Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 640 - Side : Zudig, Begudhur, And Kheseerad Plans...

Chapter 640 - Side : Zudig, Begudhur, And Kheseerad Plans...



"Help! Help!"

"Stop…! Stop!"

The wailing cries of agony and despair of several ethereal ent.i.ties resonated through an enormous landscape covered in bizarre biomes as a gigantic creature grabbed them through its expanding flesh and began to devour them one by one.

The creature resembled a ma.s.s of twisting and pulsating flesh, with dozens of long, worm-like heads filled with sharp teeth spiraling inside of their mouths, alongside a gigantic dragon head-shaped structure in the middle of the amorphous creature.

The gigantic dragon head possessed dozens of crimson eyes spread all across itself, alongside spider-like legs made out of the twisting red, gray, and blue flesh, supported by a skeleton seemingly made out of semi-transparent jewels.

The ent.i.ty possessed a long tail covered in what seemed to be iridescent electricity and sharp jewel spikes, and atop the twisting flesh, there were several coatings of dark scales and more eyes glancing around its surroundings with bloodl.u.s.t.

"You cannot escape, your destiny was to be devoured!" roared the creature, grabbing on the wailing spectral ent.i.ties that tried to escape from the monstrous being by showering it with a varied spectacle of colorful attacks, each spectral ent.i.ty had some kind of divine power, there was one that was capable of releasing slashes of winds, while another released rays of darkness… nonetheless, the ent.i.ty they were attacking possessed a defense not to scoff at, and its regeneration capabilities were simply absurd to top it all.

The ent.i.ty"s flesh expanded into draconic and sharp black claws, gripping the wailing ent.i.ties, and then devouring them piece by piece through its countless maws and razor-sharp teeth.

"GRRRRYYYAAA…! S-Stop…! I don"t… want to die…!"

The monstrous flesh creature devoured the wailing divine soul of a G.o.d that they had kept captive within their combined Divine Realm. This was the Divine Realm of Zudig, Begudhur, and Kheseerad, which had been converted into one since the three G.o.ds became one.

Kheseerad had captured many lone G.o.ds on his life, selling their physical bodies and then their Divine Cores, but now that he was capable of eating them and gain power, he did not doubt at all about unsealing these G.o.ds Divine Souls and devouring them straight away.

Although many of them were simply Living Deity Ranks with a few DemiG.o.d Ranks, all the G.o.d Ranked Divine Souls were released when Kheseerad used them to escape Kireina"s grasp.

Although the amount of power that they offered was subpar, it was still an admirable and good enough quant.i.ty of power, especially because the converged amalgamation of G.o.ds was currently in a weakened state, and needed to nourish itself to regenerate its soul and physical body.

"You"re nothing but my nourishment… Give up!" roared the voice of Zudig within the amalgamation.

"I can feel it… We are growing stronger! So this is what eating G.o.ds are about! Gahahaha! Gyahahaha!" laughed the voice of Begudhur within the monstrous ent.i.ty.

"This feeling of exhilaration… more! We need more to heal ourselves!" said the voice of Kheseerad, grasping over a small group of three Living Deities Divine Souls with its grotesque jewel-like claws, forming themselves as sharp pincers, the ent.i.ties were tightly grasped and then eaten alive by the giant draconic head and smaller worm-like heads filled with sharp teeth.

The Divine Souls cried in agony as they were devoured alive through the trio usage of "Divinity Devouring", which was nearing Level 5 now.

"The more we keep devouring them… the more the Skill levels up…!" roared Zudig"s voice.

"I can feel it! The power within! The more it levels up, the stronger our power to devour them and digest them becomes!" laughed Begudhur"s voice.

"This is… This is the feeling of empowerment that Kireina always has?! So this is what devouring divine ent.i.ties… I wonder… what might happen after Divinity Devouring reaches Level 10?" asked Kheseerad"s voice, as the grotesque ent.i.ty griped the last Divine Souls remained, two very resilient Wind Attribute and Dark Attribute DemiG.o.ds.

Their attacks showered the trio with wind blades and rays of darkness. The glowing emerald wind blades flew across the air as they cut off enormous chunks of flesh from the gigantic fleshy creature, while the rays of darkness burned through the heads and weakened their state…

However, although the damage seemed rather high, the enormous monster was completely unaffected. In fact, it seemed to be enjoying their struggle, the three different voices coming from within the monster laughed loudly as they glanced at the two DemiG.o.d Divine Souls.

