Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 787 - Reviving The t.i.tans

Chapter 787 - Reviving The t.i.tans




Helios, Hyperion, and Ocea.n.u.s.

Just like Gaia, all three of them were t.i.tans of the past, and all of them fell in the Ragnarök by the hands of their enemies.

Their fates, however, seemed to have been even worse than Gaia.

They were sliced into pieces, and their souls were sold as items to power up G.o.ds.

Such as Kireina saw with Hephaestus Family, they used these powerful t.i.tans" Soul Fragments to power up themselves, increasing all of their strength and magic power, and even becoming able to acquire a t.i.tan form momentarily.

However, each fragment also came with the mind of the t.i.tans, and could slowly erode into the mind of their wielders.

But because these t.i.tans were weakened now, as simple soul fragments, they could be easily suppressed, and even as many times as they tried, it was impossible for them to completely overtake their wielder"s minds.

They were used for thousands of years as items…

However, their minds were strong, and their wills were just like those of a mountain, unmovable.

Even now, they keep their strong personalities and are roaring at me at this very moment as I take them out of my Fragmented Divine Realm, a place filled with chaos, which I suppose they didn"t take for a good place to rest, even though I put a lot of time into putting them inside a special dome so they wouldn"t be affected by the chaos, but they"re still complaining!

"Although we are grateful for your help, you shouldn"t have left us there for days! This is awful! We are t.i.tans! We deserve some more respect! We had been enduring being used as mere items for thousands of years!" roared Helios.

"That"s right! Have some more respected for your elders, little fairy! Although we are grateful, be more thoughtful of our treatment!" said Hyperion.

"Compared to what I went through, it wasn"t half bad, don"t be so arrogant, Helios, Hyperion. She saved us after all," said Ocea.n.u.s.

The three t.i.tans were reduced to small Soul Fragment Pieces, which I quickly gathered and made them fuse together, now they had taken in very primal forms, similar to Geie and Hydros, they resembled humanoid figures made of their primary elements, such as Helios resembling a man made of fire, Hyperion a man-made of glowing yellow-gold light, and Ocea.n.u.s resembling a man-made of ocean water.

"Ocea.n.u.s is right, you two should stop being so demanding! Yes, we used to be t.i.tans that looked over the world and most G.o.ds, but we had been defeated long ago, what we are is bust a speck of dust compared to what we used to be. Be humbler… Kireina has done a lot for me, and she is about to do a lot for you guys too!" said Gaia, reprimanding the G.o.ds, she was fairly older than all of them, and they saw her as a figure of authority within t.i.tans.

"Gaia… You… You"ve changed…" said Helios, glancing at Gaia"s new appearance, she resembled more a human now, with a small size, and a beautiful and motherly figure.

"Yes, I also lacked a body like you idiots, Kireina-sama gave me one, she"s about to do the same for you guys, so you better be grateful afterward and join our Pantheon, you hear me? It"s too late to try and be the same we were before," said Gaia.

"You"re… You"re right…" sighed Hyperion.

"D-Don"t get mad with us…" said Helios.

"I am glad that you"re as dominant over them is always," laughed Ocea.n.u.s.

"This is a strange turn of events, they were so demanding against Kireina-sama and now that Gaia reprimanded them they are acting all obedient…" said Maeralya.

"Well, isn"t Gaia older than all of them? I think she was even something of an elder sister figure to them," said Hydros.

"Is that so? How interesting… Now we shall have three more t.i.tans as Kireina-sama"s loyal subordinates! How wonderful!" laughed Agatheina.

"Yeah, it is very interesting to see this unfold… I wonder what bodies they might obtain…" thought Morpheus.

"Oh, perhaps they should be given women"s bodies to serve as Kireina-sama"s concubines in the future!" said Hydros.

"Eh?! D-Do not do that! Do not you dare! I have my manhood! Even without… my physical body…" sighed Helios.

"I believe it would be better to get the bodies we desire…" said Hyperion.

"I-I agree… I am… not into becoming a woman," said Ocea.n.u.s.

"Fufu… Don"t worry, I am not going to do anything to you. The proud t.i.tans shall raise once more… perhaps not as t.i.tans though, so don"t get surprised if you find yourselves being smaller," I said.

"That"s… I guess it is fine," sighed Helios.

"Indeed, there is no other way around it anyways," said Hyperion.

"So what vessels shall we take?" wondered Ocea.n.u.s.

"Now that I have acquired so much power, I do not even need to find materials, just stand still and I will summon your new vessels. Of course, let me wrap your souls around mine too," I said, as I bonded my soul with the three t.i.tans, they seemed mildly annoyed as it reminded them of how they were used by Hephaestus and his family, but I wasn"t going to use them in the same way… Maybe.

The t.i.tans stood still as I activated several Skills together, mostly my [Transcendental Summoning Grimoire of Devastation] Skill, which could give me an even greater edition to whatever I wanted to summon, to the point that this Skill, coupled with stuff like Life Attribute Source seemed more like full-on life creation from nothing other than my own Mana.

Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+

I poured a lot of Mana into it, even chunks of my own soul as offerings, and a lot of my own ma.s.s too, so the new vessels could be of the highest quality possible for me at the moment.

