Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 110 - One Hundred Days Birthday?

Chapter 110 - One Hundred Days Birthday?

[Day 100]

Gaby"s woke up way better today, perhaps she is slowly stabilizing the sudden growth of our children.

She even wanted to go hunt some more, but I stopped her on time, it"s too dangerous to do such a thing yet.

I told her that she needs to remain on her bed until the babies are born, as they are very close to be. I can already estimate that in around one to two more days, she will give birth to the twins.

I"ve inspected their growth and sizes already, the small child is a boy, while the big child is a girl.

It seems that both are from different Mershark species. The little boy resembles the evolved species of her mother, while his big sister resembles a completely different species, having a greater size, and dark blue scales on her shark tail. Solely by her size I could already tell that she wasn"t a simple Mershark.

Gaby told me that her grandmother was a Megalodon Mershark, a unique species of [Giant] Mershark, which is very ancient and is now rare.

However, sometimes children would be born with very ancient genes, and this chance increases if the mother was with a male of a different species than her. Which happened with me.

Now that I am about to have four children, I wonder why none of them has been born as a fairy… Perhaps the genes of their mothers are stronger than my original ones?

Well, there is no point in overthinking it…

After spending half of the day with Gaby, and making sure to make her sleep well, I went with my children, the humans and some of my wives towards the forest.

We have already finished the Fire biome and the "normal" area in between biomes, so we proceeded towards the next biome, which surrounded the Light Shrine Dungeon.

The surrounding forest was covered in several s.h.i.+ning plants of different colors. Even the flowers s.h.i.+ned in bright lights. The monsters inhabiting this place were quite unique.

It was the first time for me to encounter what is called an "Elemental". A monster completely made of an element, with a core inside of them. Unlike golems, these monsters possess advanced intelligence not so far from us.

The only elemental inhabiting this place was Light Elementals, which showed themselves as humanoid shapes made of bright yellow light. Inside of this floating light, they had a small transparent crystalline orb, which seemed to be their true bodies.

These monsters attacked in different kinds of patterns. Gathering together to shoot s.h.i.+ning light spears, or surrounding us in a powerful light dome, trying to finish us off inside of it.

Their natural weakness was Dark and Shadow Magic, which I used plentiful to get rid of these beings. Using the infused power of the orb in my chest, I quickly made giant spears made of shadows and dark, which I enhanced using my Sin of l.u.s.t.

Only one attack was needed to completely dissipate the light of the monster and shatter their cores. In the end, we killed several groups of them, reaching more than fifty kills.

[You gained 1386400 EXP] [Your family/servants gained tons of EXP]

[You gained one level!] [LEVEL 008/250 EXP 0412226/6500000]

[The rest of your family/servants gained some levels!]

I ate several fragmented cores while exploring this small biome. I also gathered several s.h.i.+ning flowers as they possess healing properties.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Ancient Elemental of Light Core of Life]

[Light Manipulation]

The next monsters were a type of giant snakes named Sacred Light Boa, a white and yellow colored snake, with a powerful bite and strong gripping power. They were loners so we took care of each one with relative ease.

Their meat was very tasty and seemed to be of very high quality, it even possessed some healing properties that I was unaware of. Sadly, no skills were obtained even after eating twenty snakes.

[You gained 984000 EXP] [Your family/servants gained tons of EXP]

[LEVEL 008/250 EXP 1396226/6500000]

The last prey was s.h.i.+ning Eagles, a species of giant eagles that can fly at almost light speed, making them near uncatchable. It usually attacks you from a distance while flying, however, I settled several traps around the trees were they usually pa.s.s by. Their unawareness was their doom. In two hours and a half, a big pile of s.h.i.+ning Eagles was ready to be devoured.

[You gained 1294600 EXP] [Your family/servants gained tons of EXP]

[LEVEL 008/250 EXP 2690826/6500000]

I only ate half of the pile, which consisted mostly of around one hundred eagles, while I saved the rest for a next meal. Their meat was juicy and quite salty, which made it way better.

[You learned the following Skill]

[Light Speed Flight]

This skill gave me the ability to fly as if I were a s.h.i.+ning ray of light. It was incredibly strong but it needed quite a big sum of MP to keep on flying like this. However, the amount of MP I have paired with my fast regeneration can let me use this almost endlessly.

After our hunt, we quickly ascended towards the floating carriage and had a nice meal. I also feed Gaby who was staying at the bed. She ate around twenty different plates to regain calories and nutrients. Although her natural appet.i.te has been always big.

Afterwards, I decided to hunt on my own as I flew at max speed through the Light Forest.

I ended up finding the nest of the Light Eagles as I had a ferocious battle with a Light Eagle Kaiser alongside and Emperor and an Empress. Their powers were nothing like the normal Light Eagles.

The Kaiser used the two Emperors as s.h.i.+elds and to distract me, while it attacked me from my back using a barrage of Light Arrows, it also possessed strong healing magic and was able to heal any wounds that the Emperors sustained.

