Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 795 - Speed Up Time?!

Chapter 795 - Speed Up Time?!




After inspecting the new system function that showed me my own Attribute Particles, I began to think that these particles are what made my world up.

It seems that Chaos was very concentrated into the Abyssal h.e.l.l Layer of my Divine Realm, while Fate… I do not know where fate could be, but maybe the heavens? The other attributes were simpler to guess, such as the Time Particles making up the time that goes by inside the Divine Realm and- Waits a second.

"Do every Divine Realm has Time Attribute Particles?" I asked the G.o.ds.

"Oh yes, all Divine Realms possess basic Attribute Particles that we get "for free" when we create it by absorbing the Divine Energy from the environment. They are usually not over 100 or 200, but Kireina-sama has one thousand! It means that your Divine Realm is of very high quality, without even having eaten a G.o.d related to the Time Attribute you already have a very decent amount of Time Attribute Particles!" said Agatheina.

"I see, so even things as s.p.a.ce, Earth, and Wind are also present to make up s.p.a.ce within the Divine Realm, the ground, and the sky… and perhaps light and darkness too if the Divine Realm has an artificial sun, then also fire if so… Oh well, I guess everyone does get some bonuses…" I said.

"Indeed, but just as Agatheina said, your Attribute Particles are even higher than that! Due to that, your Divine Realm ended up becoming an enormous landscape whose size rivals the entire Realm of Vida…" said Morpheus.

"Now that I think about it, Divine Realms time can be adjusted, right?" I asked.

"Oh yes, we can make the time of our Divine Realms go faster or slower depending on what we need, but we cannot abuse it so much, the time difference is still not so much, you would need a lot of Time Attribute Particles to- Oh well, Kireina-sama has one thousand, so perhaps she can change the time flow to be a bit faster?" wondered Agatheina.

This is it!

I wanted to do this for a while now…

Change the time of how my Divine Realm goes by, and make it faster compared to the outside world, so I have more time to spend with my family and power up while my enemies outside move in slow motion!

"But how much can I change the time dilation?" I asked.

"Hmm… None of us specializes in Time Attribute, which is as rarer, if not even more, than s.p.a.ce Attribute. Although there is a Supreme G.o.d of Time, those that serve him don"t go around Realms for us to know them in detail, so such G.o.ds with that Attribute as their divinity are very rare indeed. And well, I would guess that perhaps you can speed up your Realm by at least x10 the speed of the outside world, as one thousand Time Particles could be good enough for that," said Agatheina.


Ten times faster than the outside world?! It is already pretty good then!

I wonder how much I could speed it up if I had even more Time Attribute Particles…

Imagine x20, x30, x40, x50, or even x100!

I could live a thousand years in my Divine Realm for only ten years to go in the outside world…

Pretty insane, but because Time Attribute Particles are so rare, I would guess not everyone can do the same.

Well, note even I, I still need to eat Time Attribute G.o.ds or drink some Time Attribute Divinity Fragments, perhaps by drinking the five I can buy, I should be able to get a small Time Attribute Demi-Divinity…

Perhaps I should prioritize Time Attribute Fragments to make my Divine Realm s.p.a.ce go faster then?

"Most of us only have one hundred Time Particles, we cannot speed it up as much, as it mostly just maintains the normal time of the Divine Realm itself… But Kireina-sama has an excessive amount despite never having eaten a Time Attribute G.o.d, so she should be able to speed it up to that amount, most probably," said Gaia.

"Indeed, it seems that not even Great G.o.ds have so many Time Attribute Particles… It is quite surprising," said Morpheus.

Oh, so I am like a Time Attribute Prodigy or something without even understanding the element at all or something?

So I can even beat Great G.o.ds on Time Attribute Particles quant.i.ty!

The only ones that rival me in this regard are, well, Time Attribute G.o.ds.

But because they are so rare, I am in quite a good spot.

"Oh, and by using your s.p.a.ce Attribute Particles, it is also possible to expend the s.p.a.ce of your Divine Realm… Although this one is already way too big, I do not think Kireina-sama wants to expand it even more, right?" asked Agatheina.

Oh? Expand the s.p.a.ce of my Divine Realm?

Well, Agatheina is right, it is already immense, I do not think I am going to do that any time soon.

Although because I do have fine attainment over the s.p.a.ce Attribute, I can more or less imagine a way of making it.

"I wonder what I can do with the Law Attribute?" I asked.

"The Law Attribute is the opposite of Chaos, instead of bringing imminent destruction to all things, it brings positive changes and encompa.s.ses all attributes just like Chaos, but in their positive sides… It could be said that it is possible to do anything that other attributes can do with it…" said Agatheina.

"Wait… so I can speed up more time or expand my divine realm even more by using Law as a replacement for other particles?" I asked.

"It could be said so, however, you require a good attainment and knowledge over it, even if you possess the particles, you couldn"t manage to get the correct info on how to use it properly because the World"s Will Clone destroyed its own memories, right?" asked Gaia.

