Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 559 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 21/?: Nirah"s Fierce Appet.i.te!

Chapter 559 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 21/?: Nirah"s Fierce Appet.i.te!


"Mommy, mommy! I did it!" said Ailine as she flew back with Kireina, hugging her tightly. Rimuru appeared from behind Kireina as well.

"You really did it, my dear! Was this the first raw fragment of a G.o.d that you have eaten? How was the feeling? Do you feel stronger?" asked Kireina.

"I do! I gained a bunch of stats as well! I never thought that it would be so easy to eat a G.o.d!" said Ailine.

"It really is! See?" said Rimuru as she kissed her daughter"s forehead.

"Now let"s watch the rest of your siblings, they"re all having a lot of fun as well," said Kireina.

"Oh? Look, auntie Nesiphae and Nixephine already beat a bunch!" said Ailine.

"Yeah, that group of monsters tried to escape but only ended up weakened when they tried to escape from my domain," I said.

"They"re too stupid! Can"t they tell that the domain that mommy creates shares her soul powers? They will just get eaten! Are they really a G.o.d? Hehe" laughed Ailine.

"Yeah, sadly, they"re part of a G.o.d… Through its information, I am quite unclear of… I should ask the other G.o.ds after all of this end," I said.

"The good G.o.ds are completely different than these ones! Justice always prevails after all; the baddies are always the weakest anyways!" said Ailine, she always thought that her mother, her family, and her Empire represented justice, while anyone that opposed all that she loved was the villains… it was a simple mindset that Kireina didn"t want to "correct" because, in simple terms, justice and evil were mere terms that would always switch around depending in the factions that used them.

The humans in the central continent and their G.o.ds saw Kireina as evil while they were true justice, and vice versa. It was all a twisted meaning that held almost no importance as of now in Kireina"s mind, so Ailine playing around with the words did not bother her.

In a way, anyone has their own sense of justice and evil, and her whole family, empire, and faction were the justice in the eyes of their members.

"Justice? What is justice, guu?" asked Rimuru.

"Justice? Justice is whatever we feel like is doing "the right thing", my love," said Kireina.

"I see, guu! Ailine is learning so many words that her dummy mommy does not understand, guu… I feel a bit embarra.s.sed" said Rimuru.

"Don"t worry mommy, I will teach you more later!" said Ailine.

"Oh? Alright, guu!" said Rimuru, hugging Ailine while carrying her in her arms like a baby girl.

Begudhur"s Parasite Soul Clone army, which was made out of dozens of them was quickly falling into pieces, with many of them dying unexpectedly after facing Kireina"s wives, whose powers could rip the gigantic beasts and their souls apart with ease.

However, even at the later stages of the overwhelming battle, there were still some of Begudhur"s Parasite Soul Clones that were resisting as much as they could.

Cornered, the giant beasts unleashed powerful attacks towards their hunters, that glanced at them with great voracity… especially Kireina"s children, which could eat them right away.

Many of them had already seen their own having their souls devoured, and one of them, possessing the body of a Giant Thunderstorm Wyvern Tyrant was trying its best to escape.

"The ability to not only negate our attacks but also to eat our souls?! But we are simply the split souls of the main body! Does that mean that they can somehow a.s.similate divinities without having to conjure the Divine Technique "Divinity Devour"?! This is outrageous! Not even that Divine Technique was as effective! And they are mere mortals! Have mortals evolved since I was sealed to this point?! Just what kind of world is out there by now?!" thought the Thunderstorm Wyvern as his mind was chaotically thinking of a way to escape.

He glanced as the giant Leviathan, another of the Parasite Soul Clones of the main body was easily stopped from escaping and then converted into swiss cheese by a little slime and he was already fearing to be the next one to be eaten.

As Begudhur Parasite Soul Clones developed their own minds and alter egos, they had their own personalities, emotions, and fears… and the fear of dying was present even if the main body would be kept alive.

Although they were more than willing to die for the main body"s sake, there wasn"t any fight going on where the main body was involved, they were just being mercilessly hunted and eaten in an enclosed s.p.a.ce that was incredibly hard to open or even touch.

