Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1393 [Supreme Wars: Act I] 33/?: Madness

Chapter 1393 [Supreme Wars: Act I] 33/?: Madness


That day, the clouds slowly filled the clear sky, dark clouds that quickly started to rain over the Grand Forest. After having traveled around the beautiful area, Green Feather had decided to go back to his nest, where his parents would be waiting for him like every day, alongside his little sister, which was only a year old, as she had been born at the beginning of the previous year. She was a cute little chick that was always clingy with him, flying around, climbing over his body, and more. She was so adorable that it brought a new sense of responsibility as a big brother to Green Feather, he wanted to help his parents raise the little girl so she could become as brave and strong as he was.

However, a strange, lingering feeling began to take over his mind, as he felt like something… was going on. A strange instinct, perhaps given to him by his G.o.dly blessing, Green Feather hurriedly flew back to his nest, reaching the Rocky Mountains and seeing something strange, many of the Gale Birds were flying away in horror, while he also saw many of the soldiers protecting his parent"s nest in the floor, dead.

The rocky floor that was once paved was destroyed by the large footsteps of a monster, as the floor was tainted in the blood of his people…

"W-Wha…?! What"s going on?!" He cried in horror, as he quickly remembered his father, mother, and his little sister. His heart started to beat faster in horror of what was happening, as he infused wind magic into his entire body and flew inside of his nest, pa.s.sing through some caves as he saw that they were all shrouded in blood and the bodies of many soldiers that had perished. The horror continued to grow bigger and bigger on his heart as Green Feather didn"t even wanted to imagine what could be happening to his family now.

"Father… Mother… Sister!!!" He cried, rus.h.i.+ng inside to see what was occurring.

The figure of a big furred humanoid monster stood still, his figure was so tall he resembled a mountain, and his brown hair was spiky and old… His hands were shrouded in blood, dripping from his fingers, and there were also brown and green feathers stuck to them, still falling from his fists…

"Hahh… Ahhh…!"

Green Feather suddenly felt as if his breathing became shorter, he couldn"t keep himself breathing, he was feeling agitated, and his entire mind was twisting itself by the horrendous sight in front of him. It was not only the giant Monkey standing right there, but what horrified him the most were the bodies of his two parents, crushed into the ground, their wings were broken, their legs crushed, and their heads twisted to the opposite direction, both having died agonizingly.

"Hahh…. Ahhh… Aaahhh…!"

Green Feather continued to scream in horror as what he saw was even more horrendous than the agonizing corpses of his parents, as the little body crushed into the ground right next to them broke the last bit of his sanity into pieces. The body of his sister… laid there, motionlessly. Her small and delicate body that had just learned how to fly was crushed… like a bug.

The eyes of the monster that was in here standing in front of the corpses of his family slowly looked back at him, his eyes shone brightly with a ruthless and cold aura… Green Feather was terrified by the monster that had done such a horrendous, unforgivable sin.

"F-Father… Mother… S-Sister…? How… How… HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING, MONKEY EMPEROR?!"

The Mountain Monkey Emperor stood tall like a true mountain in front of him, his aura of both strength and magic was so powerful that it made the young Green Feather tremble in fear.

"I didn"t had any other option." Said the Monkey Emperor.

"W-Wha…? What?!" Asked Green Feather, flabbergasted by his ridiculous answer.

"Green Feather… Listen to me… Calm down…" Muttered the Monkey Emperor, as he tried to approach Green Feather.

"L-Listen… to you? You… you f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d?! Why the f.u.c.k should I listen to you, you murderer! DIEEEE!" Green Feather lost his sanity completely, screaming like a madman as he flew towards the Mountain Monkey Emperor with his wings flapping rapidly, his winds easily generated a storm inside the entire nest, bringing piercing wind spirals towards the Monkey Emperor.

"Stop this! I don"t want to fight you! Listen to me!!!" Roared the Mountain Monkey Emperor, as he s.h.i.+elded himself with a barrier of magic, however, due to the fight he had just done, he was tired and his Mana was already very low, his magic was weak and Green Feather"s berserk-like state brought to him a new power he had never found before, his entire body continued to unleash powerful winds that pierced through the Mountain Monkey Emperor"s s.h.i.+eld, breaking through his defenses as he attacked him with everything he could ever muster!

"I"ll kill you…! I"LL KILL YOUUUUUU!!!"

Green Feather didn"t listened to the words of the murderer of his family. Whatever could even be his reasons, why should he care? There was no reason on the mind of a child as of why their parents and little sister should die so horribly. His winds unleashed a powerful storm against the Mountain Monkey Emperor, his entire body started to be showered in slicing winds that left many wounds over his entire body.

Somehow, the tremendous guilt that the Monkey Emperor felt made him think for a moment that he should let the boy kill him, it would be the most fitting thing at the end… However, he couldn"t let him do so.

"Not… yet…" He muttered, as if somehow he knew about something that would happen in the future, he moved forward, unleas.h.i.+ng a ray of magic against Green Feather, throwing him down into the ground, and then escaping out of the nest, jumping across the mountains, and going back to his clan"s territory.

Green Feather slowly began to fall unconscious, as the last thing he saw were the ma.s.sacred bodies of his family…

"Father, mother, sister…"
