Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1107: A New Supreme Deity Emerges!

Chapter 1107: A New Supreme Deity Emerges!

After I upgraded my Realm Core once more, a commotion happened across my entire Divine Realm.

Why yes, the Defiance Dao made a ruckus, but the commotion wasn"t about it, nor the many Dao Rivers that each one enhanced the effects and power of a Dao by +1%, but the ruckus was about the new Realm Core Abilities!

Three shrines had emerged out of the ground after that, and my family was given the privilege of enjoying these three temples before anyone else, and I might not get anyone else get in there until I decide that my family has gotten their fill.

They went on and began to drink the Dao Elixir, after that, they fused Path Jewels and had fun creating new powerful Path Jewels, and later, they gained Pseudo Supreme Divinities, a new power that is not really the same as a Supreme G.o.d, but with it, they get another layer of power and the possibility of even fighting against true Supreme G.o.ds, something that would only seen as ridiculous by anyone else.

And of course, Rimuru suddenly turned into an official Supreme G.o.ddess after joining this temple.

The Pseudo Supreme Divinity she got fused with her and then evolved her right away, her stats increased, and a ma.s.sively strong trial emerged inside her Divine Realm, which I helped her at defeating.

The monstrous being that tried to take her down would had most likely weakened her severely if I didn"t got into the battle. The world"s will was very p.i.s.sed and didn"t wanted another Supreme G.o.ddess to appear this week (in the outside world), but I defied the heavens and used my Fortune and Defiance Daos to enhance our success rate against all odds, we easily defeated the trial, in the form of a ma.s.sive multi-elemental storm, resembling a spiraling rainbow of deadly destruction.

After that, Rimuru absorbed the entirety of the power of this Divine Trial, and she got overpowered super quickly.

We had just defeated it, and she was meditating with a cute smile while absorbing all the essence. Her power was fluctuating around her body wildly, she was gaining large quant.i.ties of power constantly… this is the first Slime Supreme G.o.ddess, Rimuru-chan!

"Masta, this is very strange! I feel like- Uwawawawawawawaaaaahhh…?!"


Rimuru"s entire aura exploded into various streams of rainbow and spiritual colors, all of this essence shaped as a boundless ocean that continued to permeate her ma.s.sive Divine Realm, which continued to make it bigger and bigger, until it reached completely unprecedented sizes compared to before!


The entire Divine Realm of Rimuru-chan was made gigantic, and resources began popping out of it constantly! Life was overflowing and blossoming everywhere, all of the ma.s.sive quant.i.ties of divine energy were coming in and out of her.

Her entire slime body underwent another evolution in quality, composition , power, and more, and it gained many rainbow and bright colors that constantly flickered everywhere. Her entire body exuded a sparkling aura everywhere, which looked simply marvelous.

The combination of the colors of the rainbow and the spiritual essence alone made her resemble truly a being that has ascended into the heavens!

She absorbed all of the divine trial"s power, and her Divinity evolved and mutated with her, forming into a ma.s.sive ocean of spiritual colors… her slime danced within her body, expanding!

Her humanoid appearance slowly dissolved as she grew and grew and grew!

She continued to grow enormously, like a ma.s.sive slime that encompa.s.sed almost the entirety of the heavens of her divine realm… this was truly an incredibly sight.

It was as if she had become an ocean itself! Rimuru-chan became an ocean! A slime ocean!

Her entire body continued to expand widely as the entire heavens began to tremble and rumble, the ground below opened cracks of divine essence that flew towards her, and I decided to aid her in the process of evolution she was undergoing, where her slime continued to grow bigger and bigger.

I began to infuse her with my own divine energy, which I got from draining it out of the world, she gained sufficient power rather quickly, and all of the leftover energy infused into her, and which I continued to give her, began to upgrade her even further from her current state and even, deep within her Origin Core, the power of several fragments she had developed naturally began to be enhanced.

By the beautiful event before my eyes, the energies that were left from her evolution were merged with these fragments, and through the primordial supreme divinity being born, a strong power that defied the world came out, the fragments bathed in the leftover essence of this power, and they grew ma.s.sively big!


Her Origin Core evolved and gained beautiful colors as her Dao Fragments evolved all into Full Daos! And they were instantly comprehended and a.s.similated by her! And she had… Wait, four Daos?!


Of course, she had way more Dao Fragments, but only the ones she had naturally developed evolved into True and Full Daos, fusing with her Origin Core through Complete Comprehension and a.s.similation of Daos.

With this power, her evolution was finally completed, as her ma.s.sive slime body slowly compressed itself into a small sphere of spiraling slime. Her physical body once more took the shape of the cute maiden we all love, as she smiled back at me with an innocent and happy expression.

