Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 510 - The Amount Of Available Cla.s.ses Exceeds 9999!

Chapter 510 - The Amount Of Available Cla.s.ses Exceeds 9999!




Cla.s.ses, a powerful tool given by the System of Genesis to any mortal with humanoid physique and psyche, or a powerful monster who had acc.u.mulated human-like knowledge and had acquired the psyche of a humanoid, even while retaining the body of a beast, such as the wolves of my Empire like Wagyu, Kekensha and the rest.

Most people can acquire two cla.s.ses at a time, the Main Cla.s.s, which is usually related to fighting, strength, and so on, and the Sub Cla.s.s, which are related to the creation, crafting, arts, and more. It seems that those that are purely fighting-oriented would never "awaken" their subcla.s.s option unless they begin developing skills in those categories.

An example would be wolves, which cannot do any of that because they lack the skill and necessary limbs to craft items and do other creation-oriented acts… although the strongest ones have Aura to help as limbs, they are already too specialized in fighting that they usually don"t even consider learning subcla.s.ses.

Certain artifacts can give a fixed second Sub Cla.s.s, or other items that can even force cla.s.s changes into the user against its will, these artifacts were often created with the help of G.o.ds, to a.s.sist humanity in enslaving different races through Slaving Artifacts, which after being given, were able to be easily reproduced by talented artisans and alchemist.

One of such artifacts was my Blood Pact Ring, which I often used to enslave those that I wanted as allies but were unwilling. However, for a long time that I have not used it as much, as I can now brainwash mortals to obey me, or even parasitize them.

Only in very few times would I want to enslave someone without having to touch his brain and other things… Redgaria is enslaved in this way.

Cla.s.ses and Subcla.s.ses, according to the G.o.ds I have talked with, were made to facilitate the strengthening of mortals after Genesis was split into realms, alongside Levels, Skills, and Stats.

Because of the harsh conditions of the recently created Realms, Mortals were barely surviving in these newly created arid lands, which the G.o.ds were still barely nouris.h.i.+ng with their divinities.

According to Agatheina, the Realm of Vida was once an arid place, filled with gray rocks and endless dunes of dust.

However, through the work of many G.o.ds and the World"s Will, the Realm was given great life.

They created an atmosphere and air with the Wind, Thunder, and Light Attribute G.o.ds.

The giant sea in the middle of the realm was created by the Water and Ice Attribute G.o.ds.

The earth and the mountains were nourished with nutrients and began to overflow with precious minerals, jewels, and critters of all shapes and sizes by the will of the Earth and Fire Attribute G.o.ds.

And then plants, nature, and animals began to roam freely by the benevolence of the Life and Nature Attribute G.o.ds.

When the G.o.ds noticed that animals and humans were having issues, a cycle of day and night was formed by the Fire, Light, Dark, and Shadow Attribute G.o.ds, as the Realm of Vida only had days that lasted three hours and eternal nights for many hours due to its position around the sun, by using their divinities, they channeled the light given by the sun and reflected it in great quant.i.ties for twelve hours, and then there were twelve hours of darkness where there was also the reflection of the moon.

Humans hunted animals to survive, but monsters quickly began to roam the world as well. Any animal that was put into much Mana or Divine Energy would mutate quickly into monsters of all kinds, and those monsters that somehow survived with their resiliency after Genesis was destroyed, hunted humans for their delicious flesh and to steal their territories.

The World"s Will ordered the G.o.ds to create stronger humans, that could survive better, such as new demi-humans.

Demi-humans in Genesis seemed to exist, but most were extinct, and their last remains were some of them that became G.o.ds.

The G.o.ds created many races of demi-humans through mating with humans or between themselves, however, even after all these new beings, it was not enough. Monsters sp.a.w.ned endlessly and even humans seemed to not want to cooperate with demi-humans, enslaving them or killing them instead…

The World"s Will and most of the G.o.ds gave up on this idea and left the humans do whatever they wanted with their mortal offspring which they had no interest in, but the threat of the monsters was still present.