The Parasite Soul Clone possessing the Wyvern knew that those that tried to escape by trying to destroy the domain would be slowly devoured by the domain itself! He had glanced at such events with its very two eyes as he s.h.i.+elded himself in the bodies of other Parasite Soul Clones while trying to find a way to survive.

"At least one of us has to escape and alert the main body about all these things quickly! Even with the information that can be sent to the main body after our death, if we all die here, it will most likely delay way too much as the main body is dozens of floors below us! …And perhaps it would be better to alert it about this monster and its p.a.w.ns before he even receives such information, as the pain of being devoured many times would be too incommensurable!" thought the wyvern, flapping its ma.s.sive wings while throwing attacks to block spells and skills that flew towards him, while using the bodies of weaker Parasite Soul Clones to s.h.i.+eld himself.

He was a species of Wyvern that had evolved many times, becoming a giant of almost eighty meters, its wings sp.a.w.ned over dozens of meters, and each time they flapped, windstorms would be released naturally… it was a flying disaster, yet, in front of this chaotic slaughter, he was a little rat trying to survive inside a nest of voracious and hungry lions.

"GYAAAAA! It hurts! IT HURTS!" roared a large Thunder Tyrannosaur, who was being possessed by a small Parasite Soul Clone as it had its soul devoured by Amiphossia, who used her phantasmal soul to coat herself into it like a giant specter and wrestle against it with ease. Overpowering it and then eating it alive.

"Delicious! I"ll eat another one!" said Amiphossia, flying like a giant specter of phantasmal energy as she was being accompanied and a.s.sisted by her party.

"Amiphossia, don"t eat too many, maybe you will get some strange side effect…" said Evan, a bit worried. As he unleashed countless rays of light towards an upcoming Thunder Pterodactyl, destroying its wings and making it easy prey for Amiphossia.

"Thanks, Evan, good shot!" she said, catching the creature and quickly slurping its soul as if it were a smoothie.

"GRRYAA!" cried the Pterodactyl, shrieking in agony as it was but a mere aperitive for Amiphossia.

The Wyvern glanced at this with sheer fear. Although they all inherited Begudhur"s mind, not even Begudhur had ever felt such a strong pain as having one"s soul being eaten, it was a frightening and aberrant feeling that even a Demon G.o.d, already considered to be terrible and grotesque feared.

"What is this?! Are they all Demon G.o.ds such as the main body?! What kind of powers they have to easily take us down as if we were flies?! Even that strange human"s magic…! But their capabilities simply do not match their power quality… they are not real G.o.ds…" thought the Wyvern, flying above while trying to find a blind spot in the domain of Kireina.

Suddenly, as this Parasite Soul Clone was trying to desperately avoid more conflict, a presence, which seemed to be made entirely out of an intoxicating and corrosive power that could dissolve everything appeared, chasing it with great speed.

"What? What is this? It"s presence… although dimmer, it is the same of a Demon DemiG.o.d!" thought the Parasite Soul Clone Wyvern, glancing behind himself as he noticed a little girl of no more than one meter and a few centimeters chasing after him.

"Who? A little girl?! But that presence is terrifying!" thought the Parasite Soul Clone Thunder Wyvern, glancing behind himself and noticing the little girl"s powerful aura, which was charged with deadly power.

"Where are you going, little wyvern? Mama said that I can eat you!" said the little girl.

She had the upper body of a young human-like girl, with her lower body of a long snake with a snake-headed tip. Her lower body was covered in slim, dark, purple-colored scales, and her upper body had pale purple skin, alongside possessing six arms, crimson eyes, and two long black-colored horns in her forehead, ending with a long and silky dark purple hair.

She had an adorable expression of enthusiasm and pa.s.sion; she was very pumped up as she was about to hunt a strong and delicious prey.

Despite her appearance that would not suggest a terrifying monster, she was the reincarnation of the last surviving piece of Megusan, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Venomous and Long Critters" soul.

Although Begudhur never met Megusan in his entire life, nor got to know about his story before and after being sealed, the Parasite Soul Clone possessing Begudhur"s memories inside the Wyvern felt an instinctive fear over Nirah, Megusan"s reincarnation.

