Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 676 - Memories Of The Past

Chapter 676 - Memories Of The Past




The moment I managed to break through the seals instilled into Geie"s Soul, countless streams of information and memories overflowed Geie"s soul, which was the areas within her soul that were sealed.

Because they were being contained so tightly within the seals, the moment I broke them all down, the explosion of memories showered me and Geie, my body and soul naturally absorbed this stream of information, and my consciousness was sent towards them for a split second.

Within such memories, I was able to see through Geie"s eyes.

A beautiful scenario greeted my sight, as I found myself within a world filled with forests, jungles, and overwhelming nature.

Within such place, I was the earth itself.

And as I glance atop my head, a beautiful woman with an appearance so majestic that I could barely see through her brilliance emerged.

"Gaia… Wake up…" she muttered.

Gaia? What does she mean by Gaia…?

Oh, right…

So Geie is Gaia after all.

And I am seeing Geie, or well, Gaia"s memories through her very eyes.

The beautiful woman slowly began to infuse the ma.s.s of dirt and nature, Gaia, with a stream of power that I could only relate to Divine Energy, but the amount being poured was just absolutely ridiculous.

After a few seconds, Gaia seemingly was born from within the dirt and nature.

Gaia was still young and inexperienced, she had just been born from the powers of this woman, who I presume should be the Supreme G.o.ddess of Life and Origin, which is told to be Gaia"s mother.

Now that I notice, this woman is huge.

She"s enormous.

She has the appearance of a voluptuous woman with tanned, chocolate-colored skin, enormous b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and long, yellow-gold hair. Her entire body was covered in countless plants, forests, jungles, mountains, and more, and her eyes s.h.i.+ned brightly with a golden light, this was the Supreme G.o.ddess of Life and Origin… She was a t.i.taness of sorts, her size was easily over one kilometer…

Isn"t she even bigger than the t.i.tans I have heard from the G.o.ds? d.a.m.n.

She embraced me, or Gaia, with her arms, as she slowly began to mold Gaia as if she were a mud doll.

Gaia was still very young, and let her mother do as she pleased with her.

After a few hours, Gaia was finally given a form from within the mud, dirt, and nature that made her up. Her size was also pretty big, around one hundred meters, but nothing as insane as her mother.

Her mother gave Gaia a bright smile as she began to teach her many things, which seemed to go incredibly fast in front of my sight.

Gaia learned many things, and it seemed that many years went by.

Gaia herself grew older and stronger, and she fell in love with other t.i.tans from within her family and that of other Supreme G.o.ds, bringing forth several new children that populated the ancient Genesis, she was the mother of many races and many G.o.ds, even more than even her mother.

One of her well-known partners seems to have been Ura.n.u.s, the t.i.tan Great G.o.d of the Sky and Constellations, son of who would become the Supreme G.o.d of the Star Ocean.

Not long after, she became a Great G.o.ddess through the nourishment of her Divine Realm, and she was crowned as the t.i.taness Great G.o.ddess of Maternity, Fertility, and Earth

Because everything was flowing so fast into my mind, I was not able to completely grasp every fragment of memory, some of such parts were completely skipped due to the stream of information rus.h.i.+ng constantly into my soul. However, as I infused more of my intent into it, things began to slow down, until I reached what seemed to have been a fateful day for Gaia.


The cry of pain and agony of a respected t.i.tan, Ura.n.u.s, resonated within a chaotic battlefield.

Countless ent.i.ties floated in the starry sky, as constant battles unfolded one after another. However, in the middle of this battle, the cry of a Great G.o.d was the loudest.

Ura.n.u.s had been finally shot down by the other G.o.ds that were fighting against him… this was the Ragnarök, the war between G.o.ds that ended in the destruction of Genesis.

I tried to inspect as much as I could, putting as much intent as I was capable of mustering, but it was very hard to discern every G.o.d in here, there were simply ay too many, hundreds of them flew around the sky battling against each other, there seemed to be factions, but the battles were so chaotic that it was very hard to understand who was into what faction.

