Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 530 - Cancer"s Ocean Labyrinth

Chapter 530 - Cancer"s Ocean Labyrinth




The dungeon in the coastal region was named the "Cancer"s Ocean Labyrinth" and it was a medium-sized dungeon with 70 floors, which led deep underwater to the abyssal and ark depths of the ocean of the Realm of Vida.

It was a more "cla.s.sic" type of dungeon without any special biomes inside other than a few exceptionally large floors that had their own salt.w.a.ter lakes and small isles and a few artificial suns. The other floors were made of aquamarine-colored bricks tightly packed. There were also structures made out of metal and some special rooms where minerals and jewels grew.

The place was a treasure trove of seafood of all kinds and there were many monsters and species that I"ve never seen before.

Kaggoth"s ethereal projection greeted me with open claws as she manipulated the dungeon, opening a secret pa.s.sage that led me instantly to the last boss floor.

The boss had already sp.a.w.ned again and was currently slumbering in the large salt.w.a.ter pool, it was a High Chimeric Kraken Tyrant Overlord, with a body size of over a hundred meters.

Due to Kaggoth"s authority, it slept without waking up due to my presence.

I considered if I should eat it quickly, but Kaggoth appeared before I was to do anything.

"Ah, Kireina-sama! It is nice to finally meet you in well, an ethereal person" said Kaggoth"s ethereal projection, her appearance was that of a giant red crab with four large claws. Her body size could be over one hundred meters and she was certainly frightening to look at… but not really for me.

At most, for a split second, I considered meeting her real body and boiling her giant claws, I was imagining the immense amount of meat inside and I could not help but mentally drool.

Anyways, she was being friendly and wanted to be part of the pantheon, so I could not eat her… but I have heard that crabs regenerate limbs very fast, perhaps she could give me her claws as a gift?

"K-Kireina-sama?" asked Kaggoth with her beady dark eyes, those of a crab… she noticed that I had glanced at her for a few seconds without saying anything, and I quickly gathered my composure once again.

"Ah, sorry, I was… it is just that it is very impressive to look at you… you"re such a beautiful G.o.ddess, yes that is" I said.

Kaggoth began to bubble intensively with her multiple jaws as she seemingly became fl.u.s.tered by my words.

"K-Kireina-sama… R-Really?" she asked.

"Err… yes, your claws in specific, they look beautiful and very meaty. I would like to taste if you don"t mind" I said.

"Meaty?! A taste?! Of my… body?! K-Kireina-sama, t-this is too sudden! W-What will the other G.o.ds think?! Oh… B-But if you… if you really want to…" muttered Kaggoth while covering her bubbling jaws and beady black eyes with her four giant claws, the size of a truck each… just how much meat could they have inside?

"Oh? You don"t mind?" I asked.

"N-No! Of course, I wouldn"t mind… after all… you"re also very… err, attractive" said Kaggoth while trying to find words, it seems that she found me attractive… the compliment came out of a sudden, but I imagined that she could be something similar to Agatheina and Nomera.

"Ah, well thanks… then, will you give me your claws?" I asked.

"B-But… s-should you come to my Divine Realm? I have a large coral bed where we can… do it," asked Kaggoth while fl.u.s.tered… perhaps taking out her limbs was delicate work.

"Sure, let"s go-"

"Wait for a second, me! What is going on with your mind? Did some split minds take over it? You two are misunderstanding each other!" said my Slime Clone Colony.

What does she mean?

"Misunderstanding? Wasn"t Kaggoth going to give me a pair of her claws so I could eat them?" I asked in confusion.

"For real! Did the air of the sea made you dumber, me?" asked my clone.

"Eat them… as if in the literal sense? Ah… oh, I am sorry! I misinterpreted your words as if you were trying to… court me into bed… Fweehh… S-sorry, I am deeply sorry!" said Kaggoth while hiding beneath her claws.

"Wait what? Oh, so that was it…"

It seems that Kaggoth thought that my words meant to want to have s.e.x with her… I am certainly not interested in doing it with a giant crab… for now. Well, her reactions are cute.

"Well, I have to apologize as well, sorry," I said.

Kaggoth, however, began to bubble intensively.

"N-No! Kireina-sama, please do not mind me! I-I can give you my claws, I don"t have any issue, they grow in like a day anyways!" said Kaggoth.

"Really? Thanks, I really appreciate it!" I said.

"Ah… It is an honor to have my claws eaten by Kireina-sama!" said Kaggoth while bubbling.

It seems that Kaggoth felt excited by the idea of having her claws eaten by me.

"Sigh…" sighed my Slime Clone Colony.

"Anyways… Err… Ah, right, Kireina-sama, I wanted to thank you deeply for what you have done to my people… blessing and guiding them through your path towards prosperity… it is really something beautiful! And you have even blessed most of them, impressive! For us, G.o.ds are extremely hard to bless many people at the same time… but it seems that Kireina-sama is unfaced by such things," said Kaggoth.

"Well, most of the time, when I bless someone, it is done automatically, I don"t even realize it as much," I said.

"That"s… incredible! To be expected of Kireina-sama! Oh, alongside the elixir with a fragment of my divinity, please take over the dungeon… but you will have to beat the boss first, as they"re the rules put not by me but the system" said Kaggoth.

"Oh right, let"s do it quickly," I said.

The High Chimeric Kraken Tyrant Overlord suddenly woke up after hearing the conversation and seemed a bit frightened, running towards the back of Kaggoth"s projection.

"Ah, Kraken-kun, you gotta be strong! You said that you wanted to be a dungeon boss! You have to die again if you want to keep being my pet! Don"t worry, I"ve lowered your pain receptors to zero, so do your best!" said Kaggoth… it seems that the Kraken was her pet.

