Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2052 Kireina Is The Most Merciful G.o.ddess!

Chapter 2052 Kireina Is The Most Merciful G.o.ddess!


King Lionel was left speechless. Just minutes ago he thought he was going to die for sure. The Wrath Barbarian Demons were incredibly strong, tearing apart his men as if they were insects.

Yet out of nowhere, G.o.ds descended, and someone he had heard about before descended to fight the Demons Leader, Kireina!

"I can"t believe Kireina, the Supreme G.o.ddess of Chaos and Demise freed us from being completely whipped out by Satan, the Archdemon of Wrath!"

The lion-faced Blood Beast Demon was shocked, although still, many of his men had perished, their bodies still lingering around the battlefield.

"However, so many have died nonetheless…"

The G.o.ds that had come to protect them had erected a barrier to protect them but had not revived the dead mortals though. Also, they barely fought, and Agatheina singlehandedly whipped out the Demon Army while Kireina took care of the big boss.

It was a gigantic battle, for someone so weak and pathetic as him, he felt like a bacteria looking at dragons amidst the sky battle and shake the entire world and its foundations.

The entire Realm of Ravenfolt had never shake so much like now, the entire battlefield where it all happened was covered on t.i.tanic fissures and holes, as if hundreds of meteors had fallen there.

And this was a rather plain battle where none of the two fighters unleashed their complete potential due to restrictions.

A battle between World Devourer Realm beings could destroy entire worlds easily…

"Hahh… T-The G.o.ds…" He was about to walk towards them, asking them what was going to be of them, he was worried about his people.

After so many years of waging wars, the alliance of tribes was stronger than ever, he couldn"t let this tragedy shake their resolve and bonds.

If possible, he wanted to speak with the G.o.ds and find some solution, even if it meant serving them from now on…

"Dear Blood Beast G.o.ds…!" He kneeled before them.

The three Beast G.o.ds, gigantic in size and overflowing with mighty Divine Power glared down at him as if he were a mere ant.

"The King of this place, I a.s.sume?"

"Insolent, you wish to die?"

"You dare talk to us?"

"I-I am…! I just wish for the best of my people. What will be of us from now on?!" He asked desperately.

The enormous pressure of three G.o.ds was immense for a mere mortal… The man was trembling even after being considered the strongest one on his Kingdom.

"Well, we have not thought about it."

"If you keep annoying us, we"ll make sure this"ll end as a sacrifice for us."

"Don"t speak to us again."

They were filled of themselves, egocentric and selfish. G.o.ds were not at all like the lion-faced King ever thought. His crimson eyes were left speechless… There wasn"t even a chance for a normal conversation with them!

"Were the G.o.ds we"ve been wors.h.i.+pping… Not what we thought they were?" He felt despair.

However, because he didn"t moved away in time, their sharp eyes glared down at him angrily. One resembled a giant crimson cheetah, the second a ma.s.sive black mammoth with several tusks and trunks. The last and third, was a gigantic three-headed chimera with the body of a lion and the heads of different reptilian beasts.

"Foolish one, you"re still standing here?"

"I"m getting tired of your stupid gaze."

"Die… I doubt she"ll ever care if some of you die anyways."

The three-headed G.o.d reached the King out of nowhere, his enormous jaws about to snack on him, seeing the mortal as nothing but a mere snack…


Yet a smaller figure appeared, kicking his three heads off his body, and making him collapse on the ground, it was Kireina!

"What do you think you"re doing, you filthy f.u.c.king idiots?" Kireina was furious. "I told you to protect them! Did you ever heard what I said?! Maybe I should cut you into pieces and serve the mortals with your flesh for a change! I hate G.o.ds like these…"

She grabbed the beheaded G.o.d as his heads regenerated slowly, coughing blood and groaning in agony.

"K-Kireina-sama… please forgive me…! But he is merely a mortal…! Why do you care so much?!"

The mortal King glanced the scene in utter disbelief! The G.o.ds he thought invincible were being bullied by a single fairy woman…

She was without a doubt the Supreme G.o.ddess of Chaos and Demise, someone so strong she could do this to the G.o.ds they wors.h.i.+pped.

Yet deep down, he felt happy of her actions…

"Why do I care so much? Do you even NEED to ask for that?" Kireina facepalmed. "You know what happened to the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds back in Genesis that had the same mindset as you?" Kireina asked with a devilish smile, her eyes glowing brightly.

The G.o.ds felt paralyzed in utter horror…

"I f.u.c.king ate them all… Do you want to be eaten, puppy?" She asked.


The G.o.d started crying like a pathetic little child…

Kireina glanced back at the mortal with eyes filled with pity, descending at his side.

"If I catch you trying anything weird again I"m not even going to give you a second chance, okay?" Kireina threw him away, chains made of wrathful and l.u.s.tful energies binding him to a contract of no harm against mortals.

"Eeek! Y-Yes…!" The Beast kneeled before her, bowing his many heads.

The others did the same without even saying a word!

"Are you alright?" Kireina sighed, asking the lion-headed man.

"Y-Yes… I-I…! Thank you so much…" He sighed. "I thought I would die… by the hands of the G.o.ds we wors.h.i.+ped so much…"

"If you want to wors.h.i.+p any G.o.d, wors.h.i.+p my family instead." Kireina smiled. "All these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds were considering abandoning you, if it wasn"t for my Agatheina over here, they wouldn"t had even come down to save you."

"Kireina-sama is so benevolent as always. you sure have a soft spot with mortals." She giggled.

"We"re all mortals compared to the great scheme of things, and we also once were just as weak, if not weaker than them." Kireina sighed; she had definitely changed a lot from her ruthless beginnings. "Stand up, young King. You and your people will now come to my Divine Realm and take refuge there. I hope you don"t mind."

"I-I don"t… Thank you so much, Kireina-sama! We will make sure to pray for someone so wonderful as you! Y-You"re a true G.o.ddess!" The King continued crying.

"Fufu, anyways, will you show me where your greatest treasures are too?" Kireina suddenly changed the topic, the King stepped back in surprise over her words.

"W-What?" He asked.

"Do I need to repeat myself, young mortal? Tell me where the treasures are. I need some loot! Also, I heard there"s a Fragment of something, a Gate leading to Abyss, is it? I want it, lead me to it." Kireina said nonchalantly.

"Y-Yes…" Sighed the King. "I should had expected she wanted something in return… Well, even then, these treasures are nothing compared to the lives of my people…"

As the King agreed, Kireina smiled happily, waving her hands. The bodies of all the dead soldiers a.s.sembled together and revived on the spot.

"[Primordial Divine Law Magic]: [Life Reconstruction]"


"I-I"m alive?!"

"What the…?"

"I thought I died!"

"My King! You"re alive!"

"My knights!" The King muttered. "Forget what I said earlier, she"s truly an angel compared to those beast b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!"

"Now, to the treasure." Kireina said.

"Right away my lady!" The King happily led her there.