The only thing I knew is that Gaia felt incredible sadness as she saw her beloved husband, Ura.n.u.s, being struck down by the combined power of several G.o.ds backed up by another Great G.o.d… this Great G.o.d had the appearance of a gigantic four-headed lion, this beast was not a Divine Beast but a Great G.o.d from the faction of the Supreme G.o.d of s.p.a.ce and Creation.

Although G.o.ds seemed to not be able to die, there were other methods to weaken them until they seemed to die, such as sealing and more.

Ura.n.u.s fell from the sky as another Great G.o.d appeared from within the shadows of the battlefield…

This Great G.o.d resembled an amalgamation of countless dark beasts made out of shadows, with enormous crimson eyes, the Great G.o.d began to embrace Ura.n.u.s on a death hug, as its shadow body shapes.h.i.+fted into countless beasts that began to parasitize and even devour him.

It was an incredible sight to behold, and within my mind, I couldn"t help but share the emotions that Gaia was feeling at this moment due to her memories being impregnated into my soul and very being.

As Ura.n.u.s fell towards the ground with the mysterious Great G.o.d made out of Shadows that began to absorb him or something, Gaia tried to follow him and move away from her position within the war, ignoring the orders of her allies.

"Ura.n.u.s! Uranuuus!" she cried, her enormous body waved her gigantic arms as many smaller DemiG.o.ds or G.o.ds that got on her away were blown away like mere flies, her divine rage began to be unleashed within the sky battlefield, as many G.o.ds around her seemingly smiled, they wanted Gaia to lose her focus and control on her power, and they had just managed to do so.

Suddenly, several familiar faces emerged from the crowd, being led by a muscular old man with a long and white beard. Yeah, I know this old man and the "family" he was behind him.

This was Zeus, accompanied by some of his siblings and children, such as Apollo, Hephaestus, and Athena.

Of course, they were all quite young-looking compared to how I remember their appearances from whenever I see them through my clone on Apollo"s body. I inherited Apollo"s memories, and know very well what these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds came to do to Gaia.

A lightning strike suddenly fell from Zeus" hand as it hit Gaia. Of course, she had an enormous body and the power of a Great G.o.ddess, such an attack from a G.o.d wouldn"t be of many issues to her, however, when all of Zeus" family combined their attacks, they began to become more than just a nuisance.

It seems that they were able to generate special Divine Techniques by being together while combining their Divinities, something unique that I had a slight memory of seeing through Apollo"s memories.

Such a technique was instilled inside of Apollo"s memories, and it was quite useful for me, as it helped me grasp the ability to merge Auras and Souls temporarily through the transformation equipment.

Gaia was showered in constant attacks, thunderstorms, enormous spears of light, giant flaming meteors, and many other attacks befell upon her. However, her strength was overwhelming, she waved her hands as earth emerged from nothingness, enormous boulders of the size of mountains began to fall over Zeus" family.

But just as they were about to escape or dodge, the backup that made them so confident about this battle finally emerged, a being coated in a shadowy coat, its size was a bit bigger than three meters, and below the enormous coat that covered his face, legs, and hands, thousands of chains emerged one after another, directed towards Gaia.

I was feeling all of what Gaia was feeling, the frustration, the rage, the dread… I wanted to crush these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds and prevent what they were about to do to her… but I wasn"t able to, I wasn"t able to change the past.

These were nothing but memories, after all.

The chains flew towards Gaia as she tried to destroy them, but they somehow resisted her strong blows and her powerful Aura, bypa.s.sing her attacks and beginning to slowly entangle her entire body.

"Aaaghhhh…! Aaaaaahhhh!"

