Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 136 - Legendary Rewards

Chapter 136 - Legendary Rewards

Today, after having breakfast with my family, I decided to open the [Legendary Relic of the Flamboyant Thunder Knight], that I obtained after killing the [Elemental Knight of Thunder: Adam Rudhale].

Brontes and Rimuru also obtained a prize, corresponding to the Elemental Knight of Wind and Nature, so they decided to open it with me.

This "prize" had the form of a golden-colored chest, it seemed to be made completely out of a strange material, resembling gold.

I pressed the [Open] b.u.t.ton on the system message representing the item as the chest suddenly opened and released a bright yellow color from inside.


[You obtained the [Legendary Relic] [Thunderstorm Glimmer Odachi; Raiu]

The item obtained from the chest was a beautiful Odachi, a type of j.a.panese sword that is unusually larger, its size goes over 90 centimeters. The blade was pale white, decorated with golden markings. The handle was black and had a golden decoration resembling a dragon head.

The sword had an incredible magic density and was incredibly large, this weapon was supposed to be wielded by Adam if he managed to become a Champion or Hero. Well, too bad, now is mine. I"m planning on using it whenever I have the opportunity, the ideal thing would be to be able to wield a [Legendary] weapon in each of my hands when using my Six-Armed Wyvern Armor.

Maybe I could acc.u.mulate so many that I would be able to use them on a Gate of Bjarmia spell… Well, for that I need more than a hundred. Adam also had another weapon, but this one was of [Unique+] [Zapping Shortsword], his whole armor set was also of [Unique+] and granted him several bonuses.

I"m saving this armor for now. I suppose a thunder related fighter that would benefit from it would be Raito, I"m planning to gift it to him whenever he evolves. Brontes cannot use such small armor and she doesn"t like shortswords either, and I don"t think our child will even like them either. Well, if our children end up being a light fighter, I"ll craft it a better set of armor and weapon.

Brontes got the [Legendary Relic] [Longsword of Unraveling Winds: Óvindandi Vindar], a beautiful long sword made up of a pale green [Divine Mineral] and decorated with six [Wind Spiritual Essence Gemstones]. Brontes doesn"t have an affinity with the wind at all, so she couldn"t find much of a use with the weapon. In the end, she gifted it to me. The equipment of the Elemental Knight of Wind is on my Item Box, and I"m planning to gift it to the Harpy Girl when she manages to evolve.

Rimuru obtained the [Legendary Relic] [Whispering Nature Rapier: Galattia], which was a beautiful and long rapier that was made of a greenish [Divine Mineral] and had several roses decorations on its handle. Because of her cla.s.s being Magic Knight, Rimuru has a natural affinity with the weapon and is planning on using it in the future.

Oh right, the Elemental Knight of Nature also had her own weapon and armor, but these were devoured by Rimuru on the battlefield, she was rather hungry. She obtained some skills from these, which she is planning to fuse with her [Rainbow Spiritual Armor] to increase its power.

Today was a calm day, so I decided to burn the corpses of my soldiers who died in the war.

There was a big clean area in the middle of the Rocky Mountains, so it was a nice and clean cremation. My flames are incredibly intense so I was able to burn their flesh into dust very fast. The wind quickly dissipated their ashes in the world. Each of their names is being remembered on a "Wall of the Fallen" that is currently being made outside of my castle.

I dedicated myself to pa.s.s the day training with my children mostly, I also had a date with my Altani and showed her the Kingdom in detail.

I"m expecting that more warriors who partic.i.p.ated in the war evolve in the following days, so I"m looking forward to that. A lot of others have already evolved, mostly the Goblins into Hobgoblins with different cla.s.ses, Trolls into Greater Troll, High Troll or Ogres, and Merfolk into their respective species. There are some special ones around who are likely to receive a blessing.

At the end of the day, I received some new information on the current state of the Athetosea Kingdom. Things are accelerating way more than I expected.

The Champion of Psychic Eyes has discovered my ident.i.ty as a Realm Menace of l.u.s.t through the rings that I gave to the Dhampirs. It seems that its because my name appears in them as a creator and as a blessing. I was cautious about this before and sealed the information using a series of Illusion Magic spells, but it seems that her power is beyond my expectations, as she managed to break through my seal…

The Half-Dodomeki woman is currently telling all this information to the Royal Family, the King, and the influential n.o.bles. However, the King wasn"t able to believe something so ridiculous without further proof. But she still managed to get a lot of backers through her connections and is planning to use this as an excuse to stop the internal war inside the Kingdom. This woman is incredibly sharp and is even able to use such a terrible event for her benefice.

