Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 103 - Family Trip

Chapter 103 - Family Trip

[Day 88]

Because there is a lot of time left before Gaby, Rimuru or Brontes have any children, we decided to have a trip to the Aquaria Kingdom for the next days.

We woke up pretty early in the morning and after having a quick breakfast, we slowly walked towards the Aquaria Kingdom.

There was already a road made beforehand, which was constructed by my trusty Undead. Hm, talking about Undead, a lot of the Giant Undead have evolved and became Tyrannical Giant Undead. They evolved because they kept gaining EXP from wild monsters trying to sneak up on the city from time to time, so they blasted them into dust with their Beams.

Also, before leaving, I refilled the two chimera holes. However, this time they were filled with Undead Skeleton Soldiers of all types and kinds.

Also, the two Chimeras have grown exponentially stronger and began to gain lower EXP from killing mobs, so I made them train with Guubo for now. I told him to go easy on them, but he tends to disobey me from time to time. Well, as long as he doesn"t kill them, they can regenerate.

It seems that the Dryads have finally woken up from their sleep and are more active. So, I left some flesh and slime minions doing some business with them. And perhaps convince the Empress to make her join the Kingdom.

Hmm, I would like to eat a Dryad, but it seems too difficult… I don"t want to ruin my relations.h.i.+p with the Empress and brainwas.h.i.+ng doesn"t work on spirits or things similar to them like Dryads.

Anyways, when I finished summarizing on my mind, we finally reached the Great Lake. Amiphossia and Ryo, who have learned to walk by himself today in the morning, were surprised by the beauty of the ma.s.s of water. I made some preparations and created two bubbles of air for them to breathe below water.

As we reached the floor of the lake, a big door received us and opened its gates. This scene was already common for us, but for Amiphossia and Ryo it was like an incredible spectacle.

I spent the majority of the day shopping everywhere with my wives while taking care of my children. Due to our tremendous appet.i.tes, we ate in three different restaurants.

When we reached the castle, most of my wives went to their rooms and took a small nap before dinner. Amiphossia and Adelle were the only ones still with energy, so I trained with them for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, I made some flesh and slime minions do some mult.i.tasking for me, with the help of Mady I gathered several high-quality magic guns. Since long ago that I"ve been interested in these items and their power, and how could I improve them with my crafting abilities.

These items, if improved correctly, could grant incredible war potential, as they could make even the weakest of servants useful in a war.

As my minion experimented with the gun, I discovered that it had several properties and abilities. The most obvious ones were the infusion of magic to create elemental bullets, which were of various elements, from Fire, Water, Ice, Thunder, Wind, etc. There was also the possibility of fusing different elements, but this needed more mastery over the item.

The bullets could also be made for healing, throwing a Healing Bullet that can heal a faraway ally from the distance, it seems even more practical than cla.s.sical magic itself. I already had several inspirations on making Stamina Bullet, MP Bullets, Antidote Bullets, Buffing Bullets, etc.

However, on any of my recipe book skills, there wasn"t any recipe for such things, so I will need to build them from scratch by the concept itself.

I also discovered that there is a special cla.s.s named [Magic Gunner], and a lot of variations of this one. However, it"s extremely rare as Magic Guns are very rare in the rest of the world, sometimes only being relics found in dungeons. This is why they"re so valuable.

The recipe for Magic Guns was created by the Old Ancestor of the Merfolk itself, after countless years of trials and errors, he finally managed to replicate such artifact, even to the point of ma.s.s-producing it.

My flesh and slime minion kept practicing and using magic guns of various types while defeating enemies, but I never obtained the [Magic Gunner] cla.s.s. Perhaps it"s a cla.s.s that only humans can get, as not even the merfolk possesses it. Maybe I could gift a magic gun to the two Human Girls, who I have planned to be my future wives.

Anyways, it was already getting too late so I called over my flesh and slime minion alongside Mady and we had a small buffet on the Aquaria Castle alongside several Royals. Because all these royals were brainwashed by me, no one dared to look at us in a bad manner and were extremely polite to my wives, even to the point of offering food and beverages as if they were butlers or maids, it was rather hilarious.




[Day 89]

Today it was much like yesterday, my wives dragged me everywhere across the streets on the countless clothes shops and restaurants, there was even a cake shop which Rimuru wanted to try so we stopped there for a little moment, they even sold something similar to Earth"s coffee to go with the cakes, so I enjoyed the stay there.

Afterward, I brought my two children to the several clothes shops and bought several pieces of clothes for them, from all styles. Amiphossia liked dresses the most, while the little Ryo didn"t have any preference.

