Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 486 - [Scripted Event] [Sunclaw Kingdom Conquest] 11/?: The Eldest Princess Wickedness

Chapter 486 - [Scripted Event] [Sunclaw Kingdom Conquest] 11/?: The Eldest Princess Wickedness


Miki Sunclaw was the first child between the Gray Wolf King Barion and the Phantasmal Werefox Queen Rei of Sunclaw. Due to this, she was given special treatment since being born, from her servants and her parents.

Inheriting the abilities of both of her parent"s lineages, Miki developed outstandingly well both in magic and physical abilities.

She was taught many things since she was a little girl, and underwent through heavy pressure from her parents, as they expected her to one day rule the kingdom. In such a case, she needed to know everything they knew, alongside having a thoughtful mind.

They even strived for her to become even greater than them, to lead all Canine Beast-people towards a new dawn of prosperity. Although her parents had the best of intentions for Miki, they didn"t realize how much pressure they put on such a young girl like her, which should be enjoying her childhood instead of reading countless books about politics, aristocracy, how to dance, how to play instruments, how to appeal to men, how to talk politely and express her thoughts and desires in a way that made it always sound fair, and so on.

However, because she only had her parents, she persevered and continued through this arduous path, learning, and finally becoming the figure that her parents desired the most of her.

But because Miki never experienced a true childhood neither much happiness, she grew hollow and despised her life while developing grudges against her parents… they loved her a lot, but they never thought about her feelings or considered how she felt either.

Due to this, Miki found pleasure and happiness through wicked acts. She always experienced immense stress every day for all the tasks she had to do on behalf of her parents, as she was now acting more like the actual Queen of the Kingdom than her own mother, while still being seen as an inexperienced princess.

Escaping from reality every night, she indulged herself through evil and wicked acts that went against the "honor" that the dog beast people"s demiG.o.d, Marnet, taught to them.

She gathered those that had broken the law of her Kingdom, criminals of all shapes and sizes that were turned into criminal slaves until they were to pay their debt.

In her own little dungeon, she indulged in the art of torture, making their bodies go through piercing pain and insufferable agony. She feeds upon their cries of help and always woke up with a happy att.i.tude, always ready for another arduous workday.

And each night… she would let go of her stress into these acts. A secret that not even her parents nor her newborn little brother knew about…

The time when her little brother, n.o.boru, was born was when her parents ignored Miki the most. Their entire attention was put into this child, while Miki was left to do all the work she always did, but without even receiving the attention that she desired.

She grew envious of the little and sickly kid that was her brother, and she only pretended to love him, but always dreamed about making him suffer while going through torture and pain.

Each night she would let go of such desires in her subjects, and by that time, she had begun to pay kidnapers to bring her young boys similar to her brother, so she could torture them and pretend that she was doing this to her real brother.

Many children began to disappear by those times, and their little bodies, when they became incapable of receiving more torture and pain, would die and be chopped into pieces to be sold as fertilizer for the farms of Sunclaw…

Unknowingly to many, the most beloved and respected woman after the queen, Princess Miki, was the culprit behind the homicide and disappearance of hundreds of people per year.

As Miki"s mind evolved into something grotesque, Geggoron saw in her great potential and appeared before her on her Nightmares.

She embraced Geggoron immediately and became a wicked fanatic of the Demon DemiG.o.d. She became a great priest of the cult and even helped many people "convert" to her religion.

Her mind was slowly eroded by Geggoron and converted into an ideal alter ego, alongside her father, mother, and little brother, all four of them became the perfect alter egos. They worked together for the benefit of the "main body" and worked hard to "convert" everyone in Sunclaw to their religion.

The churches of Marnet and his Living Deity children were remodeled, the statues were destroyed and replaced by those of Geggoron. And even the people that were not infected by his Divine Energy was forced to partic.i.p.ate in the churches each day.

Sunclaw quickly became the ideal place for Geggoron, everyone obeyed him and he had perfect control over everything, constantly receiving wors.h.i.+p, faith, and sacrifices, he grew stronger and acc.u.mulated large amounts of Divine Energy, to the point that he even increased through the DemiG.o.d Ranks and was slowly approaching G.o.d Rank by triumphing over Divine Trials.

Miki and her family worked hard to create armies that could put Moonfang into a sticky situation, forcing the leader to constantly send armies to defend the Kingdom while tinning out defenses, until the whole Kingdom of Moonfang was also a.s.similated.

