Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 127 - Bandit Elimination

Chapter 127 - Bandit Elimination

Lilith rushed through the village while encountering different groups of bandits, which she took care of in mere seconds. Her favorite way to kill them was by slicing them into chunks of meat, but sometimes she would smash them into flattened meat with her ma.s.sive mace.

Other times she would use her Earth Magic to create small sinkholes on the ground, burying the bandits alive.

Most of the bandits were strong on human standards, but not as close to what Lilith has achieved, none of their Thief skills or crude techniques were effective on my wife"s raw power and speed, something that no one would expect from her complexion.

As she left a trail of blood flowers on her back, Lilith finally reached the center of the village, were the bandits gathered on their "last stand". Led by their leader, they were holding hostages around ten villagers, one of them was Lilith"s father.

"Y-You f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h! D-Don"t step any closer, or all these people will die for your fault!"

"Let them out of here! Fight me head-on!"

"Haha! Like h.e.l.l, I would! Now stay where you are and drop your weapons, and your clothes, and begin stripping for me, if you don"t want all this innocent folk to die!"

Suddenly, Lilith began to drop her weapons as she pretended to take her clothes off, on a split second, she kneeled and touched the ground.

"Earth Magic: Sinkhole!!!"


Suddenly, small sinkholes began to appear below the bandits holding the villager"s hostages, which were just small enough to only fit one person inside.


"H-Help me!"

"Take me out of here!"

The bandits were taken aback by Lilith"s craftiness, as the ones left tried to finish off the hostages. Lilith didn"t have something like [Parallel Thinking] or [Split Minds], so she wouldn"t have been able to save the people at this instance.

However, I made quick work of the bandits with my threads, slicing them into pieces.

[You gained 746000 EXP]

[LEVEL 017/250 EXP 11069951/15000000]

Everything happened so fast that the townsfolk was still trembling, awaiting the hatchets from the bandits to cut their necks.

"W-We are fine?"

"Eh? T-The bandits are dead… All of them…"

"Lilith! Its Lilith! She saved us all!"

"You have grown so much, little Lilith!"

"That pink hair… It is Lilith…"

Lilith saw her father, who was an old man on his forties, he didn"t have pink hair like Lilith but had a smaller complexion and pinkish eyes. It seems that her mother was the one with the pink hair, and she pa.s.sed away long ago.


"Lilith… Is that really you, Lilith? You have grown so much… You have gotten, so strong… You are the vivid image of your mother"

"I have awakened the power of my bloodline father; I am no longer the that weak and shy girl! I"m proud of my dwarf origins. This Earth Magic, it"s a gift from my grandfather and my mother"

After the reunion between Lilith and her father, I finished off the bandits hiding around town while my servants finished the one show managed to escape the village. The total amount of bandits summed over fifty.

According to the folks, these bandits have been residing in this village from long ago, and it seems that they were contracted by the n.o.bles themselves as a way to regulate the villagers.

The humans took my proposal to invite them to my demi-human Kingdom with incredible ease. It seems that they were already too tired with the constant and almost daily abuses from the bandits to the point that some even planned on burning the entire village with the bandits in them.

These bandit"s meat was rather gross and not so tasty, so I only ate around ten and the burned the rest into ashes. Not even the wolves wanted to eat them.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Thief Arts: Wiretapping]

[Bandit"s Nasty Pack Tactics]

[Cowardly Heart]

After gathering the villagers inside the floating carriage, I carefully moved the farm animals one by one. I put them to sleep so they wouldn"t make a mess inside. The total of humans inside of the village was rather low, only being 46, while the farm animals were over two hundred. Most of them were common cows, but there were also goats, horses, chicken, and ducks.

This is my first time seeing common animals in this world, aside from the nomad"s horses. They looked almost the same as the ones on Earth, except the chickens as they had small reptile-like tails, being probably an inoffensive breed of small c.o.c.katrices. The cows also had big black horns and two tails and the ducks had four wings. All of them were mostly harmless. There were also a lot of dogs that took care of the goats, these dogs looked wilder, resembling wolves. There are also house cats, but these are as big as the dogs.

