Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2025 The Pirate Queen Of The Seas, Gaby!

Chapter 2025 The Pirate Queen Of The Seas, Gaby!


A Giant Pirate s.h.i.+p had appeared in front of Poseidon and his band of Sea G.o.ds, rescuing them, revealing a crew of thousands of Ghostly Mermen Pirates, led by a charismatic red-headed Mershark G.o.ddess, Gaby!

"Ahoy matey!"

"So you guys are the Sea G.o.ds, huh?"

"I can tell because you all got fish faces, gahahahaha!"

The Ghostly Pirates laughed their a.s.ses off as they hugged and began to joke with Poseidon"s G.o.ds, who felt more and more confused as time went by!

The worst was that Gaby also laughed with them, despite being such a powerful G.o.ddess she wasn"t taking anything serious…

"Do you think this is a d.a.m.n joke?!" Poseidon cried, suddenly falling to his knees. "Cough, cough…! Ugh, my entire body hurts…"

"Ahahaha! Sorry about that but my boys in here are quite the show, aren"t they?" Laughed Gaby. "I made sure to recruit the most charismatic pirates out there, I spent a few days traveling all around Vida one time, my wifey and my kids helped me recruit a bunch of Undead trapped on sunk pirate s.h.i.+ps across the seas! Was a fun trip!"

"I-I don"t care!" Poseidon cried. "Are you going to do something about that thing or not? Cough…!"

"Okay, okay, calm down a bit smarta.s.s."

"He"s really trying to tell the captain what to do?"

"Maybe we should throw you back to the d.a.m.n sea!"

The Pirates felt offended when Poseidon said all those things. They were still p.i.s.sed off by how little gratefulness he and his G.o.ds had for having had their a.s.ses saved, but Gaby didn"t really mind it that much.

"Nah, don"t worry about it guys, it"s fine!" Laughed Gaby, as she commanded her s.h.i.+p to ride the chaotic waves around the Seas of Atlantis.


The Scorpion-like Miasmic Aberration t.i.tan slowly started to regenerate, rebuilding itself as it absorbed the oceans rich on divine energy, its shape changing into a gigantic chimera between crabs, shrimps, lobsters, with the head of a shark!


It slowly started rus.h.i.+ng towards the Pirate s.h.i.+p, its gigantic black pincers about to crush the entire vessel into two perfect halves!

"Hey, so anyways, you guys can heal him, is there any priest around the crew?" Gaby asked while looking completely relaxed. "Oh, you"re a Spirit!" She suddenly noticed Sapphirine separating from Poseidon.

"I-I can heal everyone here, don"t worry!" She said. "But that thing… W-WATCH OUT!"


The gigantic claws reached the s.h.i.+p, clas.h.i.+ng against them!


Only for the seas around the s.h.i.+p to raise in an instant, gathering around into the shape of an endlessly spiraling bubble. The water was flowing at such a high speed and gathering so much pressure that the moment the claw tried to cut the s.h.i.+p into two, it ended being sliced apart instead!


The aberration gave out an agonizing scream, the claw that was cut apart was quickly devoured by thousands of over ten-meter-big sharks made of oceanic water too, which appeared from the surrounding sea vortex.

Poseidon"s eyes opened wide as he, the King of the Seas, felt utterly flabbergasted by Gaby"s incredible manipulation over Water!

"Y-You… you"re no ordinary Mershark…"

"Ahoy! Of course I ain"t, gramps!"

Gaby laughed, her strong arms beginning to gather her energies, as Poseidon noticed she was incredibly jacked, with muscular arms, strong and tough abs, powerful biceps, and strong shoulders, all melded with the beauty of a female and the savageness of Mershark, one of the most aggressive and warmongering tribes of Mermen out there!

She grabbed her two long swords, imbued with divine powers and now having been turned into egos, overflowing from them came the very Essence of the Seas and the very Essence of Lightning! And above her head, there was a small, yellow-colored slime!

"Alright, lil" Gubo, let"s wreck em"!" Gaby smiled, showing her sharp shark fangs.

"Let"s do it Master!" The tiny yellow slime released sparks of electricity.

Gubo was no mere Slime, but one of Gaby"s companions for a long while now! Originally a "Item Pet" she acquired in a Dungeon back in the Grand Forest, the little Gubo had evolved over time, developing her own intelligence, personality, and becoming some sort of adopted child of Gaby, but also, her companion!


The miasmic aberration t.i.tan shook the entire seas, waves constantly clas.h.i.+ng agains the s.h.i.+p, as Gaby imbued her entire body with strength and leaped out of the pirate s.h.i.+p!

"You guys cover our backs!"

"Aye, aye!"

The Ghostly Pirates got to move the entire s.h.i.+p, a Divine Artifact on its own that was even given an Ego by Kireina recently, the entire Ghostly Pirate s.h.i.+p started moving right as Gaby leaped into the skies, swinging her two swords as she imbued the power of the Seas surrounding her into her own powers, boosting her strength even further.

"[Divine Mershark Sea Queen Magic]: [Savage Megalodon Summon]!"

She swung both of her swords, the power of her magic combining with her tremendously strong blow, as the entire body of the aberration trembled with her strike, seconds before a gigantic Megalodon materialized out of Gaby"s own Aura, combined with Atlantis" wild seas!


The Megalodon gave out a monstrous groan before biting through the beast"s second claw, cutting it apart before exploding, blowing off not just the claw but the entire arm!



As the beast shrieked in agony, Gaby moved further, swimming across the air itself as the seas danced around her body, naturally obeying her. Poseidon glanced in utter disbelief as she swung her two powerful swords, slas.h.i.+ng through the beast"s torso several times! Each time her strikes reached the beast, explosions of sea water shaped into sharks would emerge, biting through the monster"s defenses!

"[Divine Savage Shark Queen Double Blade Arts]: [Dance of Bloodshed and Terror]!"

With a ferocious roar, Gaby slashed through the beast"s torso, dividing the monster into two before six Megalodons materialized as the sea waves went crazy!


CLAAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+

The gigantic sharks gnawed through the monster, its entire body being devoured and torn apart, all while Gubo above her head leaped and shapes.h.i.+fted into a small girl made of yellow slime, her two little hands summoning huge golden gauntlets, charged with electricity!

"This is something my friend Vudia gifted me!" She roared. "[Divine Thunderclap Fist]!"

Taking advantage of how the beast was covered on sea water, Gubo went for a decisive strike, electricity running through the monster"s entire body!


Her body kept shapes.h.i.+fting, gaining more arms and fists, as she unleashed a barrage of fist strikes, all while Gaby flew into the skies, her two swords gathering all her energy possible and then striking once more, as the ghost s.h.i.+p behind fired many cannonb.a.l.l.s!


"Well done boys and girls!" Gaby laughed merrily. "Now then! "[Divine Savage Shark Queen Double Blade Arts]: [Primordial Megalodon"s Bite]!"

Her two swords descended into the beast"s back, piercing through its entire body as her aura and her strike"s powers combined into the illusion of an even more t.i.tanic shark biting through the beast"s neck, beheading it on the spot!



Its head dropped into the seas, consumed by sharks made of Gaby"s magic before the entire monster slowly collapsed!


Poseidon couldn"t believe his eyes as he glanced the scene…

"H-How strong are Kireina"s wives…?!"

"Watch out! It"s not done yet!"

However, Sapphirine alerted Gaby, as the aberration slowly started to shapes.h.i.+ft again…

"Huh, tough nut to crack, ain"t cha?"

Gaby simply smiled at the challenge, welcoming it with open arms.
