Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 925 - [Ascendance Of The G.o.ddess Of Sins And Virtues] 46/?: Wyvern And Monkey Deities

Chapter 925 - [Ascendance Of The G.o.ddess Of Sins And Virtues] 46/?: Wyvern And Monkey Deities


"We got them!" said Kiroid to the rest of the Spatial Slime Clones, as she managed to finally create the spatial formation and trapping all the G.o.ds Divine Realms inside sneakily, without them realizing it yet!

By unleas.h.i.+ng the power of the Void and s.p.a.ce Path Jewel in tandem, while using their newfound Divine Energy as all Spatial Slime Clones were Living Deities at minimum now, they unleashed an amazingly powerful Spatial Formation that trapped the Divine Realms of all the G.o.ds guarding this place incredibly well!

And they were never found out as they fabricated such an amazing formation while hiding within pocket dimensions and the spatial layers.

As the Spatial Formation was created, the G.o.ds didn"t notice this at first hand and continued to chat leisurely and carefreely, while Kiroid opened a portal to the outside and brought the two groups of allies that wanted to test their new divine powers with these G.o.ds emerged, they were many, and all of them exuded powerful divine auras of all colors, twisting s.p.a.ce around them.

These were Kireina"s old friends and allies that had served her and helped her since she was a b.u.t.terfly! These were her closest allies and friends, who all had grown at her side, although they were not Truhan, Celica, Wagyu, or Kekensha, however…

A large group of enormous Elder Wyverns emerged, each one of them had a distinctive color and exuded a divine aura of greatness and power, each one was enormous too, easily surpa.s.sing 80 meters, while the smaller, Eshne, was still over 50 meters!

They were the Wyvern Family, led by their father, the Wyvern Overlord, who had also become a powerful Living Weapon Deity!

Kireina had long ago raised them all to G.o.dhood by maxing their levels forcefully through the conversion of Primordial Essence into Experience Points!

They were all radiant and even more powerful, their bodies unleas.h.i.+ng auras of divine colors that twisted the spatial layers around them, their elements were strong, and they all had attained DemiG.o.d Realm already by cultivating their energies, consuming divine beasts, and creating divine concoctions using the harvested materials from their divine realms. Oh, and well, by also eating Kireina"s Divine Soul Fragments!

"A good opportunity to test our strength as a family, at long last!" said the Wyvern Overlord, father of all the wyvern family members, he became the Living Weapon Deity of Legendary Blazing Blades, with the Authorities of [Fire] and [Weapons].

As he had lost his original body due to the degradation seal put into him by ancient Heroes, his remaining soul was infused into one of Kireina"s Weapons linked to a Skill, and he used this possibility to keep growing as a powerful blade! And now that he had become a G.o.d, he had become one with himself and was no longer a mere Skill, but a true G.o.d!

"Now that we are all here, we have to do our best and defeat these foes in front of us! Everyone, make sure to test your new abilities well, let"s gather as much information as we can in these battles, let"s not make them a waste!" said Abellona, the big brother of the Wyvern siblings, he became the Wyvern Deity of Infernal Wrathful Flames, with the Authorities of [Fire] and [Destruction].

Abellona was the friendliest of all the wyvern siblings at the start and was the first one that decided to make an alliance with Kireina and everyone else when she came to look for them when she was a mere b.u.t.terfly. He is a natural leader, smart, and also gentle, an ideal big brother, loved by his entire family. His words were heard by everyone, as they all nodded in agreement.

"Hehe, I am ready to grill some G.o.ds at long last! Let"s do it!!!" roared Aine, who became the Wyvern Deity of Fierce Blazing Breaths, with the Authorities of [Fire] and [Strength]. She was one of the Wyvern twins of the siblings, energetic and rather cheeky even as a G.o.ddess, her ability with blazing breath attacks was so powerful and the only thing she specialized on that it ended as her divinity. If you were to ask her if she were proud of such a lackl.u.s.ter divinity, she would say she was.

"Let"s do our best, Aine!" said Adena, who became the Wyvern Deity of Black Flames, with the Authorities of [Darkness] and [Fire]. He was the sibling between the two twins, who were more oriented to black fire magic, and had enhanced such specialization to greater levels of power, making it his divinity at the end. Although black flames were not really anything originally, he was pretty strong, enough to fight against originality even with his unoriginal divinity. What a hard worker!

"Hahaha! We gotta make Merveim-sama and Hodhyl-sama proud of our growth and bring them the heads of these enemies! I will go first, of course!" laughed t.i.tus, with became the Wyvern Deity of Fierce Muscles, with the Authorities of [War], and [Strength]. t.i.tus was a powerful and muscular dragon with black scales and a muscle-brain personality, who ended looking like a carbon copy of the Wyvern G.o.d of Strength, Merveim. Thankfully, he didn"t get the same divinity but instead something different related to his muscles, the divinity of fierce muscles!

"Come on t.i.tus don"t get carried away… Hodhyl-sama stated that we needed to be cautious and a.n.a.lyze the strength of our foes before doing anything ras.h.!.+ …Though we are so many and our strength is so overwhelming that we might not need to be so overly cautious…" sighed Eshne, who became the Wyvern Deity of Green Nature, with the Authorities of [Life] and [Nature]. Much like t.i.tus with Merveim, Eshne was like a carbon copy of Hodhyl but male instead of female, he was the smallest of the siblings, but his magical capabilities dwarfed them all in comparison, his specialization was also incredibly unique, and his divinity even more. He was not only an amazing healer but also an outstanding long-ranged attacker.

