Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 25 - The One Who Commited The Ultimate Sin

Chapter 25 - The One Who Commited The Ultimate Sin


In a long, endless hall, shrouded in darkness lit by candlesticks, a young boy with silver hair ran desperately, looking for something dearly.

"Haaahhh… Haaahhhh… Where? Where?!"

As he ran through the corridor, it seemed as if the hall was endless, and the darkness never disappeared. The boy could only guide himself by the pale light of the candles.

"Haaahhh… Ghh…!"

The boy seemed extremely desperate, in deep despair.

"Where?! Haaahhh…!"

His eyes were lost; his uneasiness and despair completely disfigured his face, giving him a look, not of his age.

"Why?! Whyyyy?! Haaahhh… I must hurry! I must!"

As the boy ran with all his strength, one could notice his royal lineage clothes, now tattered and full of dirt.

"Uuugghhh! No! Not here! Where?! Where?!"

The boy started to check on every room he came across, only finding complete darkness inside them, as if every room was filled with a darkness not of this world.

"Ghh! This… My heart… I can"t keep running anymore… Ugh, I need to endure! Where?! WHERE?!"

As the boy approached the end of the hall, a strange and bizarre aura filled his heart, embracing it in pain.

"Aaggh! What is this?! But, that"s it! There!"

When the boy came closer to the end of the hall, a big black door, decorated with countless markings and skulls, erected in front of him.

"Here! Strength Enhancement!"

The boy conjured a spell, which gave him the strength to be able to open the ma.s.sive door.


"Ahh! Sist-"

The scene inside the room was too much, too bizarre, too crude for such a young kid.

When humans experience such traumas and fears at young ages, they cannot get over it easily, as if it were a curse inside of you, the fear, the despair, and the experience would accompany you forever. Forever engraved in the deepest parts of your mind, your heart.

As if the room lacked any kind of air, the kid could not talk anymore, frozen in time, he could only look, and even if he wanted to look away, to stop seeing such a scene, his body would not respond.

In the room, countless robed men were raising their hands.

Some were drinking cups of what looked like a red beverage, blood, perhaps.

Others, on their ecstasies, could only laugh.

On the center of the room, over a table made of stone, the naked body of a young human girl, laid motionless.

The belly of the girl was completely open, showing red and oozing organs, sprouting countless blood, painting the stone table on a deep crimson.

The eyes of the girl looked desperate and in extreme pain, despite her already being dead.

She died a horrible death, full of pain, despair, and fear.


Why would this happen?

What is the point of this?

What is the reason for this?

The boy could not speak, and stayed still, on the floor, as if he were a statue.

While the robed men celebrated their bloodfest, the boy"s mind went to complete metamorphosis.

His beliefs.

His understandings.

His feelings.

What makes you a human?

What is the line that a human should never cross?

Humans are horrible.

Humans are the worst.

Humans are trash.

Why am I a human?

Being a human is a curse.

Being born is a curse.

Existence is a curse.

Why do I exist?

What is the point of existing?

Everything I love is taken away.

Everything I want to protect is destroyed.

I cannot understand why.

They betrayed me.

My own race stabbed me on the back.

My own people.

My family.

My sister did not deserve this.


As the boy submerged himself on his despairing thoughts, thick darkness enveloped his body.

Suddenly, he lost his sight.

When he opened his eyes, he was on the Kingdoms Throne, surrounded by his loyal servants.

Undead and Goblins, beings of darkness, they were the only things he could trust now.

"Aahh… That dream again…"

A little undead girl on his side greeted his Master.

"Good Morning, Master"

The mage looked at the undead girl and greeted her.

"Good Morning… Sister…"

"Master, reporting in, the Goblins have already set up around the one who devoured 8 Emperors, Kireina"s hideout, they will strike tomorrow after preparations are ready"

"Tomorrow? What hour is it?"

"5 AM, Master"

"Ah, I see…"

The mage rested his back into the throne while looking at the hall ceiling, his pale face slowly started to form a smile.

"Hahaha… Kireina… You"re no more than a stepping stone for me. I, the one who committed the ultimate human sin, I have no limits. There are no boundaries anymore… Right, Sister?"

Given a strange command, the undead girl could not respond and stayed in silence.


The mage watched the motionless undead girl and looked at her with a determined gaze.

"I will find your soul someday. I will never lose hope. The only thing I have left is you"






[You have successfully accomplished the requirements for Evolution]




[Initializing Evolution Tree]




[Loading Evolution choices]




[5 Choices found]








"AH! Evolution! At last!"