Seeing that holding back wasn"t working, I decided to unleash my Hydra Armor enhanced by my chest orb, which increased its power, st.u.r.diness and attack power. I paired this up with the new [Light Speed Flight], which gave me the ability to catch up with the Kaiser incredible speed.

I didn"t want to kill it as it had a tasty [Fragmented Sin] inside of him, so I tied him with my threads coated in a paralyzing venom while I killed the Emperors in front of him.

[You gained 926000 EXP]

[LEVEL 008/250 EXP 3616826/6500000]

I instantly devoured them using my tentacles alongside highly corrosive juices, in less than half a minute, both giant bodies were completely gone.

[You learned the following Skill]

[s.h.i.+ning Dignity]

While the Kaiser was still alive, I opened its chest and took the [Fragmented Sin] from him, it had the form of a yellow flame.

[Captured Sins]

[Fragmented Unknown Sin (Crustacean) (Max)], [Fragmented Unknown Sin (Insect/Fiend) (Max)]

[Fragmented Sin of Pride (Bird) (Max)]

[Sin Bonus Stats]

[Strength: +23 > +24]

[Magic: +50 > +51]

[Speed: +42 > +44]

The Light Eagle Kaiser meat was of extremely high quality, having a very strong chicken flavor, with a delicious tenderness. Inside of its body, there were several yellow-colored orbs which I also devoured.

[You gained 1163000 EXP]

[LEVEL 008/250 EXP 4779826/6500000]

[You learned the following Skills]

[Kaiser of Light Bright Pride]

[Piercing Light s.h.i.+ning Talons]

I really wanted to gain another level before going back but it seems that I cleaned the entire forest from monsters by now. However, I decided to explore the Light Shrine Dungeon on my own for a little bit.

Because I was alone, I was able to travel through it without any disturbances using my [Light Speed Flight]. There, I found something rather interesting. Although a team had confirmed to beat this place, they also reported that no spirits were encountered in this place. However, I knew that there was something wrong.

It seems that the spirits were only hiding between the walls, as they can move through solid objects, similar to a ghost. The actual population of spirits is around one hundred and twenty. They hide themselves very well.

Using several enhancing skills alongside Illusion Coating, [Stealth] and [Camouflage]. I hunted around thirty Light Spirits of all shapes and sizes to devour. These were entirely ethereal, so to capture them, I needed to encapsulate them inside spheres made of solidified anti-magic.

Due to my stealth abilities, most of the community didn"t notice that they just lost 20% of their population. I also left several flesh and slime minions so they can try to talk with them and form connections. Feeding them Magic Cores usually works with Spirits.

Anyways, when I was in a good distance from the Dungeon, I began my feasting. I devoured the whole spheres entirely. Some Light Spirits were conscious as they saw their last moments inside my mouth.

Their texture was similar to a very light whipped cream, the youngest spirits were sweet while the oldest ones had some bitterness to them, nonetheless, they all possessed incredibly magic concentration, which makes them delicious. I saved some for my children and wives too.

[You gained 1253000 EXP]

[LEVEL 008/250 EXP 6032826/6500000]

[You learned the following Skills]

[Light Absorption]

[Ancient True Spirits Ethereal Body]

[Body Materialization]

[Secrecy of the Ancient Spirits]


These skills were rather weird compared to the usual attack or enhancement skills that monsters give. This is why I always like to eat strange beings like spirits.

[Ancient True Spirits Ethereal Body] gave me the ability to switch between an ethereal body or a physical body. It doesn"t have a cooldown and it grants several bonuses while in an ethereal form, especially the ability to draw magic from the environment naturally.

[Body Materialization] gives me the ability to materialize my body to a physical form, just like spirits can resemble jewels for example.

[Secrecy of the Ancient Spirits] this is a pa.s.sive skill that grants me insights in the true nature of the Spirits, however, I cannot completely understand it yet.

[Heresy] this skill works similarly to the previous one, giving me insights in the Spirits true nature and their real origins. There is also something related to their existence being a heresy, which is related to an old dispute between G.o.ds. However, that"s all I could extract from this "knowledge" skill. It also increases the power of acts of heresy, which is not explained too clearly…




Hmm, now that I think about it, today is the day one hundred since I was born… It could even be considered a small birthday.

Like, "Happy One Hundred Days!" or something… It still not so late before the day ends, so perhaps?

Well, I told my servants, wives, and children about this, and they ended up celebrating it...

I can"t believe it worked.

Rimuru made a delicious cake while Brontes and my wives actually already had several presents for such a day…

I couldn"t believe that they thought about it before… I was rather touched.

I had a small party in the afternoon with everyone present, there was a lot of delicious food, alcohol, and cake. There was also presents everywhere! Even Evan had something to gift!

Brontes also finally gave me what she has been working for so long. It was a beautiful [Void Adamantine Chest Plate] alongside shoulder pads of the same mineral, everything being of [Unique] quality, carefully crafted by herself. She also gave me a kiss alongside a small cupcake that Rimuru helped her prepare days ago, it remained in good state inside of her Item Box.

Aah, this present is very good! It has way better stats than my actual armor. It even comes with Brontes Blessing.

