX 42/70 (+20)

[HP: 355/355 (+55) MP: 449/449 (+55)

[STAMINA: 165/165 (+50)

[STRENGTH: 354 (+71)

[DEFENCE: 353 (+96)

[MAGIC: 587 (+82)

[RESISTANCE: 342 (+102)

[SPEED: 358 (+92)

[CHARISMA: 164 (+50)

[LUCK: 2

[BLOOD STRENGTH: 296 (+10)


[Nether Sword of Undying Pain (Legendary)]

[Shadow-Gathering Staff of Oblivion (Legendary)]

[Shadow Queen Imposing Demon Crown (Rare+++)]

[Shadow Queen Enchanting Dress (Full Body) (Rare++)]

[Ferocious Poisonous Mistress (Left Hand Glove Armor) (Unique)]

[Shadow Queen Imposing Demon Claws (Right Hand Glove Armor) (Rare++)]

[Shadow Queen Imposing Demon Armored Heels (Foot Armor) (Rare++)]

[Shadow Rose Chest Plate (Chest Armor) (Unique+)]

[Undead Cerberus Adorable Keychain (Accessory 1) (Unique+)]

[Hundred Ghost Gem Pendant (Accessory 2) (Unique++)]

[Sub Cla.s.ses Fields]

[Sewing: level 7/10]

[Cooking: level 8/10]

[Construction: level 3/10]

[Metallurgy: level 3/10]

[Gathering: level 5/10]

[Farming: level 6/10]

[Chemistry: level 2/10]


[Blessing of ########] [Puppet Master Level 7] [Brain Share 3/3]

[Flame Body] [Overpowering Sun] [Novice Alchemist Bracelet]

[Blood Pact Ring] [Shadow Thread Magic: Creation and Minion Manipulation Level 9]

[Supernatural Blood Vitality Level 9] [Abrahel Curse]

[Demonic Overpowering Mana Authority: Creation, Manipulation, and Usage]

[Sacred Rainbow Blood Fruit Creation level 1]

[Empress of l.u.s.t All-Purpose Genetic a.s.similation and Absorption Level 1]

[Blood Monster Mimic Portable Treasure Chest]

[Legendary Weapon Summoning Magic: Heaven Shattering Flame Overlord]

[Cursed Ocean Empress Unique Transformation Skill: 12 Wings Demon Mode]

[Legendary Weapon summoning Magic: Demon Sword Ollathir]

[Weapon Summoning Magic: Wind Magic Bow: Mercedes]

[Weapon Summoning Magic: Dark Wyvern Scale Demonic Axe: Vulcan]

[Marchosias Blessing]

[Legion Blessing]

[Abaddon Blessing]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Unique Cursed Spear, Axe, Sword and Bow Techniques: 62]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Poisonous Abyss Body]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Nine Eyes of Perception, Senses, and Doom]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Beastly Battle Style]

[Supernatural Demonic Core of Forbidden Magic]

[Empress of l.u.s.t Indestructible Conviction]

[Armor Combination]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Supernatural Lovely Boost: All Stat, EXP Enhancement, and Healing]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Hundred Lovely Arms of Demise]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Triple Elemental Cerberus Chimera Armor]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Insatiable Appet.i.te: Countless Gluttonous Fangs and Tentacles of Obliteration]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Illusive and Hypnotizing Magic: Fragrance, Voice, and Charm]

[Thunder, Water, Heat and Earth Natural Manipulation]

[Intimidating a.s.sault]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Giant Phantasmal Demon Horns]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Grand Immunity; Poison, Freezing, Shockwaves, Confusion and Nether]

[All-Purpose Enhanced Body Fluids, Flesh, Bone and Minion Creation and Manipulation]

[Enhanced Deadly Trap]

[Transcendent Magic: Metis Grand Magic Knowledge Library]

[Blessing of the Demi-G.o.ddess of Nature: Kyltia]

[Sacred Spiritual Orb of Nature and Earth]

[Wind, Fire, and Water Spirit Weapon Infusion]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Sacred Omni Elemental Spiritual s.h.i.+eld]

[Enhanced Appraisal and Appraisal Blocking]

[Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Unique Weapon: Void Crystal Emperor Long Daggers]

[Golden Horn Creation]

[True Magical Double]

[Advanced Necromancy Arts; Random High Undead Summon]

[Corrosive Magic Field]

[Blessing of the G.o.d of Light: Apollo]

[Enhanced Mapping Magic and Surroundings Perception]

[Triple Elemental Winged Golden Emerald Exoskeleton Armor]

[Shadow Binding]

[Deviant Follower of the Dark Ones]

[Forbidden Summoning Magic: Lower Eldritch Abomination]

