Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1798 Bargaining

Chapter 1798 Bargaining




Null, a random old dragon deity from whoever the heck he might be living at suddenly decided to interrupt my peaceful night as I was about to evolve my little Bubu. And not only did he arrogantly asked me to choose the evolution option we didn"t even wanted, but he said he couldn"t even give me back the Blessing he gave me before… Ugh, well, it might be up to my own Divinity Stat or whatever, but still!

And… well-


[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] has offered to you the [Fragment of the Necrotic Plane"s Primordial Realm Core] x1 and the [Rusty Key of the Necrotic Plane"s Underworld Gates] x1!]

Yeah, that just happened.

I was surprised at first, but as I thought about it, I found it quite… suspicious.

Why is he giving me something so important? And how exactly could I utilize this? How do these items actually work anyway?

I know they"re amazing items. One is a fragment from the Core of the Plane that was invading Genesis, the Necrotic Plane, and the other is a key to enter it?

Why is he giving me something so amazing and game changing, and why not before though?

Is it all because Bubu now has some sort of power that allowed him to receive a Divine Protection from him? And why is he investing so much on Bubu to begin with?

He… probably has some sort of scheme. He"s not really a direct ally, but he"s making an investment. The same way the Yggdrasil mother did with me and her Yggdra daughter, they clearly want something back.

"And the conditions?" I asked. "I won"t believe you"ll give me this so easily. I know you"re also Frank"s patron. What"s your scheme?"


[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] is surprised by your lack of trust on him.]

[He seems disappointed and heartbroken.]

"Cut the c.r.a.p."


[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] laughs at your keen mind.]

[He says that he desires Bubu to become his Vessel.]

"I knew it… You"re not playing around, don"t you? So you want my little Bubu to become your puppet?! Even if you offer me this stuff I won"t let you."

"Bubu! Buu!"

However, out of the blue, Bubu protested.

"Eh? Bubu? What? Do you agree to this?!"

"Bu! Bubu!"

His three pairs of eyes seemed filled with determination. Bubu wanted this.

But why?


[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] thinks highly of Bubu.]

[He says that he"s the perfect vessel to harbor part of his power, and be able to intervene on lower planes.]

[In exchange for his powers, Bubu will be able to evolve further and be able to avenge the injustices he suffered on his own world.]

"Wait, Bubu is this true? You want to avenge yourself?"

"Bu! Bubu!"

He seemed… willing to this.

"Errr… Ugggh, I just don"t want some random guy to possess you!"



[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] thinks you"re misunderstanding something.]

[Becoming a vessel of his power and will doesn"t mean losing Bubu"s own free will. It is merely a contract with mutual benefits, which hopefully won"t affect none of the two parties negatively.]

"Okay… And you"re offering me that as some sort of bargain? Well, you"ll need to explain me first your conditions, why do you seem to want to do this so badly?"


[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] seems annoyed by your many questions.]

[However, he agrees to answer one.]

[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] says that the [Necrotic Plane] was once part of his own Powers.]

[He merely wants to get back what belonged to him.]

"Wait, Null, you"re the actual owner of this place?! I thought it was some sort of dimension- Unless you"re a being of a way higher plane, like that Yggdrasil grandma, isn"t it?"


[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] laughs in amus.e.m.e.nt over your discerning capabilities.]

[However, he says he had revealed enough. Just like you said you dot trust him, he also says he needs to trust you better to reveal more of these secrets.]

[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] offers you the items once more.]

[Do you accept the deal?] [Once the deal is agreed upon, a Cosmic Contract utilizing The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] powers will be created. If the contract terms are violated, you will receive punishment.]

A contract quickly emerged in front of me just to make things worse, and as I read it, it seemed very reasonable! It wasn"t anything that would be a pain to accomplish, and he merely wanted to become… my ally pretty much. He also states a "faster" way to get into genesis, though he"ll reveal it once I agree.

Ugh, these devil contracts with Higher Existence Beings is a pain, and it kind of boggles me how strong Null might be. Is he really just a dragon or something higher? Frank"s explanation was really s.h.i.+tty, not even he knows how strong is this guy.

But he might as well be an Interdimensional Ent.i.ty, or at least Omniversal.

"Agh… Fine, but you"ll have to give me something else then!" I said with a smile.


[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] seems completely bafled by your shamelessness!]

[However, he says that as long as it"s reasonable… Nonetheless, he states that he cannot simply teleport you anywhere you want, as his authority does not extend to "lesser planes".]

"Don"t worry, I kind of figured out your game here. I just want a tiny little thing from you… A bone. Care to give me a tiny bone of yours, skelly dragon Null?"

[The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] seems to have fallen silent, into deep contemplation.]

Come on now, just give it to me.

[However, after much thought, he had agreed. But only a tiny fragment of one.]



[You have signed the [Cosmic Contract], you"ve agreed to [The Cosmic Ent.i.ty [Null, Primordial Dragon of Death and Void] terms!]

[You received the following Rewards: [Fragment of the Necrotic Plane"s Primordial Realm Core] x1, [Rusty Key of the Necrotic Plane"s Underworld Gates] x1, and [Null"s Bone Fragment] x1!]


