Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 614 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 76/?: A New Member Of The Dragon Maids

Chapter 614 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 76/?: A New Member Of The Dragon Maids




The High Thunder Gillmen Nation was structured as an enormous underwater bubble below the largest lake in Nyzzet"s Labyrinth. Although this city reminds me of Aquaria for a bit, its structure is way different, and there are different techniques, technology, and magic used in its creation.

The enormous nation consists of a giant bubble made with magic, which is generated by giant Mana Generators that run with enormous Mana Crystals created through alchemy, such generators go over fifty, and they surround the entire city, generating a bubble that separates the people from the water to an extent.

However, many other structures let the water of the lake enter the city, creating a beautiful view where buildings and houses are both underwater and also reaching the top where there is oxygen, it could be even said that the city possesses two facets, the darker underwater area, and the brighter surface area, and the Gillmen that live in here go through both areas in their daily basis.

I feel like it will be hard to move all of such structure to my Empire due to its complexity, and at best, I will have to send them momentarily towards Aquaria until I can recreate it better at my Empire, hopefully, this does not cause too much discomfort in the people but judging by how they all look at me, I do not think it really will.


"She is her? Kireina-sama!?"

"The moment I"ve set my eyes on her… Is this love?"

"How wonderful! She is spectacularly beautiful!"

"And her aura! What is this? How can it be? I feel… smarter by just looking at her!"

"It is not only you, my sister, she is truly a figure to look up to!"

"Impressive… She is really a G.o.ddess! Just by taking a glance at her, endless inspirations had clouded my mind! I must showcase such inspirations! I must bring them to life!"

"How charming! How beautiful!"

"Is there anything she needs?"

"We"ll do anything! Anything!"

"Nannet-sama! Please, let us talk with Kireina-sama!"

"OOOHH! She glanced at me!"

"My mind is filled with happiness… what is this wondrous feeling?"

"Is she our holy mother? But she"s a fairy!"

"She is more than a fairy, she is a G.o.ddess, she surpa.s.ses all common sense for us mere mortals!"

"Just glancing at her is making me… Is making me want to do everything to make her happy!!!"

"Let"s work together! Let"s work together for her!"

"Siblings! For Kireina-sama!"

"Nannet-sama! Please include Kireina-sama in the churches!"

I was glancing from the rooftop of Nannet"s palace as countless High Thunder Gillmen of all shapes, sizes, and families gathered around the building, raising their arms at me, and praising me in all kinds of forms.

It was truly a spectacle to be seen.

Has my charm increased since I ate those G.o.ds… well, almost ate them?

No, this is not just my charm alone, the amount of Enlightenment Paths that I have stacked up is just showing their effect.

Enlightenment after all is simply a higher version of my Charm, it makes anyone that walks through a similar path to me, even if very slightly, to be enlightened by me, some of these people gained fascination, others gained inspirations for endless constructions and creations, others gained inspirations for recipes of food or alchemy, and some just felt as if their magic, skills, and more were increasing in power just by looking at me.

This was the effect of Enlightenment. Most G.o.ds have it in some shape or form, but they probably do not have it as skills like me.

Through Agatheina"s explanations, I have learned that G.o.ds have many kinds of abilities, one of them is to charm their believers and induce fascination over them, this is how religions are made so easily in Genesis.

Agatheina is a simple example, her charm made her children, the Vampires, fascinated with her very words, anything she said would be done without faltering at all, but such charm was only effective with her children and those she or her children were to convert into Vampires.

Kaggoth was the same with her children too, but she seemed to have a different enlightenment path that did not make them too loyal but helped them in other regards such as better talents.

However, my enlightenment is unique in that I can cover many areas and merge them into a "Super Enlightenment" as I will call it. And this just increases even more after I add my natural Charm ability, which I have been developing since I was a b.u.t.terfly.

It does not help that my Charisma Stat is so freaking high… it makes them even more fascinated to the point that they seem to be losing their reason.

But that is fine. As long as they are willing to serve me, I will guarantee their safety and also give them good lives in my Empire. It is a win-win situation.

