Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 75 - The Ogre Team And The Undead Team

Chapter 75 - The Ogre Team And The Undead Team

[Day 49]

Today I woke up with an unexpected weight over my body. When I glanced over, I found a sleeping fairy with the stature of a small kid, she had an adorable face and short blue hair. Her sleeping sounds created a small icy mist every time she breathed.

It was the grown-up Nereid; I really didn"t expect her to infiltrate my room and sleepover my body like she used to do in the past.

Although after evolving, Nereid had become very beautiful and attractive, I don"t like her, and her personality annoys me. I don"t think I will ever see her as something more than a little sister…

I used all my strength to throw the Water Fairy outside of my bed.


When her fragile body clashed on the hard wall, she suddenly woke up and began to cry over the pain.

"Gueeeeeeeehhhh! Master why? Why are you mean with me? Gueeeeeeehhh!"

Sigh… Perhaps I was too rough? She is my summoned spirit alongside Kjata after all. Haah, Kjata is way better than Nereid…

Nereid yelling and cries woke all my wives up.

"Honey? What"s going on? Huh? Isn"t she?"

"Ah! That"s Nereid, do you remember when you were a b.u.t.terfly and she used to sleep over your body?"

"Big sister did that?"

"She is quite the beauty"

"Mastaa, can I play with Nereid?"

"I guess you can…"

Rimuru jumped off the bed transforming into her slime form.

"Nereid! Let"s play!"

As if nothing happened to her, Nereid got pumped up for the sudden enthusiasm of Rimuru, as the two began to chase each other around the room.

While looking at the sleepy and adorable faces of my wives, I had the sudden urge to make love with them, but with Nereid presence, it wouldn"t be possible.

In the end, we ended up taking a bath earlier than other days, and surprisingly, Nereid ended up joining us. She didn"t seem ashamed of me looking over her body, and she even touched mine, almost as if she was my wife. She washed my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and hips with an extreme blush over her face, she almost looked like a tomato.

I didn"t mind a cute girl was.h.i.+ng my body, so I let her do it, she did the same with my wives too. I wondered what was the cause of Nereid"s sudden closeness with me.

Well, I guess I will just let her be… But I won"t accept her as a wife!

While having breakfast, I got some good news, a lot of the rookie Trolls and Goblins evolved. Some of these were the ones who didn"t evolve on their expeditions. And were the strongest rookies, so I had high expectations. Aside from this, some Flame Salamanders also evolved, alongside a small group of Gale Birds.

There was a group of five very strong Troll Rookies who didn"t evolve on the expedition, these guys belonged to the Celica and Truhan team.

Three of them evolved into strong High Ogres who had a strong Earth affinity, most likely because of eating earth related monsters for a long time. Their towering bodies were incredibly st.u.r.dy and each one was around 4 meters tall. With long white colored horns coming from the sides of their heads. Their appearances were quite ugly, but their strength is what matters in this world.

The three Ogres were named Ogame, Ogamo, and Ogama. It seems that their names changed accordingly to their new species. As they were named Trome, Tromo, and Troma. Which uses the first three letters of their species alongside their real name which is Me, Mo and Ma.

The other two evolved into rarer variants and received a Demi-G.o.d Blessing.

The fourth Troll evolved into a [Mountain Tengu Oni] a subspecies of Oni that possess a smaller body but a better talent on martial arts and different sword techniques. Its body color was entirely red, although he was small compared to the Ogres, of around 2.5 meters, his body was covered on s.h.i.+ning muscles alongside a long white hair. The most noticeable thing was his incredibly long nose. Which looked rather hilarious. I discovered that later stages of Tengu evolution can even obtain wings. This guy"s name was Tenro, and he received the blessing of the Demi-G.o.d of Battles Ogen.