The humans also packed everything they had of value, I also stole all the bandit"s treasures, which included plenty of gold and precious gems. We didn"t even leave vegetables, as all the villagers harvested them and brought them with us.

On the way back home, I tracked some of the bandit"s footsteps and found their secret hideout, which was on a small cave near a hill. Using my Mapping Magic and Mystic Eyes, I detected more than two hundred bandits inside, it seems that they work on slave trading and selling because there were around fifty enslaved demi-humans, and some nomads.

While my wives prepared some food for the villagers, I quickly descended and flew towards this bandit"s hideout. I enclosed the cave entrances with solidified magic walls and ma.s.sacred the bandits inside without mercy, saving the slaves.

[You gained 4742000 EXP]

[You gained one level!] [LEVEL 018/250 EXP 0811951/16000000]

[You obtained a new t.i.tle]

[Rightful a.s.sa.s.sin]

[Bandits Hunter]

Because I"ve had all that group of demi-humans on my Kingdom for some time, I"ve grown attached to them, so seeing more rescued slaves would certainly make them happy.

I left the bandit leader alive a browsed through his memories, due to this I found out that he was indeed a nomad before, and most of the bandits here were too. They were contracted by a n.o.ble house, specifically, the one who"s taking control of this small village of farmers. They were contracted as a method of "control" for his defenseless people. Even the knights in charge of this place were bought by them.

Oh, speaking about these knights, they were having a nice feast with the bandits, as if they were friends since childhood. I also found several human women being used as s.e.x slaves and barely hanging on their lives, the same went for the majority of the demi-human women and even some children.

Several children were used as s.e.x slaves and also as punching bags, their faces were completely deformed due to the punches and they were also malnourished. The women were even worse, and some were already dead, but they still used them…

I used my Illusion magic to cleanse their memories from those horrible events and fully healed their wounds.

Now that I have three human wives, they are also influencing me to pity the weak and unlucky…

Thankfully, only two of the children were human, so they won"t be as big as a burden, demi-human children can evolve and instantly become adults, so there"s that.

All of these humans and demi-humans will become strong soldiers, and if they want food and a place to live in, they will have to go through my h.e.l.lish training every day.

The group of slaves amounted around fifty-three, and the big pile of bandits were over two hundred, with twenty Athetosea Knights included.

Knowing that my family hates the horrible taste of bandits, I devoured every corpse myself, dissolving them into nothingness with my juices, after transforming into a giant slime.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Thief Arts: Consecutive Silent Stabs]

[Thief Arts: Enhanced Hiding]

[Thief Arts: Enhanced Tracking]

[Thief Arts: Venomous Needle Shot]

[Bandit Arts: Cheap Group a.s.sault]

[s.a.d.i.s.tic Heart]

[Predator of the Weak]

[Chivalry Heart]

[Corrupted Heart]

[Knight Arts: s.h.i.+eld Bash]

[Knight Arts: Greater s.h.i.+eld Protection]

[Knight Arts: Morale Enhancing Delusional Speech]

[Blade Energy Vertical Slash]

[Blade Energy Flas.h.i.+ng Stabs]

[Blade Energy Light Speed Stroke]

[Severe Pain Resistance]

[Greater Pain Reduction]

[Pain Adaptability]

[s.e.xual Adaptability]

These bandits were full of Fragmented Sins, yet as many as I ate, they didn"t increase any stat, perhaps quality over quant.i.ty is what matters for the Sin System. Their souls were nothing special either, but better than monsters, they will be a nice meal for my family. Their blood was dull and almost gross.

I also ate around seven corpses that were once s.e.x slaves, so those last four skills are probably from them…

Having cleaned and healed even the ones who were near death, I guided them back to my carriage, even after everything, they remained mostly silent, only obeying me without saying a word. They have been broken for too long already.

I quickly gathered every treasure inside which included plenty of gold, weapons, and armor and then destroyed the whole cave, leaving nothing behind.

I explained everything to my family and the humans, and they quickly understood what these people have been through. Most of the villagers said that they would take care of these people so we don"t have to worry. It seems that some of the human slaves were disappeared family members of the villagers.

I had a nice dinner with my family and went to sleep, while the floating carriage moved at a relatively slow pace back to my Kingdom.