Nannet, however, seemed rather troubled by the reactions of the people she had been raising for so long, she had never expected them to simply glance at me and become fascinated the very second after. It was way too much for her, especially because she did not have such a strong charm herself, and just how quickly they s.h.i.+fted to me was rather disbelieving.

"How can it be…? My people… Kireina-sama, what have you done?" asked Nannet in disbelief.

"Well to tell you the truth, I have not done anything at all. I have been just standing here glancing at them" I said.

"What?! Just a stare?! It took me hundreds of years to make them loyal citizens and good people… and you end up doing it in a few seconds?! What took me hundreds of years?!" asked Nannet in disbelief and awe, she was kneeling on the floor while contemplating life.

"Nannet, calm down! Kireina-sama is like that, she has done the same with all our people already, it is how it is… It is not like she hasn"t charmed us already, I am fascinated by her despite my relaxed look," said Odanth with a relaxed demeanor.

"Ueh?! You too, sister?" asked Nannet.

"Yeah, can"t you notice her? If you stare enough at her and her atmosphere, you would get all kinds of inspiration, emotions rus.h.i.+ng through your body and the heat of pa.s.sion and love! And to top it all, your body burst with strength and magic power like never before… I can"t get enough of it," said Odanth.

"Is that… so?" asked Nannet.

"That is right Nannet-chan, why don"t you relax a bit? She already did the same with my Sirens, they said that they had countless inspirations after glancing at her, and some even said that they had become more intelligent! Would you believe that? The only thing I get by glancing at Kireina-sama is a lot of magic power and… well, she"s cute too," said Yvnei.

"Cute? Well, she is indeed very… beautiful… I guess…" muttered Nannet as she glanced at me in more detail, coursing her glare through my body, I was wearing a kimono after the battle as it was comfier for me, but it was rather tight in some areas, so my curves showed a bit, she stopped at my wide hips.

"You"ll have to get used to it, my daughter. She saved our people after all from doom, the least we can do is to serve her as much as we can… even if it comes with wearing such clothes… Although, to be honest, I think I am beginning to like it, don"t I look nice?" asked Goghesdum while glancing at her maid outfit, which had grown into her at this point.

"EH?! Even you mom?! Aren"t you the most serious in here?! This is… I know that she helped us but still, this is going way too sudden!!!" said Nannet as she began to have some kind of mental breakdown.

"Perhaps a maid outfit could make her happier…" said Goghesdum.

"I DON"T WANT A MAID OUTFIT!!!" roared Nannet.

Honestly, she was getting rather annoying, just how immature is she? I know she is the youngest Elder Dragon… but still, she is supposed to be the smarty-pants of the group.

"Nannet? Are you okay? Perhaps you could stay with one of my wives, they can calm you down… Ismena? Can you help me, dear?" I asked as Ismena came flying with her b.u.t.terfly wings.

"Ah, my love, anything you need?" asked Ismena.

"Could you calm her down? Nannet seems to be in the middle of a mental breakdown" I said, Ismena had unique spells that not even I had created, and she was way better at using Illusion and merging it with Life Attribute into spells that can heal the minds. While I am better at disrupting it. I think I could do something similar to her, but she is having specialized a lot, and she is always happy to help, so I asked her.

"Okay~ Nannet-chan, look at me," said Ismena with a cute smile, as Nannet glanced at her with dead-like eyes in her golden irises.

Both of their eyes met as Ismena conjured an intricate spell with her aura, infusing pink and golden glitter inside of Nannet"s head, clearing her mind.

Nannet suddenly sighed as she began to breathe in a more tranquil way.

"Fewehh…. I think I am fine now… S-Sorry for being too annoying… I need to adapt to things instead of complaining all the time" she concluded.

"Glad you"ve calmed down, my Ismena has become rather good at mind treatment, while I am good at disrupting the mind, and Mady is better at convincing people…" I said.

"I see… everyone is rather talented here… Ah, I guess I should join in the feast with everyone instead of being… kneeling on the floor" said Nannet as Goghesdum walked towards her and helped her in getting up.