Suddenly, the three t.i.tan Souls were enveloped in bright lights, which dissipated not long after.

And that is it, they got new bodies.

d.a.m.n, am I amazing or what? I just did it in seconds now!

Eating an Origin Core Fragment really does make you insanely powerful, its as if all my Skills before eating this were simply beta versions, and after eating the fragment, they all finally became actual real Skills with insane power, without even having to awaken or something.

"Oh? That"s it- OOOH! I feel way too strong now! Let me go burn some forests to release some steam now!" roared Helios, as Agatheina stopped him before he was to burn her entire Divine Realm.

"Stop right there Helios, don"t let yourself go crazy," said Ocea.n.u.s.

"This body is… okay," sighed Hyperion, he perhaps expected something even better? What a tough crowd!

"Just okay?! I poured a lot of my soul and flesh into it! What an ungrateful G.o.d," I sighed.

Helios, Hyperion, and Ocea.n.u.s had received their new bodies, and they looked similar to Gaia or well, any humanoid G.o.d, but their appearances differed based on how they thought of themselves and also of their attributes.

Helios attribute was Fire, so he became a large, muscular man, with red skin similar to Fire Onis (Oga"s race), demonic black horns atop his head, and long crimson hair, with blazing orange eyes, he was rather handsome and reminded me of the youthful beauty of my son Ryo a bit.

Hyperion on the other side was a bit taller than Helios and had pale white skin covered in golden tattoos, glowing yellow eyes, and long blonde hair, he had an arc of light top his head, which glowed brighter than Nomera, our only Light Attribute G.o.ddess before Hyperion showed up.

And last but not least, Ocea.n.u.s resembled more of an old man, his skin became clear blue, and he even had gills on his neck, alongside long azure hair and glowing crimson eyes, he had a long fish-like tail and a strong body, interestingly enough, he had hair on his chest and a long beard too, so I guess he even saw himself as an old man.

"Well, I am glad to have you all back, you must have gone through a lot of terrible things, come sit at your side as equals," said Gaia.

"Yeah, come in already and stop complaining, I am beginning to regret not eating you," I said.

"O-Okay, sorry!" said Helios, it seems that he got more scared than I imagined.

"Now that I think about it, you could have simply eaten us if you wanted more power, and I am sure that it might have been useful for you at that moment of war… Yet you still choose to save us, why? We are not related at all, and it could be said that we could have been enemies in the past, or if we were still in our same positions as before, enemies in the present…" said Hyperion.

"Hyperion do you really have to ask such a thing to Kireina?" asked Ocea.n.u.s.

"Well, I mostly did it because of Gaia, I knew that she would get happy if I brought her more t.i.tans. That is mostly all of it. Well, maybe the potential of you guys becoming reliable allies might have crossed my mind once or twice, but because there was no guarantee you would even be willing to cooperate with me, it was mostly Gaia"s influence… After all, I also watched her memories and mildly experienced what she did, so I kind of knew about you three," I said.

"So it was thanks to Gaia… We are forever grateful to you and Gaia then…" said Hyperion.

"Yeah… Hey, is it my idea or you have something of me in you?" asked Helios, glaring at me.

Ah, it must be the Helios Skill he"s talking about?

Well, I tried to explain him to him as briefly as possible.

"Y-You have a Skill named after me?! Really? This System is so strange… I remember being sliced up and sealed before it even existed, so it"s all new to me… To think that there can be Skills named after us… And it is even related to me with all the solar power and other things… Interesting," said Helios.

"To think that such a thing was to exist… will there be an Ocea.n.u.s Skill?" wondered Ocea.n.u.s.

"I bet a Hyperion Skill will be of greater strength," said Hyperion.

"No, I don"t even know how to get these skills, they just show up- Oh, maybe now I can… kind of do it…" I said.

Yeah, I can… I think I can kind of create Skills if I want, as long as I give in things in exchange for them of course.

Maybe I can create a new Skill out of nowhere by spending Skill Points and Dungeon Points combined? Or just Skill Points?

With my ability to manipulate the System partially… perhaps!

But I still need those Skills that let me fuse t.i.tles, Skills, and other things, from the Merger Cla.s.ses!

And I was planning on merging those to get a super merge Skill that could let me merge all of the things around… I think that was the plan?

Well, I can leave that for later.

But now that I am thinking about it… Fusing Skills, t.i.tles, Cla.s.ses, and materials, weapons, and other things into a new Skill or something like more advanced than Skill that it isn"t a boring Divine Technique… maybe a Skill Tree!

A Skill Tree…

I remember seeing in the Dungeon Points Shop Artifacts that granted Skill Trees.

How do those even work?

Maybe I should buy a few, see how they work, and then make my own Skill Trees based on them…

Oh boy, there is a lot of fun waiting for me!

I kept chatting with the G.o.ds for a few more hours, the three t.i.tans had a lot of things to talk about, so I sat down and hear them speak about the old Genesis and the Ragnarök, there were some things that Gaia did not remember as her mind seemed very damaged, but these guys had fairly good memories compared to her, even after thousands of years of being used as items, they kept themselves very sane… quite admirable.