However, things often do not go as planned.

Kireina appeared and ruined everything, slaughtered the alter egos in Moonfang, and stole all the citizens that were still beast-people while slaughtering every single monstrosity and nightmare hunter.

The main body became frightened and desperate and began to unleash a hasty plan to receive Kireina with a large army of monstrosities.

As he handled artifacts and Divine Beast Flesh Fragments to the royal family and the two heroes with them, Geggoron was interrupted by Kireina, who had somehow known about his hasty plans and hurried up to defeat him.

The Nightmare Barrier was destroyed and then replaced by a domain created by her, as she flooded the s.p.a.ce with her army of strange super-evolved demi-human that she always carried with her.

Miki and her family, which had become alter egos of Geggoron, lost all connections with the main body when Kireina"s domain was created, they were trapped inside, hopeless.

Her large army filled the s.p.a.ce where they were enclosed, and grotesque beasts even stronger than the monstrosities that Geggoron could create appeared, Kireina"s flesh monsters, which were something similar to slime clones were capable of manipulating the domain while Kireina went to met Geggoron in person.

Geggoron"s alter egos, which were also his split souls grew desperate, and Miki and her family were about to fight while trying to escape from this domain and a.s.sist the main body in anything they could…

However, a large group of immensely strong flesh monsters stopped them and manipulated the domain"s s.p.a.ce to separate each alter ego, sending them towards what Kireina had planned as their next contestants.

Miki, one of Geggoron"s split souls, his alter ego that possessed a bit of Miki"s wicked personality and memories was now surrounded by three Demons.

Before she could even escape, the domain covering the immense s.p.a.ce began to shake as it enclosed her and the three demons, Palami, Raito, and Asure.

Palami flew above the ground, glancing at her while being surrounded by piles of slaughtered monstrosities. The strong grotesque creatures that they thought would be a good army to defeat Kireina were nothing but a warmup for her army of powerful beings.

"Demons…? A thunder demon, a… light demon, and a giant? A giant demon? I"ve never seen such a creature before!" thought Miki, or Geggoron"s split soul, as they were both one, often just calling themselves as "Geggoron alter ego".

Noticing her presence, the demons spoke.

"Oh, Master has finally brought our delivery!" said Raito.

"So we have to get rid of this woman?" wondered Palami.

"Can she even stand one of our hits? Look how feeble she is," asked Asure.

"Just what was that?! That flesh creature appeared so fast and sent us all to different directions by manipulating the s.p.a.ce of this domain… were they Kireina?! But how?!" said Miki while thinking about her next course of actions. She surrounded herself in the ghost she had tamed using her special abilities.

However, hope was growing dimmer, the beings beside her were incredibly strong, and three to make it worst.

"Do I have… a chance at all? Maybe… if I use the artifact alongside the transformation and the Divine Beast Flesh… I should at least become as strong as a Rank 14 Mortal or greater…" she muttered.

"Hey, if you will stand there waiting for us to strike you down, don"t complain later," said Raito, jumping towards Miki with the immense speed of thunder, like a flash of purple and yellow lightning.

He raised his Katana as Miki could not even react to his speed, unleas.h.i.+ng several Thundercloud Katana Arts at once.

"One Hundred Thunder Slashes!"

Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+

Raito mercilessly attacked Maki with powerful Arts, thundering slashes and storms of electricity fell upon her frail body.



The speed of such attacks was so fast that the moment she finally managed to glance at Raito the thunder was falling upon her body and frying all of her flesh. Pieces of her body exploded all around, her head exploded like a watermelon being hit by a hammer, and her beautiful appearance became a pile of grilled meat and splattered blood and innards.

"Ggyaaaaa…! So fast! How could he be so fast?! That speed… could it be a Speed stat above two thousand?!" thought Geggoron"s split soul, still using its grotesque and Divine Energy-infused soul to grab upon the grilled flesh of the slaughtered Miki while trying to mutate it quickly, activating the Divine Beast Flesh Fragment stored on his soul for a greater regeneration.


The grilled flesh which Raito had thought to be the end of Maki moved like slime and attached, pulsating while mutating and growing stronger while expanding endlessly. A Phantasmagoric Nightmarish Aura surged from within, shaping itself like a mad fox, countless tails surged from within it, with different shapes and sizes, and each one having the tip of a monster head, such as dragons, snakes, bulls, bears, wolves and so on.

