Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1377 [Supreme Wars: Act I] 17/?: The Tricky Powers Of The Ancient t.i.tans!

Chapter 1377 [Supreme Wars: Act I] 17/?: The Tricky Powers Of The Ancient t.i.tans!


Apparently depending in the divinity of a G.o.d, their fire would be strong or weak. A G.o.d of Ember wouldn"t be as strong as a G.o.d of the Sun, for example, they had lesser divinities that encompa.s.sed smaller things, of course, if they had more divine energy or attribute particles, it would change a lot, but Andes didn"t seem to be much of an attribute particle guy, he was just raw strength with a fiery kick at most.

"Oh right, your attribute points… How many are they?" She wondered, without even taking the battle seriously! Andes looked at her with incredulity, wondering if she was actually scared but pretending to be calm. However, he was completely wrong, she was indeed not taking this seriously.

"M-My attribute points? W-What"s that even about?! A-And my fire didn"t do a thing to you?!" Asked Andes in shock.

He didn"t knew about attribute particles or any of those things as he came from a world where people"s strength was not measured simply by numbers, he never learned about such concepts that were already present within his body since birth, as all t.i.tans were born as DemiG.o.ds or G.o.ds already, they were a race of G.o.dly beings after all.

At his response, Zehe sighed while waving her head, she should had known that this was going to be his answer, these old t.i.tans were really stupid, they were quite brainless compared to some of the modern ones, although the t.i.tans Kireina revived except Gaia were all quite stupid anyways. It was right, the stereotype of t.i.tans being more muscle than brain was actually real.

"Oh right… This man comes from a time when the System didn"t existed. Well, talk about being outdated…" Said Zehe, as the Black Star, which she had named Kuro, jumped over her mechanized black witch hat, meowing once more with his two crimson-red eyes.


"Okay, go ahead."

Zehe let go of her Maxima Summon, who was crabbing for some slaughter. Aldrich looked from the distance in silence, even he had grown wary of Zehe, she was expressionless most of the time, quite s.a.d.i.s.tic, and her powers were incredibly lethal, he thanked that she was part of his team, fighting someone like her would be incredibly hard, especially with her s.p.a.ce manipulation abilities being taken into consideration.


The powerful Andes rushed forward, leaving the two siblings behind, they tried to stop him but the fiery t.i.tan was furious, he rushed forward and attacked Zehe without caring about his two siblings trying to stop him, his flames engulfed Zehe in a fiery inferno, a storm that began to even shake the sea of death!


"AHAHAHA! See?! This is the power of my fire! I am the t.i.tan of Ember- Eh?"

"I can see that." Said Zehe expressionless, as Andes suddenly realized that a black cat had suddenly emerged on his left shoulder.




Kuro suddenly shapes.h.i.+fted from a cute black cat into a ma.s.s of darkness, a giant black star with a single crimson-red eye, and various shadow tentacles, and engulfed Andes into pure darkness, devouring his entire body! Entirely!



His entire body was triturated into a dimension of darkness and abyssal void, as the Black Star managed to devour the t.i.tan in a second, leaving nothing at all behind, and slowly returning back to its cat shape!


The Black Cat looked back at the two surviving t.i.tans, as the two t.i.tans gritted their teeth, they even began to sweat nervously! Aldrich looked in horror at the scene as well, what sort of black cat familiar was this?! He didn"t knew about the existence of Maxima Summons, so he had no idea that some normal-looking animals could sometimes have the potential to devour entire Realms.

Adanes and Megamedes glanced at Zehe hatefully! They could barely hold back the anger they felt as they began to unleash their powers against her, Megamedes the t.i.tan of Ruling and Adanes, the t.i.tan of Ages combined their power to avenge their dead (twice) siblings!

"You won"t get away with this!!!"

"d.a.m.n witch…! RAAAAH!"

Adanes suddenly unleashed a powerful Time Attribute Attack, as the t.i.tan of Ages, he had the divinity of time, a very rare one. He used it to manipulate the age of Zehe and force her to age into an old woman!


The ray of gray light clashed against Zehe and ignored her barriers, hitting her body directly as she suddenly began to grow older incredibly quickly! Her entire body started to gain wrinkles over her entire body, as she started to despair, screaming in agony!


"Hahahaha! Age! And die of old age!" Laughed Adanes, his attack was quite strong though, each year that he took away from someone was also taken away from him, but as a G.o.d-born t.i.tan, his age was incredibly big, and he would barely begin to age around ten thousands years, t.i.tans had tremendous lifespans. Although there were many ways for G.o.ds to extend their age, they had a certain lifespan, if that lifespan ended, they would die out quickly, although they could still rejoin a newly made body or something.

What Adanes didn"t knew was that his powers were only useful until Great G.o.ds of Rank 1 to 3, after that G.o.ds simply had endless lifespans… Which caused something very funny to happen.

"Gyaaaahh- Joking."


Zehe suddenly changed the illusion she had created using shadow illusion magic over her body, and suddenly emerged as young as ever, but the curse was still on motion, and it suddenly only began to affect Adanes!

"Eh? Ungh… I am growing old even as an Undead?! Agghh…! I am growing drier?!"

Adanes realized that he was turning into an older mummy with each pa.s.sing second, his body turned from muscular and youthful to old and wrinkly, his skin began to fall off like ashes as they were too dry, and his entire body suddenly crumbled into pieces over the sea!

"Aghh…! d.a.m.n it!!! Obey my Rule!" Roared Megamedes, attempting his strongest technique that costed him all his divine energy, as he used the power of "Obey my Rule" which made anybody suddenly submit to his commands immediately, it lasted very little, but with it he asked his foes to kill themselves!

"Ungh? I am below his rule?" Realized Zehe.

"Now, kill yourself!" Laughed Megamedes.