Well, I still can do something. Although Alice was already suspected by the Champion of Psychic Eyes, she still was able to send her off without the champion inspecting her body with her powerful eyes, as long as she keeps herself indoors, the Champion cannot do anything to her. So, I can still use Alice to influence the n.o.bles that she has hypnotized beforehand, and try to ruin the Half-Dodomeki plans.

I immediately contacted Alice and told her about these plans, without hesitating for a moment, she began the plans right away, contacting several n.o.bles. There is also the fat n.o.ble that I hypnotized here, he is currently working with some of the surviving Dhampirs and is brainwas.h.i.+ng more n.o.bles, although at a slower rate than Alice.

Hmm, it seems that this woman still doesn"t realize that the ten thousand soldiers have died, is she expecting for them to be back? It"s certainly a terrible loss to the entire Kingdom. Perhaps these heavy losses will make her influence fall behind.

For now, I will rest and see how this issue develops.

Tonight, it was rather an active night, I had plenty of fun with my ten wives on our different room, which is also soundproof.




[Day 124]

This morning I was greeted with some more news about the state of Athetosea Kingdom. Some of the soldiers that "escaped", who I previously brainwashed with my Lesser Flesh and Slime Minions using [Parasite], have finally reached Athetosea.

It seems that the news about the complete annihilation of the ten thousand men army spread pretty quickly across the Kingdom, as I commanded my brainwashed slaves. If they only went towards the Champion of Psychic Eyes, she would have most likely silenced them first, so the news doesn"t spread, without causing any commotion or fear on the people and the n.o.bles.

As more soldiers came back and the Elemental Knights gathered in one place, they finally obtained the notification of the death of the Thunder, Wind, and Nature Knights. The entire Kingdom was in mourning, and the n.o.bles and royal family were infuriated with the Half-Dodomeki Champion.

Her incompetence and lack of information alongside her rashness caused the death of ten thousand soldiers who are precious war resources alongside three Elemental Knights, who are the protectors of the Kingdom and n.o.bles, and also represent order. They are seen as precious weapons and their deaths certainly hit the royal family quite hard.

To make things worse, the family of Adam Rudhale, the Elemental Knight of Thunder, is one of the wealthiest families on the Kingdom, the death of their s.h.i.+ning star was incredibly impactful, they blamed the Champion of Psychic Eyes incompetence and her Maki family, asking for compensation and even Nanako Maki"s death sentence. Of course, the later would never happen, even if she committed such a huge mistake, the royal family would never kill a Champion.

Although the death of such important figures was extremely impactful for the Athetosea Kingdom, and the Champion of Psychic Eyes was the only one to blame, due to these pieces of evidence, the King and the Princess believed what the Half-Dodomeki woman said, and became extremely fearful about my existence as a [Realm Menace].

Currently, as of now, there are a lot of internal disputes going on between the n.o.ble families. There is a big group of n.o.bles who are blaming the Champion of Psychic Eyes family for what she did, and the Half-Dodomeki woman is currently remaining silent inside of her family"s territory. Meanwhile, the King is desperate about some measurement about my existence, but at the same time, he needs to handle the already established internal dispute between the two sides and the new dispute between the countless n.o.bles asking for punishment on the Maki"s House.

In a way, what the woman thought that it was going to be a good idea to unify the sides ended on a catastrophic end and it may light the flames of a new conflict, and even speed up the incoming war between sides. Nanako Maki is losing even more connections and her influence is weakening.

However, it has only been one day since all of this happened, once again, I will remain cautious and reinforce the defenses around the Grand Forest, while inspecting the current state of the Kingdom with my brainwashed slaves and Alice.

Aside from that, today was a normal day with normal activities. I introduced the people of Lilith"s village to the Farmlands as they immediately began to work on them using their innate skill [Farming Grace]. It is said that this skill was inherited by their ancestor, who used to be named [The Hero of Farming]. It is one of the gifts that he let to them.

This hero lived around two hundred years ago and died from old age after fighting countless wars. This man, although he had Farming abilities, was able to use them in battle, having very unusual ways of fighting he beat his unsuspecting enemies with a graceful and chivalrous demeanor.