[Day 116]

When I woke up, I received some news from Alice, it seems that she has been hiding her true ident.i.ty well enough and the Champion of Psychic Eyes have not found out about her yet. Aside from this, another Dhampir was captured. There is nothing I can do about that; I"ve told the remaining ones to hide. If they come back, they may end up being tracked.

The Champion of Psychic Eyes has been laying low, for now, it seems that she is gathering forces for something else, and its also actively contacting more n.o.bles. My Flesh and Slime Minions cannot enter her headquarters, as its heavily guarded by mages and detection golems, alongside the Champion of Black Flames who has superb detection capabilities.

I can already a.s.sume that she already knows about my Flesh and Slime Minions, perhaps not their true forms or how they work, but at least knows that I have small beings that I spread through the city, which works as spies.

For now, I"ll be back to my Kingdom and lay low, awaiting Athetosea"s next actions. Several of my detection skills are alarming me to stay in my place and not do rash things, so I will follow those instincts.

When I entered the Grand Forest, I was surprised by the long expansion of the Kingdom, it"s now surrounding the entire Great Lake and a temple was being built around Nesiphae"s former swamp, just as I promised her, in honor of her mother.

We were received by a big group of my servants, alongside the demi-humans, humans, and merfolk. There was also Redgaria with the Wyvern Overlord and the Rin Sister, these five people have been working and making sure that my Kingdom keeps flouris.h.i.+ng, I"m lucky to have such intelligent and impressive people has my subordinates and companions.

There was a big celebration through the entire town, Redgaria and its group of Undead quickly begun setting their stands alongside various other restaurants, alongside this, various mages did some fireworks and such. Some of the humans were talented bards so they sang and danced, creating an entertaining show that lasted throughout the entire day.

Before going to sleep on the big bed with my wives and children (Ryo is the only one who has his own room, Amiphossia still wants to sleep with us), I added Altani, Charlotte, and Lilith to my official wives list, which seems to have been capped.

[You have selected Human Commoner Charlotte Bartram has your eighth Sub Governor]

[Your affinity with Human Commoner Charlotte Bartram has increased]

[Your bond with Human Commoner Charlotte Bartram is strong]

[You can now share your strength between you two]

[Skills can also be given to a lover, with a limit of five]

[You have selected Half Dwarf Lilith Payne has your ninth Sub Governor]

[Your affinity with Half Dwarf Lilith Payne has increased]

[Your bond with Half Dwarf Lilith Payne is strong]

[You can now share your strength between you two]

[Skills can also be given to a lover, with a limit of five]

[You have selected Divine Oracle of the Nomads Altani Khatum has your tenth Sub Governor]

[Your affinity with Divine Oracle of the Nomads Altani Khatum has increased]

[Your bond with Divine Oracle of the Nomads Altani Khatum is strong]

[You can now share your strength between you two]

[Skills can also be given to a lover, with a limit of five]


[You have completed a Kingdom Task]

[Have ten Sub governors/Love Partners 10/10] [Complete] [Reward: 1000000 Kingdom EXP]

[You received a special reward: [Special Concubine Celebration Gift] x10]

[Your Kingdom has leveled to level 12!]

{New Kingdom Task Obtained}

[Haven twenty Sub governors/Love Partners 10/20] [Reward: 2000000 Kingdom EXP]

Unlike Dungeon Tasks, Kingdom Tasks take a lot of time to complete, and it also levels up pa.s.sively as long as the population keeps increasing and the town expanding.

I gave these celebration gifts to each of my wives, they resembled small pink-colored gifts with a purple ribbon on top.

Each one obtained what was called [Enhancement Remedy], however, at the end of the item name, it had "Slime Concubine" or "Cyclops Concubine", depending on the race and characteristics of my wives.

This Remedy increased their base stats alongside stat growths and gave them a special skill named [Divine Concubine of the Sin of l.u.s.t Blessing] and a Cla.s.s named [Demon Overlord of l.u.s.t Concubine], which came with increased stats and several bonuses.

This seems to be a way that the system grants me to increase the power of my wives, which I welcome.

Anyways, after everyone drank they"re [Enhancement Remedy] I quickly went to sleep, with Valentia and Aarae at my sides. My children are so cute when they are sleeping…