[Crystal Horn Generation]

[Blessing of the G.o.d of Thunder: Zeus]

[Familiar Summoning Magic: Thunderstorm Phoenix (Unsealed)]

[Destructive Thunder Awakening]

[Thunder Lance Mercurius Divine Techniques: 10]

[Blessing of the Demi-G.o.d of Swords: Tyrfing]

[Blessing of the Demi-G.o.ddess of Arcane Magic: Brynhildr]

[Human Slaughterer]

[Ultimate Sword Technique: Silver Rainfall of the Seven Stabs]

[Summoning Ritual Magic: Fearless Dragon Lion Chimera]

[Ultimate Magic Technique: Overpowering Full Body Enhancement]

[Increased Ritual Magic Affinity]

[Ultimate Magic Crossbow Technique: Spiritual Arrow Barrage]

[Ultimate Claymore Technique: One Hundred Cross Smashes]

[Merchant Arts: All-Purpose Dimensional Shop]

[Merchant Global Knowledge Book]

[Familiar Summoning Magic: Ferocious Tundra Lion]

[Familiar Summoning Magic: Destructive Baby Wyvern]


[Ancient Mystical Ice Phoenix Orb of Forbidden Wisdom]

[All-Seer Eyes of l.u.s.t that Summon Paralyzing and Freezing Beams of Annihilation]

[Stacking, Debuffing Freeze Glare]

[High Royal Vampire Heart]

[Seductive Empress of l.u.s.t Illogical Divine Thunder Crystalline Elixir Flesh and Blood]

[Seductive Empress of l.u.s.t Illogically Enhanced All Magic Resistance]

[Sacred Verdant Healing Domain]

[Seductive Empress of l.u.s.t Thundering Tireless Mind]

[Sin of l.u.s.t Cunning and Parallel Thinking: Masterful Lier]

[Seductive Empress of l.u.s.t Sacred Magical Talented Royal Bloodline Blessing]

[Enhanced All-Purpose, Sewing, Cooking, Crafting, Blacksmithing, Gathering and Farming Mastery]

[Universal Crafter, Alchemy and Forge Grandmaster Recipe Book]

[Destructive Demon of l.u.s.t Catastrophic Rampage]

[Unique Armor Transformation Magic: Six-Armed Tyrannical Wyvern Magic Reflecting Armor]

[Destructive Demon of l.u.s.t Illogical Overwhelming Deadly Presence and Yell]

[Grandmaster Veteran Sword, Magic Crossbow, Claymore, Dragoon Lance, and Shadow Dagger Techniques: 35]

[Eyes that Summon the Thunderstorm]

[Bone Fusion]

[Eldritch Follower]

[Seductive Voice of The Sin of l.u.s.t: Delusional Despair Song]

[Graceful and Superior Etiquette of the Royal Damsel]

[Beastly Orb of the Thundering Chimera]

[Talented and Inspirational Musical Heart]

[Five Mystic Cursed Tails]

[Tyrannical Raptor Copper Ring: Fierce Raptor Ally]

[Six-Eyed Tyrant Scale Generation]

[Fierce Raptor Ally Strong and Agile Muscles]

[Fierce Raptor Ally Destructive Kick]

[Pressuring and Intimidating Glare of the Thundering Tyrant]

[Eight Abyss Claws of the Destructive Beast of l.u.s.t]

[Illusive Personification]

[Fake Illusion]

[Area Reconnaissance]

[Blessing of the Merman G.o.d of Oceans Poseidon]

[Blessing of the Demi-G.o.d of Aquatic Beasts Ieyar]

[Oceanic Orb of The Merman Old Ancestor]

[Ancient Oceanic Merman Flesh and Blood]

[Both Arms that Summon the Raging Oceans]

[Ancient Merman Foresight]

[Information Sealing and Enhanced Appraisal Blocking]

[Aquamarine Golden Bracelet: Sea Serpents Guardians]

[Merchant Arts: Masterful Connection Maker]

[Oceanic Emperor of the Deeps Destructive Pressure]

[Triple Jaw Oceanic Bite]

[Sea Serpent Slim Muscles]

[Leviathan Oceanic Aquamarine Scales Generation]

[Serpent of the Deeps Deadly Eye]

[Ancient Ocean Spirit Kraken Core]

[Masterful Merchant Arts: Grand Discount and Offer]

[Masterful Merchant Arts: Gold Dig and Rain]

[Weapon Summoning Magic: Thunderstorm Oceanic Protective Wall]

[Weapon Summoning Magic: Cursed Blazing Shadow Axe]

[Arcane Oceanic Familiar Summoning: Ancient Ocean Spirit Hydra]