[Loading Evolution choice information]




[Mid Crimson Moon Vampire Fairy Empress]

[High Holy Light Mother Fairy Empress]

[Mid Charming Eyes Succubus Fairy Empress]

[High 9 Elements Spiritual Fairy Empress]

[Mid Shadow Embracing Fairy Empress]

"All fairies! It seems that I can"t run away from becoming one anymore… Well, I already decided to become one long ago…"




[Loading Evolution details]




[Mid Crimson Moon Vampire Fairy Empress: A stronger variant of Vampire Fairy only found in the Realm of Hel, they possess incredible endurance due to their Undead status, and have countless blood-related techniques and spells. They have the power to enchant weaker beings into doing their bidding.]

[Special Traits]

[Enchanting Beauty, in pair with Hypnosis Magic]

[Can grow stronger with the Blood Evolution System, granted by Blood Vitality]

[Impressive Endurance, being an Undead]

[Complete mastery over Blood Technique and Spells]

[Extremely weak to Holy, Light and Fire Elements]

[Jack-Of-All-Trades Stat distribution]

[If the user constantly drinks blood every day, its power can grow faster (EXP gained and Stats per Level Up will increase)]

[If the user does not drink blood every day, it will grow slower (EXP gained will decrease and the user will receive a debuff on its Stats)]

[Future Evolution Choices: Very High]

"Ah! This must be the evolution of my current vampire b.u.t.terfly. It seems to be a big upgrade, obtaining more skills and all, and this new double effect that grants me extra EXP and stats if I drink blood every day, but if I don"t, I get penalized? That seems kind of a ha.s.sle but I think I can manage; this looks quite promising"

[High Holy Light Mother Fairy Empress: A mythical fairy that inhabits the Sacred Garden Realm: Hera. They possess strong Holy and Light magic, being complete masters of both arts, they have the power to purify undead, and are their fierce enemies. Also, they possess incredibly high fertility, being able to mate with different species and bring strong children.]

[Special Traits]

[Holy and Light Complete Mastery, being able to cast countless Spells]

[Undead Purification, become stronger the more Undeads you Purify]

[High Fertility, increase your family size easily while mating with different male partners, your children will have the power of both parents combined, easily creating a strong army]

[Frail Body]

[Extremely Weak to Shadow and Darkness Elements]

[Future Evolution Choices: Mid]

"Eeeh?! This fairy is literally just a wh.o.r.e?! High Fertility and Mating with anyone? That"s kind of gross, I don"t want to be touched by men! No way!"

[Mid Charming Eyes Succubus Fairy Empress: A powerful demonic fairy originated from the Realm of Hel, it can use its enchanting eyes to manipulate weaker beings and create an army of slaves. It can also indulge in s.e.xual relations.h.i.+ps to absorb partners" strength, skills, and even EXP. Until their complete vitality is absorbed. Can use Shadow, Dark, and the very rare Dream magic, being able to a.s.sault its victim while they are asleep from long distances.]

[Special Traits]

[Enchanting Mythical Eyes Magic, being able to induce different types of Status Ailments and also being able to create Illusions and Charming effects]

[Possess a big variety of Shadow, Dark and Dream Spells]

[Can increase her army of slaves quickly]

[Mate with your victims to steal their EXP, Skills, and Stats]

[Mediocre Stat development overall, but high Speed]

[Weak to Light and Holy elements]

[Future Evolution Choices: High]

"Ugh this one reminded me of my curse, is it because of it that I got this? I don"t want to be a Succubus at all! No way!"

[High 9 Elements Spiritual Fairy Empress: An extinct variant of Spiritual Fairy able to control the 9 elements. Having strong affinities with magic and their connection to the Realms. Can summon 9 elemental spirits to fight for her.]

[Special Traits]

[Full Mastery of the 9 Elemental Spirits Magic]

[High Magic and MP Pool but lower Defense, fine everywhere else]

[Can summon 9 Different Spirits to fight for you, they can Evolve and become stronger with you]

[Can draw natural MP from the World, increasing your MP Regeneration]

[Spirit Possession: fuse with an Elemental Spirit to change your appearance and Stats]

[Frail Body]

[Future Evolution Choices: High]

"Oooh, finally something nice, this one seems quite good, very high affinity and I can summon even more spirits, and even combine with them? But it will probably be like Meiji, who has to raise children…"

[Mid Shadow Embracing Fairy Empress: A mysterious fairy which existence does not have any records. You are the first one to be able to evolve into this.]

