Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 570 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 32/?: The Brave Elder Dragon

Chapter 570 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 32/?: The Brave Elder Dragon


The Soul Clones that Begudhur had sent to the cities governed by the Elder Dragon had finally reached Odanth"s city, after having split into four groups, the first one was destroyed and devoured by Kireina and her family, while the second group had finally reached Odanth"s domain.

However, they seemed to have a different expression than when compared to the first group sent towards Goghesdum city.

The Split Souls parasitizing the giant creatures had become berserk, even more than the ones from the previous group, instead, o fantasizing about devouring flesh or parasitizing others, they were roaring in anger like true savages, wild beast thirst for blood and flesh.

A group seemingly making up to a dozen of the giant behemoths, all of such monsters coming from the lowest floors, something that should not be possible for them to roam above, breaking much of the ecosystem of the dungeon, their voracious rampage destroyed many smaller tribes of Viper or Lizardmen that had preferred to live outside of the city, while also destroying various nests of indigenous monsters and other things.

The beautiful jungles became barred due to their roaring footsteps, and many lakes and rivers were evaporated by their powerful auras, lightning, or fire.

The leader of the group, a Giant Two-Headed Thunderstorm Dragon, possessing four wings and three tails was flying through the vast sky of the lower floors, glancing at the pathetic mice down below, his eyes detecting the large city that harbored a population of above two hundred High Viper and Viper.

"Flesh to feast… And the power to take! For the main body… we must devour and parasitize!"

The two-headed dragon only had such thoughts inside its mind, as Begudhur had decided to negate any feeling of self, other than that of devouring and parasitize their prey, so the monsters would not be cowering in fear when they confronted Kireina and her family and even while being eaten would they fight without any cowardly.

Begudhur had learned from his mistakes in that first fight and learned that the fight might have taken longer if his Parasite Soul Clones would not have been cowering in fear while trying to run away at every moment.

If he changed their minds through his authority over them and made them into mindless and almost painless fiends with the only intent of eating, they would be able to put more pressure on Kireina and her family and perhaps buy more time.

Alongside this group, there was another group of "upgraded" Parasite Soul Clones running towards the three cities left, and due to the speed of one of such groups that are moving towards Odanth"s city, they might encounter Kireina already fighting against the first Parasite Soul Clones group and attack them while they are busy.

Unlike High Lizardmen, High Viper did not change much of their appearance from their former "lower" race, as they remained with the beautiful and refined head of a snake, although it seemed to have become smaller and cuter, they still had a lethal venom growing from their long fangs, and in their feast, they would often gulp down whole preys by extending their jaws more than ten times their original size.

And one of such feasts were being celebrated in the capital of the High Viper city, which was celebrating a new year in their calendar. A lot of people were feasting in the streets, enjoying the day with their vast families.

High Viper had strong s.e.xual libido, and held s.e.xual intercourse as something vital and perhaps even more important than most things, and due to their high intelligence, they were pa.s.sionate about love and showcasing it through s.e.x and bearing children, due to this, most families of Viper were made of many wives and husbands, alongside many offspring, usually with a minimum of three.

Odanth, who was resting on her throne and could be instead of enjoying the feast with her citizens was getting bored of this life and had suddenly decided to leave the dungeon and explore the outside world.

However, just at that time, a loyal servant came to report her about giant monsters rus.h.i.+ng towards her city, large groups of monsters that should only belong on the lowest of floors had suddenly appeared on Floor 86 where her city was located.

Although she was an Elder Dragon, a strong enough being of Rank 13 of the Mortal Realm, capable of fighting against these strong monsters of Rank 12 in the Mortal Realm with ease if she were to fight against too many at the same time, she might end up being cornered.

And it was even worst when she considered that they desired to attack the city and the people… she was often very carefree and what she had just said was also quite carefree, since she had been being taken care of by Goghesdum that such a menace like this wave of monsters had never happened.

The only Monster Waves would usually be composed of weaker monsters from upper floors coming to the lower floors instead of vice versa, where the strong Warriors of her city should be enough to defeat these menaces without much trouble.

Due to this, Odanth grew conceited and through that, there was not any need to worry about her city inside the dungeon, as they were being protected in a way.

And because of this thought process, she had decided to leave the city to her people and explore the outside world, thinking that they would do simply fine, and if anything were to appear, they would most likely be capable of using the other Elder Dragons help.

But now, a large group of such monsters was rus.h.i.+ng towards her city with their menacing and giant bodies, ready to devour her beloved people in seconds with their great strength and overwhelming powers and skills… and she had not heard any message sent through magic to her by the other Elder Dragons strangely enough.

Was something happening to them as well?

Odanth could not help but imagine the worst-case scenario.

"I don"t have much time… whatever is happening, I have to go outside and defend my people… Quickly make the citizens go to the underground facilities and gather all the soldiers!" said Odanth.

"Yes, G.o.ddess-sama!" said her servant, sliding away from the throne palace.

"My lady… what will you do now?" asked one of Odanth"s close servants.

"What will I do…? Perhaps I was rus.h.i.+ng my thoughts way too much, I have to defend my people… if something like this is common, I cannot ignore it! I will go and fight them off! Make sure that all of you are in the safety of the underground facilities!" said Odanth, raising her red-scaled wings from flying outside of the palace through the open ceiling.

"My lady!" cried one of the servants, fearing for the worst that might happen to Odanth in such an impossible fight.