It was as if another Demon DemiG.o.d had just suddenly appeared out of nowhere… Although Begudhur was incredibly strong at his peak, he never fought personally against a G.o.d, but only against their heroes who carried their blessings and part of their powers.

Although Kireina"s presence was the most terrifying in here, Nirah wasn"t that far from her, she was the reincarnation of Megusan after all, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Venomous and Long Critters, a G.o.d that had caused quite a lot of chaos before being sealed by the enraged Beast G.o.ds.

"What is… what is this little lamia kid?! Her soul is not that of a mortal!"

"h.e.l.lo, I"m Nirah! Mama always says that I need to be polite and present myself! And you are about to be dinner, hehehe! Aura! Poisonous Weapon Summoning! Aura Coating!" laughed Nirah as she expanded her Aura dozens of meters around herself while summoning the weapons she acquired as skills after eating many weapons dropped in her adventurers through Nyzzet"s Thunder Dragonoid Labyrinth.

The weapons that she wielded in her six arms were sent flying through the air with her "Throwing" skill while being coted in her Aura, which held Divine Energy and her small Poison Attribute Divinity. Enough to frighten the Wyvern almost to death.

"Ugh! G-Get away! Roaring Breath of Thunderstorms! Chaotic Windstorm!"

The Parasite Soul Clone possessing the Wyvern released a roaring breath of thunderstorms from his jaws while conjuring a magic spell that combined Thunder and Wind Attributes into a powerful barrage of slicing winds and storming thunders that made up tornadoes that flew towards the little Nirah.

"Mama taught me to do this! Aura Barrier!" said Nirah, as she used her divine aura to create a barrier that protected her from the attacks with ease, while also making the attacks from the Wyvern dissipate into nothingness, as her barrier was charged with Kireina"s G.o.d Devour.

Kireina was conjuring G.o.d Devour into Nirah"s skills and spells through the many small slime clones residing in her hair and clothes.

Clas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+ Boom!

"That barrier… what is it?! Divine Energy?!" roared the wyvern, flying around while trying to evade Nirah"s flying weapons coated in her Divine Poison Aura, which similarly to Ailine, chased the wyvern down like tracking missiles.

"Tsk! You might have a strong divinity, but your little daggers will not do anything against me! Roaring Windstorm!" conjured the wyvern, creating gusts of wind and thunder by flapping his wings alongside chanting a simple magic spell, flying towards Nirah"s projectiles, trying to send them flying away.


However, the gusts exploded and dissipated, Nirah"s daggers were also coated in G.o.d Devour and easily destroyed the wyvern"s attack, which was charged with a small amount of Divine Energy, not enough to block the daggers completely.



Suddenly, Nirah enhanced her entire body with her Aura and flew like a purple meteor behind the Wyvern.

"I can also do this!" said Nirah, feeding her snake headed-tail with her Aura and Divine Energy, which then increased in size and opened its jaws, biting the Wyvern in the neck, seeping deadly curse poison inside in mere seconds.


The poison quickly seeped through the monster"s blood vessels, while the attack itself also damaged the Parasite Soul Clone"s soul through G.o.d Devour. The agonizing pain and the cursed poison made his moves lethargic; he could not chant his magic nor use his skills with as much ease anymore!

"What is this… poison?!"

"Now daggers!" said Nirah, raising her little six arms and bringing her daggers that flew towards the Wyvern"s giant body and penetrating its eyes!

Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+


Not only they caused extreme pain in the body host, but also in the split soul, making the wyvern cry once again like a pathetic rat.

"Now stay still, I will try to eat you up!" said Nirah, expanding her Aura as she shaped it like the head of a deadly snake, biting the Wyvern"s stomach and slowly slurping the soul out of the body.


The soul, which had the shape of a long worm-like creature with a small mouth filled with spiraling teeth was slurped like a delicious slimy substance into Nirah"s soul. She licked her lips with a pleasant smile, tasting the delicious flavor while feeling her soul strengthening.

"Hmm, so good! It tastes like a sea slug! And I even gained stats…! Ah, and the Divinity Devouring Skill is there as well! Now I will be like mama!" she said, as she glanced at the corpse of the Wyvern falling from the sky into the jungles down below, causing a small tremor.