Then, the World"s Will come with the idea to create a System to nourish mortals, to make them grow swifter. This system did not generate power out of anywhere but gave an easier way to unlock someone"s inner talent while also rewarding those that worked immensely hard.

By simplifying the natural way to cultivate the body and the soul through the refinement of the three primordial energies into leveling up, while showcasing the power of a user through visible numbers and also rewarding their efforts and abilities through "skills" that could help them easily use their talents without much difficulty, humans quickly began to grow stronger. This not only happened in the Realm of Vida but every Realm.

Cla.s.ses were made as to the last gift by the World"s Will and its newly created son, the System Master, who held his authority and a powerful divinity over the System.

Before the Realms, Genesis"s humans and demi-humans could not change Cla.s.ses and used the "power" of their souls, which were translated as "Skill Points" by the System to create spells and techniques.

Through the system, new Cla.s.ses were generated for every individual, depending on their talents, bloodlines, powers, knowledge, abilities, and more. Each Cla.s.s would bring a correction into the user"s stats and skills, strengthening them even more.

For example, a warrior that has never touched nor practiced magic won"t suddenly get an Apprentice Mage Cla.s.s and suddenly learn magic out of nowhere. Proper knowledge about magic and perhaps having conjured a spell a dozen times could unlock this Cla.s.s, but without a foundation, it will not appear.

The acquisition of Cla.s.ses became an amazing opportunity towards obtaining many different skills, new Heroes surged from within humanity one after another due to this.

However, for someone such as myself, which was given a power that was not originally mine by the System Master"s Blessing, I did not need to change cla.s.ses as much.

The power to acquire skills from the beings and objects I consume.

Such a powerful ability seems to had already existed before, generated by the System"s DemiG.o.ds, children of the System Master, the Sin Skills created to strengthen the Realm Menaces, who would thin out the overpopulation while also bringing challenges to mortals constantly, so they wouldn"t grow too accustomed to peace and fall into depravity and sins.

Through these challenges, the G.o.ds also acquired strong heroes which they raised into G.o.dhood, so they could a.s.sist them in their pantheons while also maintaining the Realms Attributes.

Even some Realm Menaces that triumphed were welcomed by some pantheons… though these pantheons were often those made up of Demon G.o.ds, which usually did not help in the maintenance of the world.

However, the overpopulation kept increasing, the System seemed to have been good at the beginning, but it made things too easy for mortals, and even demi-humans and monsters took advantage of it…

Not only monsters, but intelligent mortals were becoming too many, and would soon collapse the resources of their Realms. Due to this, the G.o.ds created many trials and challenges through their dungeons, which only sp.a.w.ned monsters inside and offered great treasures to incentivize mortals into going inside and dying.

Through dungeons, G.o.ds benefitted from the overpopulation as well, using their souls to create inner reincarnation cycles that would slowly generate Divine Energy for them.

It seems like even after the System is seen as problematic, the World"s Will has not decided on revoking it. Most likely because it is impossible now.

The System seems to have become not only part of the mortals but also of every G.o.d, revoking it from everything would make everything collapse and fall apart.

Although everything seems to prosper, it is because the System was used as the base for everything, without it, all life would most likely end and the Realms would become once again arid deserts of dust and stone.

Because the System Master chose me for reincarnation for some reason and brought me to this world, he gave me a cheat skill in the form of his own blessing. Giving me the ability to grow even faster through the "Devour" added into his blessing, which also did not come with the negative effect of making me lose my sanity while slowly turning myself into a mindless beast.

Through this unnatural power which I never possessed before until being reborn in here, I acquired many skills that were perhaps even unfitting of my species, and through fusing them over and over, my powers evolved at an explosive and ridiculous speed.

Now I have come to the point that even Devour evolved and fully became a part of my very soul, as Uroboros. I believe that not even the System Master can take out this power from me now, as it is spread all across my entire existence. The only way it could disappear is by killing me.

And well, because I acquired so many skills and powers, I never felt the necessity to fully change Cla.s.ses, especially when the Skill Points I gained were quite small by level up, most likely because I didn"t have much "soul power" or whatever back then.