"Now that you"re better, how about trying this maid outfit that Kireina-sama made for you?" asked Goghesdum, taking the maid outfit out of her Item Box.

"You"re the last member so you need to wear it, Nannet-chan!" said Yvnei.

"That is right, you"ll look pretty too. Look at me, I am even s.e.xier now" said Odanth.

"Sigh, only Odanth would think that of the outfit. It is way more than that, my daughter! I feel it within my heart, this is our duty! To be maids!" said Goghesdum, who just a few days ago was planning in becoming a Living Deity.

"Uwaahh… Is that so? Isn"t it a bit embarra.s.sing though?" asked Nannet.

"Not at all, and that model is a new one that combines both the Transformation Rings and the outfit, so try it out. It actually might cost a fortune, but I am giving it to you for free" I said with a smile.

At last, the Dragon Maids have been a.s.sembled!

Wait, where is Athos though?

I glanced at my surroundings, my entire family was celebrating happily while eating and chatting, Athos was snacking on the table of treats with Yiksukesh, both girls had their usual expressionless faces.

Athos felt my glare as she immediately became stiff, glaring at me back.

"Athos, where is your maid outfit? Wear it now and a.s.semble with the others. You need to attend to your duties!" I said.

"Eh?! B-But I thought it was a one-day thing!" said Athos.

"Get moving," said Yiksukesh.

"Athos, wear the outfit again so mommy can be happy, okay~?" said Amiphossia at Athos"s side as she drank tea with Evan.

Evan felt a bit sorry for Athos, as he gave her a look of pity.

"Sigh… Okay, what"s the point anymore?" muttered Athos as she walked towards me and wore the outfit.

Then, as Nannet had finished and as Yerze had come as well, the Six Dragon Maids were a.s.sembled.

"I"m not a real dragon though…" muttered Yerze with an apologetic look.

"You might be become one someday, believe in yourself," I said, giving Yerze my blessing as well as the rest of the Maids.

With the Dragon Maids a.s.sembled, Sakura and the Arachne Maids gained new helpers, although they were very newbie to the job yet, and needed a lot of instructions first.

"Kireina-sama, you"ve made a ton of new helpers… their potential is outstanding but isn"t this a bit too much?" asked Sakura, her appearance was that of an Arachne, with her lower half resembling a jumping spider of no bigger size than one meter, covered in a pink and purple exoskeleton, her upper half was that of a youthful girl on her early twenties, with long pink hair and eight eyes.

Alongside Jorogumo, she was part of the first group of Giant Hairy Spiders from the Grand Forest that I captured and tamed (enslaved). Since then, she became part of the maid team and served the castle and anything I really needed anywhere, her evolutions and Cla.s.s Changes have been all about such servitude to an extent.

I had been considering taking her one night, but I have been rather troubled over it because I"ve taken too long, and she might have found someone else in her heart, I didn"t really want to disrupt that.

"Is it? To tell you the truth, dear, I was just following my instincts… (And I also wanted a Dragon Maid team since those cards from a particular Card Game in Earth that awakened such thing on me)" I said.

"I see… Huh? Dear?" asked Sakura.

"Ah, sorry, the custom… For a moment I thought you were… err, my wife, sorry about that" I said.

"Eh?! N-No! D-Don"t be sorry, Kireina-sama!" muttered Sakura with a sudden blush.

"Okay? I"ll call you dear then, Sakura" I said with a gentle smile, she was very cute.

"Sure! I-I"m glad you can see me like that… Kireina-sama…" she muttered.

"Anyways, I should go back to serve everyone, if you excuse me…" muttered Sakura as she joined the rest of the Arachne.

"Oh? What was that?" asked one of the Arachne

"N-Nothing…" muttered Sakura.

"Perhaps Kireina-sama has an interest in you?!" asked another.

"How lucky…" muttered another.

"T-That"s not it…! S-Stop talking embarra.s.sing things, let us resume our work, okay?" said Sakura.