There was a small shop of accessories and relics that seemed to be very ancient, as I saw the different items that possessed rare skills, I began to drool without realizing.

In the end, using my authority as Queen, I bought the entire accessory and relics shop, obtaining more than one hundred different items that weren"t on the Kingdom treasury at all.

Of course, the accessories I crafted for my wives were exponentially better than any of these, but some had very rare skills that I could convert into ingots to pa.s.s on new accessories.

After all of this, we had a quick and nice lunch at one of our favorite restaurants before heading to the castle.

Today, Ryo grew quite a little, reaching 90 cm. His physical abilities finally began to develop and his body started to get covered on st.u.r.dy get tiny muscles. He was naturally talented in various types of fighting and martial arts, as he was born with various cla.s.ses right off the bat. These were [Martial Artist], [Energy Master], [Annihilation Fighter], etc.

I also made him try out different weapons. Surprisingly, Ryo liked to wield a different weapon in each of his hands. He quickly understood how to use each one at the same time and in some hours learned more than 20 different techniques, which surprised me greatly.

My son is so talented!

I also tried to teach him magic. He seems to have inherited Zehe"s Shadow and Dark magic affinity and was rather skilled in casting and using it to reinforce his physical capabilities.

On the other side, Amiphossia also developed new magic spells and elements fusions. She learned how to solidify magic by herself and was able to create solidified multi-elemental weapon projectiles.

One of the most interesting things about her magic was her [Spiritual Shamanism Magic] that can even possess other beings for some time. After possessing another being, she can control them as if they were part of her body. It was something similar to [Puppet Master] alongside Brainwas.h.i.+ng.

She was also able to grab things with her [Phantasmal Grab] and even deal direct damage to souls with this move. As she kept using it, the skill quickly leveled up and evolved, becoming [Phantasmagoric Touch].

After checking on all their abilities, I made them spar for some time. Both were keeping up quite well. Amiphossia certainly didn"t lose to her brother in terms of sword techniques, as she has developed a wide list of them. Her magic was also very oppressive and put Ryo in difficulty at various times.

Ryo was still sloppy on his movements and needed to practice more, but he showed clear talent and a strong conviction to get stronger. In the end, Ami gained an almost one-sided fight, however, this only lit the flame of motivation on Ryo to catch up with his sister.

Afterward, I made them both get some levels with a small army of Undead Soldiers.

When everyone finished their training, I appraised Ryo stats.

[NAME: Iki Ryo

[CLa.s.s: Annihilation Fighter

[SUB CLa.s.s (1): Martial Artist

[RACE: Sacred Four-Armed Extermination Ashura Vampire (Variant)

[LEVEL 021/100 EXP 17390/71000

[STATUS: Undead (Tired)

[ITEM BOX 000/120

[HP: 212/212 MP: 93/93

[STAMINA: 092/220



[MAGIC: 84


[SPEED: 106


[LUCK: 10

This was not the first time I checked his stats, as I saw them when he was born some days ago, although he is a Vampire, it seems that he can replace blood with milk until he grows into the adult stage, this is why I haven"t feed him any blood for now. However, Ami has been drinking her daily cup of blood every day to keep on a healthy state.

My boy was growing stronger and he was quickly catching up with his big sister.

Aah, seeing the two interact and look forward to their future really warms my heart.

Without holding back anymore, I jumped over my two precious children as I hugged a kissed them. Ami always liked my hugs and kisses, but Ryo found them gross and somewhat annoying…

However, I used all my buffs to force my kisses on his cheeks!

"Hahaha! Even with three strength related G.o.d blessings, you still got a big path ahead of you before you can stop my kisses and hugs with your own strength, young man! Now accept them!"

"Noo! Agh! Stop doing that, mother! It"s gross! Aaaah!!! H-How are you so G.o.dd.a.m.n strong?!"

"Guehehehe! Give up already, young lad!"


Suddenly, Ami also began kissing Ryo cheeks, and without him realizing, he had two of the most beautiful women on my Kingdom kissing his cheeks, which would be no more than a dream for the rest of my servants.

"Y-You too, Ami?! I-It"s gross! Agh!"

"Hehehe… Little brother is so adorable!"

"Aah… Sigh…"

It seems that unlike my kisses, Ami"s kisses make Ryo fl.u.s.tered and even blush… Is this some kind of forbidden romance between brothers in the making?

I hope not...

After having a nice dinner with my family and making sure that my children were sleeping in their dorms, I had some fun time with my wives for the rest of the night.