"It"s useless, you"re simply our food! But keep struggling, to it would not be a gratification to devour you!" laughed Zudig"s voice, expanding the flesh around him as giant draconic claws emerged one after another from the ma.s.s of flesh, flying towards the two Divine Ent.i.ties standing in midair, who barely managed to evade in time!

"To think that things would come into this situation! I should have never approached Kheseerad! It was all a trap! d.a.m.n it all!" roared the Dark Attribute Divine Soul, in the shape of a humanoid shadow of darkness with two flas.h.i.+ng crimson eyes.

"And from all things, I would have to cooperate with you! I should have never gone towards the border continent to scout for materials, I should have kept myself in the central continent with my pantheon…!" cried the Wind Attribute Divine Soul, in the shape of a tornado of emerald wind.

The two Divine Souls seemed to have been sworn enemies, the Dark Attribute Divine Soul was the DemiG.o.d of Shadow Pursuit, Baksakesh, while the Wind Attribute Divine Soul was the DemiG.o.d of Emerald Wind Blades, Sylphido.

Both of them were caught by Kheseerad many years ago, Baksakesh was caught by Kheseerad when the Spatial G.o.d designed a simple trap through s.p.a.ce while offering to work with him if he were to go towards his Divine Realm… Meanwhile, Sylphido was an inexperienced and young G.o.d that went to explore the border continent without the central continent G.o.ds" pantheons knowing of it, he ended up being trapped by the wonder Kheseerad as well.

It could be said that Baksakesh was simply a fool, while Sylphido was also… a fool, but was also quite unlucky.

The two had their Physical Bodies and Divine Cores sold, while their Divine Souls were sealed until Kheseerad was to find a use for them… which he finally did.

Now, trapped inside the Divine Realm of this wicked amalgamation of G.o.ds, Baksakesh and Sylphido tried their best to survive as they saw dozens of weaker Divine Souls be eaten in an instant by them, they seemed to be capable of devouring divine souls and draw power from them, something almost unheard of in the times when they were freely roaming the Realm of Vida.

"GYAHAHA! Become one with us, be devoured!" roared Begudhur"s voice, as the enormous and slow body of the amalgamation of G.o.ds suddenly shapes.h.i.+fted into a more streamlined creature, resembling a gigantic and monstrous worm covered in countless jaws and eyes, flying towards the two Divine Souls with outstanding speed!


Overpowering the speed of the two Divine Souls, Begudhur"s maws opened wide crunching into Baksakesh in a mere instant!



The sound of Baksakesh horrific cry of pain resonated within the hearing senses of Sylphido, filling the young and naïve demiG.o.d with fear!

"N-Nooo! Go away! Go away, you monster!" roared Sylphido as he released a storm of blades, braking through the air and showering the gigantic Begudhur with sharp slicing attacks!

Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+

"Haahh…!" sighed Sylphido, as he had managed to get far away enough.

"D-Did I killed it? I hit it right into its head… R-Right?" he asked himself.

"Gyahahahaha! That was good!" laughed Begudhur"s voice, flying towards Sylphido from within down below, the enormous maws of Begudhur"s jaws began to spiral like the entrance to a h.e.l.l of suffering.



Sylphido was embraced by thousands of sharp fangs that began to tear his Divine Soul apart into pieces one after another within seconds, the pain and agony were insufferable, and as his remains were gulped down through the throat of Begudhur, his barely living pieces of Soul fell over a gigantic pool of acid, melting him out of existence slowly until complete digestion.

Sylphido"s consciousness drifted within endless darkness as he found three other ent.i.ties glancing at him… he was supposed to be dead, but why was he still alive?

He glanced at the ent.i.ties, a dragon, a worm, and a spider, the three grabbed his consciousness as they began to tear him apart once again!

Although there was no pain now, there was an incessant feeling of dread within himself! His consciousness was being torn apart as he slowly disappeared completely!

"T-This… Stop…! Stoooop…!"