Aside from the big cake, Rimuru also gifted me with a small necklace that she made, which resembled her original appearance as a slime, it was named [Slimy Love Necklace] and was of [Rare+] quality only. However, the intention was what mattered. I could also just fuse it with my current accessories using [Armor Combination].

Zehe gave me an Ancient Deciphering Book of Ancient Languages, alongside [Shadow Heart Ring], of [Rare+] quality. The book was a very rare find and taught different languages from extinct civilizations.

Ryo wasn"t prepared and he didn"t have anything to gift me, but his presence alone was enough for me. He is my precious son after all. However, I still asked him to kiss me in my cheeks at least, which he had to do, with a very cute blushed face.

Nesiphae gifted me several dresses, which she seems to have made herself. She learned how to sew with the Arachne Maids. These dresses were very beautiful, and there were some very lewd ones like a baby doll, a very provocative bikini, and several other…

Amiphossia improvised a gift with a small bottle and made her own "potion", which because of her incredibly healing powers, became a real item recognized by the system. It was named [White Venom Elixir] which I drank right away. Surprisingly, I got a skill.

[You learned the following Skill]

[Heavenly Medicinal Venom of the White Lamia]

Gaby gifted me a small dagger which she crafted using her own adamantine-like scales in her tail. It was named [Redhead Mershark Adamantine Scales Dagger], it was of [Rare+++] quality and had some interesting skills, like [Aqua Shark], [Shark Guardian] and [Water Blade Energy Slash]. By the strength of these skills alone, this dagger is as valuable as a [Unique+] weapon.

It was very tempting to eat it, but I contained myself. I will probably do it in private.

Mady gifted me several very expensive perfumes of high quality sold in the Aquaria Kingdom. The most notable ones were [Starfish Heavenly Drop], [Sea Flower Honey], etc.

Adelle, in her side, gave me a precious tiara made with countless precious gems, this is a hidden treasure that was in her family that I didn"t manage to get my hands into, so it was rather interesting. The tiara was named [Golden Jewel Tiara of Aquaria]. It was of [Unique] quality.

Wagyu and Kekensha gifted me mostly meat and a big pile of monsters that they have been saving. Their tribe usually gives this as presents between wolves. I appreciated the gesture and patted their fluffy heads, afterward, I rubbed their bellies.

Charlotte (Archer Woman) gave me a beautiful green colored sweater that she made herself, alongside a pack of MP Potions that she crafted using Meiji"s teachings.

Lilith gifted me a pink colored blouse that she also made herself, these human girls seem to be skilled in sewing. She also gave me a pouch of seeds that have been enhanced with her [Farming Grace] for several weeks.

The two also whispered at my hears that I could pa.s.s the night with them whenever I wanted. Hmm, it seems that I"ve made them wait too long, and are already awaiting a night with me…

Lastly, Evan gave me a small golden bracelet that used to be his. However, he paid Kajiya to reinforce it, increasing its quality to [Rare+++]. The bracelet is named [Golden Bracelet of Royal Heirloom]. It had a small bonus in EXP alongside extra Luck stat, making it an extremely valuable item. I thanked the boy while patting his blonde hair. He answered with a happy face almost looking like a puppy.

I spent the rest of the day celebrating with my wives, children, and servants, while taking care of Gaby.

I also combined the equipment given to me with my actual one, while eating Gaby"s dagger and Zehe"s book.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Enhanced Slas.h.i.+ng Power]

[Aqua Shark]

[Shark Guardian]

[Water Blade Energy Slash]

[Ancient Languages Deciphering]

I discovered that I was able to materialize Gaby"s dagger even when I didn"t get a [Weapon Summoning Skill] using [High Blue Flames Equipment Materialization]. I could also enhance the dagger using blue flames, but that was only an option.

Using [Armor Combination] between real armor would create a permanent effect, its similar to synthesis but you can"t synthesize two different equipment, so it skips all the recycling into ingots work and immediately fuse both equips creating a superior item.

[Void Adamantine Chest Plate (Chest Armor) (Unique)] + [Shadow Rose Chest Plate (Chest Armor) (Unique+)] = [Shadow Void Rose Chest Plate (Chest Armor) (Unique+)]

After the combination, the resulting armor was incredibly st.u.r.dy, as if the ma.s.s of both armors became one, creating a dense material. Its defense capabilities also almost doubled.

[Slimy Love Necklace (Rare+)] + [Hundred Ghost Gem Pendant (Accessory 2) (Unique++)] = [Hundred Phantasmal Slimes Gem Pendant (Accessory 2) (Unique++)]

Although the combined necklace was of low quality, Rimuru"s love is what matters! The pendant still gained extra Magic and MP.

[Shadow Queen Imposing Demon Crown (Rare+++)] + [Golden Jewel Tiara of Aquaria (Unique)] = [Dark Empress Imposing Dark Golden Crown (Unique)]

The resulting item is a beautiful dark-colored Crown with a golden l.u.s.ter, its also decorated with several magic stones and spirit stones, enhancing its power.

After all of these celebrations, I trained a little bit with my children and then went to sleep.