[Day 90]

Today I woke up early in the morning to do some experiments. Mainly about Magic Guns and the accessories and relics I obtained yesterday.

I wanted to see if I could obtain any skill from these interesting items so I ended up eating Magic Guns with my [Dissolving Juices Secretion].

Surprisingly, I got a few skills at the fifth Magic Gun.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Weapon Summoning Magic: All-Purpose Magic Gun]

[Magic Bullet Creation]

The first skill let me summon a Magic Gun, this one had the appearance of the fifth one I ate, being white colored with various Magic Stones decorations. Its power and accuracy mainly depended on my own stats. I found it easier to handle than a Magic Bow.

The second skill gave me the ability to create Magic Bullets using my own MP. I discovered that thanks to my different subcla.s.s"s mastery, I was able to synthesize items on these magic bullets, increasing their strength and purposes.

After two hours, I managed to create the prototype for [Stamina Bullets], which can heal Stamina to anything I shot them at. It still healed fairly low, so I will need to spend more time into refining the product.

Anyways, my wives wanted to go out again, so before leaving, I quickly consumed various accessories and relics that were too old to be synthesized into ingots.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Relic Magic: Floating Eye of Bewitchment]

[Relic Magic: Regeneration Cube]

[Accessory Magic: Void Eyes of Malice]

[Accessory Magic: Rainbow Gemstone Necklace]

[Thunder Perception]

[Wind Perception]

I ate around 20 accessories and relics, and only got those skills, which probably means that I missed on a lot of skills…

I spent a big chunk of the day with my wives going around about everywhere. Although it was already getting boring for me; I was happy if they were happy.

We mostly brought new clothes for Ami and Ryo, while also buying some baby clothes for Gaby, Rimuru, and Brontes children. They didn"t even know their sizes but my wives still wanted to buy some cute clothes for their children, and I didn"t want to ruin the fun for them.

Afterward, we had a big lunch at my favorite restaurant, so it wasn"t bad at all. There was also a small Ice Cream shop which surprised me quite a lot, it seems to be quite new. The creation of Ice Cream was quite simple, the man just made a small magic machine that worked with Ice Magic Stones and Magic Cores imported from my Kingdom. These would slowly freeze the whipped cream made with Ice Rabbit Milk, creating the delicious and cla.s.sic gelato.

There were three flavors, Forest Berries, Natural Flavored, and Orange. I ate around five cones of each flavor. Rimuru, Amiphossia, and Adelle liked Forest Berries the most. Zehe, Brontes, and Gaby liked Natural Flavored. And Nesiphae, Mady and Ryo liked Orange Flavor.

Because of being such a delicious dessert, I decided to invest in this shop. The owner was almost on tears after hearing my decision, saying that he had a big family and that the money will certainly take them out of their financial problems.

Hmm, he might even make a big industry out of Ice Cream, it"s that good.

Phew… It was already getting very late so we quickly returned to the castle.

Before dinner, I left some of my flesh and slime minions training my children as I left the castle alongside Mady.

I asked Mady to bring some of the thugs she had captured alive from the other organizations so I could eat them.

I had a small feast before dinner. Thug meat is quite bad quality, but because they were all merfolk. They still had some deliciousness.

I think I ate around 50… Well, you won"t be missed.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Shadow a.s.sault]

[Thieving Arts: Stealthy Steal]

[Thief Slim Movements]

[Shadow Coating]

[Magic Gun Proficiency]

[Thieving Arts: Smoke Bomb]

[Thieving Arts: Blackmail]

These skills will certainly come in handy for the upcoming future. However, the meal wasn"t done yet, there were five organization bosses left. These fat guys had some strange and interesting skills that I may get, so I quickly devoured them.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Intimidating Command]

[Motivational Speech]

[Thieving Arts: Abduct]

I don"t think I will be getting any more skills anytime soon, so I just brainwashed the rest of the thugs and made them into loyal slaves for Mady.

Afterward, we had another big buffet on the castle, Adelle invited various n.o.bles so I made sure to receive my trusty servants with delicious meals. I summoned a lot of familiars alongside the newest Hydra and Freezing Wyvern Lion.

This new Lion was the result of fusing Draconic Lion, Tundra Lion and Baby Wyvern summoning skills. It was certainly very strong and had a towering body of around ten meters. Its meat was delicious and full of different flavors that mixed in perfect harmony. I think I ate around three myself alongside a lot of Hydra meat.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Oceanic Spirit Hydra Sapphire Scales Generation]

[Freezing Tundra Wyvern Wings]

[Intimidating Roar of the Ice Chimera]

Phew… I think I overate once again; my void belly was barely handing everything. Thankfully, the buffet already ended so I quickly went to bed with my wives. After making sure that Ami and Ryo were on their beds beforehand.