"Don"t stay there! Come with us, quickly! Let us do as our G.o.ddess-sama has said! Let us value her love!" said another servant, grabbing the young woman away.

"B-But Odanth-sama! If she… If she…" cried the young and beautiful High Viper servant.

"I know! But we can only do as she wishes… after all, that is the best for all of us! Hurry!" said the big sister-like High Viper servant, carrying the young and emotional one away alongside many others with her.

Odanth flew through the sky, glancing from atop the clouds towards the large group of giant monsters moving to her city.

She glared one last time at her people, which was quickly evacuating towards the underground facilities, interrupting their celebrations of new year"s, she could not help but feel troubled and saddened as she saw the young children crying in confusion over the chaos alongside the worried expressions of the people…

Odanth expanded her wings as she dropped from the sky, flying like a meteor towards the leading two-headed dragon.


"I won"t let you touch my beloved people!" she roared with fury, as her small body flashed in flames and thunder, transforming into a giant behemoth that easily put most of the monsters making the group that was moving towards her city in awe.

Her entire body became elongated like a serpentine creature, covered in hard and armor-like red-colored scales, it had the head of a furious dragon, with thousands of razor-sharp teeth and many horns across its head and body. She had six eyes which were completely crimson red, releasing blazes of fire.

She was a limbless serpentine dragon, a Wyrm. However, she still possessed two pairs of wings across her body that gave her the ability to cross through the sky and break the speed of the wind.

"RAAAA! Blazing Thunder Breath!"

Odanth did not lose any second as she released her strongest attack, opening her jaws wide as a small spark of electricity generated a powerful combustion effect inside her throat, which exploded in large amounts of flames and electricity, covering kilometers of the landscape as they reached the two-headed dragon leading the army of monsters.

The two-headed dragon roared savagely, intercepting her attack with its own breath of pressurized thunder in the form of destructive cannon that broke through many clouds within seconds, reaching Odanth"s position, and destroying her "feeble" breath without much effort.

"What?! What kind of attack is that?! d.a.m.n it!" thought Odanth, as she closed her mouth before her head was to be blasted away into pieces by the pressurized thunder cannon breath, flying away from the attack as it followed her around, the two-headed dragon was only using one of its head, making Odanth even more troubled.

"Thunder Blaze Barrier! Thunder Fire Meteorite Shower!"

Odanth conjured her strongest spells, which combined both Fire Attribute and Thunder Attribute, generating a large and spherical barrier that blocked the cannon attack for a few seconds, while also unleas.h.i.+ng a rain of meteorites made out of pure thunder and fire over the two-headed dragon and its p.a.w.ns, which were close by.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Odanth celebrated her successful attack while blocking the two-headed dragon breath… until its second head decided to attack as well.



The two cannons of pressurized thunder converged into a greater one, and even after Odanth tacked her barriers five times, they all cracked into pieces with a loud explosion, the attack hitting her right into her body.



Odanth felt the pain of her flesh being torn apart… if it weren"t because she enhanced her own flesh and muscles through various skills, she would have been torn apart in two!



Odanth fell to the ground, gasping for air. Even though she was not split in half through that powerful attack, her internal organs had exploded due to the powerful attack, and her lungs were greatly pierced.

An Elder Dragon had outstanding regeneration abilities, but it was still not enough for her to recover after receiving such a powerful attack.

Odanth quickly conjured many healing spells into her wounds, while multi-tasking and conjuring more of her offensive magic, making time by creating soldier beasts made out of fire and thunder to fight against the monsters.

However, as the smoke dissipated from within the group of giant monsters, Odanth glanced as her previous meteorite attack barely killed anything, leaving many of the monsters unscathed or just a bit wounded at most… some even had wounds that should be making the shriek in pain as any monster would do, but they seemed to be completely fine.

"What the…?! My strongest spell… didn"t work?!" thought Odanth, as she created magic barriers around herself as she tried to move away from her current position, seeing as the two-headed dragon was about to release another of its double cannons against her.

"I have to… attack it before it releases its attack!" said Odanth, opening her jaw and charging large quant.i.ties of electricity and blaze inside her throat, about to fire a powerful Breath Cannon to at least distract the creature form firing its own double cannon against her.



However, just at that moment, a giant Thunder Leviathan with crimson eyes appeared, entangling around her body, and inhibiting her movements, while also biting her neck with incredible force, breaking through her magic barriers with ease.

"H-He sneaked behind me?! Uungh! Stop biting my neck, you fiend!" roared Odanth, without being capable of firing her breath cannon, she would end up being blasted away by the two-headed dragon attack.

It seemed like the Thunder Leviathan did not mind giving up its own life to finally defeat her… although this would not have happened before Begudhur lost interest in parasitizing the Elder Dragons, as he had given his Parasite Soul Clones the order of getting rid of them instead of capturing them alive to parasitize.

"ROOAARRR!" roared the two heads of the two-headed Thunderstorm Dragon, as they released their strongest breath together, generating a cannon of pressurized thunder that broke through the wind itself.


Odanth opened her six crimson eyes wide as she tried to conjure any spells she had, but none of them could fight against such destructive attack…

"So this is… how it ends…"

Odanth closed her eyes while enduring the pain of the Leviathan biting on her neck, giving in to her fate as she hoped for her beloved citizen"s safety…



"Phew, we almost didn"t make it, Goghesdum," said the voice of a woman.