[Special Traits]

[Complete Shadow Manipulation and Authority]

[Can control natural Shadows, without the need of casting Shadow Magic]

[Can summon Shadow Spirits of different types, and form an army of Shadows]

[HP and MP Stats are replaced by the shadow stat, acc.u.mulate shadows to increase its maximum value]

[Become stronger by absorbing living beings Shadows]

[Extremely Weak to Light and Holy Magic]

[Frail Defenses]

[Future Evolution Choices: Mid]

"Oh? This one seems quite all right, I like the idea of total shadow manipulation and acc.u.mulation, increasing my stats. It looks like an overpowered mechanic on the right hands. I hope I never came across someone that can use this power."

"Most of these choices were quite weird, I am not choosing holy mother and succubus, and shadow gets shafted with mid future evolutions, it"s between nine spirits and vampire…"

"Even though spirit possession sounds like a strong skill, having to nurture 9 Children like Meiji will be h.e.l.l… I will go for the safe choice and choose Vampire"

"I choose [Mid Crimson Moon Vampire Fairy Empress]!"




[Mid Crimson Moon Vampire Fairy Empress has been chosen]

[Initializing Evolution]




[Evolution Success]




[Day 26]


"Eeeh? M-Master? Master Kireina? I-Is that you? Is this your evolution appearance? Oh my… Such beauty… She is still sleeping…"

While sleeping I felt as if someone started to touch my entire body, it felt weird and I could barely stay sleeping. My body also felt too long, and I could not move my b.u.t.terfly arms anymore.

"Aaah~ Master body is so soft…"


"Master… Legs are so smooth, so plump… Ah! They are so squishy…"


"Aaaahh~ I can"t take it anymore… I must touch her belly…"



"Her belly is so adorable and smooth, her skin so white! And she smells like roses…"

"Hmmm ghhh…"



"Ah~! I can"t contain myself; kissing Master belly is the best!"

"Hmm! W-What…!"

I quickly noticed what was going on, Zehe was abusing my sleep to touch my body to her heart"s content. Is she a degenerate like me?

When I opened my eyes, I was finally able to move my body again, and I found Zehe completely naked over my new belly, kissing it intensively.

"What"s going on?"

"M-Master! I-I… Congratulations on your evolution…! Yes…!"

"Z-Zehe what were you doing?"


I started to inspect my new body; it was the body of a young human girl, different than the fairies I have seen before who had the same size as a b.u.t.terfly. My skin was pale white and very smooth, my legs were plump and fatty, and my hips were quite big, I had a belly with a little bit of fat on it too. After further inspection, I found out my back was completely covered in crimson-colored tattoos, my fingernails were purple-colored and long. I also had long purple hair, which ended in a crimson red. My small forehead was decorated with three pointed horns and I had two majestic crimson and purple colored b.u.t.terfly wings on my back.

When I went to see my face on a mirror, I had more crimson markings below my two big purple eyes, which seemed like two beautiful s.h.i.+ning gems. My nose was small and cute and my lips were a beautiful red.

"Aaaahhh… (Now I am totally a girl… I was kind of getting away with it because a b.u.t.terfly doesn"t really look different between genders, but this… My whole body structure changed too, it feels incredibly weird to change from a bug body to a human body, it"s impressive how you can do something like this in this world)"

Zehe took some of the bedsheets and covered her naked sweaty body.

"M-Master… Are you all right? It must be hard to have a full-body transformation like this, you should rest"

"Sigh… There"s no time to rest, I must start the training and all…"

"Master, if you let me say so, your new body is incredibly beautiful… I have never seen such a beautiful and delicate body before; your entire body seems like a carefully made doll"

I quickly noticed that Zehe was glancing at my small and cute body with incredible l.u.s.t in her eyes. I noticed that I was also naked when I was a b.u.t.terfly I didn"t need to care about wearing clothes, but now as a Humanoid, I should wear some.

I opened my door and called two Spider Maids. I told them to bring me some clothes.

They were quite impressed with my new appearance.

"Yes, Master!"

When I closed the door, Zehe was still on my bed, looking at me with l.u.s.tful eyes.

"Sigh... Z-Zehe? Are you okay?"

"M-Master… After seeing such beauty… I… I… I think… I"m in heat…"

"Eh? (You are in heat. What do you mean? Are you a dog now?!)"

"What do you want me to do about it…?"

Zehe raised her arms and showed me her naked breast.

"Well… We are… In a relations.h.i.+p now… And now that you are finally a humanoid, should we…"

"Ah! (S-She want to do it! B-But how do you do it between females… Should I… no! Wait… I…)"

Without thinking much about it, I decided to go to bed with Zehe.




When Zehe touched, kissed, and licked every inch of my body to her heart"s content, the Spider Maids conveniently came with my new clothes.