"Indeed… However, the System G.o.ds when they gave me their System Soul Fragments made it possible for me to get some insights about manipulating Law and System… Wait, how can I apply System to this?" I wondered.

"System… Hm, that"s a bit of a tricky question, I don"t really know very well, but perhaps you can use it to manipulate the System as you had already thought. Perhaps you can generate your own System within the Divine Realm as its own world? After all, the System is treated as its own Attribute with its own Attribute Particles… So even something like that could be possible, Kireina-sama." said Agatheina.

"Oh is that so? Then the possibilities of how to use this power are truly quite endless now… To think that I could get such a good powerup… Haah, there is a lot to do," I sighed.

"I believe that the best thing to do before everything else is to use your new Divine Realm and put your Empire inside, Kireina-sama. Afterward, you can simply set it in this place and speed up the time! This way, you can train and power up all you want with a good time difference," said Agatheina.

"You"re right, let"s try to do that right away then," I said, as I began to concentrate my mind into my Divine Realm.

Suddenly, it was as if I had become omnipresent everywhere.

I could feel the water of the vast oceans flowing, the tiniest of bacteria moving above the fresh soil, the leaves growing from every single tree, the small animals roaming around, and the gigantic divine beasts, the burning fire of the abyssal h.e.l.l, the souls wandering within the soul world, the vast and beautiful dream world… even Bilili greeted me.

I had become omnipresent in the truest of ways within my Divine Realm.

It truly felt like I was a G.o.ddess now…

But this was not what I wanted to do, what I wanted to do is change the time and make it flow faster compared to the outside world, so ten days in here are only one day outside in the real world.

For that to happen, I have to concentrate my omnipresence within my Divine Realm and try to see where all these Time Attribute Particles are…

I put more of my mind into it and then… there!

Ah, I can see it now…

Oh wow.

Time… is like a fabric that wraps up the spatial layers of my Divine Realm, it is as if everything is tightly packed together.

And time works as a fabric but also as some kind of liquid, like water, which keeps flowing around while wrapping everything, nothing can escape the flow of time…

Now, what I want is to make the flow of time faster.

So I quickly use my Authority over my own Time Attribute Particles and force them to go faster.

If it can flow faster, time will become faster compared to the outside world.

Slowly yet steady, I manage to speed up this flow of time, until the very limit before it could collapse…

Suddenly, the entire world feels a bit strange, but in my perception, it still the same…

However, it is clear now, time is going fast compared to the outside world, which seems to have somehow slowed down.

I think I managed to make time go even faster than Agatheina had predicted, as time goes by x12 times faster… One thousand Time Attribute Particles can do such a thing, imagine even more thousands of them!

But for now, this is more than enough.

Time goes by faster, as I quickly open my eyes again.

"Amazing… Kireina-sama, you really just… made s.p.a.ce go faster! Incredible!" said Agatheina.

"Perhaps we should just stay living in here?" wondered Morpheus.

"I mean the place is so vast…" said Levana.

"Of course, you guys can stay living in here all you want, this is also your home now, you can even travel around and pick whichever biome is more suiting of your likings, or you can also gather into the heavens within the temples made of gold, well, whatever you desire," I said.

"Amazing! Perhaps we should bring our tribes here now?" wondered Merveim.

"It"s not necessary, don"t feel forced," I said.

"No, no, there is no problem! I am going to bring "em!" said Merveim.

"Me too, we will be moving everything here then," said Morpheus.

"Indeed! I shall bring my tribe as well, Kireina-sama!" said Agatheina.

"Me too… there are large mountains with extensive caves, my children will live happily there…" said Levana.

"Well we don"t have any mortals to take care of, our Divine Realms got stolen long ago," sighed Helios.

"You guys can always begin training and leveling up, now that you have pseudo mortal bodies you must level up and reach G.o.dhood again," said Gaia.

"Eh?! So that"s how it works, our bodies are still mortals but our souls divine… we have to level up… So strange," said Hyperion.

"It sounds fun," said Ocea.n.u.s.

Meanwhile, as the G.o.ds discussed, my Clones alongside Kiroid were already carrying the entire Empire inside of my Divine Realm through Spatial Magic, as I opened a large portal and let everyone inside.

Then, we placed the Empire very carefully over a vast and beautiful plain, which was surrounded by a large and beautiful forest.

Oh right… this is the Grand Forest!

I stole it from the surface, so when it merged with my Divine Realm, it appeared here… so this is why it was so familiar… so everyone is just back to our home, well, it is now in my Divine Realm but still, it seems that everyone just got even happier.

At the same time, the G.o.ds began to do the same, as I helped them place large pieces of landscapes they brought, alongside their children, large cities, temples, and more.

My Divine Realm suddenly became even more filled with life, as many different cultures started to live with one another…

This was truly a sight to behold, something really quite beautiful.

It was a bit empty before, with just some nature and biomes, but now it was getting more and more filled with people and cities!