Through now I have been developing my soul tremendously to the point that I am gaining Skill Points while doing absolutely nothing.

I believe it is time to finally give some attention to Cla.s.ses for once.

Cla.s.ses were mostly unnecessary for me because I can grow and acquire skills by eating, eating a dragon for the first time will bring me more skills than changing to a cla.s.s.

I have not much hope for my available cla.s.ses as of now. I remember that the last time I changed, there were a bunch, but they were all generic-sounding and only the Overlord of l.u.s.t was good and fitting enough for my level of power… but even this cla.s.s"s skills had become too weak by now.

To change cla.s.ses, one must "complete" a certain amount of Skill Points given to the Cla.s.s.

For example, an Apprentice Warrior needs to spend 20 Skill Points into the cla.s.s to finally "end" it and be able to change into another and stronger cla.s.s.

After a Cla.s.s is "ended", one cannot go back to it to grab skills or stat bonuses, so everyone has to be careful in what cla.s.ses they chose and what they pick from them to make their ideal build.

The Skill points can be used in anything until the requirement is finished, but anyone can also spend more than the required amount to change the current cla.s.s, so even if you only have to spend 20 Skill Points in the Apprentice Warrior Cla.s.s, you can spend more if you want to get all the skills and stat bonuses.

However, this is not recommended if you want to efficiently spend your Skill Points. For most mortals, Skill Points are limited and given in small quant.i.ties per level up. But Heroes who naturally have strong souls of higher Soul Ranks and have more "soul power" can get more skill points per level, acquiring skills and changing cla.s.ses faster.

This was not the case for me, I became a Realm Menace, but my soul only became stronger when I began to eat many souls by myself. It seems that Realm Menaces are not encouraged to change Cla.s.ses, but to simply evolve, as we are monsters, this is our "strongest perk".

Of course, we have our cheat "Sins", but the Sin of l.u.s.t is lacking in fighting capabilities, and it seems to be biased towards enchanting, charming, hypnotizing, and controlling ma.s.ses, while also helping in fertility… It is good, but not good for an individual one vs one fight.

Thankfully, I had the Devour gifted by the System Master previously, so I acquired something similar to two sins, although my Gluttony is "incomplete" as it does not have the bad side effect.

As a mortal develops its talents, learns new abilities, and develops these newly learned techniques, new Cla.s.ses will popup one after another. Making things harder to choose from, it seems like the blessings of G.o.ds given more cla.s.ses and help mortals grow faster without hitting progression walls. When I changed Cla.s.ses to the Demon Overlord of l.u.s.t, I don"t remember any special cla.s.s aside from this one, so the blessings I stole seemed to not work like it would to those that originally had them, what a pity.

Though I remember having been blessed by Apollo, it seems like it didn"t fit with me at the time… but perhaps now that I ate the b.a.s.t.a.r.d, his powers should be mine and also his talents, so cla.s.ses regarding what he was good at should appear…

I opened the "Cla.s.s Change" tab, which was rather figuratively dusty, and was greeted by a strange window.

[The amount of available cla.s.ses exceeds 9999!]

[System has been overloaded…]

[Cooling Down the System Interface…]


[The System"s Moderators (System G.o.ds, children of the System Master) have decided to merge your Cla.s.ses until those fitting of [Kireina]"s capabilities could be generated!]

[Please, wait a moment…]


[Error, too many Cla.s.ses!]

[Fixing Errors…]

[Fixing Errors…]

[Fixing Errors…]

[Fixing Errors…]

[Fixing Errors…]

[Detecting new Bugs…]

[Fixing Bugs…]

[Fixing Bugs…]

[Fixing Bugs…]


[Errors and Bugs fixed successfully!]

[Recalibrating the System Interface for [Kireina]"s Cla.s.s Creation…]

[Recalibration successfully!]






[Cla.s.s Merges successful!]

[New Available Cla.s.ses fitting of [Kireina]"s capabilities have been generated!]

…What just happened?