The fifth Troll was a woman who always had a strong affinity with Wind, after evolving she became a Half Wind Lord, a subspecies of demons. I was already familiar with Half Lords with the trio that came alongside the Demi-Human group. From what I understand, Half Lords are closer to the Oni lineage than Demon/Fiend lineage. With a few exceptions like Half Quake Lords who have a stronger resemblance to Demons with their long and dark horns and red eyes. This Troll woman used to have a muscular body, but after evolving, she gained a taller and slimmer body, with a beautiful pale gray skin and green hair. She has emerald eyes and a cute grin alongside two small horns on her forehead, with the same color as her skin. On her right fist, she had a small green colored gem named [Oni of the Storms...o...b.., which was able to summon strong winds and powerful enhancements on her body, giving her a temporal buff. She was named Arasa and her blessing was of the Demi-G.o.d of Calm Winds Restus.

On the other side, six of the strongest Goblins evolved into Hobgoblins, each one had a different cla.s.s given to them after evolving, and they became way better looking than when they were Goblins. Their behaviors also became well mannered and were more intelligent. There were three Hobgoblin Warriors, two very bulky ones and a slimmer one that was good with short swords. Two of them evolved into Hobgoblin Mages while another became a Hobgoblin Rider, which specialized in taming and riding wild monsters.

Aside from the Goblins, four Hobgoblins evolved some days ago, before the expeditions. These evolved once again into different and very weird species that I"ve never seen before.

The first one was a Hobgoblin Mage girl who used to be good with conjures and curses. After evolving, she became a Katame. A strange and rare species of Oni and Undead.

Her body became taller, thinner and more refined. Her green skin became pale white as she was wearing an organic blue kimono with long and white stockings. Her hair became long and black, and in her two eyes were replaced with a big and beautiful blue eye, resembling a cyclops. She also had a small black horn on her forehead, and a very long tongue that she liked to take out to lick people while saying "Gehehe". It even creeped me out, she was named Katara now.

Even when she lost one of her eyes, she gained a powerful vision and a myriad of cursing spells related to glaring with her big eye or licking with her tongue, which was able to secrete a paralyzing and corrosive saliva. She obtained a big black colored crystal ball that she carried everywhere, she told me that it contained her soul, this crystal ball was named [Phantasmal Oni Soul Sphere]. As long as she has this crystal ball closer to her, she will be able to cast powerful conjures, that could strip almost anyone of their sanity.

I wanted to try out her power and told her to go all out on me. She replied with a "Gehehe, alright big sis" as she called a powerful mist that began to confuse my mind and sanity tremendously. Even being able to penetrate most of my resistances and my immunity partially. I had to use my Illusion Magic to counter her powerful attack.

She explained that this was due to the blessing of the G.o.d of Torments Dhedall, which much like Kaguya, it gave her the power to penetrate most resistances and immunities partially.

There was another Hobgoblin Mage girl that also evolved into weird species, maybe because she is a very close friend with Katara. She was originally named Hobima, but after evolving, she became a Futatkuchi and was renamed to Futima.

Aside from her pointed ears and red eyes, she looked like a normal human, her skin became of a pale white, with a taller and more refined complexion, she had an almost perverted look on her face and was wearing an organic, purple colored kimono with black stockings. Her black hair seemed absurdly long and was able to move on its own, this hair was incredibly st.u.r.dy, it could even resist [Unique] cla.s.s weapons sharpness. But something felt odd about her as she looked at me with a perverted face…

And just when I looked at her back, I saw a grotesque mouth on the back of her head, it was filled with several sharp teeth that could pulverize even adamantine. This mouth was constantly looking for things to eat as it used the girl"s hair to grab food. Although her body was frail and delicate, her hair and second mouth were extremely strong, being able to probably compare to a pure powerhouse like the High Ogres. She was even able to entangle her body with her hair and attack using its enhanced durability and power while trying to chomp her opponent"s limbs with the second mouth.

She had a small white gem on the back of her head, named [Gluttonous Beast Orb], which enhanced her power and the st.u.r.diness of her hair. She received the blessing of the Demi-G.o.d of h.e.l.lish Beasts Shavmir.

There must be something strange in this group because all of them turned into obscure species of demi-humans. The third Hobgoblin used to be a brave warrior type of guy named Hobuno, however, after evolving, he became something rather disturbing. He ended up becoming what is named a Dullahan. An Undead monster that resembles a Death Knight, but it can detach its head from its body. When this occurs, its neck exudes a powerful blue-colored ghostly aura, which is supposed to be its mutated soul. His skin became pale blue as if it were rotten while having pointed ears and red eyes, with short black hair.