Her Crown had now become very large and pointy, and shone with rainbow jewelry. She also had many jewels across her body now, each one was a powerful Slime Core filling her with even more strength.

Her powerful Aura emanated such a strong rainbow pressure that it distorted s.p.a.ce and time around her… she wasn"t merely just a Water G.o.ddess.

"Masta, I"ve evolved!" she proclaimed.

Rimuru had evolved into a Primordial Spiritual Slime Supreme G.o.ddess… and her elements were…


[Congratulations to [Rimuru] for having evolved into the [Supreme G.o.ddess of Spiritual Elements and Rainbow Oceans]!]

Wow… That"s a very fitting Supreme Divinity!

Her power had evolved greatly, and I couldn"t help but feel shocked over her outstanding progress…

"Amazing, Rimuru-chan! You"re the best!" I said, as I hugged her tightly and held her with my arms like my princess.


"You"ve done so well, all this time… My dear little slime… My dear and beautiful treasure." I said.


"Of course, you"re one of my biggest treasures… You"ve worked very hard at my side…" I said.

"Masta… Guuu… You"ve gotten super romantic out of the sudden guu…" she muttered. Even as a Supreme G.o.ddess, she was still doing her cute sounds.

"You"re so cute…" I sighed.

"Hehe… I am glad I"ve progressed this far, so I won"t fall behind from Masta! I want to always, always stay at your side, no matter what!" said Rimuru.

"Me too… With someone like you at my side, I will feel rea.s.sured." I said.

After that, we kissed rather lovingly while traveling amidst her new Divine Realm, I held her in my arms for some time. I"ve always wanted to do this with her. She"s like my beautiful and bright maiden, while I am quite the opposite by how much darkness emanates from me.

We make quite a contrasting pair now that I think about it… but that"s what complement each other quite well as well, something quite beautiful to think about.

"Masta, since I was born in this world that you"ve always been at my side too… Back then, I really didn"t knew what I was or what was my purpose in all of this grand scheme of things, but now I believe my purpose has been rea.s.sured several times, and that"s of being at your side, of being with you… and to always give you a hand, and a hug, and a kiss… whenever you need one!" said Rimuru.

"Ah… You"re such a sweet girl… Back then I summoned you in a whim, but you really became my first partner, my first friend, my first ally… and perhaps, also one of my first lovers. I am sorry for… not having accepted your feelings earlier… I do remember back then that… I did you wrong a bit… I just felt like you were being a bit too eager, and well, I was just a bug." I sighed.

"No… Its fine! That"s just in the past, Masta. Now we are together… And that"s what"s important, Masta… I am excited to see the future with you, and what wonders it awaits for us… Guu… I am sure that it will be filled with fun! Wherever you go, there is always fun to have." She said.

"Uuoohh… Rimuru-chan! I don"t deserve you!" I began to cry desperately.

Rimuru then embraced me in her motherly hug and I felt as if a sparkling essence of spiritual elements began to embrace my entire being. It felt so nice and relaxing… was this her love? Her love for me?

"Hehe, it"s fine… You deserve me as much as I deserve you, masta… I love you…" said Rimuru, as her tender lips kissed me once more as we flew in the skies.

"Hahh… R-Rimuru…"

"Masta… I love you so much…"

Rimuru slowly began to take away my clothes, and we began to pa.s.sionately love each other even more as we floated in the clouds of her divine realm.

And from that on, we spent a few hours embracing each other"s love, and it was a very tender moment.

When I realized it, I had woken up inside her palace within her divine realm. The bed was tender, and she was sleeping at my side.

Wow… that might had been the best s.e.x I had in my life.

I inspected Rimuru"s Origin Core with my eyes, as I saw four floating orbs of incredibly power. They were exuding immense quant.i.ties of Dao Essence, and as I had saw earlier, Rimuru had hundreds of Dao Rivers rus.h.i.+ng across her entire Divine Realm like beautiful streams of divine power.

These Dao Rivers were obviously made up by these Daos, these Four Mysterious Daos she had forged as she evolved into a Supreme G.o.ddess.

Her Dao Monolith had also emerged, it was right behind this palace, I think she had already used it through the forging of these Dao Fragments, but I might also be wrong.

I noticed another thing too; she was a Dao Child. Therefore, the Dao she made were instantly a.s.similated and comprehended… amazing.

I do wonder though, is Rimuru a Dao Child originally, or is she like this because I can make those of my family into Dao Children? I don"t know… she"s not really my child so I don"t know!

Oh well… her four Daos are interesting and quite amusing to see. They flicker with a lot of essence within them.

It is time to see what they are.

And her Daos are…