Zudig, Begudhur, and Kheseerad devoured Sylphido and Baksakesh consciousness and memories as well, something that they were not capable of doing before until they had managed to develop their powers enough.

"However, our ability to absorb memories is still quite lacking… we are not capable of grasping it all," lamented Zudig.

"It is good enough to give us some insights in the creation of Divine Techniques using the Divinities of the G.o.ds we eat… similarly to how Kireina might do it as well, despite not even being a year old, she showcases a mastery over her divinities as if she were an old G.o.ddess of more than one hundred thousands years old…" said Kheseerad.

"Indeed… We are still too little compared to her… even after what we have eaten, her existence is still very unique…" muttered Begudhur.

"…And aren"t we?" asked Zudig.

"Ah, you"re right!" said Begudhur, who was not the brightest in the trio.

"Although she still has an upper hand in many other abilities and also in reliable and strong allies…" said Kheseerad.

"Allies are what we need… we might be capable of creating reliable clones if we strengthen ourselves enough… But for now, dividing ourselves will only bring us to a weaker state" said Zudig.

"We have already consumed all the snacks, what do we do now? We still are lacking in power, we haven"t regenerated completely!" said Begudhur.

"We"ll devour all the Divine Beasts we possess for now, and then we"ll try to devour our dungeon," said Kheseerad.

"Our dungeon?! Can we even do that?" asked Zudig.

"I believe so… Although Kireina seems to not have done it, we should be capable of it. Begudhur gave us the power to parasitize virtually anything as long as it is weaker or equally stronger than us, while Zudig brought us the ability to devour divinity, which was further improved by Begudhur"s ability and also Uroboros… And my Divinity brings the ability to distort s.p.a.ce, and also to be capable of distorting the s.p.a.ce within the dungeon to make it weaker… If we work hard, we should be able to devour it and acquire unprecedented strength!" said Kheseerad.

"That"s… It is doable… Begudhur made us a Primordial Beast, while I brought the power of the mortal vessel of the Future Legendary Hero David, and you bring the utility…" said Zudig.

"Only I bring utility? I am pretty sure that I bring more than that!" said Kheseerad.

"There is no point in discussing this…" said Begudhur.

"Hmph. But if we devour the dungeon, where will we go? Our Divine Realm alone won"t do, we"ll be chased and detected easily," said Zudig.

"That"s why we"ll begin later, for now, we must find more prey to devour, whenever we can achieve our full strength, we might be able to begin this plan…" said Kheseerad.

"You"re ambitious, Kheseerad. Your ideas are fresh compared to ours," said Zudig, praising Kheseerad.

"Oh? Is that a compliment from you? That"s rare" laughed Kheseerad.

"It is good that you two are getting along better…" said Begudhur.

"Hm… Now that you talk, I wonder what powers can a Primordial Beast bring to us? Do we have a special Epic now? Scripted events?" asked Zudig.

"There are… but we cannot see them yet, our power over fate is weak, opening the information within our Epic is impossible as of now…" said Kheseerad.

"However, it is obvious that we are destined for greatness… now that we have become one, our existence is even more unique than that Kireina, I believe! By fusing the Epic, I possessed from David with that of a Primordial Beast… what kind of events waiting for us in the future?" laughed Zudig.

"We shall prepare thoroughly for them…" said Kheseerad.

"Hey Zudig, what about those annoying Dragon G.o.ds?" asked Begudhur, he knew all of Zudig"s mind, memories, and thoughts as they were all merged.

"Ah, those annoying b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, don"t worry, they"re most likely slowly preparing to strike at me… But they seem oddly silent about this, they might not want to reveal their plans to the Central Continent G.o.ds, most likely out of fear of their punishment. Dragons are not really accepted within those G.o.ds, who were mostly humans, elves, or dwarves," said Zudig.

"Fools, their weakness brought them to ally their former enemies, truly pathetic," said Kheseerad.

"Aren"t we allied while having been former enemies though?" asked Begudhur.

"…Yes, but we are different than those idiots!" said Kheseerad.

"We are not unified out of fear, but out of convenience…" said Zudig.

"I see… Well, it is also good that we can think similarly…" said Begudhur.

The amalgamation of three G.o.ds kept chatting and planning, as they moved around their Divine Realm, seeking Divine Beasts to devour and strengthen themselves.