"H-Here, Master…"

"Master, are you okay?"

"Haaahh… Zehe… (I can"t believe how much of a degenerate Zehe is, although I can"t deny that I enjoyed it… It felt so weird to experience pleasure with a female body)"

Zehe was still naked on my side of the bed, still exited.

"Haaahhh… Master… Your body is so delicious, like a carefully fermented beer…"

"(What kind of comparison is that?!) Aaahh… Zehe your body is also very beautiful is something I always… Looked at… Even when we trained…"

"Eh? Really, Master?"

"Y-Yeah… Don"t feel as if you are ugly or something… You must be a very beautiful person to be chosen by me after all!"

Zehe went in extreme excitement again, and her eyes were filled with l.u.s.t.

"M-Master… Please! Touch my body too! Do everything you want to me!"

"(EEHH?!) Ah! I… Okay then… I will show you… how truly I love you…"


Zehe grabbed me to her side and kissed my lips, it was my first kiss on this humanoid body, and it was full of pa.s.sion and s.e.xual desire.

Afterward, I proceeded to touch, kiss, and licked every inch of Zehe"s body that I loved, going all out and fulfilling most of my l.u.s.tful wishes.




Zehe finally turned her l.u.s.tful mode off, and was calmer, with a warm and lovely smile.

"Master… I have never experienced such love… I feel… Special…"

"Y-You are special… to me"


"You don"t need to call me Master, just call me by my name (Even if I hate it)"

"Dear Kireina…"

"Hmm! That"s good"

I give Zehe another kiss on her beautiful lips and told her to dress, she can"t go around completely naked.

I also checked my new clothes.

"Haahh, isn"t this a little bit provocative?"

The dress was similar to Zehe"s dress, being a little dress that ended in a loincloth between my legs, it also showed the sides of my legs completely, and exposed my back too, but I think the back is okay because I need to fit my big wings in there. It was black and purple-colored, with various decorations around the chest area.

In the chest area, a part was utilized to show off the upper part of my breast and the middle line of them. Although my b.r.e.a.s.t.s were not so developed, they were still noticeable on the dress, creating an erotic look, my arms were completely bare and my small shoulders too.

This "armor" set also included a pair of boots instead of Zehe"s heels, which I appreciated because it would be too hard to wear heels with my inexperience.

The boots were quite beautiful and combined well with the dress, they were black with small heels, not too difficult for me to walk in them. The tops were decorated with some kind of magical flower petals, which embraced nude legs, creating some kind of purple colored stockings, the petals produced a strong and sweet fragrance.

"Hmm! I guess I am ready! This dress is quite erotic, but what can you expect from a fantasy world?"

After finally dealing with Zehe"s l.u.s.t and my clothes, I decided to check my Status Window.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Gaahh! Too many things!"

[Congratulations, you have Successfully Evolved into a [Mid Crimson Moon Vampire Fairy Empress]

[Your Level has been reset to 1/50]

[All your Stats have Increased]

[Congratulations! You have Evolved into a Humanoid being!]

[You can now acquire a Cla.s.s, Visit the Cla.s.s Change System Menu]

[You can now utilize the Equipment System]

[You"ve obtained a new t.i.tle: Vampire Fairy Empress]

[You"ve learned the following new Skills]

[Vampire Empress Incredible Reflexes]

[Hypnosis Magic Mastery]

[Advanced Blood Control: Blood Orgy]

[Advanced Blood Control: Blood Reinforcement]

[Advanced Blood Control: Blood l.u.s.t]

[Advanced Vampire Empress Regeneration]

[Advanced Blood Control: Summon Blood Servant: Knight, Mage, and Archer]

[Max Amount of Minions that you can possess have increased to 70]

[Max Amount of Items that you can store in Item Box has increased to 50]

[Max Amount of Slaves that you can possess have increased to 70(+20 From t.i.tle)]

"Aaah! That"s quite a lot of things! And that summon blood servant looks interesting… No wait, I can change cla.s.s now, right?"

I browsed through my system menu and found the section called [Cla.s.s Tree]



[Welcome to your Cla.s.s Tree, please choose your first Cla.s.s]

[Novice Mage]

[Novice Knight]

[Novice Archer]

[Novice Thief]

[High Troll Warrior]

[High Troll Witch]

[High Troll Ranger]

"Oh! The troll cla.s.ses showed up as well! So it really works like this! Ahh! It feels so good! What should I choose?"

Inside my head, my three minds give their opinions.

"Hmm, definitely don"t pick the novice cla.s.ses, they obviously must be weak compared to the rest"

"Come to think of it… What do cla.s.ses really do? Can you check…?"