Gaia"s cry in agony tormented my mind as I felt the same pain as her, the same restraining feeling, and also the same desperation… I wanted to free her from such chains and devour the d.a.m.ned G.o.ds that were trying to do such a horrible thing…

It seems that my mind was being too affected by her own emotions, as I was wanting to do such a thing for someone I have not met that much…

The chains began to tightly wrap her body, as she was restrained. Gaia struggled with all of her might throwing kicks, punches, unleas.h.i.+ng shockwaves with her Aura, and summoning countless mountain-sized boulders, and although she took many DemiG.o.ds and G.o.ds down, Zeus and his family were almost completely unfazed, smiling as they approached her.

"Divine Soul Chain Seal!" said the mysterious and hooded figure, the Great G.o.d who controlled the chains as he conjured a Divine Technique over Gaia"s entire body, sealing her even further as her Divine Soul emerged from her body, shrieking in agony.

"Now!" said the figure, commanding the Zeus family as they suddenly opened their Divine Realms through small rifts in s.p.a.ce, taking out large blades and axes, seemingly made out of premium Divine Materials, however, they were also infused with eerie energy.

These weapons, I knew what they were for…

The Zeus family flew towards Gaia, glancing at her enormous Divine Soul glowing gold and bright brown, she released strong shockwaves and boulders to defend herself, but the Great G.o.d backing the Zeus family destroyed her attacks in time, letting the family reach her soul as they smiled and began to ravage her soul through their weapons attacks.

"Soul Divide!" roared Zeus, as most of his siblings with a few exceptions, and his children began to cut Gaia"s soul into pieces…

Her cry resonated through the entire battlefield as most of the G.o.ds present were paralyzed. Gaia"s soul began to be pierced in half, and both halves were then sealed by the Great G.o.d using Chains.

One half was taken away by him, who saved it inside of his Divine Realm, and the other half was split into many pieces that fell from the sky like meteors, hitting Genesis and creating enormous explosions in the ground, shacking the world.

Her physical body was s.n.a.t.c.hed by the Zeus Family, and that battle came to an end.

Suddenly, from within the many fragments of Gaia"s soul, I glanced at the memories of the one currently here. Her memories were sealed as an after-effect of this Great G.o.d Chains, which made most of her fragments completely clueless about their past.

Geie, one of such fragments, fell into the ground and seeped into the ground for hundreds of years, even after the destruction of Genesis and the reform of the Realms.

When she woke up, she had a.s.similated the ground and nature around her and had become a Living Deity made entirely out of dirt, mud, and plants.

This fragment remembered her past by small fragments but was not capable of talking about it as it would bring her tremendous soul pain. Because of this, she was not able to ask for the help of her mother and roamed the Realm of Vida while slowly nouris.h.i.+ng herself and gathering resources, up until having reached the stage of G.o.d.

But even then, it seemed to not be enough to regain her powers… and due to her bad luck, she was caught by Kheseerad"s schemes and had her physical body taken away from her alongside her Divine Core, and once again sealed within a small pocket s.p.a.ce…

Fate was very cruel.

But I changed her terrible fate, I came to her life and saved her…

I feel like I am something like a heroine now…

After having seen so many memories, I was finally brought back to reality, where I saw Geie gasping for air, her eyes suddenly gaining a glower bright gold light.

"Kireina-sama, are you okay?!" asked Agatheina.

"I am fine, Agatheina. Gaia… Are you awake?" I asked.

"I… That name… Yes… Kireina," said Geie… or Gaia.

I gave Gaia my hand as she slowly stood up, her body was still simply her soul that took the form of a ma.s.s of mud, but her appearance became more defined now, taking the form of a beautiful and voluptuous woman with a motherly charm, her smile was gentle and her eyes s.h.i.+ning brightly, yet I could clearly feel the deep melancholy within her atmosphere.

"I"ve brought you another fragment… and, well, another Gaia that might be happy to become one with you," I said, taking out a large s.h.i.+eld and pointing at the sky, where the Mountain Golem Gaia greeted Gaia.

"This… feeling of attachment to these two…" muttered Gaia, as her Aura expanded widely, embracing the gigantic s.h.i.+eld and the Mountain Golem.