The poor guy told me that he just woke up once day with his head detached from his body, it took him around an entire day to understand how to move his body while his head was somewhere else. The evolution came with its own set of armor that grew over his body naturally and is considered [Organic Armor], similar to the previous girl"s Kimonos. He can also summon a demonic blade which he can use his soul to engulf it in a powerful blue flame.

There are some bonuses on the detachment of his head because it comes with several curse effects to whoever looks at it on the battlefield while he"s holding it, if his head is destroyed, a new one will regrow after some time. He can still speak and see through his ghostly soul. He received the blessing of the Demi-G.o.d of Specters Oion.

The last Hobgoblin used to be a nice and gentle archer boy named Hob.u.min but maybe because he hanged too much with the first two girls, he ended up evolving into a Ghoul, a type of undead that uses curses and dark magic to attack and make others die slowly. He used to be one of the most handsome Hobgoblins, so after becoming an Undead, his beauty increased quite a lot, to the point that he resembles a cute girl now.

His size stayed the same for the most part, and his green skin became pale white with a very smooth surface, his eyes became crimson red and he had pointed ears with long and s.h.i.+ny black hair. He obtained a cute set of clothing that resembled the ones a n.o.ble human would use; he remained his Archery Mastery and is trying to use it alongside his new array of cursing spells. He didn"t get any Blessing, sadly. Well, not everyone can get them. It"s just that my people are so talented that it makes them seem common.

He"s quite popular with the young girls, and the two girls previously mentioned are always following him around in a creepy manner. Sometimes becoming aroused when he talks with other men…

After seeing these four very promising Undead warriors, I decided to give them their own team, this team will be specialized in Undead and they will be able to command the big number of Undead soldiers I"ve summoned these last days.

Lastly, the Flaming Salamander alongside the Gale Bird Population finally evolved into demi-humans. It was rather nostalgic seeing all the original races that I fought in the past evolve into demi-humans.

The Flaming Salamanders looked almost humanoids, varying from brown to red skin, some had golden eyes while others had red eyes. Their hair was mostly long and orange and their hands and feet were covered on a st.u.r.dy red skin showing powerful claws. Some had bigger hands than others, resembling ferocious dragons. Perhaps, they will be able to evolve into something similar to Dragons or Wyverns. The strongest was a cute Salamander Woman with a long and thick tail and powerful claws. Her entire body was of a pale red and she had s.h.i.+ning golden eyes, I decided to give her the [Flaming Salamander Empress] t.i.tle and named her Flama.

"T-Thank you very much! I will not disappoint you, Empress!"

On the Gale Bird side, most of them became Harpies, but they were different than the Harpy Girl and her Dad that came from the Demi-Human team, as the Gale Bird Harpy folk had two beautiful green colored winds on their backs, and their hands only had powerful bird talons as claws. The strongest Gale Bird Harpy was a powerful and muscular man with a serious personality, I gave him the [Gale Bird Emperor] t.i.tle and named him Viento.

"I shall bring our Kingdom to its glory!"

There have been too many people evolving and getting stronger lately, I need to keep track of everyone progress, thankfully, there are the Rin sisters to a.s.sist me. My wives also have been doing some paperwork on their meantime, but only Zehe and Gaby can do something closely decent…

I hate to say this but Nesiphae, Rimuru, and Brontes are just… dumb.

I still love them on their clumsiness, I think that it makes them even more adorable on their own ways, but they"re just not fitted for these jobs.

After having things settled, I decided to spend the rest of the day managing the dungeon, as new groups will begin to adventure there pretty soon.

We had a nice lunch with my wives and the Nereid has been sticking with me the whole time, so she was with us too. My wives find her adorable and usually pat her or treat her like a kid. She doesn"t seem to mind much as they pamper her a lot.

The traveling towards the dungeon will be quite fast so I wanted to go alone, but Zehe insisted on coming, so I had to carry her along. The rest of my wives went to their usual activities, from training, cooking or forging.