All of their appearances had not changed too drastically to how they originally were as mortals, but they were now gigantic, their scales were as hard as metallic divine materials, they all held the enormous and dignifying crown of pointy horns, and their furious and reptilian eyes flashed with bloodthirst.

They were here to hunt!

At the side of the Wyverns emerged another group, this time they looked mostly human if it wasn"t because their ears were overly large for a human raised to G.o.dhood, while their hands had fur and they had long monkey tails.

They were the Monkey Team who was recruited by Kireina when she was a mere b.u.t.terfly, they had trained diligently for many months since then, partic.i.p.ated in many battles, and had put their life and strength into Kireina"s goals, being loyal servants for her while also fighting for their own families, their wives, and their children.

Each one of them exuded a radiant aura of elements, power, and war! Their strength was surging like G.o.ds of war, as if they had awakened something that inherently connected them all together, something similar to the Four Graces that Kireina had once fought, as long as they kept together, their power multiplied!

Each one of them was filled with resolve, carrying powerful Artifacts, their own Heavenly Weapons which they had evolved at their side since they started their journey…

"We had come a long way since months ago, boys! And we"ll keep advancing through this whole ordeal together, as a team!" roared Kizuato, he became the Monkey Deity of War Weapons, with the Authorities of [War] and [Strength]. He raised his enormous War Blades into the air, as his muscular body exuded an aura of powerful strength and manliness like no one else would. His power exuded tremendously like a crimson-red aura, and his stoic face and red-brown hair made him look not like the mere monkey he used to be, he was now a G.o.d on all of its rights.

"Indeed, Kizuato, we have come a long way since those old times! Let"s keep fighting for our father, for Kireina-sama, and our families! And well, let"s train our power too in the meantime," said Goruden with a more relaxed demeanor that was still filled with conviction. He became the Monkey Deity of Golden Weapons, with the Authorities of [War] and [Strength]. Similar to Kizuato, Goruden had specialized purely in using weapons, armor, and his pure and furious strength! After ascending to divinity this combined with his fancy for using golden-colored weapons and armor due to the name given to him by Kireina, and he now even had the power to enhance his body with a golden aura of war, while summoning war energy shaped as golden weapons to fight.

"Hahaha! About time we got a nice fight, eh? Killing Divine Beasts was getting stale after all! Maybe we can grab a few insights by fighting real-life G.o.ds!" laughed Yukan"na with his usual cheerful and strong demeanor. He became the Monkey Deity of War Tactics, with the Authorities of [War] and [Strength]. Due to his fixation with commanding large troops in war and developing special buffing Skills that enhanced the strength of anyone that heard his war roars, commands, and tactics, he gained this divinity, which pretty much made him the focal point of a group of divine warriors such as this one! He raised his large axe weapons and coated them in blazing crimson-red aura, getting ready to fight!

"Heh, so we are getting into a more real battlefield at last. The last war against the demons and Hephaestus G.o.ds was not bad, but we could only partic.i.p.ate as much… Now that we are G.o.ds, we should be able to get into more the juicier fights!" said Jinsoku while being driven by excitement. He became the Monkey Deity of Shadow Weapons, with the Authorities of [Shadow] and [Strength]. Jinsoku was the swifter of all monkeys ever since he was a mere monster monkey, and he had kept such t.i.tle up until now, specializing in shadow magic, and his ninjutsu and thieving techniques, alongside all types of dagger and secret weapon techniques, he had truly become someone admirably strong!

"Brontes… I am sure that she"s doing fine, so let"s do our best as well and help her and Kireina-sama clean up these G.o.ds! Now that everyone became Divine Spirits, I want all of you to try out your abilities even more!" said Meiji, as he directed his words to all of his Summoned Elemental Spirits except Brontes who was fighting Vretrion. He became the Monkey Deity of Elemental Spirits, with the Authorities of [Multi-Element] and [Elemental Spirits].

Meiji"s elemental spirits, much like him, had become G.o.ds already, and were all exuding with s.h.i.+ning elemental auras, each one of them was capable of fighting with amazingly great strength and outstanding showcasing of elemental capabilities, although they had not progressed as fast as Brontes, they were all progressing incredibly fast and made up of Meiji an army of his own.

Their Divine Spiritual Elemental auras resonated with s.h.i.+ny and colorful glows, exuding an enormous rainbow flame of divine auras around Meiji, protecting their "father" while also readying themselves for battle, most of the summons were rather excited to fight and quite possibly go all out.

The Water Spirit: Nymph, became the Spiritual Fairy Deity of Spiritual Spring Waters, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Water] and [Springs].

The Wind Spirit: Sylph, became the Spiritual Fairy Deity of Spiritual Emerald Winds, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Wind] and [Air].

The Earth Spirit: Pygmy, became the Spiritual Dragon Deity of Spiritual Raging Earth, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Earth] and [Tremors].

The Fire Spirit: Vulca.n.u.s, became the Spiritual Salamander Deity of Spiritual Volcanoes, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Fire], and [Magma].

The Nature Spirit: Artio, became the Spiritual Bear Deity of Spiritual Nature and Forests, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Nature] and [Life].

The Ice Spirit: Boreas, became the Spiritual Bird Deity of Spiritual Ice Melodies, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Ice] and [Songs].

The Light Spirit: Aether, became the Spirit Deity of Spiritual Holy Light, with the Authorities of [Holy Light] and [Spiritual Light].

The Dark Spirit: Hypnos, became the Spirit Deity of Spiritual Shadow Darkness, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Darkness] and [Shadows].

As Kiroid glanced at the two groups being ready, she began to alter s.p.a.ce itself!