Skill Fusions of the day:

1) [Intimidating a.s.sault] + [Shadow a.s.sault] + [Thieving Arts: Stealthy Steal] = [Intimidating Shadow a.s.sault]

*Enhanced a.s.sault to easily steal things from weaker beings. Haven"t seen its use yet… Cost 50 MP.

2) [Intimidating Command] + [Motivational Speech] = [Intimidating yet Motivational Command Speech]

*A command that does not grant any stat increase at all, but motivates and intimidates the user subordinates, raising their morale while increasing their loyalty. Cost: 40 MP.

3) [Illusive Personification] + [Fake Illusion] + [Shadow Coating] = [Shadow Fake Illusive Personification Coating]

*Fuses all skills to make an even more convincing masquerade, becoming a solid coating of magic that can easily mask Kireina"s appearance and aura. Cost: 70 MP.

4) [Fierce Raptor Ally Strong and Agile Muscles] + [Sea Serpent Slim Muscles] + [Ancient Oceanic Merman Flesh and Blood] + [Thief Slim Movements] + [Seductive Empress of l.u.s.t Illogical Divine Thunder Crystalline Elixir Flesh and Blood] = [Destructive Sin of l.u.s.t Illogical Ancient Divine Elixir Flesh and Blood]

*Pa.s.sive. Enhanced flesh and blood, now possessing the ancient power of the Old Ancestor permanently. It came with a substantial increase in speed permanently.

5) [Six-Eyed Tyrant Scale Generation] + [Leviathan Oceanic Aquamarine Scales Generation] + [Oceanic Spirit Hydra Sapphire Scales Generation] + [Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Triple Elemental Cerberus Chimera Armor] = [Destructive Sin of l.u.s.t Oceanic Deeps Hydra Chimera Armor]

*Evolved Cerberus Armor into Hydra Chimera Armor. The armor is extensive and thick, having several layers. Each shoulder possesses a furious hydra head while on the back, there are five more hydra heads made of armor that can attack on its own throwing water magic. Cost: 190 Stamina 90 MP.

6) [Fierce Raptor Ally Destructive Kick] + [Triple Jaw Oceanic Bite] + [Hydra"s Countless Sharp Venomous Bites] = [One Hundred Venomous Bites of the Oceanic Beast]

*Attack that deals one hundred bites at the same time. Each bite becomes weaker as they keep attacking, can be used alongside techniques. Cost: 170 MP.

5) [Pressuring and Intimidating Glare of the Thundering Tyrant] + [Oceanic Emperor of the Deeps Destructive Pressure] + [Intimidating Roar of the Ice Chimera] = [Tyrannical Thundering Ocean Emperor of the Deeps Roaring Intimidation]

*Releases a powerful thundering and freezing pressure that can paralyze and even deal thunder damage to nearby foes. Cost: 70 MP.

6) [Thieving Arts: Blackmail] + [Thieving Arts: Abduct] = [Masterful Thieving Arts: Shadow Blackmail and Abduction]

*Enhanced Blackmailing capabilities alongside easy abduction. Cost: 80 MP.

7) [All-Seer Eyes of l.u.s.t that Summon Paralyzing and Freezing Beams of Annihilation] + [Eyes that Summon the Thunderstorm] + [Hydra Eyes that Summon the Oceanic Currents] = [Annihilation Eyes that Summon Chaos and Destruction]

*Eyes that can be summoned apart, to a max of three. Each eye can move on its own and attack with several powerful spells and even combine several elements, creating chaos magic. Cost: 120 MP per eye.

8) [Charming Empress of l.u.s.t Nine Eyes of Perception, Senses, and Doom] + [Serpent of the Deeps Deadly Eye] + [Relic Magic: Floating Eye of Bewitchment] + [Accessory Magic: Void Eyes of Malice] + [Annihilation Eyes that Summon Chaos and Destruction] = [Destructive Sin of l.u.s.t Twelve Eyes of Perception, Senses, Bewitchment, Malice, and Destruction]

*Enhanced [Mystic Eyes] Skill, now with the addition of three more eyes that can cause charm instantly, intimidation and destruction. [Mystic Eyes] can now be summoned apart from Kireina"s body and move on its own, with a max of four eyes at the same time. They can do incredibly reconnaissance and also attack with all the abilities they have at their disposal.