"GRAAAA! I won"t go down as easy-"

However, before Miki could do any attack, a ma.s.sive mace fell from the sky, as if it were the judgment of a G.o.d. Asure had transformed into his True Giant form, becoming a thirty meters tall behemoth, his mace grew in size as well as he unleashed a simple Mace technique that crushed Maki"s while she was standing.


She suddenly became a mush of flesh and phantom, even her phantom began to break apart into pieces like dark gla.s.s, excruciating pain filled her entire existence. Even their soul was being cracked apart.

"Hey, did you think we would let you transform? We don"t need to test our strength or anything," said Asure.

"Yeah, we are just doing our job," said Raito, unleas.h.i.+ng thundering techniques that bypa.s.sed through Asure"s mace and grilled alive the slimy flesh that struggled to survive below.

Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+


Unlike Kireina"s wives, the demon trio didn"t have any intentions of testing their new strength, as they had done plentifully before, fighting the Thunder Dragon Overlord a few more times after evolving, and then having many matches against the wolves and Truhan and Celica.

"What a pitiful creature. Are you truly a G.o.d"s split soul? This just shows how pathetic the creatures that try to defy our Master are. You disgust me, weakling," said Palami, raising her blade and infusing it with her Holy Light Aura… of course, all of the demons attacks were being infused by Kireina"s slime clones using "G.o.d Devour" into their attacks to make it possible for them to kill G.o.ds.

"P-Pitiful?! W-Weakling?! Y-You d.a.m.ned wh.o.r.e! How dare you?! I will-"

"You will die. Holy Valkyrie"s Heaven"s Judgement," said Palami, nonchalantly as she dropped a gigantic blade created from her Aura and magic towards Maki, Asure quickly took off his mace as Maki tried to escape, but Raito stopped her by showering her with thunder. Palami"s Holy Light Blade flew at max speed and pierced her entire existence flesh slime body and her deformed phantasmal soul…


Crack, crack!

"W-Wait a second…!"

Crack, crack!

"I didn"t even… fight at all…"


Geggoron"s alter ego, which was a merge between Maki and Geggoron"s split soul cracked into pieces of solidified divinity and aura, falling into broken dark gla.s.s.


"Well, that was easy… I want to go back home…" laughed Asure.

"Ah, so you want to meet her again?" asked Raito.

"But are you sure, Asure? I know that you had a few adventures through the dungeon with her and all… and you two seem to match well, but she got a whole army of guys behind her tail, she is a princess after all" said Palami.

Both of them were talking about Asure, who was in love with Valentia… he had interacted with her several times when Valentia went on adventuring in the Empire"s dungeons with her party of friends, he was part of them.

Asure was a simple man, he fell in love with Valentia"s beauty, strength, and playful personality, they matched with each other a lot, and it is not like Valentia had never shown any feelings to him either, as she had stated several times that she enjoyed being with him… though behind Kireina"s back.

"S-Shut up! It is not like I will propose to her or anything, I must develop our relations.h.i.+p more… I have to charm Valentia-chan as well, hopefully, she likes my new muscles… she said that she loved them before, so I have something going for me!" said Asure, who was a meathead, he could only think about such thing.

"Muscles? Is that all you got? Man…" muttered Raito.

"Sigh… well, I can"t help it, I will teach you how to do a variety of things that can enchant a woman, Asure…" said Palami.

"For real?!" said Asure, enthusiast.

"Yes, first of all, that girl really loves eating, bring her a delicious offering like the Thunder Dragon Overlord meat… and cook it for her! If you show that you can be useful in cooking her food, she will immediately see you as something indispensable, because well, she loves eating," said Palami.

Asure was then enlightened.

"T-That"s right! All those guys that are trying to get closer to her lack such an important thing! Cooking skills! …but I suck at cooking," muttered Asure.

"Well, you will have to do your best meathead," said Raito, patting Asure"s giant arms.

"I-I will!" said Asure, determined.


Phantasmagoric Wolf Witch Princess, Miki Sunclaw and her medium-sized Geggoron"s split soul: deceased.

Cause of death: overwhelmed by Raito"s thunder, crushed by Asure"s mace, and then split by Palami"s Holy Light Blade��� she could not even transform neither unleash a single attack.