"I guess so"

I checked each cla.s.s, it seems that a cla.s.s actually just consist of a series of skills and pa.s.sive buffs that you can obtain while leveling up, you then use skill points to select the skills or permanent pa.s.sive buffs. I can change cla.s.s again every 10 levels, being able to choose skills from different cla.s.ses and make my build.

"Is this the power that humans are born with? Impressive"

[Novice Mage: Can equip Mage clothes, Staves, Wands and Arcane Magic Spheres]

[Skills: Basic Fire Ball (5 SP) Basic Ice Spear (5 SP) Basic Thunder Shock (5 SP)]

[Basic Healing Light (5 SP) Magic Enhancement (5 SP)]

[Permanent Pa.s.sive Buffs: +5 Magic (10 SP) +10 MP (10 SP) +5 Resistance (10 SP)]

[Novice Knight: Can equip Knight Armor, Swords, Axes, Lances and a s.h.i.+eld]

[Skills: Wind Sword Slash (5 SP) Fire Axe Trust (5 SP) Water Lance Stab (5 SP)]

[s.h.i.+eld Tackle (5 SP) Strength Enhancement (5 SP) Defense Enhancement (5 SP)]

[Provoking Cry (5 SP)]

[Permanent Pa.s.sive Buffs: +5 Strength (10 SP) +10 HP (10 SP) +5 Defense (10 SP)]

[Novice Archer: Can equip Light Clothes and Armor, Bows and Longbows and Knives]

[Skills: Wind Arrow Shot (5 SP) Arrow Rain (10 SP) Paralyzing Arrow (5 SP)]

[Knife Stab (5 SP) Speed Enhancement (5 SP) Aim Enhancement (5 SP)]

[Permanent Pa.s.sive Buffs: +5 Speed (10 SP) +2 Strength and Defense (10 SP)]

[+2 MP and HP (10)]

[Novice Thief: Can equip Light Clothes, One-Handed Sword, Knifes and Thief Pouch]

[Skills: Fast Knife Stab (5 SP) Knife Throw (5 SP) Poisonous Stab (5 SP)]

[STEAL (10 SP) Speed and Evasion Enhancement (5 SP)]

[Permanent Pa.s.sive Buffs: +7 Speed (10 SP) +2 Strength and Speed (10 SP)]

[+2 MP and HP (10 SP)]

"I see, that"s how it works, most of these skills actually don"t seem all that impressive compared to my wide collection, but the Steal from the Thief and the Enhancements seem interesting. Also, the permanent buffs look amazing; I should pick the ones that give multiple stats at the same time"

"Now check the Troll Cla.s.ses!"

"Okay okay!"

[High Troll Warrior: Can equip Knight Armor, Swords, Axes, Mazes, Clubs and a s.h.i.+eld]

[Skills: Savage Sword Slash (7 SP) Powerful Axe Trust (7 SP) Overpowering Axe and Maze Crush (7 SP)]

[Strong s.h.i.+eld Tackle (7 SP) Strength and Defense Enhancement (15 SP) |

[Wrathful Cry (7 SP)]

[Permanent Pa.s.sive Buffs: +7 Strength (12 SP) +15 HP (12 SP)]

[+3 Strength and Defense (15 SP)]

[High Troll Witch: Can equip Witch clothes, Staves, Wands and Arcane Magic Spheres]

[Skills: Shadow Shot (7 SP) Shadow Manipulation (7 SP) Enchanting Gaze (7 SP)]

[Basic Group Heal (7 SP) Strength and Defense Ally Enhancement (10 SP)]

[Ailment Recovery (7 SP)]

[Permanent Pa.s.sive Buffs: +7 Magic (12 SP) +20 MP (15 SP)]

[+3 Magic and Resistance (15 SP)]

[High Troll Ranger: Can equip Light Clothes and Armor, Bows and Longbows and Long Swords]

[Skills: Strong Arrow Shot (7 SP) Flaming Arrow Rain (12 SP) Disease Stab (7 SP)]

[Strength and Speed Enhancement (7 SP)]

[Permanent Pa.s.sive Buffs: +7 Speed (12 SP) +3 Strength and Speed (15 SP)]

"Oh, Zehe was right when she said that Witch doesn"t have that many attacking spells, only shadow shot? Sigh… Poor Zehe"

"Anyways, the Troll Warrior and Ranger seem like the best if you discard Thief Steal"

"I vote for Troll Ranger"

"I vote for Troll Warrior"

"I vote for Troll Warrior"

"Alright! Troll Warrior it is!"

[You have chosen High Troll Warrior!]