"Bbjbjbj…" muttered the Kraken while shaking its tentacles, it embraced itself on all its power as it charged towards me with its countless and giant tentacles.

Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+

I wielded my soul and combined it with my Aegis Barrier, creating a poison barrier that blocked each attack with ease, while making the tentacles melt like a toxic soup.

"Oh…! That"s Megusan"s powers?" asked Kaggoth.

"That"s right, Kaggoth," said my Slime Clone Colony.

The boss seemed to not receive any pain, but it still felt the pressure of my strength, it was way below me.

I wanted to finish things quickly, so I decided to use my soul and merge the powers of the divinities I have devoured, then, I summoned Gungnir and covered it in my soul.

"Gungnir Punishment"


The spear penetrated the Kraken"s head and exploded in a blast of various lights; it was done. Meat pieces blasting everywhere as the soul of the Kraken flew at Kaggoth"s side.

Unless they were to be World Dungeons or something higher, the bosses would not be much of a threat to me anymore, as I have fought G.o.ds themselves now…

[Calculating EXP gained…]

[Kireina] gained 72.500.000.000 EXP!]

[LEVEL 097/250] [EXP 6.634.091.007.457/] (Added!)

"Oh, that Experience is incredibly low…"

"I-I apologize… my dungeon is not really the best out there…" said Kaggoth.

"Objbj…" muttered the Kraken"s soul, it seemed saddened due to having been called a "low experience monster".

[Kireina] defeated the boss [High Chimeric Kraken Tyrant Overlord]!]

[Kireina] completed several conditions]

[Great Overkill], [Great Overwhelm], [No Item Used], [Detect Weak Point], [Merciful Kill], [No Time to Retaliate]

[Therefore, [Kireina] have been granted with corresponding prizes]

[Kireina] obtained the item(s) [Ancient Reward Loot Box (S)] x3

[Kireina] obtained the item(s) [Legendary Prize Loot Crate (SS)] x1 (BONUS!)

[Kireina] obtained the item(s) [Extraordinary EXP Elixir ( (Legendary)] x1 (BONUS!)

[Kireina] acquired the [Blessing of the High Chimeric Kraken Tyrant Overlord] Skill!]

[Kireina] acquired the [Daughter of the Sea; Level 1] Skill!]

[Congratulations! [Kireina] has cleared the Dungeon!]

[Kireina]"s [Dungeon Queen] t.i.tle has changed into [Labyrinth Queen]!]

[Kireina], the [Party Leader], received the commemorative prize [Divine Dungeon Treasure (Phantasmal)] x1!]

"Oh? Daughter of the Sea and the blessing of this little Kraken…? What do they do?"

I decided to ask the G.o.ddess of the dungeon herself.

"Well, I am not really sure as I am not familiar with skills, the ones that produce them are the System G.o.ds… but just taking a look at you, after you acquired the skills, you seem way more familiar to me, Kireina-sama… like family!" said Kaggoth.

"I see…"

I checked on the skills themselves to see by myself by using my powerful Appraisal Skill.

It seems that the blessing made me closer to arthropod beasts and aquatic monsters such as the Kraken. It also strengthened those that belonged to my family or were below me that entered in those positions.

The "Daughter of the Sea" Skill gave me an understanding of the sea of the Realm of Vida, alongside an even greater underwater adaptability and a small charm towards all marine beings. It seemed to also increase the strength of Water Attribute attacks and spells.

I decided to check on the other rewards later, as I glanced at the scattered pieces of the Kraken.

"Hmm~ Grilled Squid sounds nice for a midnight snack," I said, grabbing on the corpse pieces with my Telekinesis and putting them inside my Item Box.

"T-That was… incredibly frightening…! Kireina-sama… did you use that attack to…?" asked Kaggoth.

"Yes, I used it to kill Geggoron… it was a bit of an overkill with the Kraken, but it ended it quickly," I said.

"I see! S-Such benevolence… and that light attribute divinity…?" asked Kaggoth.

"That"s a secret that I"ll tell you whenever you move to my pantheon," I said.

"Oh! R-Right! Very well then, please come here" said Kaggoth as she opened to get another door in the dungeon, which led to stairs down below.

I walked through them with her projection, which had reduced its size and also my Slime Clone Colony, reaching a small room where an aquamarine-colored sphere was resting over an altar.

"This is the dungeon core, please, take it" gently said Kaggoth.

"Thanks. Labyrinth Plunder" I said, activating the Labyrinth Sovereign Magic and stealing the dungeon authority by infusing my own soul into it.

The dungeon seemed to change its colors, but I decided to not infuse everything into it so it could retain its original attributes with a few additions.

[Kireina] has successfully s.n.a.t.c.hed the Dungeon!]

[Kireina] has obtained the [Kaggoth"s Cancer"s Oceanic Depths Labyrinth]!]

[The [Heavenly Oceanic Dungeon Core] has mutated into the [Heavenly Chaos Ocean Dungeon Core!]

[The Level of the [Labyrinth"s Sovereign Magic; Level 3] Skill has increased by one!]

[Dungeon Menu Upgraded!]

"Oh~?! T-This! I feel like a strange and small connection… with Kireina-sama has been made!" said Kaggoth.

"Indeed, I have not taken over the dungeon completely, so your authority remains, but it is as if you were in a lower position in the authority of the dungeon… something like my secretary. You can still benefit from it and also maintain it if you so desire" I said.

"So that"s it! T-That"s wonderful, Kireina-sama!" said Kaggoth while bubbling and clapping her claws.

"It seems that everything is mostly done… ah, right might as well fuse it with the others?" asked my Slime Clone Colony.

"You"re right… let"s see this Dungeon"s status first…"