He partic.i.p.ated in various wars against demi-human tribes and kingdoms and was renowned as a [Great Hero], the King at that time gifted him a [n.o.ble] t.i.tle and a piece of land, where he set his family and quickly made a whole village out of his descendants. It was said that he had a gigantic harem of more than thirty women… He"s truly a legend.

One of these wives was actually a dwarf woman, who is the ancestor of Lilith. Her grandmother and mother had the same Half-Dwarf blood. Various other families in this village have a Half of some demi-human.

It is said that the original Dwarf ancestor was a beautiful woman with resplendent pink hair and an amazing and charismatic personality. She was part of the [Hero of Farming] [Legendary Team]. She came from the Secluded Kingdom of Lostream.

This Kingdom is mainly governed by Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes, the kingdom was settled on the Icy Mountain Walls and has been living extracting the precious ores from these mystical mountains for thousands of years. To be specific, it inhabits the Icy Mountains in the south, thousands of kilometers were the Grand Forest is.

When it was around 5 PM, I dedicated myself to craft new accessories and equipment for my family and servants. I wanted to reward everyone who managed to evolve on this war, this included my wives but also my soldiers. Although I will only ma.s.s-produce the accessories for the soldiers, they will still be packed with beneficial abilities and skills.

At 9 PM, I finished the prototype accessory for my soldiers, it was named [Award Ring of the Brave], a special ring that I enhanced myself with several skills and abilities. Some of them were [Greater Defense Enhancement], [Greater Physical Enhancement], [Magical Resistance], [Natural Regeneration], etc. It was of [Unique] rank only, so it won"t be as hard to ma.s.s-produce using my own body as its factory. I will still need a few ten thousand of Magic Cores.

Thankfully, due to our quick increase in population, there is a ma.s.sive influx of new people on the b.l.o.o.d.y Sacrifice Dungeon. The dungeon has been steadily increasing on level and thanks to the Rin Sisters a.s.sistance, the dungeon has been obtaining new abilities and traits.

The dungeon is currently at twenty-five floors and it has expanded all around the Grand Forest underground. To the point that even new entrances appeared on the Slime Forest and closer to the Great Lake.

The monsters inside the dungeon have diversified tremendously now, and don"t even look like before. There are now Armored Blood Quadrupedal Lizards, Scaled Blood Lions, Four-Armed Blood Giants, Venomous Devil Ants, Detonating Spicy Ants, etc. Thanks to their constant evolution and breeding, new species pop up each day.

This dungeon is the primary pillar of resources of our Kingdom, bringing Gold, Magic Cores, Gemstones, and Equipment. We have now implemented Magic Cores through the entire town in different ways, like illuminating the streets, warm baths, several water sources, etc.

The Aquaria Kingdom factories are constantly using Magic Cores to keep working, which in exchange, produces even more items to facilize our daily living. I"ve been already thinking about doing some business, but the Athetosea Kingdom wouldn"t do, I need to contact some faraway Kingdom or country.

As I was thinking these things, I opened my Item Box and took around five thousand Magic Cores of various rarities and ate them in one go. Afterward, I ate the [Award Ring of the Brave] and quickly began to a.n.a.lyze its structure, after several minutes, I used [Greater Equipment Materialization] and began ma.s.s-producing rings.

After one hour and a half, I felt someone else entering the workshop. As I felt its big pale white hands over my shoulders, I immediately knew that it was my daughter, Amiphossia.

"Mommy, you are not going to have dinner with us? Everyone is waiting for you…"

"Amiphossia… Ah! Sorry about that, your mother sometimes gets too much into her own work and forget what"s really important. Can you forgive me?"

Amiphossia looked at me with a warm smile as she nodded.

"Hehe… but only if the mother comes to have dinner"

"Very well then"

After having a hearty dinner with my family and talking and sharing our daily life activities, I went back to the workshop and resumed my work. At 2 AM, the production of six hundred rings was done!

Alongside this, I crafted some cute accessories for Altani, Lilith, and Charlotte.

I was very tired of today"s work, so I stealthily went to bed with my family.

Aah… Sleeping while being surrounded by my children is the best. Although I miss my little Ryo being here too, sigh…

[Sub Cla.s.ses Fields]

[Needlework: level 1/10 > 2/10]

[Cuisine: level 2/10 > 3/10]

[Construction: level 5/10 > 6/10]

[Metallurgy: level 6/10 > 7/10]

[Collect: level 1/10 > 3/10]

[Agriculture: level 1/10 > 3/10]

[Chemistry: level 5/10 > 6/10]


